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Hi everyone! I thought it might be nice to have an ongoing chat with others who are going through what you are RIGHT NOW.

If you were banded in April 2011, share what's going on. How do you feel? What are you eating? First doctor's appointment stuff...

I'm Robin. I had surgery April 20th.

I felt HORRIBLE for the first 5-6 days. I took my vicadin every 4-6 hours, but I still was in pain. Something happened between day 6 and 7 though. I feel SO much better! I am still sore, and god help me if I sneeze, but it's getting easier every day.

My stomach is healing well. My bandages are off and I'm just being careful to wear soft clothing. I am ITCHY! That's getting better though too.

The hardest part for me right now is not being able to monkey around with my kids. My three-year-old daughter is being so careful not to hurt me, but one little elbow to the side during snuggle time ruins that pretty quickly!

The first 5-6 days I ate malt-o-meal, applesauce, and Protein shakes. I'm on my 8th day and just had a cup of beef ravioli for lunch. I actually had a soft taco from Taco Bell last night. It didn't really taste as good as I remember.... hmmmm.... guess that's a good thing!

I have my first pre-op appointment tomorrow, so I have no idea if I've lost so far. I know this- I haven't gained!

Hopefully we can keep this thread going with our little April group. I'd like to get to know a few names and stories. Look forward to hearing from you!


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Robin, I had my surgery on the 21st. I had enough pain the second day to take pain med twice, but that is all. Third day I was up and doing things. Just sore. Went back to work on day 5. I didnt have bandages or stitches. They put some clear tape over my incisions and said it will eventually disappear. My worst pain was in my shoulder blades and I've heard that is from the gas.

My doctor had me on Clear liquids for the first three days and I have to be on soft liquids, Soups, yogurt for 5 weeks ugh. OMG I'd kill for a Taco Bell taco lol

I've started my Vitamins and Calcium, but I'm struggling to find a Protein drink that I can handle every day. So far they all remind me of the upper GI so my throat closes LOL

Since the day they weighed me before surgery I've lost 14 pounds so I'm happy.

Good luck!


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Hi all, I am Cyndi and I had my banding on 4/5/11. I also had a hiatal hernia repair which made recovery a bit tougher. The first week was rough and I too took my pain meds about twice a day and they helped especially at night. The gas pain in the upper chest and shoulders was lousy but gas x strips helped a little. I hated those darn Protein shakes and tried lots of different ones. I usually managed to choke down one a day for the first 10 days then some broth, Jello, and sugar free popsicles. I went to mushies on day 11 and this has been much better. I have since discovered a way to improve the chocolate Protein shake which I use for Breakfast most days (add 1 scoop of choc Protein powder to 1 cup of skim milk, 1/2 banana, 1 TBS of Peanut Butter, and a couple ice cubes to a blender or smoothie maker and soooo much more palatable!!)

Well, here I am am, a little over 3 weeks out and feel really good. The incision sites are nearly healed except the one up top where the band is but its getting there. I was back at work on day 9 and haven't had any issues there. I have re-started my exercise program and have been to the gym 3 times in the past week, first the treadmill and now back on the eliptical as of yesterday. Per doctors orders, I can't go back to strength training till I see him on 5/16 (follow up with surgeon). I may or may not get a fill that day because I have pretty good restriction still and have lost 17 lbs (as of Tues). My band is very tight in the morning so its liquids only till lunch for me. lunch and dinner are usually Soup or greek yogurt but yesterday I had the insides only of homemade caneloni (ground beef and ricotta cheese with spices and Tomato sauce) and this went down fine, about 1/2 cup (bowling banquet!!) I managed to avoid both bread and cake!! I have stuck to the rule about not drinking with meals and I think this helps. My clothes are getting loose, yay!!

Keep in touch everyone; I love hearing about others' journies and suggestions!!

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Hey I have also had pintos and cheese from taco bell and it is just the right size with only 170 calories and 9 grams of Protein. Getting enough protein is sometimes a struggle. I have been eating between 500 and 750 calories a day...how about the other April bandsters?

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Hi All, I was banded on the 22nd, a little sore the next day but nothing major. I went back to work on the 25th and am looking forward to getting back in the gym. I am on liquids until May 6th, but it is really not being too bad, I have started thinning down cream of chicken Soup for dinner and it is great.

