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I cried for the first time...

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So through this journey, I have focused on my health and the positives of WLS. I haven't felt that it was for vanity, I mean come on I would be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to struting a small size infront of a few ex husbands... haha

But today, for the first time I found myself momentarily ashamed... Disgusted at myself, and distraught over my decision...

I sat at my desk, choking down my "shake" wishing and longing for a Milky Way to be quite frank, as I over hear a group of nurses... NURSES standing at my desk talking about WLS. Of course, being on the "Band Wagon" so to speak, I listen...

"People that have weight loss surgery are just lazy, if they spent half the time and effort they put into surgery they would just lose the weight."

"Obesity isn't a disease, its called being lazy and wanting attention."

All of this coming from a group of women that probably never broke the 130lb mark. It didn't register in my head immediatly.. It took about 30 minutes for it to really hit me on my way home.. SERIOUSLY U THINK IF I WANTED ATTENTION I WOULD CHOSE NEGATIVE FATTY ATTENTION??? WTF... I will admit this.. I cried... a lot on my way home tonight, wondering what other people say or think of me.. While this wasn't a direct insult to me, I sure as hell am taking it that way. Am I just being lazy, were all my weight loss attempts just not enough, did I not dedicate myself enough...

I have been very open and honest about my journey... sharing and educating as much as I can.. I even found myself this morning asking myself as I read some blogs and post on this lapband support site.. Why would people hide this, and make it this HUGE secret??? It is such an amazing gift... Well my friends these SKINNY BITCHES I work with have given me that reason.. I however am not going to stop.. I am going to continue to be open and honest, and quite frankly next time I overhear their conversation I will speak up, and kindly ask them to move their conversation away from the "fat lazy wls chick".

Good night my friends, and thanks for letting me vent off a little...

P.S. We r just waiting on a date.. should be getting one soon!

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So through this journey, I have focused on my health and the positives of WLS. I haven't felt that it was for vanity, I mean come on I would be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to struting a small size infront of a few ex husbands... haha

But today, for the first time I found myself momentarily ashamed... Disgusted at myself, and distraught over my decision...

I sat at my desk, choking down my "shake" wishing and longing for a Milky Way to be quite frank, as I over hear a group of nurses... NURSES standing at my desk talking about WLS. Of course, being on the "Band Wagon" so to speak, I listen...

"People that have weight loss surgery are just lazy, if they spent half the time and effort they put into surgery they would just lose the weight."

"Obesity isn't a disease, its called being lazy and wanting attention."

All of this coming from a group of women that probably never broke the 130lb mark. It didn't register in my head immediatly.. It took about 30 minutes for it to really hit me on my way home.. SERIOUSLY U THINK IF I WANTED ATTENTION I WOULD CHOSE NEGATIVE FATTY ATTENTION??? WTF... I will admit this.. I cried... a lot on my way home tonight, wondering what other people say or think of me.. While this wasn't a direct insult to me, I sure as hell am taking it that way. Am I just being lazy, were all my weight loss attempts just not enough, did I not dedicate myself enough...

I have been very open and honest about my journey... sharing and educating as much as I can.. I even found myself this morning asking myself as I read some blogs and post on this lapband support site.. Why would people hide this, and make it this HUGE secret??? It is such an amazing gift... Well my friends these SKINNY BITCHES I work with have given me that reason.. I however am not going to stop.. I am going to continue to be open and honest, and quite frankly next time I overhear their conversation I will speak up, and kindly ask them to move their conversation away from the "fat lazy wls chick".

Good night my friends, and thanks for letting me vent off a little...

P.S. We r just waiting on a date.. should be getting one soon!

Tell them skinny heifers to go kick rocks with no shoes on. This was about you, not about them. Let me tell you if they were above 160 lbs and had a way to lose the weight they would jump at it. If you never exercised or ate right, and choose to get the surgery, it would still be your chose and no one elses.

