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Second time is the charm

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Hello everyone :rolleyes: I found your forum researching the Lap-Band and although I have read quite a bit already, I feel I have much more to read before I ask any questions. So for now... I would just like to introduce myself, give you a little back round, and say I'm pleased to meet each of you and thrilled to find a place where I will have people who understand what I am facing as I go forward with Lap Band surgery.

I'm a 38 year old wife and mother (to one 13 y/o daughter) who has been overweight my whole life and currently staring down the face of obesity. Last July, I found a painful lump in my breast and shortly there after was diagnosed with invasive Triple Negative Breast Cancer. After 3 surgeries I began a very aggressive chemo regimen then on to 35 rounds of radiation which I ended April 14th. During my chemo treatments, I discovered I also tested positive for cervical cancer (when it rains it pours) and scheduled the surgery to remove it in between chemotherapy. After 8 months of treatments and thanks to the graces of a merciful God... I can now say I am in remission and I am optimistic that remission will eventually turn into being fully cured.

After facing cancer at the age of 37/38... I realized just what I had allowed my body to become and was determined to change it. I tried once before a few years ago to get the Lap Band surgery... but I found out the one Bariatric Dr. that my insurance covered (that was worth anything anyway) did not do the procedure. (He was only performing Vertical Banding at the time) I knew that if I was going to do something surgically... I did not want to do anything that would change my anatomy. So I shelved the idea. Recently I saw that he was in fact, now doing the Lap Band surgeries and scheduled an appt with my PCM for a referral which he gladly gave and that is where I am standing right now.

I'm quite hopeful my surgery will be approved through my insurance. (Tricare) as I have met all the requirements they want in order to pay being 100 lbs overweight, having hypothyroidism, (recently diagnosed) fibromyalgia...not to mention my cancer history. Whatever lies ahead of me, I will face head on knowing whatever it is... is nothing compared to what I have already conquered. (Although, I'm actually looking forward to this! :D )

Right now I am just playing the waiting game and hoping this time... the second time will be the charm.

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First I must say welcome

I started reading your post and saw myself, so much of what your going thru I have already walked thru and I must say It gets better. I too have cancer (in remission) I also have Fibro. My cancer was in my thyroid so I no longer have one and I must be kept hypothyroid which makes losing weight even more difficult. I too have 100 pounds to lose and I have decided to be banded. I have one month left of my 6 month requirement and then I will get this done. Unlike you I am 52 however like you I started the cancer journey at the same age as you. The good news is you will get your life back, you are determined and you have now learned the value of the life you have. I think that was the turning point for me. I went thru so much and my focus was totally on the illness that the weight took a back seat but now I am facing it head on just like I faced the cancer. If you want to contact me ttny007@aol.com you can email me anytime. The best advise I can give you is no Pitty Parties. When I feel one coming on I just tell myself look where I was and look where I am there are many people worse off and many who could never get to where I am and then I move on. Oh and I am also a full time college student at the ripe age of 52 and just made the deans list!! Good Luck in this journey and God Bless


Hello everyone :rolleyes: I found your forum researching the Lap-Band and although I have read quite a bit already, I feel I have much more to read before I ask any questions. So for now... I would just like to introduce myself, give you a little back round, and say I'm pleased to meet each of you and thrilled to find a place where I will have people who understand what I am facing as I go forward with Lap Band surgery.

I'm a 38 year old wife and mother (to one 13 y/o daughter) who has been overweight my whole life and currently staring down the face of obesity. Last July, I found a painful lump in my breast and shortly there after was diagnosed with invasive Triple Negative Breast Cancer. After 3 surgeries I began a very aggressive chemo regimen then on to 35 rounds of radiation which I ended April 14th. During my chemo treatments, I discovered I also tested positive for cervical cancer (when it rains it pours) and scheduled the surgery to remove it in between chemotherapy. After 8 months of treatments and thanks to the graces of a merciful God... I can now say I am in remission and I am optimistic that remission will eventually turn into being fully cured.

After facing cancer at the age of 37/38... I realized just what I had allowed my body to become and was determined to change it. I tried once before a few years ago to get the Lap Band surgery... but I found out the one Bariatric Dr. that my insurance covered (that was worth anything anyway) did not do the procedure. (He was only performing Vertical Banding at the time) I knew that if I was going to do something surgically... I did not want to do anything that would change my anatomy. So I shelved the idea. Recently I saw that he was in fact, now doing the Lap Band surgeries and scheduled an appt with my PCM for a referral which he gladly gave and that is where I am standing right now.

