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Surgeon Abandoned his Patients - Dr. Eric Pinnar

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My suggestion to you - is to be aware. Dr. Pinnar left his practice in VA & his PA left shortly after & they are not honoring their "self pay" agreement unless you see another Dr in another state (about an hour + from the other practice) or until they hire another PA. So, buyer beware. His father's practice is right next door to his practice & they won't even honor the agreement the son had with his patients.

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My suggestion to you - is to be aware. Dr. Pinnar left his practice in VA & his PA left shortly after & they are not honoring their "self pay" agreement unless you see another Dr in another state (about an hour + from the other practice) or until they hire another PA. So, buyer beware. His father's practice is right next door to his practice & they won't even honor the agreement the son had with his patients.

I am going to SECOND, the BEWARE of Dr. Pinnar notion - I had my surgery 5 March 2010, and have had amazing results - HOWEVER this is due to MY hard work and not Dr. Pinnar nor his PA.

Dr. Pinnar did completely leave his DC/VA patients high and dry with literally NO notice. And what the previous posting said about finding someone to fill you is 100% true, in the DC/VA area there are many lapband surgeons but they want to APPROVE you as being a patient and are wary of taking on other surgeons patients. Thankfully for me personally I shelled out the $17,000 and my remaining year of care is being honored by Dr. Greene - whose PA is absolutely amazing I might add and made me feel inspired and excited to lose my last 17 lbs (96 lbs lost total).

Further, the quack that Dr. Pinnar "sold" the practice to is just that - firing the PA in front of patients and not even having anything to do with weight loss anymore - he is now just running a sleep Center there. He took my chart home to his personal residence and I had to demand it back to give to another office. Dr. Pinnar didn't care who he screwed when he left, he just cared about making more of a name for himself.

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Dr. Pinnar left the patients in the care of a "sleep doctor" who CAN'T do fills and who fired the PA. We only got notification after people who worked for him started telling the truth. The fact is that Dr. Greene was NEVER in the Reston office, always was in Rockville - that said he has been very gracious in taking us into his practice where the PA is amazing! Dr. MERCHIA, the sleep doctor took all the charts, NOT Dr. Greene and we the patients had to go and seek them from him PERSONAL residence, not even IN the office.

Purely fishy behavior. A "change" huh? interesting since his mother is literally on her death bed in VA.

That is not what happened though. He did send out notice but what the notice said was not what we got. I don't know whether he intentionally left us up in the air or everything fell apart after he left. The letter said that Dr. Greene would take over in the Reston office and that psych and fill guy and staff would still be available at that location. But instead Dr. Greene took our records and closed up shop in Virginia so we would have to go to his office in Maryland if they could get us in because they were overbooked, that is not what Dr. Pinnar said would happen. It seems that Dr. Pinnar should have made sure his patients here were going to be taken care of like his letter intimated, if there was a contract, then it was not honored as to what his patients were promised. Yes he is great but the way this turned out for his Reston patients leaves me disappointed.

The good news that I have recently received is that Phil (Dr. Pinnar's assistant) is working on opening his own office to do fills. He is a PA not a surgeon but at least we will have follow-up band care/maintenance.

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Dr. Pinnar left the patients in the care of a "sleep doctor" who CAN'T do fills and who fired the PA. We only got notification after people who worked for him started telling the truth. The fact is that Dr. Greene was NEVER in the Reston office, always was in Rockville - that said he has been very gracious in taking us into his practice where the PA is amazing! Dr. MERCHIA, the sleep doctor took all the charts, NOT Dr. Greene and we the patients had to go and seek them from him PERSONAL residence, not even IN the office.

Purely fishy behavior. A "change" huh? interesting since his mother is literally on her death bed in VA.

Thanks for adding more pieces to the puzzle jj_1403. Nice to know where my records really are. I am just going by what was in Dr.Pinnar's goodbye letter (which was all misleading) and what was offered by the answering service (who told me my records were with Dr. Greene). I am not familiar with Dr.Merchia (never needed a sleep study) and was not aware of his part in this mess. I am still waiting to see where I will go from here, don't want to travel to Rockville.

