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MY lapband journey rockey at best so far

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Hello I am a 44 year old male currently 294 lbs my before surgery weight was 310. I am confused and upset by my experience so far because i feel that I have done alot of positive and right things and some wrong and negative things since surgery and fills. I had the surgery in November and moved the day after the surgery to a new area so i couldnt get a fill until 90 days afterwards because of insurance reasons. So i got my first fill in February and got 2 fills in march to get into the green zone. I have done some very positive things such as I swim and walk almost every day as well as Water aerobic classes 2x a week.

Eating bread and fast food are over for me as well as I dont drink any sodas or eat anything with sugar in it, My Diabetes has subsided however im very displeased with my progress and have hardships while eating and dealing with pain aftewards sometimes. My typical day consists of 2 meals which i dont have a first meal till evening ( I just have no desire or hunger in mornings or afternoons) so for dinner I will make a Pork Loin or, chicken Breast.or, Pork Chop,or sausage each with a vegetable. sometimes followed by a salad chopped very fine with fat free dressing and less then 2 grams of sugar in the dressing. I dont eat any carbs other then cream of wheat which i sometimes have later in the night because it goes down with no pain or forcing like the other things i eat. ( i put light margarine some splenda brown sugar and some sugar free splenda maple Syrup in the cream of wheat for taste. Ive told my doctor about my only cheat/vice and hes not crazy about the carbs ... cream of wheat and would rather me have oatmeal but is not on my case about it either. He seems to be happy with my weight loss so far, however he wrote me up for a 2 month visit since my last time and ive gained 6 pounds in the last month.

when i eat i must use Water/Fruit20 or a sugar free flavored water to push the food past my band or i feel im in pain for a half hour or sometimes longer, I know this has to be a terrible practice but its the only way i can cope with a meal and not be in pain or throwing up. Before my last fill things were flying past the band, now i believe im in the green zone but just cant adjust to it and am frustrated.

here i am not eating fast food, no potatoes, no pastas, no breads, only cuts of meats veggies and salads and i gained 6 lbs since finding pushing the food down with some Water helped me cope with the eating pain.,

Im plain frustrated and wonder if i can go on with this lapband or just go back to the doc and ask for it to be either removed or deflated since It seems to me to not give me a full sensation but a sick one. I think whatever progress i have made in losing weight has come from the exorcise and diet and not the lap band, I sometimes wonder if the band did anything at all but stop me from eating bread and burgers but hurts me when it comes to eating most foods.

I also wonder about whether im not eating enough to kick up my metabolisim, as ive been told before from dietary nurses and doctors you must eat several small meals a day to keep your metabolisim working for you, Its just so hard for me to eat when im not hungry in mornings and afternoons, knowing whatever i eat other then soft things such as sugar free Jello, Soup or whatever will not satisfy me but make me feel bad. why eat when you just dont feel like it?

I think the forcing food past the band with my dinners may be causing some Fluid to leave the band or stretch the stoma or just doing somthing bad but i cant say for sure, its either that or im off to the bathroom 1/2 the time to throw up what is blocking my stoma.

I really need some advise from some people who know what im dealing with and perhaps some advise from some people who can help me break thru these patterns since i feel im doing alot of right things with a couple of possible bad behaviors. what do you think?

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First of all you are too tight if you have to use Water to push your food down. Go get an unfill. Secondly if your only eating at night you are not keeping your metabolism going. You should never go more than six waking hours without eating. Your inability to eat is because you are too tight. You can cut back all you want but if you are not getting proper nuroushment then you are not going to lose weight. Why so many fills so soon? That band is for life and if your all filled up and cant eat you will not lose weight. I say get and unfill and stop eating and drinking at the same time. You are supposed to stop drinking 15 minutes before a meal and 30 after. Your pushing all your food out of the pouch so you will not keep it long. You may not be chewing your food well enough. Even if you have a Protein Shake for Breakfast you need to eat something before night time and that is the worst time to eat and go to sleep. You have to change your eating pattern not your food your chosing. It makes a big difference.

