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Cheat foods not bothering me?!

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I guess I should have read everyones response first before replying to just Fluffy's post. I certainly understand everyones post and concerns,and dont want anyone to think I take them lightly even Fluffys. When I make a post I usually like to stick with my question and don't really do well with attacks. In other words i dont like people talking to me as tho i'm a child in ld class. But anyway you all did have valid points and my heart really goes out to the people who said that they have really bad struggles with the food. I remember back in 09 when I first started working on my weight I was 302lbs standing at 5'2. I was eating myself to death literally. Back then I was 30yrs old. I remember crying because I ate so much that my stomach hurt. I also remember praying asking God to give me the strength and discipline I needed to overcome this. My doc suggested LapBand right from jump but I told him I wanted to wait and at least give it a good try on my own first because I had never truely tried on my own to lose weight without any diet aids or anything. So with much prayer I got my behind in gear and just did it! The hardest part for me was getting a grip on the self control when it came to the food. I never did good with rules and can't do this can't eat that. If someone tells me that, its like I crave it all the more. What did work for me is Knowing hey You Can Have An oreo! And you can eat it and stop at 1 or 2. You dont have to have the whole sleeve or half the container which is what i used to do. Eat a snack size bag of chips you dont eat Half a bag of the family size. Or the biggie for me. T have 1 slice of your granny's sweet potato pie and dont take any home. You dont have to eat the whole pie. Get it? That was my biggest accomplishment. Well I kept at it and of course I relearned how to cook healthy,I stopped eating out. If I wanted burger and fries I cooked it at home and controlled my portions.So I didn't restict myself to the point where everything was labled bad unless it was green and leafy. No I gave myself those treats but took charge over how much I allowed myself to eat.I think thats why people fail at losing weight tho from all the cant do this rules. Anyway I bust my tail and I got down to 227. My problem was i could never get pass 225. With all my docs help. Keep in mind I have never been slim. And its easier to count the slim people in my fam than the fat ones. So you see where I'm going with this. My lil sis did the band in 09 while i was dieting and it worked well for her so after maintaining my wieght for an entire year(almost) I went ahead with the band. I say almost because at one point I put on 20lbs during the course of holidays divorce home burgalies,etc...but I promised myself and my doc I would have it off by the time of my surgery. He told me I didn't have to because he was glad that I was able to maintain for as long as I had.So we made a deal if I got the 20lbs off before april of 11 and this was jan of 11 when we made the deal that I only had to do 7days of soy protien pre-op diet instead of 14. Guess What? I won the Bet! But I did the band because as I stated previously I never want to be 302 again and I just got to get over this 227 hump. And even tho I'm just starting with the band I'm over that hump! So really I understand what you guys mean about having the self control. No one knows it better than me. My doc has more confidense than even I about doing well with the band because of the discipline I've showed over the course or these 2yrs of my weight loss journey. this is definetly a new journey for me. But If I get so bent out of shape and act like there is no room for mess ups I will fail at this as well as the rest of you. we got to keep it real and tell the truth.Stop making people feel like 1 cookie or chip will wreck the whole plan. I certainly understand why the doc has me on the food he has me on right now which is why for the most part I'm obiedient to it. Remember I said I hadn't done it since. Maybe because of my past experiences and having my sis here with me who's been thru it I'm more laid back with my approach. But everyone does what works for them. But hey everyone For real It took a lot of Prayer and Focus to get me to this point. I just wanted to know if anyone else had similiar experiences as me or if i was the only imperfect human on the site. Its good to know that I'm not alone, but to the ones who is really struggling you really can get thru this. Falling off the wagon is not the end of the world.Tell the driver to Pump his breaks so u can jump back on that joka! Good luck everyone.

Dear Lord, I do hear you... I was banded on April 21si, I have been on solids for a few days now and I did eat some doritos too, I can also eat bread with no problem... This morning I had 2 frozen waffles... nothing.... I am so depressed...

I know the band is just a tool and so on, however, and don't feel the "tool" is helping me much... basically I'm going on will power and is so darn hard... In top of that, I haven't lost weight so I feel like a complete looser...

Just today, reading your post, I'm talking about this... I know every body mean well by giving tough advice... I just don't think I can take it right now...

So... from me to to you.... You are not the only one going trough this... me too, and it sucks!!!

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Dear Lord, I do hear you... I was banded on April 21si, I have been on solids for a few days now and I did eat some doritos too, I can also eat bread with no problem... This morning I had 2 frozen waffles... nothing.... I am so depressed...

