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Back to my pre-op weight today!!! I think that is pretty good , they told me they had to give me alot of Fluid in the OR (my BP likes to drop) and then considering that it is that special time of the month to be back there already I am excited. Survived my mom's bday yesterday. I had a few spoons of Beans, some cottage cheese and a spoon of mac and cheese. Everything very soft, chewed very well and enjoyed some good conversation while everyone else ate hot dogs, chips, etc. I think I am very lucky that my doctor allows you to be on full liquids the day after surg and progress as tolerated, slowly of course. I am having alot of pureed Soups, Water, Protein pudding, water, protein icecream, water, but doing ok so far. It is pretty funny though when your 7 year old says to you-"mommy I never knew you to "toot" before, and boy do you burp alot now" LOL Just gotta love those boys!!

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Hi everyone! Sorry I've been scarce....hectic 2 nights at work, almost no sleep, and a trip to the ER with my oldest son last night. It's spring break so i have all 3 kids hoem today, have still barely slept in 4 days, nd work again tomorrow night. so my metabolism is all off as is my eatign schedule. I've dropped 20 pounds total (I'm going from preop high of 297), so I think 8 of those have been since surgery. I'm still getting really hungry after about 2 hours and aam able to eat larger portions than I'd like to be, so I'm very much looking forward to my 1st fill on April 13th! I've been very happy with some of the choices I've been making. Like the other night at work the girls were all ordering Thai delivery and I've been craving Phad Thai for WEEKS if not months, so I decided to order too but shared an order with a friend, ate at most 1/4 of the order and asked her to take any leftovers hoem with her. It came with a can of coke, and I decided to indulge and sip slowly and had maybe 4 ounces at most (I had been 9 hours without eating or even sitting down so decided it was ok). I know it may seem silly, but before I could easily eat the entire order, or half at work and the rest at home, and chug that Coke. I guess the big deal for me was making the decision to STOP and not take any home. Then yesterday after church we took the kids to a park. I had been hours without eating, and my brother met us there with some leftover Chinese food. I ate some, but kept the portion very reasonable and it was almost all veggies.

I've had my first major non-scale victory too! My shoes got too big! :blink: I had to go in and buy a new pair for work (I almost got run over by a bed at work comign otu of the operating room cause walkign backward my slip-ons almost came off!) anyway I stopped at the store and bought a new pair, a whole size smaller!!!!!:D I also bought a new pair of jeans and a new top, one size smaller! The pants are a bit tight and I had to lay on the bed to zip but by golly I got them on and was able to wear them! :lol: I never imagined going from a 26 pants to a 24 would make me feel so good LOL. And a 3X to a 2X top. OH and my brother told me I look like I've lost weight, woot!!! Also, I have to wear surgical scrubs at work. I'm in the biggest size they have (3X) and they have been tight. It wa sone of my big fears about starting my new training last November was fitting intot he scrubs. The 3X fits now...and is starting to get loose.

To answer the question about telling people at work: my fmaily, DH's family, and most people at work know. The girls at work are for the most part a huge support for me (except the ones who have opted for bypass), and amazingly so many of them are also banded or considering bariatric surgery.

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Hi Everyone:

Yes...I am still alive! I had a few rough days there. I had actually been doing well until 2 days ago...I had some Soup, but then later that night my left side where the band is...was really hurting everytime i took a beep breath. It also feels like mad spasms as well. Does everyone elses stomach growl and gurgle real loud non stop? Still...went to the bathroom once since surgery. My dr. does full liquid for 3 weeks post op...then 2 wks mushy, then regular. I am still only getting 400-700 calories a day, having 1 shake, 1 cup Soup, 2 diet snapple, 1 sugarfree gatorade...and I wanna go crazy, a sugar free fudgcicle. Not too hungry, buy somethings got to give soon, or I may go ape-shit :o I have a big formal function/sit down dinner thing this Sunday, where there will be people I don't know sitting at my table, how weird will I look, not to eat a morsel. But I have lost 32lbs since preop liquid began...so I am looking at the big picture here, not the short term hurdles. :D

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Hey Awinner! I've been wondering how you're doing!

