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Can you feel your port?

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Hi! I'm new here. Just got banded on March 4th ,2011. Now that I am feeling better I have been pushing around feeling for my port. I thought I should be able to feel it but cannot. Is this normal? Can you feel your port?

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I can only feel my port if I really push to find it, otherwise, no I do not feel it at all. I am surprised you can feel it since you are out only about a week because of some swelling as things heal. Your Dr. must have done a great job of hiding it, as long as he/she can find it when you need an adjustment.:rolleyes:

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I couldn't feel mine for awhile after surgery. I was too tender to even try for about 4 weeks :) I am now 14 1/2 weeks post op and can feel my port easily. Good luck on your journey!

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I've always been able to feel mine. Even though it hurt to do so after surgery, but I just needed to know that it was there. LOL.

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I keep telling myself I must have a great surgeon who hid it well like u say. But after reading this forum and all the flipped ports and lost port posts it has me a little concerned that it is too easy to flip it and I worry about it. I chase two small toddlers around all day by myself and the youngest is just slightly over my 20lbs restriction. The 3 year old is over 30lbs and I wish I could say I haven't picked her up but I had to a couple of times. So that's why I'm so worried.

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Banded: Had my two week post op visit yesterday. Doctor told me that some surgeons attach the port to a wire mesh square that he'll attach to the muscle wall. My doc attached mine directly on the muscle... with talon like things. Yick, but he said that the mesh ones are doing the flipping. His don't. My port area was sore and "pinching" mostly the first week when walking. MUCH better now. And, yes, I can feel mine, but I have to look for it.

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I can feel mine, pretty easily, in fact that worries me. If I press, less than an inch, I can feel it. So I am worried that it is going to be extremely visable once I lose weight (Not that I planning on ever wearing a bikini..LOL) But I don't like the fact that I can easily feel it. Maybe there is a lot of fat behind it?

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Lol, my hopes for you are that in a few months you'll be posting about how you can feel it and/or see it. I was always pear shaped and didnt carry all that much weight on my stomach, and I got banded at a BMI of 35, so I could always feel mine.

Nowadays, my BMI is 19. It shows thorugh clothing. You can actually see the bubble on top of the port and the tubing as well. It looks hideous, lol. My band is unfilled, has been for months and I'm going to have a scar on my tummy for an ileostomy closure anyway soon so I'm consideirng having the port moved to under the muscle and having another small scar. The doc says its not very easy access there and they dont like to do it, but Its ot looking like I'm not going to have to refill my band anyhow, have had no trouble maintaining my weight without fill.

Truth is though I'm not so worried by it, I look so good dressed that I'm not really that worried about what I look like naked, I wore a bikini with pride 10kg ago but I'm pushing 44 now and probably wont put one on again anyhow so not sure I'll bother.

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I don't know if it's. I also carry most my weight in my bottom and legs. I was 34.3%body fat at my consult. The nurse pract actually said to me " wow your waist is tiny". I Haven't heard that in a long long time. That was prior to pre op diet and surgery. I have my first appt. on Apr. 1 and I guess I'll just find out then. I'll be worried until. Will update once I know. :)

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I can feel mine but it isn't prominent.......

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Hey All!

I haven't posted in a long time. Hope all is well with my fellow band-sisters!! I'm like Jachut, my port is protruding like a tumor. My BMI is down to 22. Of all the things I considered with having the surgery I NEVER considered the port being exposed like this. Not only is it rather unsightly in my opinion but it's uncomfortable to sleep on. I am a person who sleeps on my side/stomach. I am really relieved to get on here and see others having the same issue and it's not just me. Still not sure what can be done about it. No matter what I'd rather have this problem that the one I had before though - 228lbs!! LOL. Congratulations on everyone's weight loss success!

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I just got banded on the 10th of March 2011, and I can't feel my port either. I keep trying to feel for it but I don't seem to feel it. That is the reason why I joined this site to get some feed back. Of course I will be calling my doctor's office tomorrow. Who did your banding? and where?


Hi! I'm new here. Just got banded on March 4th ,2011. Now that I am feeling better I have been pushing around feeling for my port. I thought I should be able to feel it but cannot. Is this normal? Can you feel your port?

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How long does it take for full recovery? I don't want to make the mistake to go back to work and feel uneasy or light headed, etc.

I couldn't feel mine for awhile after surgery. I was too tender to even try for about 4 weeks :) I am now 14 1/2 weeks post op and can feel my port easily. Good luck on your journey!

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Lol, my hopes for you are that in a few months you'll be posting about how you can feel it and/or see it. I was always pear shaped and didnt carry all that much weight on my stomach, and I got banded at a BMI of 35, so I could always feel mine.

Nowadays, my BMI is 19. It shows thorugh clothing. You can actually see the bubble on top of the port and the tubing as well. It looks hideous, lol. My band is unfilled, has been for months and I'm going to have a scar on my tummy for an ileostomy closure anyway soon so I'm consideirng having the port moved to under the muscle and having another small scar. The doc says its not very easy access there and they dont like to do it, but Its ot looking like I'm not going to have to refill my band anyhow, have had no trouble maintaining my weight without fill.

Truth is though I'm not so worried by it, I look so good dressed that I'm not really that worried about what I look like naked, I wore a bikini with pride 10kg ago but I'm pushing 44 now and probably wont put one on again anyhow so not sure I'll bother.

Is yours under your muscle or under your stomach? My doc said he sewed mine under the muscle. I can feel it but by no means does it stick out (I carry my weight in my midsection). The only thing I've ever done with a bikini is move it out of the way for the one piece :-)

Congrats on your sucess.

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        All I can tell you is that for me, it got easier after the first week. The hunger pains got less intense and I kind of got used to it and gave up torturing myself by thinking about food. But if you can, get anything tempting out of the house and avoid being around people who are eating. I sent my kids to my parents' house for two weeks so I wouldn't have to prepare meals I couldn't eat. After surgery, the hunger was totally gone.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Congrats on the surgery!

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