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I am an interested by-stander. I used to live in Maryland and now live in Florida. My son was in Reston. I don't blame you for being upset. I wouldn't want to have to travel from Reston, Va to Rockville, Maryland to get a follow-up. Sounds like this man "Phil" is doing his best by you and the Virginia patients. (by the way, I drive 1 hr for my fills, but not in Washington beltway traffic). Good luck. Karen

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I am now living in SC but chose Dr Pinnar because my parents live in Reston and I move around a lot. It was a stable location that I go to often. It was also wonderful because my parents lived <5 minutes from the office! I recently visited and called Dr. Greene's office for a fill. They told me three weeks and it was the day before I was to leave. That made me kind of nervous because what if something were to happen and I was overfilled and needed some taken out. I've already called doctors in my area and am having a difficult time getting someone to accept me. So, I begged the "customer liason" to change my appointment. My Mom drove me (and it was a 90 minute drive in traffic) and sat in the waiting room with my son. The appointment FOR ONLY A FILL took 1.5 hours. During that time she was able to eavesdrop on a lot of juicy information. Apparently the office staff there tries to put of Dr. Pinnar's patients for a minimum of 3 weeks. If someone urgently needs an unfill they are told 2 weeks. For one of their own patients they get in within the week. However, because I was able to get in within a week some of the office staff were furious.

I got the feeling from everyone who worked there that they were very displeased with the situation, however they did all promise to take care of me the best they can. I am a free for life patient and while they are honoring that part of it they are still going to bill my insurance company to try and get money out of them. That will be interesting since I haven't been to the doctor this year and still have my deductable. They better not try and pass that on to me either! They did have my file, however it was possible that it was a photocopy. Not sure. They did have all my paperwork I filled out preop.

The PA was really nice, but I felt like she was on autopilot with her speech. You have gained weight because you are not eating right, too many carbs, blah blah blah. Yes, I know, I am hungry because my band is loose and it was just a downhill slide from there! I've already lost 7 pounds and getting back on track now that I have had a fill. What bothered me about the PA was that it was closing time for the office, she was in a rush and hurried up. I understand that she had somewhere to go, I am busy person too. But 3 minutes later when we were in the parking lot she totally igorned me like she didn't know who I was, and we were parked next to each other. I said goodbye, have a nice evening and she quickly acknowledged me. Just gave me that feeling like she was above me.

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I have to chime in here too. I haven't been banded yet but I was sitting my doctor's office and heard/saw two ladies crying. We started talking and I learned that they were eric pinnar patients who were devastated. They seemed to love him as a surgeon and as a person but said they learned he was leaving when they showed up at office one day. No notice, etc. They said his PA was also leaving, so no continuity of care. They were really hurt and upset. Luckily, my surgeon's practice will handle their care, at a price. I would watch my money and emotional investments when it comes to this surgeon. I personally don't give a hoot who operates on me, this isn't a huge emotional thing for me, but I am careful with my money and scrupuously follow contracts, so I would not appreciate the abandoned patients' predicament. Just a thought.

I am going to SECOND, the BEWARE of Dr. Pinnar notion - I had my surgery 5 March 2010, and have had amazing results - HOWEVER this is due to MY hard work and not Dr. Pinnar nor his PA.

Dr. Pinnar did completely leave his DC/VA patients high and dry with literally NO notice. And what the previous posting said about finding someone to fill you is 100% true, in the DC/VA area there are many lapband surgeons but they want to APPROVE you as being a patient and are wary of taking on other surgeons patients. Thankfully for me personally I shelled out the $17,000 and my remaining year of care is being honored by Dr. Greene - whose PA is absolutely amazing I might add and made me feel inspired and excited to lose my last 17 lbs (96 lbs lost total).

Further, the quack that Dr. Pinnar "sold" the practice to is just that - firing the PA in front of patients and not even having anything to do with weight loss anymore - he is now just running a sleep Center there. He took my chart home to his personal residence and I had to demand it back to give to another office. Dr. Pinnar didn't care who he screwed when he left, he just cared about making more of a name for himself.

