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Beyond Discouraged

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This is a tough call on what you have indicates but I do not think you are getting enough Protein. I am not an expert by any means but saw your diet. You need to start counting Protein grams. If your weight is 298 you need about 89 grams. When I went through class I was told this was the biggest thing. You can supplement most other things.

Bring your diet back down to the basics. Do a Protein Drink in the morning add a few blueberrys etc. In a few hours when you are hungry have some string cheese as a snack maybe a few nuts.

lunch time some tuna or chicken with a vegetable you can tolerate. a few hours later a snack

For your snack have serving of cottage cheese or yogurt.

dinner high protein low carb.

Stay away from any white grains including rice, refined flour products including bread and Pasta.

Snack Protein Drink or cottage cheese.

The one last thing write down everything you put into you mouth. Be accountable to yourself sometimes we put more in than we realize. That's what I had to do. Love yourself that's the most important thing and don't give up.

I know it's been 3 years but you have a tool for yourself. I get scared when mine isn't working right like I am too free and not in control. Take control and run your band don't let your band run you.


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One other thing you shouldn't be having that much heartburn. Ask you doctor about over the counter meds like Prilosec. This is taken for a short time to resolve the heartburn and not something you would be on forever.

I re read your post regarding what you were eating. You need small 5-6 meals a day to revamp your metabolism. not sure what your age is but if you are close to or over 40 this changes a lot for us.

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Your daily menu doesn't really have any sweets in it... So it would seem that you have more controll than you think. I don't have the answers but I can make a suggestion... When I was on Weight Watchers I tracked everything including BLT's (bites, licks and tastes). Every food that crossed my lips was written down, maybe if you do that for a week you may see some hidden calories you are eating and not counting which is hindering your success. Please don't give up, you can turn this around and have others being jealous of you!!! You can and you will!!!'

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I agree re the Protein. thanks for the reminder. being vegetarian and also not a huge fan of protein foods I know I struggle with this. although I know many vegans /vegetarians who are thin. One of the reasons I had it done was cos i knew I would never be a protein fan so thought hey if i can feel full eating way less.. lol .

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You've been banded 3 years. It hasn't worked. The band doesn't work for everyone. Don't be afraid to go to your surgeon.

Before you go, journal you food, every bite and sip for two weeks. That will give your surgeon information about your caloric intake. You might need the malabsorption of bypass.

Bypass often cures diabetes. It has a strong effect on metabolic systems. You do have to be committed to changing your eating habits and following the guidelines. People who have bypass that do not work hard on their new eating habits can easily regain after a couple of years.

Personally, if I were having troubles with my band, I'd not hesitate to revise to another procedure...I'd work with my surgeon to decide what was the best way to go.

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I would def !! do this if I had any money at all. I dont. That I had the original done was a miracle, a gift given by my dad when he retired and got a lump sum. Im ok with being this size. Im healthy otherwise.No diabetes etc.I walk alot and have fun. even loosing another 10 kilos id be more than happy. once my son moves out I can do alot better re food as its tough when a carbie junkfooder lives with you. But will he ever move ? LOL -


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oops sorry I thought this was my thread not snapdragons as we had a simailr story and title@@@ sorry again

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Sounds like we are in the same boat.

My primary question and frustration.....HOW ARE BANDERS LOOSING SO MUCH WEIGHT SO FAST?


I can relate to your frustration. I am 1 year post-surgery and have been so discouraged with my weight loss so far. 12 months later and I have only lost 27 pounds. I have felt little or no appetite suppression or restriction up till this point. I have been trying to follow the diet and exercise and attribute my small weight loss to my efforts. But my problem still remains, I love food, love to eat and will overeat.

My doctor fills me only .5cc every 6 weeks. Between his vacation and surgery scheduled, coupled with the appointments that they have cancelled on me, I am just now at 5cc in a 10cc band.

I just started SparkPeople today to help me track my diet and exercise.

