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Any tips to get psyched up for the 6-month diet?

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I see the nut. Wednesday for the 1st of my 6-month supervised diet. I'm really hoping we can cut that down though because I did discuss diet and exercise with my pcp and took phentermine with her for 4 months. So depending on the insurance requirements I may be dieting for 3-6 starting Wed.

I'm trying really hard to psych myself up for this. Some days I do great. I get in the mindframe that I will do great at this, I will eat right and exercise and i'll be the model patient. Then other days (especially PMS days - sorry men!) I feel like I'll never be able to give up the Swiss Cake Rolls and Snickers! I so want to be healthy. Does anyone have advice on how they got themselves into the mindset for starting this new lifestyle?

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Im just diving in head first!! Everyone's style is different, but for me, to think alot about it, just screws with me. I have to say...the 7 months I was required FLEW by sooo fast. I get band in 2 days and I cant believe it. I AM SO NERVOUS. Have a solid plan but dont worry too much

I see the nut. Wednesday for the 1st of my 6-month supervised diet. I'm really hoping we can cut that down though because I did discuss diet and exercise with my pcp and took phentermine with her for 4 months. So depending on the insurance requirements I may be dieting for 3-6 starting Wed.

I'm trying really hard to psych myself up for this. Some days I do great. I get in the mindframe that I will do great at this, I will eat right and exercise and i'll be the model patient. Then other days (especially PMS days - sorry men!) I feel like I'll never be able to give up the Swiss Cake Rolls and Snickers! I so want to be healthy. Does anyone have advice on how they got themselves into the mindset for starting this new lifestyle?

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Since I was self-pay I didn't have to go through a 6-month diet, but I can let you know what worked for me on my pre-op diet. Counseling was the first step. It wasn't required, but I knew it was the right step for me. I found someone who handled food addiction, started going to Overeaters Anonymous meetings and, while I know religion is a very personal thing to everyone, I started praying and meditating when I was feeling weak. The counseling and meetings helped me figure out the root of my food addiction (overeating and poor choices) and the meetings gave me a lot of support. I also looked at my bank statements and calculated that I spent just over $300 a month on fast food, which is a foolish amount of money - how could I justify that when getting the LapBand would essentially pay for itself in about 4 years if I continued on the same path?

Once you start losing weight, it's almost euphoric. I feel stronger mentally knowing that I'm going through the day making positive changes and choices. Every week when I step on my scale and see a lower number, I get excited! As far as food choices go, I'm more enthusiastic about finding recipes and making new meals. I'm still in the "thicker liquid" stage of my post-op diet but I'm having fun making different Soups (I may have to puree them, but they are still delicious!). Tonight I modified a Buffalo chicken Soup recipe I found and it was yummy. I love that I'm eating yummy foods and still seeing the weight loss - that keeps me from feeling like I'm "missing out".

I hope this helps! We all falter, but the best thing you can do is move on after it happens.

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I 100% believe that the 6-month diet was what put me on the path to success (so far). It seems like I did the biggest bulk of retraining myself how to eat during that period so that by the time surgery came, I was in the groove. My doctor put me on Atkins for the 6-month loss and for me, it worked wonders. The first week or so was a bear, but after that the carb cravings really did disappear and I found myself eating healthier and smaller amounts of food. In fact, the only weight-related medication I was taking before the surgery was for cholesterol-- and my pre-op diet alone got me off of those meds.

You will absolutely not be perfect. Don't even bother trying :) For me, I set in my mind that I was going to try to learn to eat in moderation-- the way I wanted to eat for the rest of my life. So even though I was generally low-carbing it, I wasn't insane about it (and I am still not). I asked myself-- am I going to go the rest of my life and never eat dessert again? The answer is no-- but I certainly didn't need dessert every day and even now it isn't really what I'm interested in. I've had dessert (like pie, or a cupcake) maybe a handful of times since surgery because it isn't what has been hard to give up. Pasta, on the other hand, was hard for me so I still have it about once a month or so. How about a hamburger, which really only tastes the way it is supposed to on a bun? Yep-- I've had a hamburger about 3x since surgery with the bun intact. And pizza-- again, about once a month (for several days actually, since a medium thin crust gets me a LOT of meals these days).

No matter what your 6-month diet is, to me, it is most successful when you treat it as an opportunity to start learning new things and not like a hurdle you have to jump to get to the surgery. Treat it sensibly, and think about it as setting the stage for a path you can follow for the rest of your life.

I wish you luck!