I'm quite hopeful my surgery will be approved through my insurance. (Tricare) as I have met all the requirements they want in order to pay being 100 lbs overweight, having hypothyroidism, (recently diagnosed) fibromyalgia...not to mention my cancer history. Whatever lies ahead of me, I will face head on knowing whatever it is... is nothing compared to what I have already conquered. (Although, I'm actually looking forward to this! :D )

Right now I am just playing the waiting game and hoping this time... the second time will be the charm.

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Hello everyone :rolleyes: I found your forum researching the Lap-Band and although I have read quite a bit already, I feel I have much more to read before I ask any questions. So for now... I would just like to introduce myself, give you a little back round, and say I'm pleased to meet each of you and thrilled to find a place where I will have people who understand what I am facing as I go forward with Lap Band surgery.

I'm a 38 year old wife and mother (to one 13 y/o daughter) who has been overweight my whole life and currently staring down the face of obesity. Last July, I found a painful lump in my breast and shortly there after was diagnosed with invasive Triple Negative Breast Cancer. After 3 surgeries I began a very aggressive chemo regimen then on to 35 rounds of radiation which I ended April 14th. During my chemo treatments, I discovered I also tested positive for cervical cancer (when it rains it pours) and scheduled the surgery to remove it in between chemotherapy. After 8 months of treatments and thanks to the graces of a merciful God... I can now say I am in remission and I am optimistic that remission will eventually turn into being fully cured.

After facing cancer at the age of 37/38... I realized just what I had allowed my body to become and was determined to change it. I tried once before a few years ago to get the Lap Band surgery... but I found out the one Bariatric Dr. that my insurance covered (that was worth anything anyway) did not do the procedure. (He was only performing Vertical Banding at the time) I knew that if I was going to do something surgically... I did not want to do anything that would change my anatomy. So I shelved the idea. Recently I saw that he was in fact, now doing the Lap Band surgeries and scheduled an appt with my PCM for a referral which he gladly gave and that is where I am standing right now.

I'm quite hopeful my surgery will be approved through my insurance. (Tricare) as I have met all the requirements they want in order to pay being 100 lbs overweight, having hypothyroidism, (recently diagnosed) fibromyalgia...not to mention my cancer history. Whatever lies ahead of me, I will face head on knowing whatever it is... is nothing compared to what I have already conquered. (Although, I'm actually looking forward to this! :D )

Right now I am just playing the waiting game and hoping this time... the second time will be the charm.

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I am so sorry to hear about what all you have had to endure. I hope you get well soon and I hope your lapband journey will be a successful one as well! Please keep us posted. Good luck! :)

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OMGoodness Theresa, we certainly do seem to be kindred spirits! I must say, throughout my cancer journey I would never allow myself to feel sorry for myself. I always looked at it as part of God's plan for me, and knew that I was SO blessed that if I had to have cancer... that I had it now, while the advances in treatment had come so incredibly far. Chemo is not fun by any means but I know as bad as it was for me... it was so much better than it used to be. Thinking of how people used to suffer horribly through treatment always left me humbled and I knew I had no right to complain. I just lived in the moment and kept my eye on the prize. I'm hoping that strategy will be helpful as I move towards Lap Band surgery.

I have dieted most of my adult life and started a new diet 2 weeks before I finished radiation treatments only to find I have gained 3 lbs a month later. Frustrated, I realized I don't have the time to try to make a diet alone work. My old standby (the Atkins Diet) was no longer an option as I must stay on a low fat diet to help prevent a cancer recurrence. And let's face it... as any cancer patient knows, I'd eat dirt 3 times a day to keep the cancer from coming back. lol! I think the Lap Band is going to be a God's send. I'm not looking for a miraculous weight loss. I'd be happy with a 50lb loss and keeping it off. I think that is do-able.

Oh! and I am also a full time student. I had to withdraw last fall to enter treatment and will be returning in August... picking up where I left off. And my Mother's name is Theresa (spelled the same) ... how funny is that? :rolleyes:

First I must say welcome

I started reading your post and saw myself, so much of what your going thru I have already walked thru and I must say It gets better. I too have cancer (in remission) I also have Fibro. My cancer was in my thyroid so I no longer have one and I must be kept hypothyroid which makes losing weight even more difficult. I too have 100 pounds to lose and I have decided to be banded. I have one month left of my 6 month requirement and then I will get this done. Unlike you I am 52 however like you I started the cancer journey at the same age as you. The good news is you will get your life back, you are determined and you have now learned the value of the life you have. I think that was the turning point for me. I went thru so much and my focus was totally on the illness that the weight took a back seat but now I am facing it head on just like I faced the cancer. If you want to contact me ttny007@aol.com you can email me anytime. The best advise I can give you is no Pitty Parties. When I feel one coming on I just tell myself look where I was and look where I am there are many people worse off and many who could never get to where I am and then I move on. Oh and I am also a full time college student at the ripe age of 52 and just made the deans list!! Good Luck in this journey and God Bless


