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Ok Gang - Till they find our thread - Here's a new one !!!!!

It's Official - I have transfer addiction - Shopping !!!!!

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Went to Sam's today and just finished cleaning and packaging up all the chicken breast -- now need to eat -- will cbl -- glad you started a new thread Janet. I'm lost without it.


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Went to Sam's today and just finished cleaning and packaging up all the chicken breast -- now need to eat -- will cbl -- glad you started a new thread Janet. I'm lost without it.


Well I think we got hacked per Phyl's email - I don't get notifications so I don't know what she's talking about - I posted last night around 8ish maybe later not sure.. I p.m. Alex this morning and have had emails from him and another adminstrator Ken S. - So maybe they will figure it out.. How stupid to hack into my mentor thread - Screw the hacker ...

I have a theory as to what may have happened. The last notification I got was an extremely negative blast from someone I never heard of before saying Dr. Fielding was negligent, that 1/3 of all bands have to be removed, etc., etc. When I click on any of the links from several threads I get notifications for… the site that pulls up has the LBT header but says “an error has occurred” and you can’t go anywhere. So…. I think whoever posted that last post hacked in to the LBT site and “blew it up”!!

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Well I think we got hacked per Phyl's email - I don't get notifications so I don't know what she's talking about - I posted last night around 8ish maybe later not sure.. I p.m. Alex this morning and have had emails from him and another adminstrator Ken S. - So maybe they will figure it out.. How stupid to hack into my mentor thread - Screw the hacker ...

I have a theory as to what may have happened. The last notification I got was an extremely negative blast from someone I never heard of before saying Dr. Fielding was negligent, that 1/3 of all bands have to be removed, etc., etc. When I click on any of the links from several threads I get notifications for… the site that pulls up has the LBT header but says "an error has occurred" and you can't go anywhere. So…. I think whoever posted that last post hacked in to the LBT site and "blew it up"!!

I agree. I am so glad you started a new thread. The kids had a little birthday party for me. I had a half of a hamburger patty and yes, a piece of cake. I left the leftover cake at my DD's. It was so nice to see the kids get along so well and my teenage DGDs came too. Now I have the grand baby with me while my DD listens to a coupon guru tell the "ins and outs" of shopping with coupons. I'm kinda getting in to it too.

I am glad you are not sick. We have so many "gang" members going through trial and tribulation. Prayers and HUGS for everyone!

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Your Bday is 3/8 so this was just an early celebration - Enjoy the cake - I did on my Bday for 2 days 2 pieces one day and 1 the next w/sf ice cream - then the cake when in the trash..

I use to do coupons - Ralph's & Von's would double them and you can save $$$ if they are things you buy - but for the most part I don't buy the kinds of food they have coupons on - They don't give them for fish, fresh veggies and fruit ;0)..

And when I do clip them - I forget them at home LOL

Nope Charlene not sick - just sick of typing some day LOL... Some days I have great stuff to say and then other days I'm sorta brain dead..

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This site is really messed up.... but the new thread is just fine with me..... glad you did it Janet.....

I can't go shopping anymore unless they have a motorized cart for me to ride.. I'm too weak to walk that much... I never did like shopping anyway!!

Hope all are well and ready for a great Sunday.... Hugs......... Julie

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This site is really messed up.... but the new thread is just fine with me..... glad you did it Janet.....

I can't go shopping anymore unless they have a motorized cart for me to ride.. I'm too weak to walk that much... I never did like shopping anyway!!

Hope all are well and ready for a great Sunday.... Hugs......... Julie

I think you may have found a doctor that is looking at the whole picture. I know you must be exhausted. Please keep us informed on your progress. Love ya Bunches!

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Yipee a new thread!!

Janet, I'm with you on the coupon thing. They rarely have coupons for stuff I buy. I do buy stuff on sale, like coffee, or canned chilies. Just depends on what the deal is.

Glad we have a new thread.

Charlene, I'm not getting cards made for people's B-days, so you may get a canned card....if you get a card....I'm not doing so well with that either.

I'm happy for Lori and her new Grandbaby. Best wishes to her.

Apples's son is having his 30th birthday party today. Happy birthday to him too.

Hi everyone. Have a good weekend.


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Good Morning Gang...

Wadda think should we keep this thread or go back to our original ;0) it's back - got deleted by accident - since I don't get notifications I didn't see the nasty email from whomever sent it..

