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Having some serious second thoughts

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I'm seeing that the ones who are successful with the band are the ones who learn how to eat right and use willpower. How is that any different than any diet? Couldn't I just go on a 2-week liquid diet to detox then start Weight Watchers and get the same results?

I really don't understand the people who say it's all about will power yet they got the band so ... why? Why did you get the Band if it's all about will power?

And please, don't say "It's just a tool". tongue.gif

If you want to talk about what that means I have a previous thread for that.

Right now I'm looking for solid reasons that people got the band even though they have great will power.


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I got the band because it helps me eat less. If I start a meal out with the healthy portion, lean meat & vege I find that by the time I get to the so-called dessert, I dont have enough room and im no longer hungry :) . It definately doesnt make me not want the junk :( , but if im no longer hungry and cant put any more food in my stomach then I dont eat it. Do I like my band,,,,?:( No. BUT I like what its done for me. There is alot of willpower included with the band, if you want the quick fix, G-bypass seems to be quick, but I have 4 friends that had it and now 5 years or more later they have gained most if not all their weight back :( . They all had to work with the bypass as well, but I saw the weight come off QUICKLY :blink: . I wasnt inpressed with the dumping if they ate junk food.< img src="https://s.bariatricpal.com/uploads/emoticons/default_ohmy.png" alt=":o" srcset="https://s.bariatricpal.com/uploads/emoticons/ohmy@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I wanted the verticle sleeve, but my insurance wouldnt approve it at the time. The removal of most of your stomach takes away the fundus, not sure if I spelled it right, and that helps somehow with your appetite. But check on that before you quote me, I read that info a long time ago. I like to eat, PERIOD, I like food, so its been a trip. A rough one at times. IM down 47 pounds, I have 69 more to go.

Just my opinion,,everyone is very different and alot of people love their band and have been dropping weight like crazy since their surgery, and others, well, not so much. Best of luck to you and your decision!:D

Currently im trying a raw food eating plan and that doesnt include meat so we will see where that takes me.

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Before I got the band, I had no willpower. I don't know exactly why I do now, but here are some of my thoughts on why I now do. I now have no hunger, I am 13 1/2 weeks post-op and still have not regained hunger, which makes it easier to turn down food. I still want the food even though I know I am not hungry, so I have to dig deep in my head and ask myself, "You are not hungry, do you really want to eat this?" Luckily most of the time my answer is "No, I don't want to." It also helps me to know that if I over eat, I can seriously damage my pouch, so that is great incentive for me also :) Good luck!

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I'm seeing that the ones who are successful with the band are the ones who learn how to eat right and use willpower. How is that any different than any diet? Couldn't I just go on a 2-week liquid diet to detox then start Weight Watchers and get the same results?

I really don't understand the people who say it's all about will power yet they got the band so ... why? Why did you get the Band if it's all about will power?

And please, don't say "It's just a tool". tongue.gif

If you want to talk about what that means I have a previous thread for that.

Right now I'm looking for solid reasons that people got the band even though they have great will power.


For many people, hunger is the driving force that makes them eventually go off their diet. Hunger batters at a person and no matter how great their will power, they'll usually cave. The band *should* take care of that and when it does, we have a greater chance at succeeding. That's the 'tool'.

To be honest, I think people downplay the 'will power' aspect because it does take will power to *choose* to put down the fork even when the food is so scrumptious that we want seconds. It takes will power to *choose* not to eat that favorite, but bad for us, food even though we want it soooo bad. It takes willpower to continue to make those right choices even when we don't see the weight loss as fast as we'd like to.

If you can do a 2 week detox and go on weight watchers successfully...and stay on it despite the hunger, then I'd say 'do it'. Don't waste your money on the band.

My .02 after 16 months with the band and no physical restriction despite being overfilled at one point (and *many* people never get physical restriction)...if hunger isn't your problem, don't waste your money on the band.

With few exceptions, the band won't stop you from overeating. It definitely won't stop you from making bad choices. It won't stop you from grazing all day.


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I had no will power, the band has given me that will power, physically and mentally. It curbs my appetite greatly yet I do have to make the right choices. I also think exercise plays a huge roll in my weight loss. I am a pretty consistant 10 pounds a month, without the exercise I would bet that would be half.

