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I was banded yesterday, and am having THE WORST time. The doctor said my liver was enormous, which I'm guessing means he had to beat the hell out of me during the operation. I'm in so much pain, my entire diaphram hurts so bad I am struggling to breathe. I did the liquid diet for 3 weeks, lost over 20 pounds... why then was my liver 'large'? He told me in such a disappointed and somewhat disgusted fashion.

I'm sitting here tonight after the worst night of my life last night in the hospital with no sleep, in agony, wondering if this is all normal. I'm having trouble peeing, and I have 5 holes in my stomach, a bruise the size of an orange above my belly button, and I swear I can feel the band under the swollen lump above the giant bruise. I cough and it hurts like no other. I've had several surgeries in life, but this... has to be the worst. I feel so full of air that I might pop, it hurts so bad even into my back that I can't get comfortable.

The nurses were superb at being bitches to me, and I got in trouble for being thirsty, and 'drinking to much'. HUH???? What the f*cking HELL!!!! She said I could displace the band if I drank too much. Are you kidding me? I've been sipping all day but feel so full that it's hard to do even that. I'm down right thirsty. I have no nausea though.. Thank God for small miracles. Is any of this normal? I'm in absolute AGONY....

Do people really go get this done and pop out like some track star on steroids??? Cuz I feel like the shit on a shoe and am scared to death, not to mention exhausted from just breathing.

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I was banded yesterday, and am having THE WORST time. The doctor said my liver was enormous, which I'm guessing means he had to beat the hell out of me during the operation. I'm in so much pain, my entire diaphram hurts so bad I am struggling to breathe. I did the liquid diet for 3 weeks, lost over 20 pounds... why then was my liver 'large'? He told me in such a disappointed and somewhat disgusted fashion.

I'm sitting here tonight after the worst night of my life last night in the hospital with no sleep, in agony, wondering if this is all normal. I'm having trouble peeing, and I have 5 holes in my stomach, a bruise the size of an orange above my belly button, and I swear I can feel the band under the swollen lump above the giant bruise. I cough and it hurts like no other. I've had several surgeries in life, but this... has to be the worst. I feel so full of air that I might pop, it hurts so bad even into my back that I can't get comfortable.

The nurses were superb at being bitches to me, and I got in trouble for being thirsty, and 'drinking to much'. HUH???? What the f*cking HELL!!!! She said I could displace the band if I drank too much. Are you kidding me? I've been sipping all day but feel so full that it's hard to do even that. I'm down right thirsty. I have no nausea though.. Thank God for small miracles. Is any of this normal? I'm in absolute AGONY....

Do people really go get this done and pop out like some track star on steroids??? Cuz I feel like the shit on a shoe and am scared to death, not to mention exhausted from just breathing.

Sorry you're having trouble. The first few days after surgery are the worst.

A lot of what you're feeling is perfectly normal. Different people feel post-surgery pain more than others, but I don't think anyone does any "track star" stuff, although it may seem like it. As your swelling goes down, a lot of your pain will ease. If your surgeon had such a time with band placement due to your liver size, you're naturally going to be more sore than someone with a smaller liver. And think about it - you did a three week liquid diet, so how much larger was your liver initially? It may have been really big. So you're better off for having done that diet. I recall that the liver only shrinks by about 10% from the diet.

The five holes is normal. I had two hernias repaired when my band was placed, and I ended up with 13 incision sites. That was kind of a shock. I had interns who assisted in the surgery coming in to count my incisions. I felt at times like they wanted to autograph them or something. :)

Having trouble peeing is also normal, as a side effect of the anesthetic they use during surgery. Within a few days you'll be able to go like before. I can't imagine the nurses saying not to sip Water. That was beaten into me from my first conscious thoughts after I woke up.

Walking will help dissipate the gas, and relieve the pain. I did hourly laps around the hospital floor, and laps around my house after I got home. It was uncomfortable, but within a few days the gas was gone, and with it went most of the pain. Gas-X strips helped me out.

If you're feeling the urge to cough, try to do so. You may have Fluid in your lungs from the anesthetic, and the sooner you get rid of it, the sooner you'll be able to breathe easier.

Sincerely wishing you a speedy recovery. Stay strong.