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I feel your pain! I am 2 and a half years out and feel like I am no where near where I expected to be. I had the surgery when I did thinking my 10yr HS reunion was 2-3 yrs off and I would be at goal by then. Now its in 2 months and my weight hasn't budged too much in a year. Admittedly I do not go as hard as I did in the first year on my excercise and dieting but its partially just my frustration as I can work out every day for an hour, wearing the bodybugg I can see I have a deficit of over 1000calories a day and STILL see no wt loss at times. Then I can slack off for 2 weeks and gain nothing, sometimes even lose a pound. It makes no sense to me. I don't think weight loss is ever typical. It's not black and white and can't be calculated with the basic -3500 calories= -1 pound-- for SOME sure, but defintiely not for everyone. Having Diabetes is an endocrine disorder and DOES influence your ability to gain and lose weight differently than the typical healthy person-- which most of these studies done are basing their advice off of. You simply may have to come at your weight loss from uncharted territory and in a way that works for you. Judging from your posted menu your portions seem minimal but it's also leaning towards more carbs and fat than Protein and Fiber. Meatloaf does tend to carry more calories than most people realize. Maybe try cutting out carbs for a few weeks to shake up your metabolism. Jack up your excercise routine, weight train-- muscle mass= higher metabolism, add low impact but lengthy bouts of cardio. I've had to do things like this to break thru plateaus. Right now I'm on a self inflicted liquid diet to gain control of my desire to go hand to mouth. Relying less on solid foods but still getting my nutrition (not nearly as tasty) I'm realizing I was still eating more out of desire to eat, habit or boredom than actual hunger. Now that I really have NO desire for these shakes I find myself ONLY eating for the purpose it was intended and I'm slowly seeing progress. I don't really look at other peoples success stories as I cannot relate to rapid weight loss and Im not sure if the band is even working at all for me at this point vs my own efforts to count calories & excercise, which only serves to discourage me and eventually make me go weeks to months without even trying to utilize my band. =/ But try to stay motivated in your own abilities and not the band if its not working for you. Maybe this isn't the tool thats going to work for you and gastric bypass is something to consider if your doctors believe it will help. You won't be getting any chances at elective surgeries if you wait until your body is stressed enough to have a stroke, as you mentioned your doctors are now concerned with, and having HTN to that magnitude for such a long period of time I guarauntee you is causing irrepairable damage inside so do whatever it takes to lose the weight and get in control of your HTN asap. None of my stroke patients are worried about their weight at the point they're at now many learning to talk or feed themselves again! So work with your doctors so you do not ever have to go down that path. If you think weight loss is hard, recovering from a stroke is much worse. God Bless you and may you find strength and success very soon.

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Just wanted to see how your doing now. I truly wish you he best. Keep your head up and keep trying! :)

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Hi there. Sorry to hear about your struggles. As others have said, it is hard to give advice on your particular problem because everyone is so different. When reading your sample menu, it sounded okay to me. Although, maybe not quite enough. As Elcee has said, some people require different diets even WITH the lapband. I, myself, am one of those people. If I eat healthy (kinda like your menu plan) and eat sweets occasionally....I will gain. The ONLY way I lose nowadays is if I exercise heavily and shock my body with a fad diet. Right now I am on a high Protein, high fat, but almost NO carbs (<10/day) and I am working out 3-4 times a week. The diet is similar to adkins, but a little different. It's called the Cyclical Ketogenic Diet.

As far as working out - I see that you have some issues with your feet. As do I. I broke my ankle in April and required one surgery where they put in a plate and 5 screws and then another surgery 2 months later to remove one large screw and then a week after that surgery I had my gallbladder removed. Working out was impossible for me up until recently. However, even now that I can go back, my ankle is still not 100% so my foot gets very sore and stiff and swollen (a lot of symptoms of arthritis which my doctor said would ilkely happen). So I too am limited on what I can do, but I adjust my work out routine. Here's a list of what I tend to do in the gym that's easier on the foot:

10 minutes on bicycle, med-high intensity to get your heart rate up.