I go back for my first visit on May 10th and hopefully everything will be going like he expects. My steri-strips are still in place and not peeling yet so I'm not sure what my incisions are looking like.

I went to my PCP this morning for routine blood work and according to his scale i am down 8 lbs from surgery morning, so I am a happy bandster.

Good Luck to All,


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I was banded on April 15th. I am actually struggling with being hungry! The mushys are not lasting more than an hour before my stomach starts growling. I have only lost 6 lbs which is kinda depressing. I wish my doctor would do a fill before the 6 week mark. I think it would work better for me. Oh and can I say I want a STEAK SO BAD!!! LOL

My husband and I are meat lovers for sure so I am really going to miss that. My pain was pretty bad for the first wekk but now I am just sore where the port is. Im glad we have an April bandster thread because I kinda feel alone since NO ONE knows that I got banded except my husband.

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I became a bandster on April 19th. I'm down 21 pounds since the beginning of my three week pre-op diet until now. I've lost about 8 pounds since surger. Pain the first couple of days. Working in the yard on day 4 and 5. Back to work on day 6. The gas has really hurt at night. Especially up under my ribs. Better each day. I'm still on yogurt and Soup through next week.

I'm not hungry at all and about 1/2 cup of soup satisfies me for about 4 hours. I am so excited about this lifestyle change. I am 47 years old and tried every diet in the world. This is the first time I am truly dedicated and ready for the change. So glad there are people like me to share this journey.


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I was banded on the 12th and also had an unexpected hiatal hernia repair. Recovery was fine... I used every drop of that Percoset because it made me so happy! laugh.gif Clear Liquids week 1, full liquids week 2, now I'm on mushy food and it is soooo much better than liquids. It's nice to chew something again even if it's soft.

The first week I was sore, around days 9-10 I was in a FOUL mood and grumpy, mad, tired, sore, upset. I don't know what the deal was but I feel SO much better now. Eating around 800-900 calories a day, 70-80 grams of Protein. Feeling good! Other than being hungry a lot. I'm supposed to only have 3 meals, no Snacks, but my satiety isn't lasting more than 2 hours. It's rough. The good news is my fill is scheduled for 5 weeks out, not 6, so that's one less week of bandster hell!

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Hello All,I was banded on April 13th. I had pain the first 2-3 days as to be expected. Day 4 and 5 I started feeling much better but was still dealing with the gas. It seems like I was starving on the all liquid diet and I was soooooo tired of the shakes. I'm finally on mushies. YAY!!! BUT.. the funny things is now that I'm on mushies, I'm not hungry as much. WTH!!! LOL! How am I supposed to get all of my Protein in when I'm only supposed to eat when I'm hungry? Which is only supposed to be 3 meals a day. I found myself trying to drink a cup of milk often just to try to get the protein in. Here is where another one of my dilemma's is starting. It seems like everytime I drink milk (Skim Milk) it gives me gas like crazy. It settles inside my chest and left shoulder first then after awhile it comes out. I don't want to deal with this everytime I drink a cup of milk.I was 240lbs at surgery and now i am 228lbs. I'm down 12lbs and real excited about that!Congratulations to all of you April Bandsters!

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Hi fellow April bandsters. I was banded on the 19th and so far lost 9lbs. The fist couple days after surgery I felt very uncomfortable. The gas pains were worse than incision pain. I had that feeling of chest pain when ever taking a deep breath and in my ribs as well. Everyday seems to get a little better. I am sooo glad I took 2 weeks off from work because my job is pretty physical. I work at a group home for teenage boys. My doc has put me on a 3 week liquid diet. I have noticed I have had some food dreams but I don't feel the normal hunger that I'm used to. My stomach grumbles and gurgles ALL the time! I hope this goes away soon. Anyways, I wish everyone the best of luck on our new journey of health and happiness. Please feel free to email me or add me as a friend. I would love some friends to talk with and share our experiences with.