Not much to report other than my Revelation of being a shopping addict... Ate dinner - it didn't include pt LOL - but was only 140 calories well add 100 for butter - grits !!! They were really good and I was full wasn't hungry for meat - didn't have any out anyway.

Went to bed early 9 p.m. have gym nails this morning and Target but only items I need like veggies wash soap etc.. No Shopping for me ;0)

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Good Morning Gang...

Wadda think should we keep this thread or go back to our original ;0) it's back - got deleted by accident - since I don't get notifications I didn't see the nasty email from whomever sent it..

Not much to report other than my Revelation of being a shopping addict... Ate dinner - it didn't include pt LOL - but was only 140 calories well add 100 for butter - grits !!! They were really good and I was full wasn't hungry for meat - didn't have any out anyway.

Went to bed early 9 p.m. have gym nails this morning and Target but only items I need like veggies wash soap etc.. No Shopping for me ;0)

I like having a new one, but will go with the gang. I am off to church. We have the Lord's Supper(communion) this morning....gotta get it ready. Later!

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Let me know which thread we are sticking to! LOL. Here is my post from the old one...

Hey everyone!

Sorry I have been remiss in posting. Just so darn busy! Sometimes life gets in the way of LBT. ; ) Well, and sometimes LBT gets in the way of LBT! (Apology accepted by the admin. So much better to hear them admit their faults then try and hide them!) : ) My parents left Friday around noon. It was sooooooooo sad saying goodbye. I stood their watching them take off with tears strolling down my face. One of the airport workers (who has known my dad for 15 years) came and just hugged me. It was really sweet. My Dad has a really positive outlook (even though his dr is cautiously optimistic) My mom is worried but hides it mostly. They really enjoyed the week here- it was warm, pool was heated and we swam almost every day. It was so nice that they came to school with me to Celebrate Nels' birthday with his class. Memories. I can honestly say that growing up I don't think my dad ever came to my school ONCE, ever. He was so busy working (owned his own company which was a textile mill that worked all 3 shifts- so he was always there checking on things). It's just the way it was. Just cherished the whole week.

Saturday was baseball game for Nels. Then came home, cooked dinner and then went for a bike ride with Nels. Today DH is on call- had to go in to do a hip replacement. Not sure why that is scheduled as emergency on a Sunday morning! Again, gotta roll with the punches.

I am so behind on posts. I will comment to the last couple pages. Sorry if I missed something.

Lori~ CONGRATS on becoming a Grandma!!! I saw the pic on FB! What a cutie! I can't believe how big she is! (and how worried we were she would come so early). Hope your DD is doing ok. How is she after the fall? What about GB? How long will you stay there? Enjoy every moment! Soak up those baby smells and grunting sounds!

Cheri~ OMG. I am so so sorry to hear about your daughter! Just terrible news. It sounds like she can be a fighter when she wants to be and I am praying she finds all the strength. One thing you have to tell her is that oncologists in general are very cautious about their optimism, even when there is nothing to worry about. Only way I can describe it is they would rather you be prepared for the worst and surprised and thankful if it is good. Everyone in the medical field likes to focus on all the risks, not the benefits. (and I know b/c I have to do it too). I will keep you guys in my prayers.

Phyl~ I hope you get the appts lined up with your drs. Sometimes pending the medical clearance, they will hold a surgical date for you. Just really explain the timeline you have (sometimes talking to the office manager helps). Yes, it seems that you have been watching what this knee will do for long enough. That is an a-ha moment when you did the walk last year- and had to ride this year. hugs.

Janet~ hey you! How's the 5 day shopping thing working for ya? LMAO. BTW, you can't start a 5 day and say except for...blah blah blah bras. That's like me saying, I will do the 5 day pouch test, except for the ENTIRE cheesecake I will eat for dinner on day 3. LOL.

Apples~ Glad you made it home safely. : ) How did the birthday dinner go?! Tell DS happy birthday!!! Have you unpacked and settled back to the cold? If you need anymore sunshine breaks- come to FL!!!

Eva~ Did you survive your speech in Spanish? You are one busy gal with work and school and yard and such!

Julie~ I missed the low HGB comment. Hope you are ok. What's going on?

Mere~ Congrats on the nephew! Saw his photo on FB, what an adorable baby! So you did the 5DPT? You are still unfilled, right? I desperately want to start filling back (I have only like 4cc in). Yesterday I was able to eat a slice of thin crust pizza (from real pizza place made super thin) at lunch time. Even with my unfill, I haven't been able to eat Pizza Crust. Is ur dr going to repeat the xray- or see how you do?