I know the band is just a tool and so on, however, and don't feel the "tool" is helping me much... basically I'm going on will power and is so darn hard... In top of that, I haven't lost weight so I feel like a complete looser...

Just today, reading your post, I'm talking about this... I know every body mean well by giving tough advice... I just don't think I can take it right now...

So... from me to to you.... You are not the only one going trough this... me too, and it sucks!!!

At this point, the band isn't providing you with much help. Until you start getting fills, you will find your hunger is about the same as it was before surgery. It may even take 3 or 4 fills before you really start to experience the true help from the band. Don't let it get you down. The band is not a quick weight loss tool. We don't lose rapidly after surgery. It is not designed to provide that. As you continue on with post-op care, it will come, but right now, the tool of the band is not proving you assistance.

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Hi Eda I want to tell you I've been on this site for only a few days So I will just start off by saying be careful. I have what people may call thick skin so as of right now I can handle what most of the posters say because in between all of the Criticizing,Judging,and the Soap Box Preachers there are some people on here that are able to stick with the topic or at least give you some good tools or advice without making you feel small or feel the need to defend yourself from writing a simple post.

Not Many but there seem to be some!lol I'll try to be one of the actual non judgmental kind encouraging type of person to you. Or at least say I can relate to what your're saying. Somehow everyone took it as me saying I'm just chowing down on any piece of junk I can get my mouth on. I almost wrote a post saying "BACK UP OFF ME!" Even tho its the truth I hope I can make you smile some. Shoot these folks ain't no joke on here!lol Anyway like I had posted earlier I have never felt Hunger pains like this! This is some tuff stuff. I have been working seriously on my weight since 09 The key thing was to make good choices in food to avoid those hunger pains. Feed the diet! lol Well Honey what I'm experiencing right now is so frustrating. It gets on my nerves so bad that I have to eat every few hrs. You can't even stay up late without those doggone hunger pains chasing you. I'm used to eating a good Breakfast, full healthy lunch, and a light dinner. I had even got to where i didn't even need any Snacks in between my meals just Water or light lemonade. So I find all this eating annoying and having to figure out what to eat or what not to eat even more annoying. I'm ok with it because I know its only for a little while and as one person stated above she doesn't do all the diet food and etc. And She's almost at her goal. I'm finding that this is a very true statement among the "honest posters" or people who's had this done. My little sister had this done back in 09 and she says that this is the hardest but shortest part. The part we're going thru right now. I see my sis eat pretty much whatever she wants but she has learned some self-control courtesy of her big sis!lol No for real she was losing but she still wasn't eating good stuff, a bunch of junk. As a result she never had a lot of energy and get this She started losing her hair. I'm a hair dresser and a few times of me pointing this out and fussing at her, snatching hawaian punches out of her hand and putting milk in it,She got with the program!lol Now dont get me wrong she still loves her junk but she eats her protien and veggies 1st then if she has room for the junk which she usually dont then she eats it. (my sissy was even a junkaholic even when we was kids!she gave our mommy fits!)lol Anyway Long story short My Sissy got married last Month and she was the most beautiful size 12/14 bride I had ever seen! she started at size 26/28 like myself used to be. So I'm saying don't let these people on here and dont make yourself feel like the Hamburgular! Like someone else says you got to find what works for YOU. and there is something thats gonna work for you. Not what works for them.Like the girl who loves to tell everyone how many calories are in whatever food we say we ate!lol I'm like chick don't you think I know after all these years of working on my weight all this time how many calories are in 2 oreos! I lost the weight I did from counting calories. So if I decide to have 2 and not the whole sleeve you better believe I know what I'm getting ready to eat.If she keeps doing that thats gonna get annoying to someone. If somebody wants to know how many cals they're eating they can go buy a calorie count book like she did,like I did!lol Its great that, that works for us,but that may not work for someone else. I will say this I never volunteered that info to people unless they asked me. they knew I knew it if they wanted to know the cal count they ASK me I would tell them. Otherwise Please Shut Up!lol Thats an easy way to get cussed out or get your feelings hurt! Hanging over a hungry fat person shoulder telling them how many calories they getting ready to ingest when it sounds like a lion is trapped in their Belly! Or even worse like this chick on here does, telling them after they already feel bad about eating it. Its like kicking someone when they're down! Well I hope I made you feel better or anyone else who is feeling Hungry and frustrated Like myself and just wanted to confess I ate 4 doritos without feeling like its the end of Lapband world. Please! We are gonna be ok! I'm sure someone will eventually ask me to leave this site,cuz I dont seem to fit in with straight lace bandsters thats on here. But until then I hope I can help someone if all I can offer is a "Lets Keep It Real Attitude" Good Luck All!