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HAHAHA Well sad thing is, it was just them talking in general.. they know NOTHING about my decision.. its not even a floor I would normally work on.. What is SAD is our Bari floor is right across the hall, and a lot of families and patients take it as a "short" cut to the cafe or elevators, so anyone could have been a Bari patient walking by hearing this... I decided this morning to let their manager know about their "open forum" and that it could be potentially harmful to someones feelings!

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I had to laugh at the "fat lazy wls chick" LOL!! I'm fortunate or should I say they are fortunate that I haven't had anyone negative thoughts about my surgery. If they do, I will have plenty to say!! Although, I'm sure there is probably plenty said behind my back and as long as I don't hear it they're safe LOL!! This is our decision and our life and NO ONE has the right to judge us! I am 41 years old and have been fighting my weight my entire life. When I was in my early 20's I lost about 125lbs and thought I was the sh--!! However, it came back quicker than it went and I haven't been able to get it down again. I wish you nothing but the best and don't let anyone make you think, you made the wrong decision for yourself!

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Everyone, EVERYONE, has their own issues. These women obviously have never had being overweight as an issue, but they certainly have some PERSONALITY ISSUES, in my humble opinion. No one is obese just because they are "lazy".

I had surgery in August, and I cannot tell you how my quality of life has changed. But, having the band is not magic. You have to work at this. It is a tool, but you must make decisions every day to exercise and watch what you eat. That is really why I think it is really foolish of these women to assume this is the easy way out. It isn't easy, but I could not be happier that I made this decision, and I am sure you will be happy you made it as well.

Good luck, and best wishes on your journey! :P

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First off CONGRATULATIONS on making your health a priority!!!!! You are not lazy!!! I am just a newbie but this was one of the hardest decisions that I have ever made in my life and I know it is not going to be easy. If we were taking the easy/lazy way out that would really be a small miracle. We have tried time and time again to get healthy to no avail and the wls that we are going thru and the journey that we are on is a continual one. I am sure that they do not even realize that many of us have been on every diet out there, go to the gym and have worked damn hard to loose the weight on our own with no permanent loss seen.

Next after working myself in a hospital for 25 years, with many of those skinny bitches, and having been a Union steward for many years I would be marching my self up to their supervisors desk or even over to the HR department to have comments that they are making addressed, especially if they work in such a close proximity to the bariatric floor!!! Their words speak volumes that they have NO understanding of what people that are in need of assistance in loosing weight are going through and even though they "were not talking directly to you or about you" it is absolutely unbelievable that they would not have said to self "open mouth insert foot" when they look around the world around them.

Yes, I am sure that it will feel great to strut your skinny body infront of old hubbies and the SB's on the floors but remember to keep you in the forefront. You and your health are the most important!!! Best of luck as you continue in your journey!!!

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As a nurse, I was going to suggest you take it to their manager. No names need to be said, but she can use it as a lesson for the entire staff on that unit. The way they were talking is not beneficial to ANYONE. They need a swift proverbial kick in the arse. I'm so sorry this happened to you, and I do hope you can take it and use it to educate others. And know in your heart that WLS is not an easy out. To some it may seem drastic, and granted it is....but for those of us who chose it, it's a drastic measure that is needed for better health. People like those kronies obviously have no clue what a struggle this DISEASE (yes, disease) is.

Stay strong, sister. (hugs)

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Pink, I am so sorry that their words cut you so deep. I totally understand - as I am sure all of us bandsters do. Before writing this post I was compelled to go to yahoo and leave a message for my "skinny-all-her-life" sister. I thanked her for being my biggest supporter and that I love her very much. Because, you see, while we often focus on the negative things that are said to us, we sometimes don't give the good stuff the same attention. Your experience reminded me of that, so thank you.

Our struggle with weight loss is one of those "walk a mile in my shoes" things that some people will never understand if they don't experience it. I once (years ago) had a woman I worked with tell me that she would kill herself if she ever got as fat as I was. WOW! That was some statement. But, I knew her and she had A LOT of issues, and was a very unhappy person. She was the one to be pitied.

