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Jobless Rate Falls, Good Job Republicans!

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As far as firefighters and police I was kidding with you, I dont begrudge people the opportunity to make as much money as possible, especially these groups who do put their(your) lives on the line everyday and thankyou.

if you didnt have the union you would be lucky to make half of what you are and your retirement wlouldnt be as nice as it probably is now.

I also wasnt refrerring to you about Obama being black, reps in general(not all,. there are also dems who dont like him for this reason). Im baseing my opinion of reps on people where I live, I hear it everyday, the N-word!

Maybe Cali is broke because the rep governor you had had no clue!

I would just once like to hear a rep say wall street is to blame. There is a 15-30 dollar markup on every barrel of oil coming into this country because of future pricing index which goes to wall street, gas is going skyhigh even though reserves are at their highest in years! A bottle of Ocean Spray juice here is $4.69, rediculous! (used as example because I bought juice for my kids). Noone will do anything(dem or rep) because wall street firms are the biggest campaign contributors to both parties! (I also cant argue about dems because Cali has the most stringent regulations on everything (EPA) which I also believe is really killing this country and especially Cali! (All these industry killers are supported by dems.

I also hope there is some sort of help for the heart transplant guy because in this country we deserve help! Until the day we stop helping other countries, our people deserve help first.

My point wasnt about him, it was about reps in general, its a handout until they need it!

On another note Im sure you probably heard about the fire in Pennsylvania that killed 7 children. The mother was outside the house milking cows while the father was asleep in his truck a mile away because he was tired from delivering milk! The fishy part to me is, a mile away, why didnt he just go home if he was tired? I believe more will come out and this story will end up even more tragic, just a hunch! (Oh, Pennsylvania isnt all farms and cows, even though every story from here usually involves both) sorry, felt I had to explain).

Contrary to what some people who frequent this section of LBT will have you believe, I agree wall street is destructive, especially with this oil situation that is going on, oil futures are outrageous, and while I'm in favor of minimal government(which again contrary to what certain posters say doesn't mean NO government it means limited to certain areas) there are certain aspects that need oversight, and obviously oil futures, which HUGELY affect the whole country, should be one these aspects. Their greed with oil could single handedly put us back in a recession. Oil directly affects the price of everything, food, clothes, luxury items etc. etc. So IMO this is an area that could use some oversight. Or they could just do what they did in '08 and make the price of trading futures too expensive to be profitable, that was the reason for the oil price crash then.

CA may have had "Republican" governor, but only in the sense that he had an R next to his name. For Christ's sake he's married to a Kennedy(technically a Shriver, but it's the same thing). And we are overwhelmed with democrat senators, and they fully back all the EPA mandates that have put a strangle hold on business in this state. As well as like I said before the sky high corporate taxes here. For example, the state just voted in a law that mandated all commercial diesel engine's be fitted with a special filtration system that costs around $20k per vehicle to retrofit, it has already put several trucking companies out of business and many more are struggling and will probably fail before it's all said and done because of this mandate, which now we have learned that the scientist behind it has phony credentials, and the "peer review" process was him and his partner reading each other's studies. And once all this was proved, the state decided they didn't care that the guy wasn't really a scientist, and that the papers weren't peer reviewed, it was still good enough, all the while "middle class" people are losing their jobs and their lively hoods thanks to democrats. Unions in CA have also forced many businesses out. My uncle's pipe fitting company was one of them. His family had owned a pipe fitting company since the 70's and during the 90's decided to allow the employees to unionize. Well your a plumber so you know what prevailing wage is, and having to pay prevailing wage to all these guys left almost 0 profit at the end of the day and my uncle finally shut down the business in 2005 because he was making no money. And the kicker to it all was the union told him if he fired everyone they would sue him, so he just quit taking jobs, and eventually everyone quit and he was able to close down the business without being sued by the union. A family business that had been around for 40 years, forced out of business by unions. That's looking out for middle class America isn't it?

I did hear about the fire in PA, very sad, I don't really know the details though, I've ben to my fair share of fires where children have died, and it's the worst thing I've ever experienced. To be perfectly honest I could see a guy with that many kids and a hectic farm waiting for him at home stopping on the side of the road for some quite time though. I guess time will tell, they said on the news the family used a propane heater inside the house sometimes, I've also been to plenty of fire's that started like that. Also my father was from Pottstown PA, and I spent a lot of time in my childhood out there so I'm familiar with the landscape. To be honest though, my father grew up on a farm, and my uncle lives somewhere in Lancaster County between two amish farms lol, but I am familiar with the none farm areas of PA as well.