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Hi Eda I want to tell you I've been on this site for only a few days So I will just start off by saying be careful. I have what people may call thick skin so as of right now I can handle what most of the posters say because in between all of the Criticizing,Judging,and the Soap Box Preachers there are some people on here that are able to stick with the topic or at least give you some good tools or advice without making you feel small or feel the need to defend yourself from writing a simple post.

Not Many but there seem to be some!lol I'll try to be one of the actual non judgmental kind encouraging type of person to you. Or at least say I can relate to what your're saying. Somehow everyone took it as me saying I'm just chowing down on any piece of junk I can get my mouth on. I almost wrote a post saying "BACK UP OFF ME!" Even tho its the truth I hope I can make you smile some. Shoot these folks ain't no joke on here!lol Anyway like I had posted earlier I have never felt Hunger pains like this! This is some tuff stuff. I have been working seriously on my weight since 09 The key thing was to make good choices in food to avoid those hunger pains. Feed the diet! lol Well Honey what I'm experiencing right now is so frustrating. It gets on my nerves so bad that I have to eat every few hrs. You can't even stay up late without those doggone hunger pains chasing you. I'm used to eating a good breakfast,full healthy lunch,and a light dinner. I had even got to where i didn't even need any Snacks in between my meals just Water or light lemonade. So I find all this eating annoying and having to figure out what to eat or what not to eat even more annoying. I'm ok with it because I know its only for a little while and as one person stated above she doesn't do all the diet food and etc. And She's almost at her goal. I'm finding that this is a very true statement among the "honest posters" or people who's had this done. My little sister had this done back in 09 and she says that this is the hardest but shortest part. The part we're going thru right now. I see my sis eat pretty much whatever she wants but she has learned some self-control courtesy of her big sis!lol No for real she was losing but she still wasn't eating good stuff, a bunch of junk. As a result she never had a lot of energy and get this She started losing her hair. I'm a hair dresser and a few times of me pointing this out and fussing at her, snatching hawaian punches out of her hand and putting milk in it,She got with the program!lol Now dont get me wrong she still loves her junk but she eats her protien and veggies 1st then if she has room for the junk which she usually dont then she eats it. (my sissy was even a junkaholic even when we was kids!she gave our mommy fits!)lol Anyway Long story short My Sissy got married last Month and she was the most beautiful size 12/14 bride I had ever seen! she started at size 26/28 like myself used to be. So I'm saying don't let these people on here and dont make yourself feel like the Hamburgular! Like someone else says you got to find what works for YOU. and there is something thats gonna work for you. Not what works for them.Like the girl who loves to tell everyone how many calories are in whatever food we say we ate!lol I'm like chick don't you think I know after all these years of working on my weight all this time how many calories are in 2 oreos! I lost the weight I did from counting calories. So if I decide to have 2 and not the whole sleeve you better believe I know what I'm getting ready to eat.If she keeps doing that thats gonna get annoying to someone. If somebody wants to know how many cals they're eating they can go buy a calorie count book like she did,like I did!lol Its great that, that works for us,but that may not work for someone else. I will say this I never volunteered that info to people unless they asked me. they knew I knew it if they wanted to know the cal count they ASK me I would tell them. Otherwise Please Shut Up!lol Thats an easy way to get cussed out or get your feelings hurt! Hanging over a hungry fat person shoulder telling them how many calories they getting ready to ingest when it sounds like a lion is trapped in their Belly! Or even worse like this chick on here does, telling them after they already feel bad about eating it. Its like kicking someone when they're down! Well I hope I made you feel better or anyone else who is feeling Hungry and frustrated Like myself and just wanted to confess I ate 4 doritos without feeling like its the end of Lapband world. Please! We are gonna be ok! I'm sure someone will eventually ask me to leave this site,cuz I dont seem to fit in with straight lace bandsters thats on here. But until then I hope I can help someone if all I can offer is a "Lets Keep It Real Attitude" Good Luck All!

