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Dukan no carb/low carb diet  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. are you in favour of no carb/low carb diets?

    • yes - the weight drops quicky
    • no - can rebound, feel deprived
    • i think low carb is nonsense.
    • prefer slow and steady weight loss like ww
    • rely on band to stop me from eating too much

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Ok so Elfiepoo just FYI I was watching the Doctors on Tv and they referred to the Dukan Diet and Atkins as FAD Diets becuase they are not a diet that most people can stick with. So guess I was right.

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I sort of agree with Jachut in the fact that these diets are in fact fad diets; but they do work and some people can live by them for as long as needed. I put myself on something similar to Atkins/South Beach ish when I started my weightloss journey. I completely cut out most carbs and yeah I will admit that I lost flawlessly, but being in ketosis gets old, living without carbs got really old quickly. The lack of energy sucked. The random spikes and falls, sucked. So at month 7 I said that's enough, time to move away from these DIETS. I wanted to eat like a normal person. I do nowadays; and I'm still losing. No more low carb low blah blah crap.

I too have taken a lot of time to read about nutrition and how it all works. This Dukan diet thing, is truly another fad diet, and low fat diets are detrimental to your health. Do some reading on the importance of fat within the body. Fat doesn't make you fat, honestly. You need fat for a properly working brain, heart, and plenty of other organs. If you want to deprive yourself of it, go ahead, though I'd simply suggest doing some reading and understanding the calories in vs. calories out idea.

Per everything I've read, at a NORMAL body weight, we should be taking in 0.4g-.7g of fat per our body weight; 1g-1.5g of Protein per our body weight, the rest can be filled in with carbs, more fats, or more Protein. I will say it does take some reading, and understanding, but right now, as I've been off of the silly fad diets, I have still been able to lose weight. I do keep an eye on everything I eat and I wholeheartedly enjoy carbs, fats, and plenty of protein.

The word "diet" has taken a new turn for the worst I believe. A diet is simply what we eat; it shouldn't be what we don't eat, what we think we need to restrict, what we think makes us fat, and so on.

I guess go with the diet if it works for you; it's another short-term solution, IMO. Why not do some reading and figure out what works for you and what proper nutrition is as opposed to relying upon another fad?

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I believe you all have good points on these diets. I did every diet in the book, including Atkins and that is why I am on here with a lap band. None of them worked forever, it was just part of the yo-yo dieting I have done for 40 years. I agree you need to listen to your body and do what you feel is best for you, with some advice from your doctor. I question everything and everybody, even the doctors like Elfie said her husband's late wife died from Dr. advice. I have seen that time and time again. Just do what you feel is comfortable with some common sense and I try the recommendations that you all have put on here to add to my own decisions and have been to goal for over 1 1/2 years. This is a very informative site and each person needs to pick out what they feel works for them from all of this advice. I have and it has worked, thanks to all of you for your advice and I will do what I have to do in the end.

That's an incredible weight loss and maintaining it is even more awesome!:welldone: :drum: Drum roll please!

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I sort of agree with Jachut in the fact that these diets are in fact fad diets; but they do work and some people can live by them for as long as needed. I put myself on something similar to Atkins/South Beach ish when I started my weightloss journey. I completely cut out most carbs and yeah I will admit that I lost flawlessly, but being in ketosis gets old, living without carbs got really old quickly. The lack of energy sucked. The random spikes and falls, sucked. So at month 7 I said that's enough, time to move away from these DIETS. I wanted to eat like a normal person. I do nowadays; and I'm still losing. No more low carb low blah blah crap.

I too have taken a lot of time to read about nutrition and how it all works. This Dukan diet thing, is truly another fad diet, and low fat diets are detrimental to your health. Do some reading on the importance of fat within the body. Fat doesn't make you fat, honestly. You need fat for a properly working brain, heart, and plenty of other organs. If you want to deprive yourself of it, go ahead, though I'd simply suggest doing some reading and understanding the calories in vs. calories out idea.