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I was banded yesterday, and am having THE WORST time. The doctor said my liver was enormous, which I'm guessing means he had to beat the hell out of me during the operation. I'm in so much pain, my entire diaphram hurts so bad I am struggling to breathe. I did the liquid diet for 3 weeks, lost over 20 pounds... why then was my liver 'large'? He told me in such a disappointed and somewhat disgusted fashion.

I'm sitting here tonight after the worst night of my life last night in the hospital with no sleep, in agony, wondering if this is all normal. I'm having trouble peeing, and I have 5 holes in my stomach, a bruise the size of an orange above my belly button, and I swear I can feel the band under the swollen lump above the giant bruise. I cough and it hurts like no other. I've had several surgeries in life, but this... has to be the worst. I feel so full of air that I might pop, it hurts so bad even into my back that I can't get comfortable.

The nurses were superb at being bitches to me, and I got in trouble for being thirsty, and 'drinking to much'. HUH???? What the f*cking HELL!!!! She said I could displace the band if I drank too much. Are you kidding me? I've been sipping all day but feel so full that it's hard to do even that. I'm down right thirsty. I have no nausea though.. Thank God for small miracles. Is any of this normal? I'm in absolute AGONY....

Do people really go get this done and pop out like some track star on steroids??? Cuz I feel like the shit on a shoe and am scared to death, not to mention exhausted from just breathing.

Hi- It's 2:30 AM and I can't sleep either. I was banded yesterday and am "enjoying" the symptoms you are I keep telling myself "this too shall pass" and know hat it is worth it. Pain can have such an enormous impact on our psyche. Our bodies have been through so much and are letting us know that, and dealing wih it is all we can think off. The main difference between you and me is that I had wonderful surgeons and staff. No defeating comments, only encouragement, so I hope I can offer you just a litttle, if any. Walking has helped tremendously (even at 2:00 in the morning) and so has the gas-x strips. Are you taking anything for pain? One of the best things I do for thrist are sugar free popsicles. It instanly relieves my dry mouth as well as hydrates me--slowly-. I have a hard time not gulping when I feel so thirsty. My nurse did tell me NOT to lie down, even though I was looking forward to coming home after surgery and climbing in my clean sheets. I have tried the heating pad, but after a short while it seems more irritating than sooothing.

I hope it helps to know you have support here on the forum. You have taken a heroic step to getting healthier, so never forget that. Ihad my gall bkladder out 15 years ago and have five additionl to the four I previously had. Thnak goodness I never plan on getting into a bikini, much to my husbands disappointment

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Welcome to Band land!<br>I was sore and nauseated for a couple of days(sore for two weeks) post op and got depressed and wondered what the hell possessed me to do this to myself. I didn't want to drink and got a lecture from the nurse saying i would not be allowed to go home, i was quite alright with that but the doctor was keen to discharge me. I did stay overnight as scheduled, thank goodness but could have done with a second night in that hospital bed with its raised back rest. Slept in my recliner for 2 nights at home. Then things started to improve, the pain receded and the swelling reduced and I could manage fluids and some Soup. <br>6 months later and 27kg lighter i couldn't be happier. I am healthier and fitter and feel <i>soooo</i> much better. Getting the band is one of the best decisions i have made. It takes a while to get to the point of appreciation. I don't have insatiable hunger anymore and continue to loose weight slowly, i am getting there and it is great and only going to get better. I have a way to go yet. It is not all smooth sailing, but hang in there and you will reach your destination.<br>Good luck and hope you feel better soon.

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Thank you all for the support. More than anything I think I needed that these last 2 days. This morning was still tough, up most of the night, but my husband went and bought me some Gas X when the stores opened. BIG HELP!!! I already feel so much better. I'm gonna mention that to the Doctor next time I see him. He might wanna put that on the 'buy before surgery paper'.

I'm getting ready to go for a walk, and am learning to SIP. I've always been a chugger. No more of that. The heating pad has really helped and laying down this morning got the gas out of my diaphram.I FARTED!!! YAY!!! I hadn't laid down much since the surgery, just walked the halls in the hospital all night long and sat for 3 hours in the car upright, then up all day at home.

Today is a new day, and I've recognized my psychological hunger for what it is, as I'm not feeling the least bit physically hungry. I went through some of that while on the liquid diet as well. I am excited about this and though maybe not completely prepared for it's difficulties, have waited 6 years to get to this point. It's the beginning of a VERY BIG set of goals.

In the first two weeks on the liquid diet I had already dropped all the insulin and 7 diabetes pills. So I know I am committed, as the lap band didn't do that for me, I did.