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I read an article on the Comcast web page under the finance heading, It said the U.S. economy is growing much faster than the top 7 industrialized nations but jobless rates are the highest here! Why is that? Because the big corp figured out they can do more with much less, they're making record profits with less workers because they now expect the working class to work harder and for longer hours! What I cant figure out is why more companies arent starting up and hiring to make up for the lack of hiring we're seeing now, I mean big corporations dont pay taxes(even though they make record profits) so where's all the hiring that this was going to create? Lets get rid of unions, yah, thats the answer!!!

The republicans talk about how this country is becoming communist under Obama but think about it, the most communist thing about this country is the fact that we have to go to work and dont have a say in our safety standards, pay, and now any bargaining rights we had! If you open your mouth to the wrong person you can lose your job! Why cant everyone except the rich see that rep ideas arent for you, oh thats right you get to keep your guns when theres a rep in office but I see your point, you may need them someday seeing as how we're always at war when a rep comes into office! To all the reps that say "Obama isnt doing anything to help the economy", the proof is in the paper and on the internet everyday, its not his fault the corp have become even more greedy(by making more with less). He cant start compaies on his own to hire the public sector and when the gov creates private sector jobs(like the 200,000 recently) the reps cry about how thats not helping the public sector. The reps have total control, what have they done for you? They got rid (are trying) of any rights or voice you had. They still havent given any answers or solutions other than to say everything Obama especially and the dems do is wrong. Im so tired of politics by both parties while I pay $4.00 for a gallon of gas and watch my weekly grocery bill go from about $100.00 a week to about $160-180.00 a week yet Im making the same money I have been! If you dont see a problem with this and your not pissed off about it theres something wrong! Or your republican!

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When are you democrats going to stop blaming Bush and come to terms that you elected Obama for all the wrong reasons. A man with no experience, just wants to spend as much of the taxpayers money. I am so tired of supporting all those generations of families who think Welfare is a family business. Stop having kids you cant affort and stop complaining. Obama really cares about the poor and middle class. Look where he is spending his vacation and with whom he is spending it certainly not with the poor..

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When are you democrats going to stop blaming Bush and come to terms that you elected Obama for all the wrong reasons. A man with no experience, just wants to spend as much of the taxpayers money. I am so tired of supporting all those generations of families who think Welfare is a family business. Stop having kids you cant affort and stop complaining. Obama really cares about the poor and middle class. Look where he is spending his vacation and with whom he is spending it certainly not with the poor..

Im not sure anyone has the answer, of course the answer to me is probably different than the answer your looking for but

Im losing faith in politicians. The republicans who also spend alot of money have all of a sudden become conservative Tea Baggers, what a joke(Rick Santorum). But on the other hand I heard Comcast Cable is going to give the "poor" free internet, on top of the "free" cell service they already recieve(phones included). I drive through these towns everyday on my way to work("ghettos") and it kills me to see these, what appear to be healthy working age people sitting along the street just hangin out! What incentive do they have to go to work? Meanwhile Im being billed between $3-400.00 a month for cable, internet, phone service, fax service from comcast so I can run my "small business". I look at it from both points of view and neither looks good. Ive blamed the dem congress when they had control and didnt get anything accomplished and now the reps who had the same iassues arent getting anything done, actually they're caving. Both had opportunities and neither accomplished anything.

I heard Glenn Meekim(not sure of spelling)say Obama doesnt believe in the U.S. military because he didnt do anything about Iran. First of all, Im sure Obama and or at least the military have a plan that Meekim isnt privy to but Obama isnt a warmonger like every rep who gets into office. It always cracks me up when I hear how quickly Rush, Hannity, Beck and Meekim are to send our great military men women and families into war especially when they've never had to kill, get shot at or even serve! But hey, thats what our military if here for right! Obama has approved alot more drone attacks than any rep, he got Bin Hidin even though reps tried to somehow give Bush the credit, there have been no successful terrorist attacks on this country since he's been in office, reps blamed Clinton for 9-11 because Bush wasnt in office long enough and now reps want to give Bush credit for all of Obamas military success, what an "F-ing" joke!