Per everything I've read, at a NORMAL body weight, we should be taking in 0.4g-.7g of fat per our body weight; 1g-1.5g of Protein per our body weight, the rest can be filled in with carbs, more fats, or more Protein. I will say it does take some reading, and understanding, but right now, as I've been off of the silly fad diets, I have still been able to lose weight. I do keep an eye on everything I eat and I wholeheartedly enjoy carbs, fats, and plenty of protein.

The word "diet" has taken a new turn for the worst I believe. A diet is simply what we eat; it shouldn't be what we don't eat, what we think we need to restrict, what we think makes us fat, and so on.

I guess go with the diet if it works for you; it's another short-term solution, IMO. Why not do some reading and figure out what works for you and what proper nutrition is as opposed to relying upon another fad?

thanks for your input reverie. by the way, excellent weight loss! :Banane12: What's behind door #3? the new you!

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Ok so Elfiepoo just FYI I was watching the Doctors on Tv and they referred to the Dukan Diet and Atkins as FAD Diets becuase they are not a diet that most people can stick with. So guess I was right.

Conveniently, your tv 'doctor's skewed the definition in order to spin their own point of view. A fad diet is not something most people can't stick with. By that definition, you'd have to include every diet known to man including Weight Watchers and all the other traditionally accepted diets.

A fad diet is a diet that cannot be sustained long term because it is nutritionally deficient. Atkins, is not nutritionally deficient. In fact, his diet is very similar to Dr. Bernstein's diet for diabetics. If you would like the science behind why a diet containing no grains, no fruit and no starches is nutritionally sound, I suggest you get his book. Unlike your tv 'doctors', he provides all the science to back up his statements.

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So then, if I understand some of you correctly, you believe a fad diet is any diet you believe is 'wrong'? By labeling a WOE as a fad, you are judgmentally stating that it is an unhealthy way of eating that just cannot be sustained long term. I won't get into the other diets become I am not that familiar with them, but Atkins can be sustained long-term and it is a healthy way of eating.

I lost my weight on Atkins but have tweaked it a bit to follow Dr. Bernstein's diet...which actually is more restrictive...in order to maintain normal blood sugars without insulin. On Atkins, as long as I stayed below my critical carbohydrate level (which varies by individual)...which for me is around 45gm...I'm allowed any carbs. Unfortunately, that still wasn't enough to discontinue my medications. On Dr. Bernstein's diet, I am allowed no grains, no fruits and no starches. I can only eat 'green' non-starchy vegetables. I no longer take insulin as a result.

Dr. Bernstein is a highly respected expert in diabetics and runs a clinic where he has been treating Type 1 and 2 diabetics successfully for decades. He has science behind him to back up his diet.


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Yes, I can only eat the low carb vegies. Think 'green' and non-starchy. Asparagus, green Beans, broccoli, brussel sprouts, baby spinach. Lots more...about 80 different types of vegies. Yesterday I had an artichoke with vinagrette for lunch and roasted asparagus for dinner. Today I'm having broccoli for both lunch and dinner.


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So then, if I understand some of you correctly, you believe a fad diet is any diet you believe is 'wrong'? By labeling a WOE as a fad, you are judgmentally stating that it is an unhealthy way of eating that just cannot be sustained long term. I won't get into the other diets become I am not that familiar with them, but Atkins can be sustained long-term and it is a healthy way of eating.

I lost my weight on Atkins but have tweaked it a bit to follow Dr. Bernstein's diet...which actually is more restrictive...in order to maintain normal blood sugars without insulin. On Atkins, as long as I stayed below my critical carbohydrate level (which varies by individual)...which for me is around 45gm...I'm allowed any carbs. Unfortunately, that still wasn't enough to discontinue my medications. On Dr. Bernstein's diet, I am allowed no grains, no fruits and no starches. I can only eat 'green' non-starchy vegetables. I no longer take insulin as a result.

Dr. Bernstein is a highly respected expert in diabetics and runs a clinic where he has been treating Type 1 and 2 diabetics successfully for decades. He has science behind him to back up his diet.