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I didn't have to do a 6 month diet, but I've known since November that I was most likely going to have my band removed due to the increasing pain in my shoulder. That scared me, not so much because of the weight...but because I'm a diabetic and was afraid of what would happen if I went back to my old way of eating. The biggest thing that is helping me is that I stopped focusing on weight. I decided that I didn't care whether or not I lost weight, it was more important to focus on my diabetes and do what I needed to get that under control.

Every time I even thought about 'just one bite won't hurt', I realized that as a diabetic, yes it would. When I focused on the weight, it was easier to justify 'one bite won't hurt' because it probably wouldn't...if I had stuck to one bite. As many of us know though, that one bite led to polishing off the container. We know this before we take that one bite but we always believe 'this time' we'll have the self-control to stop...and don't.

So focus on the health benefits and not the weight. I think when we focus on the weight, in the back of our mind we're looking at this as a temporary 'diet'...rather than the way of life it needs to be. The weight loss is just a bonus.

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While the insurance company may see this as a way to discourage you (6 months in my opinion is punitive); personally I think the time presurgery is critically important to your success. If you don't develop a new relationship with food you will fail. Not maybe but absolutely. I'm not being mean spirited. I see posts on this board "I've had surgery two weeks ago and the band did'nt stop me from eating a big mac this afternoon." No it won't. And, yes I have read at least twice of people eating big macs within weeks of surgery.

If your doctor does not have mindful eating/group therapy sessions on food habits then find one on your own. I recommend that it be run by a psychologist and not just a support group like over eaters anon.

What foods do you eat mindlessly? By that I mean if you eat directly out of the package and have more than 2-3 bites it is mindless. For me it's Cereal, crackers, baked potato chips, mini rice cakes. Those things may not seem bad but eating 1/2 box of lucky charms (not exagerating) is not good. Now is the time to give up those foods. And I do mean give them up. I don't keep crackers in my house. If I go to a party after I've had Protein I can have 2-3 crackers but that's it.

I may sound unbending but I have to look at some foods like an alcoholic looks at their favorite alcohol. Though yes I do know that I can have 2 crackes whereas an alcoholic can't have even one drink.

One thing about those monthly meeting with the doctor's office is you don't want to have gained any weight. It does keep you honest.

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I had to Waite 12 months,,, The only thing I can tell you is stay focused, look forward to Dr.'s appointments for getting weighed, and for what ever your there for "could be a lot of different reasons" and stick to your goal. If they tell you to back of, because you have lost to much weight, and could be disqualified. Then believe that's true, and do what they suggest.

Good Health to you.


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Stay focused!!!! Stay focused!!! Stay focused!!!! It is super hard, but you have to do it. Keep in mind the big picture. The longterm result. How you are going to look and feel when it is all over! Think of that perfect outfit that you would like to ultimately fit into. Then re-picture it whenever you want to cheat. That my help. Just remember to get the help of a Registered Dietician. This is crucial. It is imperative that you are tought how to eat properly. By this I mean how and what to eat to fit "YOUR" lifestyle! This will help you in the long run. I saw a Dietician every two weeks (yes, every two weeks) for almost 2 years on my own. I had made up my mind that I needed help with loosing weight and eating the right way. I paid for this cash out of my pocket. This was not a requirement of the program!! Finally after a year and a half of doing this and loosing weight, I realized that I was in a slump. I had plateaud! I was stuck at a certain weight and could not get past the hump. That is when i seriously started thinking about the LapBand. I did my 6 supervised weight loss visits with a physician, the psych evaluation, etc. I was approved for surgery and actually banded 4 days ago on March 10th!! As I sit here, I am still amazed that I have actually done it. I am actually banded!!! Yeah. A relative asked me yesterday if I was regretful of doing this since I was having dicscomfort from surgery right now. I certainly and quickly said "absolutely not"!! I know that this has all been worth it and look forward to the journey ahead. I can't wait to see the new me in a few months. Long story short.....DON"T give up!!! You too can do it. As for the PMS interfering with your mind set...it only last a few days. Try not to let it sabatoge you. PMS is horrible and cruel, both mentally and physically! You can do it. Take care and good luck! :)

I see the nut. Wednesday for the 1st of my 6-month supervised diet. I'm really hoping we can cut that down though because I did discuss diet and exercise with my pcp and took phentermine with her for 4 months. So depending on the insurance requirements I may be dieting for 3-6 starting Wed.

I'm trying really hard to psych myself up for this. Some days I do great. I get in the mindframe that I will do great at this, I will eat right and exercise and i'll be the model patient. Then other days (especially PMS days - sorry men!) I feel like I'll never be able to give up the Swiss Cake Rolls and Snickers! I so want to be healthy. Does anyone have advice on how they got themselves into the mindset for starting this new lifestyle?