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I got my date today June 13th, I hope you get yours done the same time :rolleyes:

OMGoodness Theresa, we certainly do seem to be kindred spirits! I must say, throughout my cancer journey I would never allow myself to feel sorry for myself. I always looked at it as part of God's plan for me, and knew that I was SO blessed that if I had to have cancer... that I had it now, while the advances in treatment had come so incredibly far. Chemo is not fun by any means but I know as bad as it was for me... it was so much better than it used to be. Thinking of how people used to suffer horribly through treatment always left me humbled and I knew I had no right to complain. I just lived in the moment and kept my eye on the prize. I'm hoping that strategy will be helpful as I move towards Lap Band surgery.

I have dieted most of my adult life and started a new diet 2 weeks before I finished radiation treatments only to find I have gained 3 lbs a month later. Frustrated, I realized I don't have the time to try to make a diet alone work. My old standby (the Atkins Diet) was no longer an option as I must stay on a low fat diet to help prevent a cancer recurrence. And let's face it... as any cancer patient knows, I'd eat dirt 3 times a day to keep the cancer from coming back. lol! I think the Lap Band is going to be a God's send. I'm not looking for a miraculous weight loss. I'd be happy with a 50lb loss and keeping it off. I think that is do-able.

Oh! and I am also a full time student. I had to withdraw last fall to enter treatment and will be returning in August... picking up where I left off. And my Mother's name is Theresa (spelled the same) ... how funny is that? :rolleyes:

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<br />I got my date today June 13th, I hope you get yours done the same time <img src='http://cdn.lapbandtalk.com/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':rolleyes:' /> <br /><br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

I do too! I got a call from my surgeon today. He wants me to go to one of his seminars before he sits down with me. They had one last night (just my luck) and I'll be missing the next one as I will be on a much deserved, much needed vacation. I'm hoping when I get back I'll be able to hop right into a seminar and within a couple of weeks I'll be on the table. I want time to get used to my new 'buddy' before classes started and I became swamped under a mountain of school work. This next semester is going to be a killer for me.

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This is just too funny, I am also going on a much needed vacation!!! I am going on a cruise, I leave May 15th and come back May 22nd and school starts May 23rd. for this summer session I took my classes on line, I figured that would work out best, then I get 3 weeks off in july into august and then the fall semester starts. What is your major and when do you graduate? I graduate dec 2012 and my major is criminal justice.

the seminars are good, very informative make sure you take lots of notes cause you will be so excited and also be on information overload you'll forget half the stuff when you walk out the door. I keep a small note book with me all the time and I am always writing down questions for my dr. and remember it's your body so no question is a stupid question.

Ok got to finish my coffee talk to you later



<br /><br /><br />

I do too! I got a call from my surgeon today. He wants me to go to one of his seminars before he sits down with me. They had one last night (just my luck) and I'll be missing the next one as I will be on a much deserved, much needed vacation. I'm hoping when I get back I'll be able to hop right into a seminar and within a couple of weeks I'll be on the table. I want time to get used to my new 'buddy' before classes started and I became swamped under a mountain of school work. This next semester is going to be a killer for me.

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LOL!!! -you are not gonna believe this... my major is BioChemistry w/ a minor in Criminal Justice! My goal is to work in Forensics. I want to process evidence in a lab setting.

I have another 2 years for my bachelors but along the way I'm working on a BioTech Certificate to get my foot in the door working in a lab. I'll have my certificate in 3 semesters... then I'll transfer in order to finish my degree. I had to sit out last fall and spring semesters due to my treatments and I am chomping at the bit to get back.

We are leaving the May 20th for Destin and will be back on Memorial Day -the 30th. I can't wait! B)

Thanks for the seminar advice! I'll be sure to take a notebook. I'm so excited. I want my surgery appt yesterday! :D

This is just too funny, I am also going on a much needed vacation!!! I am going on a cruise, I leave May 15th and come back May 22nd and school starts May 23rd. for this summer session I took my classes on line, I figured that would work out best, then I get 3 weeks off in july into august and then the fall semester starts. What is your major and when do you graduate? I graduate dec 2012 and my major is criminal justice.

the seminars are good, very informative make sure you take lots of notes cause you will be so excited and also be on information overload you'll forget half the stuff when you walk out the door. I keep a small note book with me all the time and I am always writing down questions for my dr. and remember it's your body so no question is a stupid question.

Ok got to finish my coffee talk to you later



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