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Help!! I have several post op questions. Lapband May 19!!

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Lapband sched May 19. And, I have a few questions:

1) In general, how difficult is it to take pills? I have a few things I have to take that do not come in liquid/chewable form. How do you handle swallowing meds during recovery and after?

2) After the healing process, how does the band feel? Or can you feel it?

3) How long before you got your first fill? Thanks in advance!!!

4) After surgery, how long before you felt well enough to start exercising moderately?

5) Has anyone had mild-to moderate acid reflux that is controlled with meds before the band? And, how is the acid reflux after the band? Is it better or worse?

6)I have seen on a lot of posts that after the band, there is less hunger. I actually am never hungry because I typically eat before I get hungry. So, after the band, are you not thinking about food or does the lasting feeling of fullness really diminish the hunger? Are you chomping at the bit for the next meal, or do you kind of forget about eating until all of a sudden you realize you need to eat?

7Because eating is so tied to my emotions, and once I am no longer living to eat, I just wonder if I will pic up other compulsive behavior? Have any of you started doing other destructive things to replace the emotional salve of eating.)

Thanks a bunch!!!

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Lapband sched May 19. And, I have a few questions:

1) In general, how difficult is it to take pills? I have a few things I have to take that do not come in liquid/chewable form. How do you handle swallowing meds during recovery and after? I couldn't have swallowed pills the first week. Now I just drink them down in the morning with my tea.

2) After the healing process, how does the band feel? Or can you feel it? I can feel pressure in the morning when I wake up, and I can feel food passing through it, but I don't feel it otherwise.

3) How long before you got your first fill? Thanks in advance!!! My first fill is scheduled next week, 5 weeks after my surgery.

4) After surgery, how long before you felt well enough to start exercising moderately? I just headed back to the gym this week, 4 weeks post-op. Before that I only walked.

5) Has anyone had mild-to moderate acid reflux that is controlled with meds before the band? And, how is the acid reflux after the band? Is it better or worse? Yes, I did, probably tied to a hiatal hernia I didn't know I had. I have only had heartburn once or twice since my surgery and I used to keep Tums in my night stand because if I woke up in the middle of the night, I'd always be in pain.

6)I have seen on a lot of posts that after the band, there is less hunger. I actually am never hungry because I typically eat before I get hungry. So, after the band, are you not thinking about food or does the lasting feeling of fullness really diminish the hunger? Are you chomping at the bit for the next meal, or do you kind of forget about eating until all of a sudden you realize you need to eat? I haven't had a fill yet, so I still get hungry... so can't answer this one.

7Because eating is so tied to my emotions, and once I am no longer living to eat, I just wonder if I will pic up other compulsive behavior? Have any of you started doing other destructive things to replace the emotional salve of eating.) You might. I've heard of people replacing their eating compulsions with shopping, or exercising, or running. Depends on each person I guess.

Thanks a bunch!!!

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1. I could take pills right away, no problem at all.

2. Don't think i could really feel it. I can now,not the band but feel food or liquid go thru. Hard to explain.

3. 6 weeks

4. I walked a little (very little) the next day. I didn't join the gym till 3 months later. Wish i had started at the gym much earlier. I think the dr. says 6 weeks for strenuous exercise. But you can walk as soon as you feel like it. You should actually walk a little bit a couple of times a day right after the surgery to help prevent blood clots.

5. I had acid reflux ever single night of my life until I got the band. Have not had it even once since!!!

6. The first couple of months I did not get hungry. I get hungry now.

7. To my knowledge, nothing. I started being happier!

Good Luck!!!

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Lapband sched May 19. And, I have a few questions:

1) In general, how difficult is it to take pills? I have a few things I have to take that do not come in liquid/chewable form. How do you handle swallowing meds during recovery and after?

I have always been able to take my medicine.

2) After the healing process, how does the band feel? Or can you feel it?

Can't feel it at all.

3) How long before you got your first fill? Thanks in advance!!!

4-5 weeks

4) After surgery, how long before you felt well enough to start exercising moderately?

Day 4 started back at the gym (treadmill, no incline, slow speed)

5) Has anyone had mild-to moderate acid reflux that is controlled with meds before the band? And, how is the acid reflux after the band? Is it better or worse?

I had milk reflux, turned out I had a small Hernia which the surgeon fixed.

6)I have seen on a lot of posts that after the band, there is less hunger. I actually am never hungry because I typically eat before I get hungry. So, after the band, are you not thinking about food or does the lasting feeling of fullness really diminish the hunger? Are you chomping at the bit for the next meal, or do you kind of forget about eating until all of a sudden you realize you need to eat?