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Well I feel I could chime in here as well. I had been setting up my surgery with Dr Cywes here in Jax over the end of 2010 and ended up having Dr Pinnar do the surgery on May 12th. All I can say is he did a great job with the surgery and even if he goes somewhere again Dr Cywes is not. This is a big practice and is recognized as a leader in the field of Weight Loss/ Bariatrics in Florida. Even though Pinnar did my surgery Cywes did my first fill and thats fine with me. I feel bad for the people Dr Pinnar left in WV but I am a part owner of a local business and I understand when a good offer comes you have to seriously look at it and probably take it especially in this economy. I can't say for sure but I doubt he new the guy was going to shut down the office and not offer fills anymore but like I said I can't say for sure. I think he had the chance to move from WV to Florida and work with a award winner Doctor and make a lot of money doing it so he jumped at the chance. They both are ahead of the curve on the surgery and probably think alike so it was a big win for him. I think he should of sent out letters to all his patients letting them know situation but that's who I am, if I sold my business I would! I'm not trying to defend him I'm just telling the people who are thinking about having surgery with him that he is a very good surgeon and Dr Cywes' is not going anywhere and the practice is not either so do not fear the same fate that the people up in WV are suffering through now.

Just my $0.02

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I'd read everything about his Virginia fiasco but here he's in with Dr Cywes so I felt like it was okay. I saw Cywes, then Pinnar one time. He banded me because I have an insurance that requires surgery in a hospital with a certificate of excellence in bariatric surgery and I needed to be done at Jax Memorial Hospital.

I was banded 6/23, have lost 25 pounds in a month and have my first aftercare appt tomorrow with Dr Cywes. All my aftercare is scheduled with him.

I feel great, my incisions look good and I'm a happy camper! JMO!

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I agree with what you said about Dr. Pinnar and the Dr. he sold his practice to wholehearedly. Dr. Pinnar could have made sure that the buyer honored his office's contracts with patients if he cared to go to the trouble -- apparently he couldn't have cared less. I've shared my experience with some of my other doctors, who are shocked at the manner in which Dr. Pinnar closed his practice, failed to notify his patients in a timely manner or arrange for the buyer to honor aftercare contracts. I wish I could find the 400+ other patients who paid $1000 or more for "fills for life" and an attorney willing to take the case and bring some sort of legal action against the buyer and Dr. Pinnar - 400 patients at $1000/each or more is a lot of money. SOMEONE still owns the liability for those "fill for life" contracts -- I don't think a business can just sell its assets, close its doors and forget about it's liabilities.

I don't know anything about the surgeon that Dr. Pinnar is working with now, but his past actions would make me wary of him if I were a patient seeking a surgeon to do a procedure that requires potentially life-long aftercare. He has proven unreliable and unconcerned with his patients -- two characteristics one doesn't want in a surgeon.

But there is some good news. Phil Cohen, Dr. Pinnar's PA, has teamed with a local surgeon to provide aftercare for patients from Dr. Pinnar's practice. From my initial discussion with his office assistant, it seems like they are willing to work with former patients of Dr. Pinnar on the cost of aftercare -- it's not free (as it was under our contracts with Dr. Pinnar), but it sounds like it's a reasonable approach. The website is www.bandcareofnova.com and the phone number is 703-636-0789.

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Only now the quack that Pinnar left his practice with found out about Phil's new practice and threatened litigation, scaring away Phil's partner and making it legally impossible for him to keep this practice open and help Pinnar's forgotten patients. I would happily join in any legal action for his failure to provide lifetime follow-up care that was promised to his patients. I realize he had a good opportunity to move on but he had an obligation first to ensure that a reliable person took over to offer continued care to all of his Virginia patients. I am still trying to get my medical records. Apparently, according to the answering service for Merchia, Dr. Pinnar has them now. This whole thing is a mess!

I agree with what you said about Dr. Pinnar and the Dr. he sold his practice to wholehearedly. Dr. Pinnar could have made sure that the buyer honored his office's contracts with patients if he cared to go to the trouble -- apparently he couldn't have cared less. I've shared my experience with some of my other doctors, who are shocked at the manner in which Dr. Pinnar closed his practice, failed to notify his patients in a timely manner or arrange for the buyer to honor aftercare contracts. I wish I could find the 400+ other patients who paid $1000 or more for "fills for life" and an attorney willing to take the case and bring some sort of legal action against the buyer and Dr. Pinnar - 400 patients at $1000/each or more is a lot of money. SOMEONE still owns the liability for those "fill for life" contracts -- I don't think a business can just sell its assets, close its doors and forget about it's liabilities.