People love to give opinions about things they know nothing about. That's just human nature (although I have no idea why :). I like to think that I don't care what others think of me, but who wouldn't be moved after hearing that your "lazy" for using surgery to improve your health. It is a good decision to speak to their manager, not just for the other patients/family members, but also for you to feel empowered. To feel that you don't have to cry in your car and be the victim of their insensitive statements. I hope you can erase them from your mind and concentrate on the positive people in your life, and the support you can receive here on this forum.

You are about to take a journey that can change your life! You are young and will enjoy it even more than I do at 55! Lapband is the best thing I ever did for myself, I wish I had done it sooner! I have never worked harder to lose weight and I have never enjoyed working this hard to do it either!

Keep your head up!


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They should be ashamed of themselves. If they want to get together after work and talk shit about the people who they are there to help and care for (and may I add pay their wages) so be it, but that was totally UN-professional and they should be repremanded for it. I think they chose the wrong profession. THAT'S HORRIBLE! Would they stand outside the cancer ward and bad mouth cigarette smokers, who are there dying of lung cancer, out loud for their grieving families to hear. My mouth is still hanging open... can not believe it!!!

That being said, i wish you the very best of luck on your journey... don't know where I'd be in a couple of years without my lap-band.

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Congratulation to all of you for making the decision to change your lives....

I got baned in nov. of 09'. I still don't tell everyone about my surgery. At first I did, but after you get "the look", you stop. A lot of my close friends and family know, but i don't lead with.... Hi, my name is Christina and i had Lap band surg.

After a few time you get "the look" you start to wonder if you are the lazy fat person they talk about. It's the "you too the easy way out look"..... EASY... by no means is this EASY.... I work every day watching what I eat, and exercising to lose what i have. What i would give for a BIG JUICY cheese BURGER AND FRENCH FRIES..... OR A SLICE OF pizza....

So now, when people who have not seen me in a while say..... WOW you look great, how did you do it..... I say ..... I watch what i eat and i exercise 4-5 times a week and i walk 3-4 times for 20-30 min everyday. it's not a lie.... i just don't tell them i had WLS.

The sad thing is..... i want to shout it from every roof top...... Lap band surg... saved my life and my marriage..... and i would do it again tomorrow if i had too. But i can't because of the narrow minded people in the world.

Love you all and keep up the great work

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HI Ya'll,

I, also, will sometime tell folks if they ask, that I have had weight loss surgery. others, I tell that I have worked hard through diet and excersize. Some folks do look down on us that have had wls. I have, also, referred 2 people to my surgeon and made close friends from their office. Good luck and keep a "stiff upper lip". Love ya'all. Karen

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Give yourself a pat on the back. You now know how the majority of these people view us in life.

The time will come, when you will get that opportunity to blow, and I wouldn't want to be in there shoes.

But never the less, They got it coming.

Congratulations on making the decision on WLS.

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I can't really repeat what I really want to say about those girls but you're right, why would I want such NEGATIVE attention??? Ugh people bother me!!

Anyway good luck on your journey!!!

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I will say one thing and leave it at this.....

If ANYONE thinks for one freaking second that WLS isn't hard work they need a swift kick into reality. I would like to see these ridiculous women try for one week to have the will power and self control that someone going through this needs to have. Lazy my *#&. Who are they to pass judgment on anyone??

I can't wait until you show those skinny idiots how successful you are. BE PROUD AND STRONG!!! Chin up always!!! Everyone goes through that moment where we beat ourselves up over how we got the way we did but kudos on realizing that you are doing this to change all of that. Best of luck to you!

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Lets face it..... I know i've heard for many year... you have such a pretty face...... well most of us "fat girls" do. But we also had wonderful up-beat attitudes, great personalities, and a loving caring giving soul..... When we lose the weight we still have all this and now we are healthier and we look HOT..

They just have skinny.......

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