10 minutes on treadmill brisk walking, slight elevation.

Then the rest of my time is doing weights. I work with 5-10lb free weights and just do a bunch of arm, back, chest, shoulder exercises and a lot of these you can do sitting down. If not sitting down, at least most of them you can do in a standing still position. I usually sit down in between reps and stretch my arms. Then if my foot isn't too sore by now, I do lunges or squats to work my thighs while holding the 5lb free weights. Then I go to leg machines and work on my thighs and calfs. These are all sitting down and not high impact on your foot. I usually end with crunches (which is laying down, even better! :))

So it can be done, you just have to adjust your work out style. I hope this was at least a LITTLE helpful. ;)

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Maybe your not eating enough food throughout the day, and your body has adjusted it self to the calories your at to sustain your current weight. Try exercising more or maybe eating/drinking more Protein. Please don't give up just having the band placed was a huge milestone. I encourage you to keep trying and don't give up on yourself. WE can do anything that we put our mind to, for we are winners. No matter how long it takes to lose the weight, we win because we have lost those old eating habits, we now exercise something that I am sure not many of us have done in the past and we are working on a new us, not just the outside but the inside as well. We gain more confidence when we see that we have obtained something that we have worked so hard for. Don't look back stay the course and I am here for encouragement if you need me. blessings2310@hotmail.com

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*HUGS* :) how are you doing now?!?!?!

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Well' date=' I've started a post here quite a few times only to get a few paragraphs in, tell myself "who cares" and log off without posting anything. The night before last I got a call from the Bariatric Clinic where I had my lap band done and they were calling to remind me to make my three year follow up visit appointment.

Three years. Has it been three years? And where am I at? I'm heavier today than I was the day of surgery. To say I'm discouraged is the understatement of the century. I was 320 pounds when approved for surgery. I lost 35 pounds before surgery on Medifast because I needed to shrink my liver, per doctor's orders. I am now at 298.

The lowest weight I achieved was 268 and that was about 6 months after banding. It will be three years in May and the thought of even going in for a follow up visit leaves me cold. At an appointment about a year and half a ago (for a fill) the doctor told me, "You did not fail the band - the band failed you." Seriously? Doesn't that sound like a cop-out? He wants me to have gastric bypass. He always did want me to have gastric bypass. So did my PCP. So does my diabetes doctor. Anyone I've encountered in the medical field advises me to have gastric bypass.

They don't really come out and say it, but I know with my super high blood pressure and pre-diabetes (I was Type II diabetic before surgery, but was able to come off the meds after surgery and haven't had to go back on them - yet), plus a BMI of 54 (nothing like being more than half fat) they're fearful I'm going to have a stroke. They never come out and SAY that, but the urgency is there. The constant encouragement to have gastric bypass is there.

I've been overweight since I was about 12. I'd been called fat or variations thereof my entire life up until that point. I look at photos now and sigh with regret. I was tall (for my age - now I'm 5'3" - who knew I'd end up a shrimp?!), but I was thin. I don't know why so many said I was fat. I am a big-boned girl, but I'm not Andre the Giant. Anyway, by 12 I was seeing myself as the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man and I grew from there.

I've lost the weight off and on my entire life, starting in my teens. 50 pounds here, 100 pounds there. I lost 100 pounds in 1997 and kept it off for five years until I had a car accident and couldn't work out 7 days a week like I had been. The weight came back so quickly without my constant exercising. It was pure heartache for me.

So here I am again. I'm seeing a Hypertension specialist because my BP is so high and my PCP can't manage it any longer. I have hereditary high BP and was diagnosed at 15. I'm 40 now. I take more medications than a 70 year old. Even when I lost the 100 pounds my BP didn't budge. I'm seeing an Endocrinologist because my PCP thinks my issues might be hormonal, however the Endocrinologist is coming at me more from a diabetes standpoint.

