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18 months Post-Op - A SUCCESS!

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This post is for all the pre-ops and newbies looking into gastric banding surgery. I lost 111 lbs in 14 months and have been in maintenance for 4 months now. I was a size 22/24...now a size 6 petite. I have lost all of my excess body weight...Wow...a strange concept...I am still trying to wrap my head around that.

I hope that I can provide some insight into what life has been like for the past year and a half. Please keep in mind that each bandster's journey is unique. I don't think that there are any words of wisdom below...but rather what I did along my journey to make the band work for me. Keep in mind, everybody's journey is different.

Looking back on my mindset back on my day of surgery, Tuesday October 20, 2009, I remember how I was so determined to make this final weight loss attempt a complete success. I had tried everything...Weight Watchers many, many times...Atkins...South Beach...you name it, I had tried it.

Why do I think that I have been successful with my band? Sure, I try to keep on track with the lap band rules, however I'm not anywhere close to perfect, so there are days when I don't follow some of the lap band rules.

Here are some other reasons why I think that I've been successful with my band:

  • I tell everyone and anyone that has asked "how are you losing weight?" about the band. For me, this is a way to keep myself accountable. It is also a chance to share info with others that may benefit from learning about different options of weight loss surgery that are out there. My response to that question usually goes like this "Well, I eat about 1200 calories a day of high-Protein foods, exercise about 4-5 times a week, and I had lapband surgery in October of 2009" My hope is that they realize that it's about more than just the band.

  • I have a very "black and white" mentality about a lot of things in life...in my brain things are either "right" or "wrong".... and "on" or "off". Therefore, I really threw myself into this journey of being a compliant lapband patient. Don't worry, I am trying to find those "gray" areas in life and on this journey...it's still a learning experience each day.

  • My slight obsession with personal finance and budgeting. Suze Orman is my BFF....catch my drift? I don't buy anything over about $500 without researching it thoroughly on Consumer Reports, Cnet.com, and making at least 1 spreadsheet. OCD? Structured? Absolutely. Since my insurance coverage through work is CRAP, I was/am a self pay patient. I was (and still am) focused on the THOUSANDS of dollars that I spent on the pre-op appts, surgery, and aftercare. Can you say E.X.P.E.N.S.I.V.E.? But totally worth each and every penny. From my calculations, that's about $161 per pound lost. I would probably be driving a new-to-me (used) Honda if I hadn't had the surgery. Therefore, I sometimes remind myself of the analogy that I wouldn't put sand in a new car's gas tank, then why would I shove junk food in my mouth.

  • A FABULOUS surgeon's practice that is very aggressive with fills: The aftercare is SO IMPORTANT. Sure, I could have found a cheaper surgeon farther away, but I personally wanted to be close to my surgeon's practice in case of any problems and for fills. My surgeon's office is about 4 miles from my house and work. I can get fills/unfills pretty much as often as I want (within reason, of course). I have heard horror stories from my support group where patients had to wait 6 months post-op for their first fill at other practices. yikes! I had 4+ ccs in my band at surgery and even passed up my first fill at 4 weeks post-op because I didn't need it. I love my Lap Band. The Realize band is empty until the first fill in the office. I have learned from others in my support group who have the Realize band that there are sometimes hunger issues early on - before any fills.

I my opinion, the band is not a cure all or a quick fix for weight loss. Here's my take on it:

  • The band does about a 30% of the weight loss "task." Keeps me full longer and keeps my portions small.

  • 70% is MENTAL. Yep, in my opinion, it's mostly up to me and my mind. There's a lot more mental work involved than I originally thought at the beginning of this journey. I have to make correct food choices, whether to exercise or not, take my Vitamins...etc.

  • Am I still tempted by foods that I shouldn't eat? ABSOLUTELY...every day...isn't everyone? Would I rather sit on the couch after work and watch TV instead of going to Zumba or for a power walk? YES. Therefore, one of my biggest fears is that my old behaviors will creep back in to my life and I'll gain all the weight back...

What have I GAINED from this experience?

  • An incredible network of support and friendship that I never expected to find in all the online community.
  • An understanding that for me, the band is for appetite suppression and not extreme restriction to the point of only being able to get liquids down. If I eat a sensible small protein-based meal (1/2 a cup to 1 cup), I will not get hungry for 4-5 hours after. That's what the band is for me.
  • A huge amount of respect for those who can make exercise a daily part of their lives. No days off, just "gotta do it" attitude. I still struggle with exercise, but I know that it is the key for me to keep the weight off.
  • The concept that there is no "done" on this journey. There are goals to achieve and check off my list, but I will never be "done"....there is only "now"

What have I LOST from this experience?

  • 111 lbs!
  • The need fo prescription blood pressure meds
  • Knee pain after walking or up just one flight of stairs
  • Waking up in the morning with back pain
  • Swollen ankles and feet at the end of the day
  • The need to sleep all of the time...I was so tired.
  • My size 22/24 clothes
  • My size 44DD bras (yikes!)

What do I wish that I had done differently on this journey?

