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New, scared, have an insane amount to lose!

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Hello...this is my first post on this forum. I have done all prerequisites to the lap-band surgery and just started my liquid diet today. My surgery is scheduled for May 24.

I weigh in at a staggering 618 lbs and my BMI is 75. There's not many people on this forum with these numbers and I was hoping for a little support as I'm kinda scared about the whole going under part of the surgery.

I feel like I may be the biggest one on this forum, but I know if I don't do something, I won't live to see my children grow up--I have a beautiful almost 4 year old girl and a handsome 1 year old boy. My wife is extremely supportive of me, and I've been praying about this decision for a while--praying that I'm doing the right thing.

Any words?

Thanks in advance,


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I don't really have a lot of encouraging words for you per se because I haven't actually had the surgery yet, but I will say this...I am also on the larger side of what most posters here seem to be. The good news is you will be encouraged by your liquid diet because you will most likely (if you can stick to it) be under 600 by the time your surgery rolls around. Also, the larger you are, the more weight you will probably lose during the first year, so keep that in mind.

I have an insane amount (to me) of weight to lose, over 200 pounds, but I know that unlike the bypass or the sleeve, the lap band is going to be a longer process....If i can lose 100 pounds in this first year, I will consider that a success....if that is all i ever lose, i will still consider it a success.

. best of luck to you in your surgery, please keep us posted on your progress.

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Dave, as one Dave to another, welcome to the Forum. You are absolutely making the right choice for your life, and you're taking the first steps of getting things back in control.

I congratulate you on having a realistic expectation of your life. Knowing you need to get things under control is a great place to start. Having said that, it's important that you also develop a sense of patience about this. Banding is not a magic bullet, a quick fix, or an easy way to eliminate your excess weight. You'll need to manage your diet, plan your days, learn to listen to what your body is telling you, and be as active in things as possible. It will take time, but if you do it right, you WILL lose weight. Very likely, a lot of weight. So be patient, be calm, be smart, and please educate yourself to the entire process of how banding will affect your life. The more you know, and the more you listen to your body, the better your experience will be.

Focus on your future, not your past. It's easy to regret gaining all this weight, and to try to blame yourself or others for why it happened. The end fact is that you ARE morbidly obese, and you have taken the first steps on changing that. In a year or two or five, you'll be a new man. And when you walk your daughter down the aisle at her wedding, you'll be a completely different man. I sincerely wish you total success in this entire process.

Search the Forums here for answers to your primary questions, and don't hesitate to ask for answers to things you don't understand. Above all, don't stress yourself out if something occurs you're not sure of. Banding is a mechanical process, but it's just that - a PROCESS. The device is a tool to be used to achieve your goals. It's part of the overall experience, and if it's managed properly, it can help you get to be where you want to be.

You have a lot of people here who have a wealth of experience with banding. Keep coming here, keep reading, and be proactive in your life. You're going to feel a whole lot better. Congratulations for taking the first steps.

Good luck!


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I am surprised your Dr. didnt consider doing the sleeve or bypass because of the amount of weight you have to lose. I am going to be sleeved next month, I switched from considering the lap band. Good luck with your journey, and may you lose with whatever you decide.


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HI Dave, I am Wayne. My highest weight was 591, when I started my pro op liquids I was 550, day of banding I was 520, I am 453 today, doing wonderful. The band was the best choice I have ever made. Yes it is work, yes somedays are tough, but it is so worth it. I feel so much better already. I cant wait to be at goal, but I am enjoying the journey getting there.

Ant questions or concerns you might have, feel free to ask me. I would love to help in anyway I can.

Good luck and congrats on your choice to change your life.


Hello...this is my first post on this forum. I have done all prerequisites to the lap-band surgery and just started my liquid diet today. My surgery is scheduled for May 24.

I weigh in at a staggering 618 lbs and my BMI is 75. There's not many people on this forum with these numbers and I was hoping for a little support as I'm kinda scared about the whole going under part of the surgery.

I feel like I may be the biggest one on this forum, but I know if I don't do something, I won't live to see my children grow up--I have a beautiful almost 4 year old girl and a handsome 1 year old boy. My wife is extremely supportive of me, and I've been praying about this decision for a while--praying that I'm doing the right thing.

Any words?