I don't know anything about the surgeon that Dr. Pinnar is working with now, but his past actions would make me wary of him if I were a patient seeking a surgeon to do a procedure that requires potentially life-long aftercare. He has proven unreliable and unconcerned with his patients -- two characteristics one doesn't want in a surgeon.

But there is some good news. Phil Cohen, Dr. Pinnar's PA, has teamed with a local surgeon to provide aftercare for patients from Dr. Pinnar's practice. From my initial discussion with his office assistant, it seems like they are willing to work with former patients of Dr. Pinnar on the cost of aftercare -- it's not free (as it was under our contracts with Dr. Pinnar), but it sounds like it's a reasonable approach. The website is www.bandcareofnova.com and the phone number is 703-636-0789.

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I was researching Lap Band surgeons and had heard good things about Eric Pinnar several years ago.

Just the other day, I asked my primary care physician about Dr. Pinnar and he told me that three of his patients were left high and dry by Eric Pinnar and that is was a disaster. He may have started or joined a new practice with another doctor in FL, but what he did was reprehensible. As the saying goes, "a Zebra does not change its stripes." He took significant money from people for "lifetime" aftercare and left them without saying a word-- not to mention the emotional letdown that might go with feeling summarily dropped by someone with whom you entrusted your heath and well being.

With this many people stepping up to say what a bad situation it was, it baffles me why anyone would use him. It's not like he is getting one "cranky" review from a dissatisfied client-- there are lots and lots. I'm sure he will be fine for anyone who uses him....until it becomes convenient for him to turn his attention elsewhere. As they say, buyer beware...and remember it is your long term health and care we re talking about.

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While I am so sorry for the patients of Eric Pinnar that were left high and dry I am asking that when referring to Dr. Pinnar, please add his first name. Reason being is that his father, Robert Pinnar is also a surgeon (weight loss and such). I would hate for Dr. Robert Pinnar's office and wonderful staff to be confused with his son, Eric.

I truly hope that the patients of Dr. Eric Pinnar's office that were left, find a new outstanding office to help them along with their journey to getting healthier.

As for Dr. Eric Pinnar, I can only say that I did meet with him and his staff prior to my surgery, but felt a better connection with his dad,

Dr. Robert Pinnar and his staff Paul Marino (P.A.), Sue (nurse) and Shara. Good luck to all.

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While I am so sorry for the patients of Eric Pinnar that were left high and dry I am asking that when referring to Dr. Pinnar, please add his first name. Reason being is that his father, Robert Pinnar is also a surgeon (weight loss and such). I would hate for Dr. Robert Pinnar's office and wonderful staff to be confused with his son, Eric.

I truly hope that the patients of Dr. Eric Pinnar's office that were left, find a new outstanding office to help them along with their journey to getting healthier.

As for Dr. Eric Pinnar, I can only say that I did meet with him and his staff prior to my surgery, but felt a better connection with his dad,

Dr. Robert Pinnar and his staff Paul Marino (P.A.), Sue (nurse) and Shara. Good luck to all.

I don't think there is an issue in this thread, the OP refers to Eric in the subject line and in the original post.

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Have you not heard that Eric Pinnar abandoned his patients in Virginia without bothering to SECURE their follow-up care? What type of good doctor does that? We paid 17K out of pocket to Pinnar for full lifetime follow up care. He is a flake and conscienceless. Don't be fooled by his fakey sweet smile and warm demeaner. He could care less.

Hello! I was wondering if anybody is familiar with Dr. Eric Pinnar here in Jax, Fl? I have heard some wonderful things about him and his team in Virgina/D.C but I was wondering specifically for his team in Jax. I recently attended one of his seminars and was very impressed. I have not yet met his staff and am curious what the general opinion is! Thanks!

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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