  • Taken my measurements (waist, hips, thighs, neck, wrist, etc) pre-op. When the scale was unkind to me at a weigh-in, it would have been nice to see the measurements shrinking.

  • Better understood that each bandster's experiences are their own and we're all unique in our journey with this band. I wish I hadn't compared my self to other bandsters.

My recommendations for pre-op bandsters:

  • Ask your surgeon to take pics of your band when they're inside you on the OR table. My band photos that I keep on my fridge is a daily reminder of this lifestyle that I chose. It might be a little gross/graphic, but it's a good reminder for me.

  • Find a chewable multi-Vitamin you can tolerate the taste/size of...I still haven't found the one I like. I keep bouncing back and forth between Bariatric Advantage, Bariatric fusion, and the powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury brands.

  • Find a way to make yourself accountable. I do this with my Friday weigh-in posts on my blog. I weigh in and post it every friday...good or bad...I post it. Find your method of accountability. Maybe a good friend? I have even heard of people who tweet their weight loss/gain for the week. Whatever works for you. I have a friend that will occasionally ask for me to text her a photo of me from the Gym/Zumba Class/etc to keep me accountable to exercise.


You can do it too!! Check out my blog for more details! (link below)

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You look amazing! Congratulations on your achievements and success! I loved reading this post. Thank you for taking so much time detailing what you have learned and what you went through. I feel very inspired! Best of luck to you in the future!!

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Thank you, thank you - this is exactly what I needed to read this morning.

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Congrats!! You look fabulous!!

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You have done so well! :clap: Thanks for posting and keep up the good work. Most of all enjoy your life!:woot:

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This post is for all the pre-ops and newbies looking into gastric banding surgery. I lost 111 lbs in 14 months and have been in maintenance for 4 months now. I was a size 22/24...now a size 6 petite. I have lost all of my excess body weight...Wow...a strange concept...I am still trying to wrap my head around that.

I hope that I can provide some insight into what life has been like for the past year and a half. Please keep in mind that each bandster's journey is unique. I don't think that there are any words of wisdom below...but rather what I did along my journey to make the band work for me. Keep in mind, everybody's journey is different.

Looking back on my mindset back on my day of surgery, Tuesday October 20, 2009, I remember how I was so determined to make this final weight loss attempt a complete success. I had tried everything...Weight Watchers many, many times...Atkins...South Beach...you name it, I had tried it.

Why do I think that I have been successful with my band? Sure, I try to keep on track with the lap band rules, however I'm not anywhere close to perfect, so there are days when I don't follow some of the lap band rules.

Here are some other reasons why I think that I've been successful with my band:

  • I tell everyone and anyone that has asked "how are you losing weight?" about the band. For me, this is a way to keep myself accountable. It is also a chance to share info with others that may benefit from learning about different options of weight loss surgery that are out there. My response to that question usually goes like this "Well, I eat about 1200 calories a day of high-Protein foods, exercise about 4-5 times a week, and I had lapband surgery in October of 2009" My hope is that they realize that it's about more than just the band.

  • I have a very "black and white" mentality about a lot of things in life...in my brain things are either "right" or "wrong".... and "on" or "off". Therefore, I really threw myself into this journey of being a compliant lapband patient. Don't worry, I am trying to find those "gray" areas in life and on this journey...it's still a learning experience each day.

  • My slight obsession with personal finance and budgeting. Suze Orman is my BFF....catch my drift? I don't buy anything over about $500 without researching it thoroughly on Consumer Reports, Cnet.com, and making at least 1 spreadsheet. OCD? Structured? Absolutely. Since my insurance coverage through work is CRAP, I was/am a self pay patient. I was (and still am) focused on the THOUSANDS of dollars that I spent on the pre-op appts, surgery, and aftercare. Can you say E.X.P.E.N.S.I.V.E.? But totally worth each and every penny. From my calculations, that's about $161 per pound lost. I would probably be driving a new-to-me (used) Honda if I hadn't had the surgery. Therefore, I sometimes remind myself of the analogy that I wouldn't put sand in a new car's gas tank, then why would I shove junk food in my mouth.

  • A FABULOUS surgeon's practice that is very aggressive with fills: The aftercare is SO IMPORTANT. Sure, I could have found a cheaper surgeon farther away, but I personally wanted to be close to my surgeon's practice in case of any problems and for fills. My surgeon's office is about 4 miles from my house and work. I can get fills/unfills pretty much as often as I want (within reason, of course). I have heard horror stories from my support group where patients had to wait 6 months post-op for their first fill at other practices. yikes! I had 4+ ccs in my band at surgery and even passed up my first fill at 4 weeks post-op because I didn't need it. I love my Lap Band. The Realize band is empty until the first fill in the office. I have learned from others in my support group who have the Realize band that there are sometimes hunger issues early on - before any fills.

I my opinion, the band is not a cure all or a quick fix for weight loss. Here's my take on it:

  • The band does about a 30% of the weight loss "task." Keeps me full longer and keeps my portions small.

  • 70% is MENTAL. Yep, in my opinion, it's mostly up to me and my mind. There's a lot more mental work involved than I originally thought at the beginning of this journey. I have to make correct food choices, whether to exercise or not, take my Vitamins...etc.