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Hello fellow April bandsters! I was banded on April 22nd with a hiatal hernia repair as well. The first 4 days were the worst due to gas pains under my sternum. I felt like I couldn't take deep breaths without cringing in pain. I tried sleeping away the days just to get by. I was on a liquid diet for the first 5 days now days 6-12 I'm suppose to be on the pureed stage. I've found myself not eating as much and afraid I'm not getting all my Protein in. Soups are going to be my new best friend for this week. I have a total of 4 incisions 2 that don't look that bad but the other 2 have a ring of skin bubbled up around them which I'm hoping will go away once the glue falls off. I have a follow up appt. With the dr. On May 2nd so I'll have an official weigh in then since my scale at home is different. My beginnig weight was 256 ,day of surgery was 246.6. I didn't lose much pre-op because I suffered from "last supper syndrome". Well that's been my journey so far. Look forward to hearing from everyone regarding their journey and any helpful tips would be appreciated. Good luck fellow April bandsters!

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Hi everyone,

I was just banded yesterday. The drive home from the hospital was almost 3 hours because no one around where I live does the band. So the drive was terrible. My left shoulder is kiling me, I was told also that it was due to the gas they pump into your stomach. How long does that last? Today so far it is better but it still hurts, I won't even go into the stomach insusions that I know is a given for pain and being uncomfortable. I had not planned on taking any time off of work beause I could not afford it but I am not sure I am going to be able to hold to that I am thinking I will call out today and work tomorrow. Outside of Water I had one Isopure drink Strawberry-Kiwi, it was okay but I guess I did not mix it well enough because as it sat it started seperating one me and had to keep re-stiring. Has anyone tried making Jello out the Pure? My doctor told me 24 hours on Clear liquids then 21 days on cream liquids. What has everyone been eating on the creamy liquid part of the diet? Any suggestions I would greatly appreciate.

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Hi April Bandsters! Whoot Whoot!

I was banded on 4/18. That day had hardly any pain, but then Tuesday hit...and the pain was worse. I loved my pain pump. Did have a small HH repaired.

Sent me home the day after surgery and all was good. I did popcicles, Jello, broth etc. till Sunday, which was Easter. Honestly, I wasn't really hungry but the food smelled so good and I felt really great so I tested the waters. I have no problem eating ANYTHING!!! Seriously, anything I eat is fine so I'm finding it very, very difficult to stay on this one ounce of Water every so often and 64 ounces a day and no gulping, just sipping. I tried explaining it to the nurse that I can eat anything I want and she assured me that I wouldn't be able to .... I tried again to "assure" her that I could without coming straight out and telling on myself. I do eat MUCH MUCH less and I think that is part swelling and part of my mind trying to control it. I do not want to fail at this and am trying to watch my portions but honestly, if I wanted a hamburger, I know I could eat it, bun and all. My stomach feels normal....I watch my bites because I did take to big of a bite of something and I got that stuck feeling but it went away really quick so I'm slowing down and chewing well. Anyhow, it concerns me that I don't have any problems with anything I've tried and that makes it so much more difficult to try and stick to the liquids and mushies. I am allowed mushies now.

I did have the most intense headache of my life set in after surgery. I actually called the on-call doctor on Saturday because I was afraid of having a stroke or something. I couldn't swallow without pain and it hurt to turn my head. Dr. chalks it up to the gas pain settling in my head/neck vs. my shoulder like others have. I had a bad reaction to the steri strip tape used to close my two incisions and my belly is red, swollen and puffy but I figure I'm still healing from the surgery and the redness will go away when the allergic reaction subsides.

Honestly, I feel really, really good. I was prepared for the worst and have been very pleased. I am waiting patiently for that first fill and hope I get a little restriction because knowing that I can eat anything without pain or problems is hard.....I'm doing well with the control but I hope it can last. I am pleased that I'm able to eat less but I wonder if that will disappear as the swelling goes down?

I'm very happy with my decision and cannot wait for this thing to start being able to help me out.

Good luck to everyone and nice to meet you...


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Cream of chicken Soup, Cream of Potato soup with the potatoes strained out, sugar free Jello, chicken broth thickened with skim milk

I have both of the Soups on hand but I did not even think about the sugar free Jello or the chicken broth thickened with skim milk.

Thanks so much.

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

    • Alisa_S

      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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      1. GreenTealael


      2. Bugzy46


      3. Alisa_S

        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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