Hi! I am in the same boat as far as being really hungry and figuring out what to eat, how much to eat and eating some things that I probably shouldn't have. I do not have any good advice or anything great to say really, just wanted to tell you that I also know how you feel! I know that I feel pretty bad if I eat something that I shouldn't but i just try to remind myself that I NEED to do a better job at this if I want it to work. It isn't easy, but we can do this! Good luck to you, and don't get discouraged by any comments made, just take the good advice and do the best you can!

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Right! I get to see my doc wed I'm praying I can go to soft solid foods. That I can handle!lol And we have to remember that this period is only for a little while. I had mentioned that regardless of what I eat,even though its not making me sick I can only eat a little of it. Which is cool with me because I kind of have a fear of feeling full I just don't like the pressure of how it feels. That started for me when I was learning not to stuff myself back in 09. I noticed that Eda said she's not having that trouble which I hate for her,but does anyone else have the feeling similiar to mine. What about you wheeler? how does it feel once you do start eating? i got my band on 4-28-11.

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I was banded 4/22/11 and once I start to eat, i do get full pretty quickly, at least I know that before the band I could eat my whole plate and then go back for seconds and still be hungry sometimes, and now I seem to be leaving a lot more food on my plate. Don't get me wrong, I am eating a good amount, but when I am full, or if I have eaten too much I tend to get the hiccups or I feel really full right under my chest (like pressure) and it's a little uncomfortable. I know then that I have eaten too much and I need to remeber that my eyes are definitely not as big as my stomach anymore. that is the hardest for me! I feel so hungry that I think that I can eat a lot more, then I am unconfortable if I push it too much. I am only just 4 days in of eating soft mushy foods, but I did eat soft bread this past weeked and it went down just fine. I am not happy with myself that i ate it, but at least I didn't eat the whole loaf like I would before hand! Damn that bread, why is it so tasty? lol! (my mom joked with me and said probably because after eating liquids and mush for 4 weeks, catfood would probably be delicious because it's solid!) lol

Good luck at the doctors tomorrow!

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LOL My lil sis weakness was bread also! She told me to enjoy that bread as much as I could now because after a fill or two Bread and I would become Mortal Enemies!lol Now she only gets to enjoy bread maybe a week or two before time for her next fill. Wheeler I hope you know that its nothing in the world wrong with bread. As long as its in moderation. I'm sure in due time like with my sis your love affair with it will soon end!lol Thanks for wishing me luck on wensday. I'll let you know if my diet gets to change. I tell you one thing tho, i'm ready to murder this lion in my stomach!!!!!

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Oh when I mean I can only eat a small amount its very small like 5 to 6 bites and then i'm done. only problem is in a hour or two I'm starving again and the cycle never ends. For real anything over like a half a cup of food is painful and I just wonder why.

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Right! I get to see my doc wed I'm praying I can go to soft solid foods. That I can handle!lol And we have to remember that this period is only for a little while. I had mentioned that regardless of what I eat,even though its not making me sick I can only eat a little of it. Which is cool with me because I kind of have a fear of feeling full I just don't like the pressure of how it feels. That started for me when I was learning not to stuff myself back in 09. I noticed that Eda said she's not having that trouble which I hate for her,but does anyone else have the feeling similiar to mine. What about you wheeler? how does it feel once you do start eating? i got my band on 4-28-11.

Teekii77...I'm having the HARDEST time with this full liquid diet! I swear I am done with Soups and Protein shakes. I crave being able to eat normal food again so bad...I told my husband that I just want to take a bite of spaghetti, chew it to a mush, and spit it out LOL. Of course he said no...

I am in no means trying to be judgmental or anything...so if any of my comments ever come off that way, I apologize in advance!

I'm am a rookie with this whole lap band. Only a week post op and already going crazy with the liquid diet lol.

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Not banded yet, but i LOVE LOVE your honesty and your posts! I have noticed from lurking that some of these bandsters are plain mean and snippy when it comes to giving advice.

As a future bander I want an environment where i can say darn i did this without fear of being crucified for my slip up.....Are we NOT all here to help each other get through this?

/my 2cents

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Hi Eda I want to tell you I've been on this site for only a few days So I will just start off by saying be careful. I have what people may call thick skin so as of right now I can handle what most of the posters say because in between all of the Criticizing,Judging,and the Soap Box Preachers there are some people on here that are able to stick with the topic or at least give you some good tools or advice without making you feel small or feel the need to defend yourself from writing a simple post.