At the formal function, is it possible to eat your Soup serving? and if anyone asks, just tell them you have some dietary restrictions right now so will just enjoy the smell? I've told almost everyone I had surgery, but for some reason didn;t mention it to our bible study group. I know some of them were looking at my dinner plate funny last Thursday (I ate my burger using lettuce as a bun, with a knife & fork). No one asked, and I didn't tell...I would have...but I see what you're saying about strangers...

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Just thought I'd start a thread on the post-op side...

Hello All ! I was Banded on 3-23-11 ! SO far so good, I am 4 lbs away from loosing 20. I started at 267 and am almost to 247 @@ !!

I was on Water and crystal light for the first 5 days, and now 64 oz of Water, crystal light, beneifiber and 3 Protien shakes a day for 2 weeks. April 15th is my next dr apt and i cant wait !!!


I drink muscle milk light pre made drink boxes, and Pure Protien shakes,

So far so good, I really am not too hungry, accept i am a little pmsing so i have thoose hormonal hunger cravings, but i know it will pass soon.

Im not to hungry and feel very full after a shake. I take about 20-30 min to drinks one and sip on water through put the day.

I have thought about maybe eating a yogurt but i am stinking 100% to my Dr's orders.

I was filled with 5cc at time of surgery so im not too sure about restriction yet ,a

Its great to meet all of you !! So much helpfull info here !!

Good Luck to all !!!

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HI Everyone

I was banded on March 25th. Everyone is right, the gas is the worst! I started back to work today and so far so good. Down 18lbs since 1 week before surgery. Went 1 week liquid and then mushy's. Thank goodness, mushy's really helped. Go for post op appointment tomorrow.


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Hi Awinner, so glad to hear from you today. I think you have the right attitude to keep the long term goal in mind here. I had a problem with trapped gas in my shoulders that I thought would never end, but it did. Keep in touch with your doctor, so they can respond quickly to any of the problems you are having.

I might be weird, but I actually like the liquid diet options. I think I'm more fearful of the puree/solid food. Starting puree food tomorrow....I hope I don't get sick. That will be my version of "Fear Factor".

Keep up the good work everyone, I'm down 20lbs since pre-op diet began and surgery 3/29/11.

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I have not done so well following the rules either. I was supposed to do 3 weeks of liquids, but started eating mushy foods over the last 4 or 5 days. Not much at a time... but enough to make me feel a little better. I've just been hungry and tasting actual food has helped me feel better... mentally too! So I'm right there with you :) I'm not seeing the scales move at all anymore. I did at first... but now they just sit in the same spot. Banded March 24.

I was banded on March 7th. Was supposed to do 2 weeks clear, 2 weeks full liquids and then mushies, but after 1 week went to mushy without a problem. I was so hungry and felt no restriction. (no fill until April 12)This past week I have eaten anything I wanted just ate small portions and chewed well. I lost 20lbs within the first 10 days but since I added real food 4 lbs came back. Not discouraged because I eat soooo much less than I ever have.

When I read about how well you all are sticking to the rules and not cheating I am kind of ashamed of myself. Am I really the only one who couldn't hold out 4 lousy weeks? :unsure:

I'm not overeating, B) But I should have waited..

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Hiya. I got banded on 3/25. I had my first post-op visit today and the doctor says everything looks good. I'm getting my appetite back and looking forward to eating food again. I had some tuna salad today for lunch and I can't believe that 2oz of tuna salad and a half a pudding cup was enough!