The band did'nt really help me until about my 5 month. By that I mean I did not get any restriction; took about 6 fills. I bought a good digital food scale and measured all my food. When it's was gone I stopped eating; no seconds. Thus the bandster hell; only eating small portions even though you are still hungry. Now that I have restriction I can go 4.5-5 hours without being hungry. It's important to really understand when you are truely hungry vs moderatly peckish and or bored. For example at work they often have meetings were they serve food. There are often left overs. I will walk to the coffee station and the Cookies are looking me in the eye. I ask myself are you hungry or do you just know Cookies taste good? I have lunch about 12:30 on the drive to the gym I have a Ready To Drink

Protein shake at 6:15, leave gym at 8, eat dinner about 8:30. I will say by 8:30 I am pretty hungry but that is 8 hours.

7Because eating is so tied to my emotions, and once I am no longer living to eat, I just wonder if I will pic up other compulsive behavior? Have any of you started doing other destructive things to replace the emotional salve of eating.)

I don't think I would call myself a gym rat but I do exercise an hour a day 7 days a week. I tell myself if I want to eat dinner I have to go to the gym and or go for an hours walk. I always want to eat dinner. I also don't have trouble sleeping.

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Lapband sched May 19. And, I have a few questions:

1) In general, how difficult is it to take pills? I have a few things I have to take that do not come in liquid/chewable form. How do you handle swallowing meds during recovery and after?

I can take my pills but only one at a time.

2) After the healing process, how does the band feel? Or can you feel it?

No, can not feel it at all!

3) How long before you got your first fill? Thanks in advance!!!

5 weeks

4) After surgery, how long before you felt well enough to start exercising moderately?

Day 3 I began walking. 7 weeks out and I am in the gym on treadmill and lifting light weights for my arms.

5) Has anyone had mild-to moderate acid reflux that is controlled with meds before the band? And, how is the acid reflux after the band? Is it better or worse?

I have a friend who also has the band and she said immediately after surgery her acid reflux was gone.

6)I have seen on a lot of posts that after the band, there is less hunger. I actually am never hungry because I typically eat before I get hungry. So, after the band, are you not thinking about food or does the lasting feeling of fullness really diminish the hunger? Are you chomping at the bit for the next meal, or do you kind of forget about eating until all of a sudden you realize you need to eat?

Less hunger yes, but I still get hungry. I really like having 50 lbs. gone and I no longer want the "bad" food. I like veggies and lean meat now.

7Because eating is so tied to my emotions, and once I am no longer living to eat, I just wonder if I will pic up other compulsive behavior? Have any of you started doing other destructive things to replace the emotional salve of eating.)

You will enjoy the weight loss. You will have so much more energy. I haven't started any destruction behaviors. I can say I am no longer depressed and feeling hopeless. The band has given me control over my food not the food in control of me!

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Lapband sched May 19. And, I have a few questions:

1) In general, how difficult is it to take pills? I have a few things I have to take that do not come in liquid/chewable form. How do you handle swallowing meds during recovery and after? I take a Biotin pill 2x a day and it's the size of a pencil eraser. My Dr. told me not to take anything bigger so if yours are you may want to speak with your PCP.

2) After the healing process, how does the band feel? Or can you feel it? I can feel it when I get full. I can feel exactly where my stomach is in my abdomen...it's weird but it's okay. =)

3) How long before you got your first fill? Thanks in advance!!! I got my first fill about 6 weeks after surgery. It was my Dr.s policy or whatever. haha. No earlier than 6 weeks.

4) After surgery, how long before you felt well enough to start exercising moderately? I started exercising about two weeks after. but light. Soon after I was able to use my elliptical machine.

5) Has anyone had mild-to moderate acid reflux that is controlled with meds before the band? And, how is the acid reflux after the band? Is it better or worse? I didn't have BAD acid reflux before but I had a hiatal hernia they repaired at the time of surgery. I have had AR once since surgery and I had surgery in January.