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I think it's a delicate balance. On every diet I've been on I've had to deal with physical hunger, my stomach growling, weakness, dizziness, and headaches. Your portions have to be soooo small. Now, that I have the band I am okay with those small portions. My body tells me I'm full! I know it because I will usually take a long exhale while I am eating. Your mind will tell you that you want more because you are so used to eating a lot or if you are eating delicious foods your mind will tell you to eat some more because it tastes so good! I knew that without the band I would not have been able to diet and keep the results coming. I would have eventually cheated because I was physically still hungry and then I would have gotten discouraged when the pounds weren't falling off anymore. I would have gone back to regular foods, since dieting wasn't working anymore and that would have been the end of that! So, yes, I do generally watch what I eat and I say generally because if I want something sweet I will have cookie or two, but not half the bag like I used or if I want to eat out I will. I also do some exercising either by walking the track or getting on the XBOX Kinect. Personally, I feel the band is what you make it and you have to do your part. I am sure others disagree, but that is to be expected. If you feel like you can do it without the band, go for it! Why waste your money? But if you are like me and have a lot of weight to lose, need that extra push, and nothing has worked in the past, then I would research this weight loss procedure as well as others before making a decision. Good luck!

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Honestly I see what you're saying but the reason I'm getting the band is because when my will power fails me I can say to myself "You have a band in your body and if you decide to eat more than you should, you can mess it up and cause harm to yourself." I know if I tell myself that it will make me stop because I know how hard I've worked for this and what I've gone through to get here and I don't want to mess that up.

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hi, I was banded just over 3 weeks ago. So far I am satistied with my decision to go through with this and very motivated to succeed.

Like you and many others I struggled with my decision pre-op for same reasons & rationale. I had about 8 mos to think about it while I waited for my insurance company to grant approval and get my surgery date. During this time period I was all over the map with these questions too. I am not sure what your wieght loss track record has been but I've gone up and down the scale several times. Finally it was obvious to me I needed to do something different.

Personally I summed it up this way referring to a famous quote - "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" - Albert Einstein.

Good luck!

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Why am I going to put myself through this.....good question. I've yo-yo'd like everyone on here with my weight. I'm sick of it. I have some limited "will power" and do well and can lose weight but BAM, it shoots right back onto my thighs as soon as I step out of line. I'm not saying this band is going to be my cure, but I'm hopeful that it will give me that "full" feeling that I lack. I admit I will have to work on the "oh, but it tastes soooo good" issues, but if I'm full, honestly full, I'll be able to stop eating. My problem is that I'm hungry a lot of the time and I don't get "Full" until I've eaten beyond what a person should be permitted to eat. I swear my stomach is the size of a pick up truck bed. Absolutely there is going to be will power stuggle but I'm hoping with restriction I will listen to my stomach when it tells me "it's done." that's why I'm here, that's why I'm hopeful and I'm just so damn sick of shopping in the fat section and not being comfortable in my own skin. I want to get pictures taken with my son before he grows up and I wont' do that now because I'm humiliated by my appearance. I will keep a picture of my fat-self around so when I get that urge to splurge....I can look at the Fat Me. If we could all just go "on a diet" we wouldn't be here. If we all had will-power, we wouldn't be here and we would all be skinny. I need to feel "full" before I eat an entire elephant and that is where I hope this band can help me.....I don't know "when" enough is enough

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i had those thoughts pre op too

i have been chatting here for a while and at least on the chat i have not met ONE person who regrets their band

i am 50 and want to live the rest of my life healthy

9 days out now so i dont know much

but i know i have hope

never thot i could do 10 days of liquid and i am on day 9

get lots of support in your life also

and its not too late to try WW one more time

when i saw J Hudson i thought the same thing

but keeping it off is the issue i think

I'm seeing that the ones who are successful with the band are the ones who learn how to eat right and use willpower. How is that any different than any diet? Couldn't I just go on a 2-week liquid diet to detox then start Weight Watchers and get the same results?

I really don't understand the people who say it's all about will power yet they got the band so ... why? Why did you get the Band if it's all about will power?

And please, don't say "It's just a tool". tongue.gif

If you want to talk about what that means I have a previous thread for that.

Right now I'm looking for solid reasons that people got the band even though they have great will power.


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Honestly I see what you're saying but the reason I'm getting the band is because when my will power fails me I can say to myself "You have a band in your body and if you decide to eat more than you should, you can mess it up and cause harm to yourself." I know if I tell myself that it will make me stop because I know how hard I've worked for this and what I've gone through to get here and I don't want to mess that up.

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One area that I think many doctors don't do a good job of explaining is that there are two kinds of hunger. True physical hunger it's been 5 + hours since your last meal, you stomach is rumbling huger. The second kind is head hunger. It's been 3 hours since lunch, I'm bored, my boss is a pain in the $#%@%$, and I wish I was anywhere but here hunger. If you don't feel full, it has been a couple hours since lunch, you feel justified buying those Cookies from the vending machine.

My doctor had 3 required group sessions with a pychologist where we dicussed physical/emotional/food triggers that led us to eat when we were'nt really hungry.

Due to other health issues my journey from first consult to surgery was longer then most 7.5 months. My insurance did not have a required 6 months diet but I put those months to good use. I lost 50 pounds. I did a lot of work on my food choices. I also put those mindfull eating sessions to good use. I studied friends and family who are thin. How fast do they eat, what are their food choices, what are their exercise habits.