Thanks in advance,


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Hi Dave -

I Weighed 432 when I started this journey, That was 10 months ago and I am down 110 pounds. My advise to you would be learn as much as you can about the band and how it "really" works. In my opinion the band is 1/3 of the equation, 1/3 is making good choices, 1/3 is exercise. If you work the band as it is intended, you will be successful. GET EDUCATED, it helps to know how the band works and what is expected of you. Best of Luck you on your journey!!!

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Your surgery is closer than mine. Im scheduled for surgery late June around the same time and I'm nervous myself, but I guess that's the point. When we make big decisions, we seem to get lost in the process of it all. All those feelings you are having now, embrace them because in a few months you will look back and laught at it all... I heard the more you weigh the quicker you will lose weight so expect a dramatic loss of weight within the first 3-5 months IF you listen to your body.

I wish you the best of luck. I'm personally going to get the sleeve myself.

Good luck with the survey and I wish u a speedy recovery

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Much appreciation to everyone's support and advice.

I don't want people to think I'm naive about this situation; I've done extensive research, thought about it, prayed about it, talked about it, and have been perusing this site for a while now. I know the most important thing about the lap-band is that it's not a "fix all." I don't have the impression that once I get this surgery everything will be better; I know that this is an invaluable tool for me to use to get my life back from the addiction of overeating....it takes a total lifestyle change, but I do know that the lap-band will "force" me in the right direction.

Really, this is my first major surgery and the first time that I will be "under." That is what really scares me...the anesthesia; I've been told by numerous people that it's like you are awake they tell you you're about to get sleepy, then the next thing you know is that you're waking up...just something about not being in control scares me...very anxious about that.

Other questions I have are:

How do you know if something is stuck...what's the feeling like?

I've heard that some people have had their band slip...how do you know it slipped..what are the symptoms?

Thanks so much--outside of my immediate family and boss, I haven't told anyone about the surgery...just like to keep things on the low, so this board even before my first post has been an asset to me and sure it will continue to be.


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Dave, I'm glad you posted here at LBT and I'm glad you are getting banded! At this stage in my journey I have nothing but good things to say about the band. I think you will have dramatic weightloss in the first year and you will start really feeling it in the first few months. You may even find it much easier than people on this site suggest. I know I do.

Best of luck to you on your journey and with a new life!

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We don't think you are naive, we just know that the band works best for people who really get educated about it. You'll do great!!! I see a lot of people post things on this site and I think "OMG... didn't your hospital tell you anything about the band" Of course I do realize that there is so much info to process that it is hard to remember everything they tell you. Thsi site is also a GREAT resource!

Stuck feels, well... stuck. I get a sharp pain in my middle of my chest and it is tight feeling. Also causes pain in my back. You'll know it. It will either go away when the food pass' or you will throw up. You really want to try to not throw up because this is one of the main cause's of band slippage. I have not had my band slip but from what I understand you have a lot of acid reflux and can not keep solild foods down.

You'll do great Dave, it sounds to me like you are ready for this... It's a great thing!

Best of luck!

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I'm really having second thoughts..I'm on day three of pre-op liquid diet, and it hasn't been that hard really. I thought I would be starving all the time. I'm just trying to grasp spending the rest of my life only being able to eat 4-8 oz of food in one setting...then vomitting, and if something gets stuck, my band slipping, not being able to drink with meals, not being able to gulp Water (which is bad, because I coach football and am constantly killing water)....just a lot of restrictions---I know what people will say and I say the same thing--the results are worth all of that--maybe I can do it without the band---I know what people will say and I say the same thing--it hasn't worked yet has it??

Just a lot of uncertainties right now...not feeling good about it


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I'm really having second thoughts..I'm on day three of pre-op liquid diet, and it hasn't been that hard really. I thought I would be starving all the time. I'm just trying to grasp spending the rest of my life only being able to eat 4-8 oz of food in one setting...then vomitting, and if something gets stuck, my band slipping, not being able to drink with meals, not being able to gulp Water (which is bad, because I coach football and am constantly killing water)....just a lot of restrictions---I know what people will say and I say the same thing--the results are worth all of that--maybe I can do it without the band---I know what people will say and I say the same thing--it hasn't worked yet has it??

Just a lot of uncertainties right now...not feeling good about it


You're freaking out about all the horror stories you've read. In truth, you likely won't experience most of those things, and maybe none of them. What will happen is that you'll find your own way with your band, and respond to how your body works. Keep in mind that those horror stories you read are only because the people who are having issues are asking for help. But for every one of those posts, there are hundreds, maybe even thousands of others who don't post here because they're having no problems at all. Only the people with problems or questions are posting in these forums.