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IMHO you are not too tight if you are able to push food through with drinking. In my experience, when I'm in the green zone drinking soon after I have eaten would cause me to throw up, not make the food go through the stoma. Also if you can eat pork you are not too tight. You should start the day with things like Protein Shakes and slowly get to more solid foods as the day goes on. You may be trying to eat things you can no longer tolerate and this is causing the pain.

I hear your frustration, but don't give up. Slow weightloss is better than no weightloss.

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IMHO you are not too tight if you are able to push food through with drinking. In my experience, when I'm in the green zone drinking soon after I have eaten would cause me to throw up, not make the food go through the stoma. Also if you can eat pork you are not too tight. You should start the day with things like Protein shakes and slowly get to more solid foods as the day goes on. You may be trying to eat things you can no longer tolerate and this is causing the pain.

I hear your frustration, but don't give up. Slow weightloss is better than no weightloss.

this is confusing one says too tight one says too loose. i cant eat Pasta it gets stuck, i cant eat a tortilla it gets stuck, i have to finely chop salads or they get stuck,

you say if i an eat pork its too loose, however it goes down better then chicken breast which is the worst to try to digest.

im at a loss here on what to do, the doctor sees me again in 3 weeks so i guess i will wait and talk to him about whether i should fill or reduce

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Just my 2 cents:

1. Congrats on your loss! It's good that you're exercising. Exercise has been key during my journey.

2. Carbs are carbs; it doesn't matter if they come from cream of wheat or oatmeal. Eat foods you enjoy, not foods that a doctor deems "healthier" than another. Your body doesn't know a carb from pizza compared to a carb from an orange.

3. I'd say your too tight. The fact that you stated you're eating "soft" things is a lightbulb. Get an unfill. I don't care what you can or cannot eat as the poster above mentioned, but to me, eating should not be a chore. To me what you have to do to "eat" is abnormal and not something I'd want to have to do for the rest of my life. Eating should be quick, easy, fun, and..enjoyable.

4. Are you measuring what you're eating? Seems silly but buy a digital scale and track your calories. Get an idea of how many calories you're eating now and go from there. If you're low, add 100 calories each week. I did this slowly, starting at 1200 when I stopped losing weight. I eat around 1700-1800 calories nowadays and I am almost at my goal.

5. Eating more/smaller meals does not increase your metabolism. Long-time running dieting MYTH. I do eat throughout the day but only due to the fact that I do it so that I am not ravenously hungry. Eating more often keeps my hunger at bay, nothing more. No other benefit to it.

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No, I didn't say you are too loose. I just said if you can eat pork I don't think you are too tight. You may not be too loose or too tight. You may be at a good restriction level and just need to find your own personal groove. Sometimes restriction is more of a personal choice. You are the one who is living it day to day in your own life. Many bandsters insist on keeping their band loose enough so they can eat everything and they do quite a bit of "work" and "dieting" to keep the pounds dropping. In my own personal journey that way does not work. That is the way I got obese. I choose to keep my band a bit tight and I lost 100 pounds in 1 year with no "work." I can not eat pork, so I make other choices for Protein. Sometimes it takes months for you and your digestive system to get in the groove. All I am saying is don't give up, find what works for you and your life.

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First, why do you believe you're in the green zone if you can't eat normally? At this point it would be hard to tell whether your band is too full or whether you've aggravated things with forcing food through your band and your band area is now swollen which continues to make eating difficult. Been there, done that...my .02...go get an unfill and allow your band area to rest. The band does not work by restricing how much you can eat. It works by eliminating the hunger after you eat for roughly 4 hours or so. If you're taking small bites and chewing well, then food should not be getting stuck on a regular basis.

I'm a bit confused when you say you only eat in the evenings but you also said you eat 2 meals...so both are in the evening? If so, and if you aren't eating anything until these two meals, then you're doing something called 'intermittent fasting'. Short term studies suggest this is not a good way for diabetics (or even those who are just insulin resistant) to eat because it increases the insulin resistance and raises blood sugars causing even slower weight loss. Also, it's possible that by not eating all day, your band is a bit tighter (like it is first thing in the morning for many banders). I always drank a hot cup of tea before my breakfast which seemed to help a lot.