6)I have seen on a lot of posts that after the band, there is less hunger. I actually am never hungry because I typically eat before I get hungry. So, after the band, are you not thinking about food or does the lasting feeling of fullness really diminish the hunger? Are you chomping at the bit for the next meal, or do you kind of forget about eating until all of a sudden you realize you need to eat? Before I got my first fill and when I was still at a good range with my band I wouldn't even think about food untill my stomach literally started growling like it was swallowing air. Then I would eat. =)

7Because eating is so tied to my emotions, and once I am no longer living to eat, I just wonder if I will pic up other compulsive behavior? Have any of you started doing other destructive things to replace the emotional salve of eating.) I haven't noticed anything. When I do need a fill I revert back to eating when I'm not very hungry just because I don't have that full feeling...but i don't condone it obviously...it's just my weakness and I'm being honest with you. =)

Hope this helps. =) Good luck!

Thanks a bunch!!!

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Lapband sched May 19. And, I have a few questions:

1) In general, how difficult is it to take pills? I have a few things I have to take that do not come in liquid/chewable form. How do you handle swallowing meds during recovery and after? I have taken all my pills since day one, of coures one at a time, and had to split some in half.

2) After the healing process, how does the band feel? Or can you feel it? Sometimes I can feel food or liquid going down, particurally if I eat or drink too fast (still having trouble with that part.....:unsure: )

3) How long before you got your first fill? Thanks in advance!!! I got my first fill 4 weeks after surgery, and every 2 weeks thereafter (3 total so far).

4) After surgery, how long before you felt well enough to start exercising moderately? I felt well enough after 2 weeks, but was given full reign after 4 weeks.

5) Has anyone had mild-to moderate acid reflux that is controlled with meds before the band? And, how is the acid reflux after the band? Is it better or worse? I can't speak to this one, thankfully.

6)I have seen on a lot of posts that after the band, there is less hunger. I actually am never hungry because I typically eat before I get hungry. So, after the band, are you not thinking about food or does the lasting feeling of fullness really diminish the hunger? Are you chomping at the bit for the next meal, or do you kind of forget about eating until all of a sudden you realize you need to eat? I understand eating without being hungry. You still think about food. For me following surgery I was angry for about 2 weeks, and when I say angry I mean upset (what did I do), and wheepy. It was like large food portion detox, and that was hard. I can honestly say though after that 2 weeks or so, I am so happy with my decision, and those feeling are completly gone! I never forget about my next meal, but I plan my meals and times of eating, and try to stick to that. You will be amazed how much less you can eat, and feel full/satisfied with....it is truly amazing (and I am not at my "sweet" spot of a fill level yet!

7Because eating is so tied to my emotions, and once I am no longer living to eat, I just wonder if I will pic up other compulsive behavior? Have any of you started doing other destructive things to replace the emotional salve of eating.) So far I have not, but I hope to become an avid exerciser.

Best of luck to you, I hope you find this experience as rewarding as I have, and this is coming from someone who felt this was a last resort and really did not "want" to do this.............honestly it is the best desicion I have made.....down 52 pounds so far, with alot to go, but on my way!!!!!

Thanks a bunch!!!

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Lapband sched May 19. And, I have a few questions:

1) In general, how difficult is it to take pills? I have a few things I have to take that do not come in liquid/chewable form. How do you handle swallowing meds during recovery and after?

I have always been able to take my medicine.

2) After the healing process, how does the band feel? Or can you feel it?

Can't feel it at all.

3) How long before you got your first fill? Thanks in advance!!!

4-5 weeks

4) After surgery, how long before you felt well enough to start exercising moderately?

Day 4 started back at the gym (treadmill, no incline, slow speed)

5) Has anyone had mild-to moderate acid reflux that is controlled with meds before the band? And, how is the acid reflux after the band? Is it better or worse?

I had milk reflux, turned out I had a small Hernia which the surgeon fixed.

6)I have seen on a lot of posts that after the band, there is less hunger. I actually am never hungry because I typically eat before I get hungry. So, after the band, are you not thinking about food or does the lasting feeling of fullness really diminish the hunger? Are you chomping at the bit for the next meal, or do you kind of forget about eating until all of a sudden you realize you need to eat?

The band did'nt really help me until about my 5 month. By that I mean I did not get any restriction; took about 6 fills. I bought a good digital food scale and measured all my food. When it's was gone I stopped eating; no seconds. Thus the bandster hell; only eating small portions even though you are still hungry. Now that I have restriction I can go 4.5-5 hours without being hungry. It's important to really understand when you are truely hungry vs moderatly peckish and or bored. For example at work they often have meetings were they serve food. There are often left overs. I will walk to the coffee station and the Cookies are looking me in the eye. I ask myself are you hungry or do you just know Cookies taste good? I have lunch about 12:30 on the drive to the gym I have a Ready To Drink

Protein shake at 6:15, leave gym at 8, eat dinner about 8:30. I will say by 8:30 I am pretty hungry but that is 8 hours.