Not Many but there seem to be some!lol I'll try to be one of the actual non judgmental kind encouraging type of person to you. Or at least say I can relate to what your're saying. Somehow everyone took it as me saying I'm just chowing down on any piece of junk I can get my mouth on. I almost wrote a post saying "BACK UP OFF ME!" Even tho its the truth I hope I can make you smile some. Shoot these folks ain't no joke on here!lol Anyway like I had posted earlier I have never felt Hunger pains like this! This is some tuff stuff. I have been working seriously on my weight since 09 The key thing was to make good choices in food to avoid those hunger pains. Feed the diet! lol Well Honey what I'm experiencing right now is so frustrating. It gets on my nerves so bad that I have to eat every few hrs. You can't even stay up late without those doggone hunger pains chasing you. I'm used to eating a good Breakfast,full healthy lunch,and a light dinner. I had even got to where i didn't even need any Snacks in between my meals just Water or light lemonade. So I find all this eating annoying and having to figure out what to eat or what not to eat even more annoying. I'm ok with it because I know its only for a little while and as one person stated above she doesn't do all the diet food and etc. And She's almost at her goal. I'm finding that this is a very true statement among the "honest posters" or people who's had this done. My little sister had this done back in 09 and she says that this is the hardest but shortest part. The part we're going thru right now. I see my sis eat pretty much whatever she wants but she has learned some self-control courtesy of her big sis!lol No for real she was losing but she still wasn't eating good stuff, a bunch of junk. As a result she never had a lot of energy and get this She started losing her hair. I'm a hair dresser and a few times of me pointing this out and fussing at her, snatching hawaian punches out of her hand and putting milk in it,She got with the program!lol Now dont get me wrong she still loves her junk but she eats her protien and veggies 1st then if she has room for the junk which she usually dont then she eats it. (my sissy was even a junkaholic even when we was kids!she gave our mommy fits!)lol Anyway Long story short My Sissy got married last Month and she was the most beautiful size 12/14 bride I had ever seen! she started at size 26/28 like myself used to be. So I'm saying don't let these people on here and dont make yourself feel like the Hamburgular! Like someone else says you got to find what works for YOU. and there is something thats gonna work for you. Not what works for them.Like the girl who loves to tell everyone how many calories are in whatever food we say we ate!lol I'm like chick don't you think I know after all these years of working on my weight all this time how many calories are in 2 oreos! I lost the weight I did from counting calories. So if I decide to have 2 and not the whole sleeve you better believe I know what I'm getting ready to eat.If she keeps doing that thats gonna get annoying to someone. If somebody wants to know how many cals they're eating they can go buy a calorie count book like she did,like I did!lol Its great that, that works for us,but that may not work for someone else. I will say this I never volunteered that info to people unless they asked me. they knew I knew it if they wanted to know the cal count they ASK me I would tell them. Otherwise Please Shut Up!lol Thats an easy way to get cussed out or get your feelings hurt! Hanging over a hungry fat person shoulder telling them how many calories they getting ready to ingest when it sounds like a lion is trapped in their Belly! Or even worse like this chick on here does, telling them after they already feel bad about eating it. Its like kicking someone when they're down! Well I hope I made you feel better or anyone else who is feeling Hungry and frustrated Like myself and just wanted to confess I ate 4 doritos without feeling like its the end of Lapband world. Please! We are gonna be ok! I'm sure someone will eventually ask me to leave this site,cuz I dont seem to fit in with straight lace bandsters thats on here. But until then I hope I can help someone if all I can offer is a "Lets Keep It Real Attitude" Good Luck All!

I also don't like being talked to like i'm a little kid who doesn't know better. It's patronizing.

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Teekii77...I'm having the HARDEST time with this full liquid diet! I swear I am done with Soups and Protein shakes. I crave being able to eat normal food again so bad...I told my husband that I just want to take a bite of spaghetti, chew it to a mush, and spit it out LOL. Of course he said no...

I am in no means trying to be judgmental or anything...so if any of my comments ever come off that way, I apologize in advance!

I'm am a rookie with this whole lap band. Only a week post op and already going crazy with the liquid diet lol.