I drink with my meals. I have not vomited once since my surgery. If I get stuck, I know how and why I got there, and what to do about it. The stuck item usually passes within a minute or two, and life goes on. I drink a TON of Water daily, with no issues at all. Now that I have proper restriction, I DO NOT GET HUNGRY like I used to. Forget about the four to eight ounces per meal thing. I eat normal food until I feel full. I feel satisfied, and I go about my day till it's time to eat again. Was that four to eight ounces? Oh, I guess maybe it may have been. But the point is that I ate till I felt I'd had enough. The focus goes off of food, and the constant pursuit of another 5000 calorie meal. It becomes a non-issue.

Your system will change, and you will not be the glutton you once were. Neither will you be a slave to your former bad habits. If you sincerely want to change, you will. If you are looking for the band to fix your issues with food, you'll be disappointed. So if you feel this far in advance that you're going to fail, I strongly recommend you get the counseling you need to deal with your food issues before surgery.

And also, Dave, read over what you posted in this thread. Do you honestly think that you can lose this weight successfully by yourself? By your admission, you are over 600 pounds. How may diets have you been on? How many times have you sworn that "This time things will be different?" You may have the best of intentions in the world, but you've come back time and again to a place where you're looking for some help.

The band can be the tool you need to finally win the obesity battle. But you need to give it a chance. It can be removed, and if you really, honestly have that much of an issue with it, you can have it taken out. But my wager is that two or three months into things, once you start feeling the right amount of restriction, and you're tallying up the amount of weight you've lost with so little effort, you're going to have an epiphany about your life with the band, and you won't want to go back. I know that because I was just like you before my surgery. And now, they're going to have to pry this band out of my cold, dead body. Trust me. :)

Good luck, man. You're going to be fine.


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DaveNW--thanks so much for your words of encouragement. It's not really the fact that I think Im going to fail, it's just that it is such a change of lifestyle--which is exactly what I need....it's just our culture I guess---everything is about food..holidays, celebrations, etc. I just have to get a grasp on things...I told my wife tonight about my second thoughts and she broke down, and I know why she broke down, she wants me to be here with her and our family for a long time.

I honestly don't know what to think--you said something about getting counseling--she said the same thing tonight--the fact is, I really don't buy into counseling; I know it works well for some, but with me...I undestand I have an addiction to food, and that I have to do something about it or I will die...it really is black and white with me...I guess just talking to people like you helps me so much you know..someone that's been there is there.

DaveNW, if you could, could you describe how your recovery went, your timeline for Clear liquids, soft foods, solid foods, and basically a typical day for you know that things are rolling along for you?

Thanks man,


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Hi Dave, I know how you are feeling. I am schedualed to have my band put in on May 13th, and right now Iam so second guessing myself. I keep saying to myself maybe I can do it on my own without the band, but I have been down that road soooo many times and it just never works for me. So I know you are scared about a lot of things the surgery it self, the way you are now going to have to eat. I keep saying I just do not want to be one of those people that are always having problems, but I have found a couple of people on the site who have had a lot of great succes and I keep in touch with them. So I know that you can have great success as long as you do and follow your new guidlines. Everything has to change, from the way I eat to the way I think about food, and you have to be ready. I know I am scared and nervous, but at the same time I am ready to start living my life again, and enjoying my family. Hang in there, if you have prayed about it and have the support and are truly ready to make a life time commitment you are going to be fine. I wish you the best of luck and pray that you fine the peace of mind to know you are doing what is best for you.

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Great advise from Dave_NW !!! Listen to the man :D

I have tried every diet out there. I was even on Weight Watchers youth program when I was in the 5th grade (in the 70s). At the age of 40 I gave up and had accepted the fact that every time I lost weight on my own I would gain all the weight back plus some. I accepted the fact I was going to live my life as an obese person.

There have been stages in my life where I was at a thin/normal weight and I really wanted to be that way again, but I just didn't know how I was ever going to do it. A family member of mine got the band and had great success. A friend of mine also got the band and had great success. I thought I wouldn't quailfy because I was going by the old guidelines of 100 pounds or more and I didn't have that much to lose. Then my mom died and I packed on even more weight with the extreme emotions from that. I started checking in to getting the band. At age 44 I had a BMI of 41.3 and that was enough.

I was so desperate at that point I didn't care if I had to eat gruel for the rest of my life! I have been pleasantly surprised by how much nicer it is than that.

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