  • Am I still tempted by foods that I shouldn't eat? ABSOLUTELY...every day...isn't everyone? Would I rather sit on the couch after work and watch TV instead of going to Zumba or for a power walk? YES. Therefore, one of my biggest fears is that my old behaviors will creep back in to my life and I'll gain all the weight back...

What have I GAINED from this experience?

  • An incredible network of support and friendship that I never expected to find in all the online community.
  • An understanding that for me, the band is for appetite suppression and not extreme restriction to the point of only being able to get liquids down. If I eat a sensible small protein-based meal (1/2 a cup to 1 cup), I will not get hungry for 4-5 hours after. That's what the band is for me.
  • A huge amount of respect for those who can make exercise a daily part of their lives. No days off, just "gotta do it" attitude. I still struggle with exercise, but I know that it is the key for me to keep the weight off.
  • The concept that there is no "done" on this journey. There are goals to achieve and check off my list, but I will never be "done"....there is only "now"

What have I LOST from this experience?

  • 111 lbs!
  • The need fo prescription blood pressure meds
  • Knee pain after walking or up just one flight of stairs
  • Waking up in the morning with back pain
  • Swollen ankles and feet at the end of the day
  • The need to sleep all of the time...I was so tired.
  • My size 22/24 clothes
  • My size 44DD bras (yikes!)

What do I wish that I had done differently on this journey?

  • Taken my measurements (waist, hips, thighs, neck, wrist, etc) pre-op. When the scale was unkind to me at a weigh-in, it would have been nice to see the measurements shrinking.

  • Better understood that each bandster's experiences are their own and we're all unique in our journey with this band. I wish I hadn't compared my self to other bandsters.

My recommendations for pre-op bandsters:

  • Ask your surgeon to take pics of your band when they're inside you on the OR table. My band photos that I keep on my fridge is a daily reminder of this lifestyle that I chose. It might be a little gross/graphic, but it's a good reminder for me.

  • Find a way to make yourself accountable. I do this with my Friday weigh-in posts on my blog. I weigh in and post it every friday...good or bad...I post it. Find your method of accountability. Maybe a good friend? I have even heard of people who tweet their weight loss/gain for the week. Whatever works for you. I have a friend that will occasionally ask for me to text her a photo of me from the Gym/Zumba Class/etc to keep me accountable to exercise.


You can do it too!! Check out my blog for more details! (link below)

Congratulations and thank you for this post. Very informative, very helpful.

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Congratulations - you even look younger!

I am 15 months post-op and also at goal. How do you do the maintenance? I can't figure it out and I keep losing. I'm 5'8" and also a size 6 now, but I don't want to get any smaller. Any advice on the maintenance program? I have tried to eat more but I can't. Did you have to get a slight unfill?

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Increase your calorie count...thats what I did.

In my losing phase, i stuck to 1100 calories a day. Now I up that to about 1500 calories a day.

Try focusing on a new goal...perhaps a fitness goal or body fat % reduction...always have a new goal.

No, I would never get an unfill....but that's just me

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70% is MENTAL. Yep, in my opinion, it's mostly up to me and my mind. There's a lot more mental work involved than I originally thought at the beginning of this journey. I have to make correct food choices, whether to exercise or not, take my Vitamins...etc.

What do I wish that I had done differently on this journey?

  • Taken my measurements (waist, hips, thighs, neck, wrist, etc) pre-op. When the scale was unkind to me at a weigh-in, it would have been nice to see the measurements shrinking.

I couldn't agree more! 70% mental, maybe even 80% for me. I also missed out on my measurments for some reason. I kept thinking about it but kept putting it off too!

Thanks for posting/blogging/sharing and smiling. You are an inspiration to allot of us!

Congrats on the positive momentum with your blog that you have going on now too!


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Thanks Jenny! I am glad that I can pay it forward and people can learn from me just as I learned from others when I was looking into the band.

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I'm going in to meet with a surgeon for the first time tomorrow morning, and your post was exactly what I needed to read tonight. Thanks!!!

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I am amazed, excited and obsessed B) with your story. I saved it into a Word document so I can read and re-read it for inspiration. I go Thursday for the seminar. I live in these forums for information and that is why I love your story. Thank you for sharing your journey with us and helping those of us just starting.

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i still havent been banded im waiting for my consultation appointment..but u truly will be an insparation for me..in my weight loss journey!

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thankyou.gifThank you for this amazing post. Sharing this information with all of us here, and being honest about the band is what we all need to hear My surgery is scheduled for June 28th, and I will be sure to re-read this post many, many times before and after my surgery. I know it's not going to be easy, and I am prepared to do anything for success. I am self-paid and it is a heck of a lot of money to "throw away", if your not going to follow the guidelines set out by your surgeon or clinic. My husband said that he could buy himself a newer car car.gif for the price of my surgery, my response.... I'm a 57 Chevy that needs restoring!!!! .. He bought it... or should I say he invested in ME!! Therefore the money is well invested.

Again, thank you for sharing your journey, and giving us inspiration. thumbup.gif


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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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