As far as the Bush tax cuts to the rich corporations, he installed the tax cuts during 3.5% unemployment, they're not being taxed now, they're sitting on 2 trillion dollars, they arent hiring! That tells me they had nothing to do with jobs and hiring, it was all about lining their pockets!

Sorry to say, after the mess Bush got this country into, you'll unfortunately be hearing about Bush for many years to come.

The newest polls on all major news outlets show the Tea baggers and tea bag reps(that still cracks me up how all these high spending reps have become conservative economic tea bag experts)are losing support and even reps are agreeing that taxes are needed to get out of this mess!

Tax the rich, get out of both wars, impose strict stipulations on government aid to the poor (require able people to work, volunteer, drug screening just like everyone else that has to work! SAVE THE MIDDLE CLASS!

We need a revolution in this country, not an uprising. Both parties are full of criminals who say what we want to hear then do what benefits them! New third party, no lawyers!

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This morning I read the newspaper and in California a dem politician wants to ban styrofoam "to go" containers by 2016 because they litter the streets of Cali. First of all this is why Cali is broke, really, with all the issues in this country and especially Cali this is a concern to you? Maybe if you just fine the "litterbugs" you can stop the styrofoam craziness and also earn revenue from the fines. What an F-ing joke!

Then I find out that in my home state, just like many other states, my rep(you know, the "all about the constitution" party) gov Tom Corbett wants to install redlight cameras at intersections to catch people running red lights. Fine, if you dont break the law you shouldnt be upset! True but at some level this has to be an invasion of privacy. HYPOCRIT. But this is the governor who wants to impose a fee, lets make this very clear, not a tax, on the Marcellus Shale drilling, just like the other hypocrit Tim Pawlenty who wants to or did impose a 75 cent fee, again not a tax, on cigarrettes! Im seeing a pattern here, reps are hypocrits!

I have an idea. Why dont the republicans impose fees to the big corporations and the rich(if calling taxes fees works for you so be it)and the dems can stop coming up with ways to make it hard for corporations to survive(dont give the EPA so much power), stop giving non emergency services to the poor(FREE internet, cell phones and service, medicaid, HUD housing, food stamps), give them incentive to work like everyone else who wants these services! Like I said before, I know there are people who legitimately need these services(not phone, internet)but after reading the list Im wondering why I work, maybe its the feeling of accomplishment I get from working hard and not letting the gov dictate how much I earn.

Im starting to come around to the idea of a flat tax. That seems fair to everyone. Right now 51% of wage earners dont pay taxes. You have some rich, big corps and the poor leaving the mid class to bear the brunt. You say the rich pay more than anybody, volume wise that may or may not be true but percentage wise the middle class pays the most. Id be happy if everyone had to pay a flat tax, that would mean everyone pays the same percentage on what they earn.

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When are you democrats going to stop blaming Bush and come to terms that you elected Obama for all the wrong reasons. A man with no experience, just wants to spend as much of the taxpayers money. I am so tired of supporting all those generations of families who think Welfare is a family business. Stop having kids you cant affort and stop complaining. Obama really cares about the poor and middle class. Look where he is spending his vacation and with whom he is spending it certainly not with the poor..

Agreed- it's totally time to get rid of that Child Tax Credit. I mean, if you can afford to have kids, why should the government give you a $1000 tax credit per child? ;) /sarcasm

I'm thinking I should get a tax credit for NOT having a kid.

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Apparently you missed my point. As a US citizen who pays my taxes because I work Im entitled to a child tax credit so says our tax law. I support my children without the help of the government. Im sick and tired to paying for people who continuously spit out kids so They can collect more welfare. The ttax payers shouldnt be providing for people whose only job is to spawn. Also if you want my money take a drug test from time to time just as I am expected to take random drug tests for my job.

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Apparently you missed my point. As a US citizen who pays my taxes because I work Im entitled to a child tax credit so says our tax law. I support my children without the help of the government. Im sick and tired to paying for people who continuously spit out kids so They can collect more welfare. The ttax payers shouldnt be providing for people whose only job is to spawn. Also if you want my money take a drug test from time to time just as I am expected to take random drug tests for my job.

No, believe me I got it.

And technically, you are supporting your children with help from the government in the form of a tax credit per kid. Could you do it without the tax credit? Maybe so, but you're getting help nonetheless. And it's a tax credit you get "because you spawn". I think you missed my point.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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