I'm glad there is a place I can come to talk to people about this. Although my family is supportive, they can't possibly be understanding much, and I am a fairly private person, bordering on shame regarding my weight and health, so I don't discuss it with friends or people I know. Here is a place I don't have to feel ashamed.

Again, Thank you!! I know... it works if you work it!!!


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You know I think everyone heals different. I was fine th first 24hours after surgery it was when I tried to eat yogurt that I got really sick and started hurting so bad! My third day was the absolute worse I remember telling my husband I did not think it was worth it! But 38lbs later I feel completely different about that statement.

There are so many trials and triumph's I think my husband put it best last night....It took you how long to put on the weight and you've lost 38lbs since Dec thats not bad.

I was soar after my second fill too where the first was fine. Others have said they were not soar at all!

Keep your head held high. Its a journey with many different roads ahead!

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There's no reason for the doctor to look at you like you did something wrong... and the nurses as well. That is so unprofessional. They need to get off their high horses and LISTEN - read between the lines to see if there's a serious problem. Like being dehydrated. If you are not getting enough liquids, they need to put that IV back in your arm so you can deal with the ice chips and not feel dehydrated.

You're not gonna want to hear this, but - You need to get up and walk to get that gas out. It will be released through your skin. The more you walk the better. I was up and walking about an hour after surgery while all my CELL MATES didn't. I was the only one without the gas pain. It'll make you feel better, I promise! Force yourself to do so!

Good Luck.

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Bren, I'm glad you're feeling better. For as awful as those first few days can be, the recovery happens pretty quickly. It's like a house of cards, and once something changes, there is a lot of effect on all sides. Just keep your head in the game, and use your common sense. You'll be back to (new) normal in a very short time.

I'm really glad the Gas-X helped. I'm surprised more surgeons don't recommend it. Even if it doesn't help too much physically, the placebo effect can make you feel better. ;)

One thing I got that helped me sleep better at home was one of those bed-wedge pillows. I could lay it flat, and sleep slightly inclined. Then when I wanted to sit up, I could flip it around so it leaned back against the headboard. It made a world of difference in my sleep quality.

Wishing you continued smooth recovery.


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    • mamabear30106

      I started my 10 day pre op diet yesterday I need flavor!! I'm not big on the chocolate protein shakes so I just got to use up what I have was thinking about freezing it to make it like a ice cream so its something I can chew a little. Idk this is hard but I know I can do it just need to find new things to try 
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      1. JennyBeez

        You can try. I've read other people have had good results with protein-shake popsicles, etc. My personal experience with it? Sucked.

        I tried making 'fudgesicles' with a couple different flavors of a premade shake, as well as a protein powder I blended myself and all of them came out revolting? The powder ones, all the protein sunk to the middle; the premade shakes, the popsicle had a disgusting texture and the protein seemed to leave a weird fluffy film on the outside? I couldn't stomach it.

        Maybe look into flavoring additives? I was able to have sugar-free coffee /soda syrup flavorings, sugar-free drink flavorings and baking additives like almond, rum or pepperment extract. The extracts helped me the most as they added no extra sweetener.

        On the other hand, if you can get your hands on an unflavored/unsweetened protein powder, the syrup flavorings are perfect. I love to use Boost "Just Protein" (which is unflavored) with milk and a Chai-flavored sugarfree syrup.

        Good luck!

    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
      · 3 replies
      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

        This is a place to feel safe to vent, seek advice, hopefully without judgement.

        Compassion goes a long way :)

      2. BabySpoons

        Seems it would be more compassionate not to perform a WLS on someone until they are mentally ready for it. Unless of course they are on death's door...

      3. JennyBeez

        I'm really grateful for the pre-op clinic team I had, tbh. They had wonderful suggestions starting with a year prior to surgery -- one asked me if I thought I could give up carbonation for a month in prep, for example. A month of food journalling well before the surgery was scheduled, so we could go over places where improvements could be made after surgery, etc.

        It really makes me wonder about the pre-op education and support that some clinics have. I can see coming on to vent about having trouble with these things, but some people do seem legitimately surprised by some of the answers they get. My aunt, for one, was looking at a clinic in Mexico (cause she doesn't qualify for the ones here in Ontario/Canada) and they basically made it sound like the surgery would do all the work for her and she could carry on eating as normal, just with smaller portion sizes. :S

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
      · 2 replies
      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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