Why eat when you don't feel like it? Because you're a diabetic and that means we do what we must to stabilize our blood sugar. I'm curious what kind of readings you're getting on your glucometer throughout the day because a lot of what you're doing would cause problems with most diabetics.

I highly recommend getting a copy of Dr. Richard Bernstein's "The Diabetes Solution". A lot of my comments are based on his advice for controlling diabetes in both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics. No grains, fruits or starches. Just Protein and green vegies. The Splenda is a bad idea because that's real brown sugar you're using and sugar is never recommended for diabetics. Also the Splenda portion contains maltodextrin which raises blood sugar in diabetics.

Diabetics don't need to eat several times a day. They used to believe that but more recent studies suggest that the frequent insulin production (because we're either giving ourselves insulin with every meal or our body is producing it) actually leads to greater insulin resistance (which means slower weight loss) so we're better off eating 3 meals with 5 hours between meals. If you aren't hungry in the mornings, then at least start off with some type of low carb Protein shake. When I'm not hungry in the morning, I just make a Protein Shake with EAS chocolate whey powder, 1 oz heavy cream and 8 oz unsweetened almond milk. It's only about 240 calories...the same or slightly less than if I actually ate breakfast. Oh, the reason for the cream is to keep my fats at 60% since studies show that a low carb, high fat (60%) diet is better than a low carb, low fat. Better lipid profile and faster weight loss.

Anyway, if you're really not hungry by noon, then have another Protein shake. When you do get to dinner in the evening, it should be a normal dinner. Excess protein also causes a glucogenic response just like carbs, so no more than 5 oz of that pork chop and 1 cup of cooked vegies (green)...and I'd start that meal with a hot cup of tea or coffee or even hot Water to help loosen the band. *Tiny* bites if you like pork chops because I found them to be the toughest to do with a band.

The best thing you can do is to quit eating that cream of wheat at night. That, along with the topping of sugar, has got to be killing your morning blood sugar readings. Oh...and regular oatmeal is not recommended any longer for diabetics. They've discovered it actually raises blood sugar levels. Only the steel cut is recommended but keep in mind that those recommending it also think 140 carbs per day is what a diabetic should be eating. :blink:

I know this is more than you asked, but take what you want and disregard the rest. :)


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Have you tried chewing your food to the same consistency of the cream of wheat or pudding? I dip most of my meats in low-fat sauces or ketchup or something (mix with the side dish) to get it creamy and it goes down just fine. I make sure there is not one chunk of anything in my food before I swallow. It takes me forever to eat but it's working because I have never gotten stuck or PB'd. Another thing to consider is your diet. My body type works best with tuna, chicken breast, and egg whites. I also cut salt and dairy products. I have switched to Rice Milk and it's good.

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You seem to be way too tight. As your dr done a barium swallow when he filled the band?

Having a tight band is dangerous becAuse it can cause it to slip. A band is not made to stop you from eating, it is made for you to feel full faster.

Are you eating more than a cup of food per meal? By what you are writting it seems to be the case. Try, like other posts suggest to have some kind of Protein during the day so your 2 meals at night can be smaller. Do not drink after eating, for an hour. Your cup of food should consist of protein and carbs, in order to make you full and keep you full for couple of hours. My dietician suggest to have a creamed vegetable Soup or v8 before meals so i get my vedgetables. She and my doctors dont recommend eating salad with meals because it is big in volume ( so you reach your cup fast) while it is so low im calories!

If you do follow the rules, you eat a cup of protein and carbs, given it is not a cheeseburger and fries, you will not eat a lot of calories, it should be around 1200 a day, and you will loose weight and this without dieting.

Dont stay overfilled, i would be frustrated too!

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I'm sorry you've been having such a hard time! Have you discussed all of this with your fill doctor or surgeon?

feeling the correct restriction isn't something you will understand until you get it! Very frustrating... it took me 8 months to finally get there. Until my last fill, when I felt the band working for the first time, I also used Water to push food through the band because it was uncomfortable just sitting there. It was also a combination of me eating too fast and not chewing enough... I thought I was chewing well, but not even close. Now there's no way I could handle a sip of Water when eating, it would all come back up.