I don't want to get into any dispute with anybody on the lapband forum but I completely believe in low carbs. I just won't make other people believe in it. I've seen miracles happen when carbs were cut out of diets including my brother's former father-in-law, he was dying from cancer, was better for a while when my doctor, Dr. Mclean cut him off all carbs, then he went back to Pasta and died very quickly. The other people who stayed off carbs completely at least lived longer than they were told they would live. One particular beautiful new mother Laura ( an italian) - the doctors told her she had 5 months to live (incurable cancer) and there's nothing we can do about it, she went to see our Dr. mclean and lived for another 5 years.

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I agree...if someone doesn't want to believe in it...despite the science that backs it...that is their business. I guess what bothers me...and the reason I keep coming back and 'standing up' for low carb is for all those people reading who may be on the fence. If all they read is that it's a 'fad diet' with no disagreement from anyone, then they might believe it's actually a fact...instead of just uninformed opinion.

If someone chooses to eat grains, fruits and starches...and their body can handle them...then that's great. What I don't understand is why some feel the need to almost rabidly convince others that anything different is a 'fad'. No...it's not a fad. It's just different and for those with metabolically impaired systems, may be the only thing that resolves their insulin resistance and keeps them from progressing to diabetes and/or gets them off their diabetic medications...as it did for me.

All I'm saying to these people is...enjoy your fruits, grains and starches...but please understand that the elimination of these food groups does not make our diet a fad diet anymore than a celiac's diet which excludes all wheat and gluten. It just is what it is for our health...and we are still eating a nutritionally sound diet.

Dr. Bernstein's "Diabetes Solution" is a good source if you want the 'science'.


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I go back to this, time and time again, during these debates:

When I tell people I do low carb, they preach to me about how unhealthy that is.

When I tell people I limit sugar, white flour, and starches, they clap me on the back and tell me how healthy that is.

Same thing, different way of saying it.

That said, I agree with MouseK-- I try to follow this 75-80% of the time, which means I can still indulge. This is what moderation is, and for me, that's what works best because I can afford to have carbs on occasion.

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I go back to this, time and time again, during these debates:

When I tell people I do low carb, they preach to me about how unhealthy that is.

When I tell people I limit sugar, white flour, and starches, they clap me on the back and tell me how healthy that is.

Same thing, different way of saying it.

That said, I agree with MouseK-- I try to follow this 75-80% of the time, which means I can still indulge. This is what moderation is, and for me, that's what works best because I can afford to have carbs on occasion.

That is a great way of explaining low carb, "limit sugar, white flour and starches". Will try to remember to phrase it that way in future.

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This is a feisty thread :)


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hello everyone, I have been to my oral surgeon today regarding my jaw surgery that i had 3 weeks and 3 days ago and I am okay to move on to mushies, solid foods won't be allowed for another 3 weeks. I have decided to do just Protein for a few days and probably less than 5 carbs per days as per the Dukan diet. I will give it a test run to see if I can get my weight moving again as it has stalled even though I haven't had much to eat. I will let everyone know if this is working out as it is a bit of a challenge seeing as things have to be mushy however meatballs will be a nice choice and i am allowed to have low carb catsup and Condiments such as mustard.

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Actually Elfie - I really DO think WW is a fad diet!

But I'm anti diet all round, I just think it perpetuates an obsession with food, an unhealthy relationship with food and an inability to listen to your own body.

By that I dont mean that you have created a low carb lifestyle for yourself which suits you and you stick to - I completely hear you and I dont call that a fad. But to live on counting points, always working out what you can eat, whether you have the points for this or that, its no different to counting grams of this or grams of that, it just isnt a normal way to eat. And that's a fad to me. Fad diets can be healthy in that they contain the nutrients you need, but nutrition is only half of weight loss - attitude, emotion, the mental stuff is equally as important and if you're hanging onto your healthy weight by complete adherance to rules and never breaking them, then I dont believe you're truly cured of obesity. Its only when you can eat what you want whether (and what you want is appropriate, becuase its amazing how you dont want chocolate cake every day when you dont grant it some evil food status) that you are no longer a fat person. So if you truly want to eat that low carb way and dont miss old habits, then that's a real obesity cure.

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I have completed day 4 of the Dukan diet - all Protein and am not finding it difficult at all to follow - never starving that's for sure and since i'm quite creative in the kitchen with spices and such am not bored with the food yet. Will follow up in a few days to let you know how i'm doing.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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