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I was thinking,,, when I was first weighed 338lbs, my surgeon asked me what size did I want to get down to with the band. I told him I'm not ever gonna be bikini material, he chuckled. I said I'm over 50, so I don't have to be a size 2 wright? He agreed, and told me a size 2 is a unrealistic goal. I'm not interested in that. Your Not???? NO ! Well what size would you like?

I said if I could get down to a 14 that would be great. Good enough for my age. I asked is that possible. He said O,,,, absolutely ! Really yep the time will come when we will get you down.

Well I am starting from scratch, and now that everything is o.k.. I will meet that goal. I know it because I got down to a 16, and was in between sizes, when this goofed up. So now that it's in good shape, and i seen the band for myself under fluoroscopy, also great restriction... I know my reach is not out of sight.

Just stay focused on what you really want. (REALISTICALLY) I know I have the same battle as you, but this is one day at a time, and I have cloths that are cute, and I have never took the tags of. Because I new I would get this strait, and get a chance to hit my goal.

So stay in touch with reality.

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You guys are the best! This is exactly the stuff I needed to hear. I am PMSing today but I so far I have stayed away from the chocolate and instead have been eating a lot of Protein and fruit. I have some ff ss pudding waiting in the fridge for after dinner when it gets really bad.

I'm looking forward to meeting the nutritionist Wednesday. I have never been to one except for when I was pregnant and having problems from losing too much weight. (Yeah, those were the days!) So YES I can do this!

But I bet there will be days when I don't think so. That's when I'm going to come here and cry on all of your shoulders and you'll tell me this stuff again and I'll get through it. So THANKS! You guys rock!!! biggrin.gif

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My main advice would be stay focused and keep your eye on the prize. The 6-month diet is annoying BUT it's worth it in the end. I was so excited on my last visit and skipped out of there with the paper in my hand. Good luck with everything!!

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That's what were here for!! :) Good luck!

You guys are the best! This is exactly the stuff I needed to hear. I am PMSing today but I so far I have stayed away from the chocolate and instead have been eating a lot of Protein and fruit. I have some ff ss pudding waiting in the fridge for after dinner when it gets really bad.

I'm looking forward to meeting the nutritionist Wednesday. I have never been to one except for when I was pregnant and having problems from losing too much weight. (Yeah, those were the days!) So YES I can do this!

But I bet there will be days when I don't think so. That's when I'm going to come here and cry on all of your shoulders and you'll tell me this stuff again and I'll get through it. So THANKS! You guys rock!!! biggrin.gif

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The worst part of the visit was that they TOOK PICTURES! ohmy.gif From the front, the side AND the back! Yikes.

Other than that I got the information on the pre-op diet and the post-op diet. They recommend Oh Yeah Protein powder. I haven't tried it yet. But she said Muscle Milk would be OK too. I have to keep a food journal and go back in a month. I have to do a sleep study (darn it), and I have my psych scheduled for 2 weeks. So this ball is rolling!smile.gif

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Muscle Milk is kinda nasty.....so I talked to my son, a body builder, about Protein Drinks and he agreed that Muscle Milk is GROSS! However, I bought pre-mixed strawberry & Cream Muscle Milk and totally LOVE the flavor; the chocolate one was AWFUL!!! He also made me (in the blender) the most Fabulous Protein drink: he mixed chocolate Protein Powder, fat free milk, some banana, and some peanut butter....Wow...it knocked my socks off! Plus he had that drink made for him at a gym once and it was over $6 for a little cup of it......and it makes a ton....TRY it.....it sure changed my opinion of protein drinks! Hopes this helps! God bless

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Muscle Milk is kinda nasty.....so I talked to my son, a body builder, about Protein drinks and he agreed that Muscle Milk is GROSS! However, I bought pre-mixed strawberry & Cream Muscle Milk and totally LOVE the flavor; the chocolate one was AWFUL!!! He also made me (in the blender) the most Fabulous Protein drink: he mixed chocolate protein powder, fat free milk, some banana, and some Peanut Butter....Wow...it knocked my socks off! Plus he had that drink made for him at a gym once and it was over $6 for a little cup of it......and it makes a ton....TRY it.....it sure changed my opinion of protein drinks! Hopes this helps! God bless

You're the first person I've heard that said Muscle Milk is nasty. Personally I hate strawberry flavored drinks. Oh well. I'll just try them both in hope I like one of them. As far as the Peanut Butter and banana - that sounds excellent. But wouldn't that put the calories above the limit for the liquid diet?

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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