Babs88 Girl I feel ya! I think its the fact that you still get so hungry is what makes it the kicker. Now I'm on full liquids and blended food. Its nerve wrecking because i get tired of trying to figure out whats what. My docs nurse did help me out some tho because she did give me more ideas so i wasn't so trapped. Like she told me I could have real mashed potatos,just make sure they are real smooth with no lumps and thin it out just a lil. I could make smoothies with real fruit I just had to puree it smooth. one that i love she said that i could do is 1/2 a banana 1/2 cup of oj and 2 oz of greek yogurt ,and ice blend then strain and enjoy. you gotta make sure you strain those fresh smoothies tho. of course sugar free pudding, yogurt yada yada yada. Oh she said I could have Beans of course you gotta blend them with lots of liquid but the Beans and potatos and smoothies do help scave the hunger pains away longer. Luckily for me it doesn't seem as tho my docs post op diet is as streneous as other peoples doc. Just be careful if you mess up let it be because you decided to leave them potatos a lil thicker!lol You can do it Babs. If you do mess up chew the crap out of that food,tell the Lord thank you and go on bout your business! I did slip up on a few foods but really I didnt feel bad about it even tho people on this board tried to make me feel bad about it. I was like forget yall it happened I'm over it. I just didn't want to keep doing it because I know this part is only for a lil while and I really dont want to hurt myself or my band. My Granny fixed me some fresh butter beans today and sweet potatos I blended that food up smooth with the juice she cooked it in and chowed down best I could. No problems! I think the key also is cooking the food yourself and seasoning it well. You won't beleive how good Soup is if you put some more celery salt,onion or garlic powder in it! Being able to cook is what help the most in my prior diet of losing the 70lbs. Just because they say we gotta eat certain foods dont mean we cant cook them ourselves and make it taste like something yummie Goodluck Babs we can do this thang!lol

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I also don't like being talked to like i'm a little kid who doesn't know better. It's patronizing.

Lol yeah Mousek they're pretty good at doing that on this forum,but you know what? we can change that by how we talk to each other. We just have to remember to respond to people how we would want to be responded to. With some compassion and understanding. We should really be like that on websites like this. Because thats what I think thats what we're looking for when you get on these sites. along with support.

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Babs88 Girl I feel ya! I think its the fact that you still get so hungry is what makes it the kicker. Now I'm on full liquids and blended food. Its nerve wrecking because i get tired of trying to figure out whats what. My docs nurse did help me out some tho because she did give me more ideas so i wasn't so trapped. Like she told me I could have real mashed potatos,just make sure they are real smooth with no lumps and thin it out just a lil. I could make smoothies with real fruit I just had to puree it smooth. one that i love she said that i could do is 1/2 a banana 1/2 cup of oj and 2 oz of greek yogurt ,and ice blend then strain and enjoy. you gotta make sure you strain those fresh smoothies tho. of course sugar free pudding, yogurt yada yada yada. Oh she said I could have Beans of course you gotta blend them with lots of liquid but the Beans and potatos and smoothies do help scave the hunger pains away longer. Luckily for me it doesn't seem as tho my docs post op diet is as streneous as other peoples doc. Just be careful if you mess up let it be because you decided to leave them potatos a lil thicker!lol You can do it Babs. If you do mess up chew the crap out of that food, tell the Lord thank you and go on bout your business! I did slip up on a few foods but really I didnt feel bad about it even tho people on this board tried to make me feel bad about it. I was like forget yall it happened I'm over it. I just didn't want to keep doing it because I know this part is only for a lil while and I really dont want to hurt myself or my band. My Granny fixed me some fresh butter beans today and sweet potatos I blended that food up smooth with the juice she cooked it in and chowed down best I could. No problems! I think the key also is cooking the food yourself and seasoning it well. You won't beleive how good Soup is if you put some more celery salt,onion or garlic powder in it! Being able to cook is what help the most in my prior diet of losing the 70lbs. Just because they say we gotta eat certain foods dont mean we cant cook them ourselves and make it taste like something yummie Goodluck Babs we can do this thang!lol

OMGGGG I made instant mashed potatoes a few days ago and the instructions said to thin it out to soupy consistency and wow..it was not yummy.

But it was better than being on broth so I didn't complain. OJ sounds so good right now. Can we have that?

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Not banded yet, but i LOVE LOVE your honesty and your posts! I have noticed from lurking that some of these bandsters are plain mean and snippy when it comes to giving advice.

As a future bander I want an environment where i can say darn i did this without fear of being crucified for my slip up.....Are we NOT all here to help each other get through this?

/my 2cents

GoodLuck MzNelly with your surgery. Hopefully I can hang in here on this forum then we can be a support to one another. But it is some nice humble people on here with loads of info. You just got to take the hits from the "How Dare You eat a choc chip cookie and then confess it on this site"people ,til you find the "girl me too,but here's how I overcame that" people! lol Best Wishes

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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