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Hi Guys,

I returned to work today. I felt great at first but by 11:00 I was drained. I also experienced a pain today in my chest that initially scrared me but I soon realized it was a new way for me to feel the gas. When I take a deep breath it cuts sharp in my left shoulder. If that will stop I will be great. I am going to call the doctor tomorrow and see if I can start the mushies early. The liquids are not holding me and I don"t want to over do it on the liquids.

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Hi all, I went back to work today. I've lost 14lbs since I was banded on march 25. I'm still on liquids but I'm having trouble with either getting stuck or overfull. I can't tell which it is. I am so afraid of stretching or slipping. I see the doc on Wednesday so I hope I can move to full liquids soon. I actually have apples to make homemade apple sauce (no sugar added) as soon as I get the go ahead. Also already have Soup. Who thought I'dbe fantisysing about getting to pureed chicken?

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Hello March 2011! I was banded on 3/16 so far I have lost 11 since my surgery date...THE scale hasn't budged in almost 2 wks. I have my f/u on 4/22. I guess that will be when I get a possible fill. I so agree everyday after surgery you get a little bit better. I had a hernia repair at the same time. I feel hopeful now that I'm banded, so weird to hear pple say man you have lost weight, or my goodness your paints are baggie. It is hard for me to take compliments....but I'm trying!

So thankful for this community and everyones support!


I just wanted to say hello and congrats from one March 16th Bandster to another!

Keep up the good work!!

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Hello All-

I was banded March 17th and am super frustrated. I have not lost one pound! I feel great otherwise. I had my port put threw my belly button and have had no pain from it. I only did liquids for a week and then went mushies. My doc said it was fine. I've tested a few bites of things here and there. bread is a definite no-no for me. I can tell my food content has been cut drastically. I only eat about a quarter of what I use to, but no weight loss yet.

Has anyone else had a slow start?

I had a full liquid diet for about the first 10 days and then the doc said that I could go to soft foods. I have done that for almost a week. In the last week the scale has not moved for me at all. I know that healing is most important. I am getting my first fill on April 14th and look forward to maybe seeing some changes on the scale then. The doc did tell me to up my exercise and heart rate. I am trying to, but still find myself tired in the afternoons. I started the Vitamins again last week and that has helped my energy though. I understand your frustrations though!

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Hello everyone! Today is my one week mark since surgery, feel quite good actually! Been out all day running errands the past two days, a little extra tired at the end of the day, but all helps with a good night's sleep :rolleyes: . My incision spots except for one have healed really well and the one is still a little swollen. So far I am really happy that I took the step to have LB surgery. At this point in time I am so tired of Protein Shakes only !!! I started to prepare for my surgery in my head and physically back in January, meaning I started with one or two Meal Replacements with the Protein Shake. I was strictly on the shakes, crystal lite, and Water the week prior to surgery and will be on the same until April 12th. Hopefully, Dr. will say I can progress on to something else, planning on a vacation trip with several people in the very near future (3 weeks away!). Thanks to reading the posts I have come to know that a nice cup of hot tea really helps in the morning to help me get started with the shakes for the day. I've been doubling up on the Protein per shake because I can just barely get down 2 full 8 oz. shakes in a day plus all the liquids ! Walking does help and look forward to that everyday. I do have a couple of questions for anyone out there that will answer...how soon did anyone have a glass of wine ??? :P and do you think I can every eat sushi again ?? or at least some type of roll?

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Vrt: no wine here. I don't drink. I know it's liquid calories, too, which is generally a no-no with the band (lthough we all know we can induklge at times)

Chocolatebelle, did the chest/shoulder pain happen while you were eating the tuna salad? It sounds more like when I eat a bite and don't chew well enough or it's the wrong consistency (like bread) than leftover gas. It has something to do with the band hitting the phrenic verve. That pain is always a sure sign that I need to put my meal down and STOP, or not eat that food (and actually tuna set it off for me the one time I've eaten it since being banded). The one time I got truly STUCK it lasted for about 90 minutes. Usually it's only a few seconds and hot liquids and tea help relieve it for me.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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