I also stuck with slider foods for too long because it was easier. A lot of Soups and chili, oatmeal... and shamefully the occasional Frosty at Wendy's. It's hard to understand or describe the feeling that is "full" now. It's even harder to know you're there BEFORE you take a next bite. I haven't finished a meal in ages, but I've had a bite too many very often... that's when I get that uncomfortable feeling that makes me wish I could drink it down.

I would also suggest a Protein shake in the morning to wake your stomach up and get your metabolism going. I drink one on the way to work every day, and I can't imagine ever stopping... I make a chocolate shake with skim milk and instant coffee... it's my morning mocha! Also delish with vanilla Protein for a vanilla coffee shake. I'm pretty tight in the morning and can't really eat for a few hours after waking up.

Everyone's band is different for them... some can eat Pasta and breads, some can't. I don't do well with Pasta, am OK with toasted crunchy breads, but anything doughy is a no. I also have trouble with eggs and any meat that's not really moist.

Hope some of this helps... chew twice as much as you think you should, eat twice as slow as you think you should... no drinking during meals! Protein shakes in the AM to get you started for the day. it's not easy learning how to eat all over again! But you can do it.

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I agree with those who think you are too tight. In addition, all of the pain you are having along with having to use liquids to push the food through your stoma may be causing some swelling/irritation. I would recommend an unfill (for some people, even an unfill as small as .2 cc is enough to take away the pain) and then do full liquids for a couple of days, mushies for a couple of days and see if that helps. I also think that you aren't taking in enough calories if you are only eating what you indicated. Try tracking your calories/protein/carbs and see where you are at. Many of us (me included) don't lose at all if our calories are too restricted. Try increasing your calories to about 1,200 and see if that helps. I completely understand about not wanting to eat if you aren't hungry but I realize that if I don't get the calories in then I'm not going to lose so I can justify adding a Protein shake in the evening if I need one to get in my calories. I have also found that limiting my carbs to less than 30g per day makes the weight come off better. These are things that work for me that I found out through trial and error...you need to figure out what works best for you.

Good Luck!

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You should not drink Water while or after eating to push down the food through the band......

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Sounds like people here are on the right track and you maybe too tight. I can't imagine drinking- it would def come right back up on me.

I so a shake for Breakfast (slim-fast), even if not hungry to get some Protein in. Are you drinking your Water? I know when I don't I don't lose-

Are you exercising? It's hard to get started, but once you get into it it should help

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I'm not an expert yet lol but I have done ALOT of research on the Lap Band before deciding to get it. From what I understand you will tolerate foods other banders cannot like steak, chicken, pork loin, and some even become lactose intolerent. I think I would pass on the sausage though cause it packs alot of fat and calories. You may have reached a pleatue. Just keep up the good work and never give up. Good Luck!

quote name='billhur' timestamp='1304682734' post='1610064']

this is confusing one says too tight one says too loose. i cant eat Pasta it gets stuck, i cant eat a tortilla it gets stuck, i have to finely chop salads or they get stuck,

you say if i an eat pork its too loose, however it goes down better then chicken breast which is the worst to try to digest.

im at a loss here on what to do, the doctor sees me again in 3 weeks so i guess i will wait and talk to him about whether i should fill or reduce

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As you can see from just this one thread you will get very different advise from different people. Just in this one thread you got advise from a very young 18-20 yr. old woman who has lost a great deal of weight, exercises a great deal and wears a size2 (that is tiny). You also got advise from a grandmother who never exercises, never counts calories, but has also lost a great deal of weight. You got advise from a 50 something diabetic woman who no longer has a band but maintains the banded lifestyle she has learned. You got advise from people who have lost 4 pounds and people who have lost 80 pounds ............. Will the band work for you like it has for these people? No.

The great thing about forums like this one is you can take tips we all give you and see if it works for you. Who do you listen to? That is up to you and what you think fits. If I were you I sure would check on the stuff Elfiepoo talked about because of the research she has done with controling diabetes. From the rest of us, read and learn. See if you can use some of our thoughts to figure out your own issues.

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