OK guys, gotta get going. This post took longer than I thought. : ) I will CBL.........peasout..Laura

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It's weird not seeing page 852 or whatever. I like this thread too and it's close enough to the old one. I do understand the old one has some good info on it, but I think a lot of people won't go back and read 800 pages. Of course someone will tell me I'm wrong and that they have done that.

Laura, glad your Dad is still optimistic. I think attitude is a big part of the battle. You know my parents never came to any of my functions except a parade or two (I was in marching band). I don't think our parents did that sort of thing because none of my friends' parents ever came to their functions either.

So to any of you that think I'm really busy...it's generally not true....I just sound that way. Life is good, very good and I keep myself entertained...that's the secret.

Janet, you a shop-a-holic? naw....you just like stuff and are in a position to enjoy it. I love to shop on vacation. It's one of my favorite things to do, just not usually for clothes. That may change one of these days.

Okay, I have to change the font on my autocad drawings....no big deal. Have a great day!

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Morning everyone. I don't get notifications either so didn't get that rant -- I don't care about which thread we use -- either is fine with me. As long as I can find it, I'm happy.

Just got Bryan's b-day cake in oven - having family here for his 22nd b-day celebration (his is March 8 too). Making chicken piccata, rice, broccoli and the cake. He wanted a rich chocolate cake with choc. chips in it so found a recipe -- I won't be sampling it - has 5 eggs and a cup of melted butter in it - -a bundt cake -- he can take all the leftovers over to his friend's house where he hangs out. But even if it's here it won't bother me -- stuff like that just doesn't interest me that much -- I'd rather gorge ont he chicken piccata and rice. LOL.

Little Katelyn is so gorgous -- sounds like it wasn't too difficult of a delivery - so happy for you Lori and the family -- now you can get down to spoiling that sweet grandbaby. You're going to love it!

Laura, sounds like your parents are coping pretty well -- happy they spent the week with you -- good for them too -- you didn't mention your sister -- did she stay back home this time? I hope so -- they probably needed a good break away from each other too. Some old person must have fallen for your DH to have to do an emergency hip. Hope your DH is home by now. I know my surgery was rather quick - I think it only took about an hour.

Apples, hope DS's party went well - give us the details -- glad you made it home in time. It's a nice day here -- sunny so far and 28 degrees - yesterday was windy and cold with little bit of snow flurries - nothing stuck but just chilly. I'm more than ready for spring.

Gotta get going -- need to hit the gym and then Aylah is coming over early to help decorate the bday cake.

LOL Janet on giving up shopping - good luck.


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Good Afternoon everyone (Well here on the east coast anyway) LOL I am happy with keeping this thread. Just let me know, but I actually get the notifications so I am good with any thread as long as I get to talk to you all.

Love to everyone

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Morning everyone. I don't get notifications either so didn't get that rant -- I don't care about which thread we use -- either is fine with me. As long as I can find it, I'm happy.

Just got Bryan's b-day cake in oven - having family here for his 22nd b-day celebration

Laura, sounds like your parents are coping pretty well -- happy they spent the week with you -- good for them too -- you didn't mention your sister -- did she stay back home this time? I hope so -- they probably needed a good break away from each other too. Some old person must have fallen for your DH to have to do an emergency hip. Hope your DH is home by now. I know my surgery was rather quick - I think it only took about an hour.



Hope you have a nice bday celebration! The cake sounds yummy.

Yes, you guessed correctly- my sister stayed home. They wanted her to take care of the cats and mom had a new dishwasher being delivered. She also started a 6 hr/week job. Yes, you heard me right- 6 hrs. OMW. She is a licensed insurance agent, believe it or not- the guy who hired her is cheap, owns his own agency, and wants to pick and chose WHEN she comes in for those 6 hours! I can't believe she accepted such an offer. But I guess she can say she is "working" now. (doesn't sound as bad to be a free loader at 50, living at home). I really get so frustrated with her. But then a small part of me is glad she is there for my parents- at any capacity.

I agree with most- like the new thread. : )

Yes, DH got done in about 1.5 hrs and even took Nels to a movie! I am cooking cabbage stew, doing laundry and cleaning house- so much for my "free time". LOL. I am feeling punky today. TOM surprised me for a visit, a week earlier than expected! TMI I know. Just feeling bloated and PMSy. So glad I didn't get that fill the other day now. There's always next week.


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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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