I have arthritis in my hands and feet and I'm having flare ups almost on a daily basis. My RA doctor doesn't want to prescribe medications because they will jack up my already high BP. I haven't been in for a fill in about two years. I don't go because I feel like I'm a failure. Every weigh in depresses me. Oddly enough I don't need a fill. I have pretty good restriction and I'm limited in what I can eat.

I haven't drank soda or eaten fast food in 20 years. I don't eat junk food (really I don't). I rarely touch alcohol with very few exceptions. I try to exercise 3-4 times a week, but with my feet hurting so badly lately, exercise seems impossible. Plus I fractured my foot two months ago, so I'm only recently even ready to think about exercising again.

Sweets are difficult for me, but I really limit what I eat. I'll have sorbet about once a week (maybe twice if it's that time of the month) and a piece of chocolate (not candy bars) every now and again. I haven't maintained a perfect course since being banded, but I've stayed the course pretty darn well.

A woman in our office was banded about 6 months ago. I'd say she's lost probably 75 pounds. She looks fantastic. Before surgery she ate a lot. Eating out every day, large portions, soda, fast food, etc. She was pretty big. Even before my surgery I never ate that way. Weight just seems to stick to me like a booger that won't flick off. This same woman who was banded 6 months ago still drinks soda, but it's diet now (which I know soda is a no-no). She eats pretty large portions (I cannot or I'll puke) and she looks amazing.

I was sitting in the breakroom with a friend the other day eating lunch and I told my friend, "I'm so jealous. I'm never jealous of anyone or anything, but I'm jealous of this woman's weightloss." If you're thinking I'm not eating enough, I did have my trainer tell me that he didn't think I was eating enough, but I feel full. What am I supposed to do? Force it?

Here's a typical day:


Greek Yogurt with a handful of Grape Nuts on top

1 cup of coffee with Splenda and Creamer

Water throughout the day


Half a sandwich (Typically turkey)


Egg salad with a serving of Wheat Thins (about 16 chips)

snack (I know we're not supposed to snack, but sometimes I'm just starving and I have to take a pill with food)

Some slices of cheese


Handful of almonds


salad with lowfat Ranch dressing

Protein of some sort (chicken or steak)


Meatloaf and cottage cheese

I can't eat past 7pm because of heartburn, so I'm eating early and I do not eat or have dessert after 7pm because of the heartburn. I drink plenty of Water throughout the day. Sometimes I do have juice (like a mango/orange from concentrate) when I get home, but I cut it with water (usually 1/4 juice and 3/4 water).

If I do have dessert it's usually sorbet. I will have a piece of birthday cake (it's a birthday celebration - come on!) or a piece of pie at Thanksgiving. I don't believe in being insane about restrictions.

I don't understand what's wrong. I take so many medications that I wonder if all these BP drugs are slowing my metabolism down. I've been medicated since 22 - heavily medicated. My BP is 220/120 unmedicated. Medicated I'm 140/90 and lately it's been 153/100, hence the reason for the referral to the Hypertension Clinic.

I'm discouraged. My sister and I are exactly the same size and she weighs 30 pounds less than I do! 30 pounds less and we're the same size! That's crazy! I don't want to starve myself and exercise like a mad woman in order to take the weight off. What's wrong with me? I'm so very, very discouarged. I don't like being this big. I do want to change. I'm trying to change. My whole life I've tried. What am I doing wrong?[/quote']

Maybe you have a thyroid condition or PCOS. I have PCOS and losing weight is hell. I don't have diabetes but my body has glucose processing issues. If you want a relatively self paced work out that works every muscle group, maybe check out Curves. I love it there. No men and no 100 pound fly weight women wearing sports bras to embarrass or intimate me. Just 30 min a day, 3 days a week, $34 a month. Also water aerobics are easy on the joints and you actually work your body harder because your heart is below water and pushes harder to pump against the resistance. Hope this helps!

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Oh, btw, I was banded in 2009 and in 2013 restarted at MY preband weight. I have started getting fills and working out and have lost 30 pounds so far. Just forget regret and live in the now!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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