7Because eating is so tied to my emotions, and once I am no longer living to eat, I just wonder if I will pic up other compulsive behavior? Have any of you started doing other destructive things to replace the emotional salve of eating.)

I don't think I would call myself a gym rat but I do exercise an hour a day 7 days a week. I tell myself if I want to eat dinner I have to go to the gym and or go for an hours walk. I always want to eat dinner. I also don't have trouble sleeping.

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Thank you guys so much for answer my slew of questions. I am feel even better about things knowing I have such a great support group here!!! Thanks and enjoy the rest to the weekend!!!

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1) In general, how difficult is it to take pills? I have a few things I have to take that do not come in liquid/chewable form. How do you handle swallowing meds during recovery and after? You can crush them as long as they aren't time release. If they are time release I would speak to the doctor who prescribed them and let them know what's going on.

2) After the healing process, how does the band feel? Or can you feel it? I'm 2 months out today and for the most part completely healed, I do not feel my port it's really deep. Sometimes my port scar gets a little sore still but that's normal.

3) How long before you got your first fill? Thanks in advance!!! Mine took 7 weeks (should of been 6 but I went on vacation and my surgeon didn't want to give me my first fill right before going away)

4) After surgery, how long before you felt well enough to start exercising moderately? I was out walking around the block within days. Most surgeons say 6 weeks for anything more.

5) Has anyone had mild-to moderate acid reflux that is controlled with meds before the band? And, how is the acid reflux after the band? Is it better or worse? I was put on an RX after my endo to help control my acid reflux, since being banded I haven't had any acid reflux.

6)I have seen on a lot of posts that after the band, there is less hunger. I actually am never hungry because I typically eat before I get hungry. So, after the band, are you not thinking about food or does the lasting feeling of fullness really diminish the hunger? Are you chomping at the bit for the next meal, or do you kind of forget about eating until all of a sudden you realize you need to eat? Right after being banded I had to force myself to eat because honestly I wasn't hungry at all. As I started to heal more I listened to my body and it told me when I was hungry. I only have 1 fill and I am not at my sweet spot yet but when you are you should be staying full for a good amount of time between small meals.

7Because eating is so tied to my emotions, and once I am no longer living to eat, I just wonder if I will pic up other compulsive behavior? Have any of you started doing other destructive things to replace the emotional salve of eating.) I honestly have not but I do suggest that if you do maybe seeing a doctor about it wouldn't be a bad idea.

Hope I helped and good luck!!!

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1) In general, how difficult is it to take pills? I have a few things I have to take that do not come in liquid/chewable form. How do you handle swallowing meds during recovery and after? You can crush them as long as they aren't time release. If they are time release I would speak to the doctor who prescribed them and let them know what's going on.

2) After the healing process, how does the band feel? Or can you feel it? I'm 2 months out today and for the most part completely healed, I do not feel my port it's really deep. Sometimes my port scar gets a little sore still but that's normal.

3) How long before you got your first fill? Thanks in advance!!! Mine took 7 weeks (should of been 6 but I went on vacation and my surgeon didn't want to give me my first fill right before going away)

4) After surgery, how long before you felt well enough to start exercising moderately? I was out walking around the block within days. Most surgeons say 6 weeks for anything more.

5) Has anyone had mild-to moderate acid reflux that is controlled with meds before the band? And, how is the acid reflux after the band? Is it better or worse? I was put on an RX after my endo to help control my acid reflux, since being banded I haven't had any acid reflux.

6)I have seen on a lot of posts that after the band, there is less hunger. I actually am never hungry because I typically eat before I get hungry. So, after the band, are you not thinking about food or does the lasting feeling of fullness really diminish the hunger? Are you chomping at the bit for the next meal, or do you kind of forget about eating until all of a sudden you realize you need to eat? Right after being banded I had to force myself to eat because honestly I wasn't hungry at all. As I started to heal more I listened to my body and it told me when I was hungry. I only have 1 fill and I am not at my sweet spot yet but when you are you should be staying full for a good amount of time between small meals.

7Because eating is so tied to my emotions, and once I am no longer living to eat, I just wonder if I will pic up other compulsive behavior? Have any of you started doing other destructive things to replace the emotional salve of eating.) I honestly have not but I do suggest that if you do maybe seeing a doctor about it wouldn't be a bad idea.

Hope I helped and good luck!!!

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      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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