There was medical journal article recently that showed in families where males are alcoholics the woman are more likely to be obese. I was like were they studying my family and did'nt tell me! My brother is a recovering alcoholic and I am a food addict, this is the pattern in on my maternal side.

Willpower oh willpower! There are many people on this site who post that they get "restriction" (where they eat a bandster sized meal 1-1/2 cups of food, feel satiation/fullness, and can go 4-5 hours before they need to eat), after say 5CC's of fill. There are however several of us who don't feel full from smaller portions until 9+ CC's. Here's where the willpower comes in. You measure out your food; and when it's gone you are done eating. Stong likelihood you will not feel full. But you have to stop eating. That's where will power comes in. My doctor does'nt not want snacking between meals. So you've had a very small meal and it 4-5 hour before you can eat again. Enter "Bandster Hell". Here is also where frustration can set in. After months of preparing for surgery there is a huge let down where you are hungry after meals and you may not be losing weight very fast. I am pretty very conservative about my food choices, count calories, exercise an hour daily; and I am losing at average 1 lb per week. Perhaps now that I am at restriction I will lose at a quicker rate.

The ever allusive full feeling. At 10.00 CCs after eating (again stopped when my measured food ran out) I felt a satiation, not full just not hungry. After about 5-10 minutes I would get a full sensation. I could go 3-3:30 hours before feeling hungry and would grit it out for 4 hours. Now at 10.6 ccs I do get a much stronger satiation closer to full feeling as I'm eating. My nurse said to eat until I feel like I can't eat another bite. I don't do that because I have never had vomiting or slim/Productive Burp and I don't care to. After eating I get a full feeling and don't feel hungry for 4-5 hours depending oh what I have eaten. Here's what I think the band does for me at this point. Head hunger. It's been 3 hours since lunch and I'm bored. I get food thoughts, I ask myself are you really hungry enough to eat? Really? Or are you bored? I consult my stomach (don't laugh) and it says' "No, not really hungry". This allows the logical side of my brain to will the battle.

On diets preband I always eventually give up. While I do not make "treat" foods part of my normal diet; if I am at a party after I've eaten my Protein and some veggies I allow myself a small amount of diet unfriendly foods. Before banding it did'nt matter how much I had already eaten I always had room for as much high fat/calories food as I could my hands on. Now I don't feel hungry enough to keep eating serving after serving. I think it boils down to do you think you can stay on weight watchers for ever? If so do that. My problem is when I've gone on very strict diets (and 3 times in my life preband I lost over 100 pounds) eventually I just can't take it anymore. I start to let in high cal/fat foods and it snow balls and I don't eat them occationally or in small portions; I eat them all day everyday and in large portions.

If you can't make food habits a life long commitment they eventually will stop and you will go back to unhealthy ones that will lead to weight gain.

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I think that "willpower" means different things to different people because I do not credit "willpower" to one ounce of weight I have lost. But that's just ME. Personal opinion here ... not saying that anyone else is wrong. (Have to use a disclaimer about everything you say on this forum these days :)

I do not now, and did not before, suffer from ravenous hunger. Ravenous head hunger, now that's a different story, and unfortunately mine. Unlike some others the band does actually restrict the amount of food I can consume in one sitting. And, for me, the fullness stays for hours. I have at times, eaten my dinner -Protein and veggies & starch - and promised myself that I could eat dessert in an hour (when "I thought" I would have room in my pouch), no luck. One bite and it's coming back up. So I wait longer, still no luck. Eventually I say "what the heck" and forget about it. Because the band limits the amount I can eat I cannot binge, not even on slider foods. I know that MOST bandsters have a different experience, but I can only tell you about mine. So eating as a result of emotional issues just doesn't work the same as before lapband. I also see a therapist, an obesity specialist. She has helped me retrain my mind about eating and to deal with head hunger in other ways. The very best thing for me is that when I have a bad food day I do not have to start from square one the next day, because I was unable to really overeat due to restriction. This dimishes my stress about my weight and allows me to get back on the wagon the very next meal -- not the next day, or the next week, or the next month -- as I did in the past.

Have I lost weight fast? No. Do I exercise more than I ever have in my life? Yes. I was banded almost 21 months ago. I still don't like the numbers on the scale, but when I started this journey I was wearing a size 26 and the jeans I am wearing as I type this are a very comfortable size 14. It feels good, and I am still losing. I am very clear that I am not in a race to lose weight, so I work at a pace that I can handle; one that will get me to my goal weight.

If you can do WW, lose the weight and keep it off, I'd say you are right ... you don't need the band. But for me, that just would not have happened. In my many years of dieting I was never able to keep it off. Now, I feel confident that I have a fighting chance - sans willpower.

Whatever you decide to do, I wish you the best.


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It looks like the responses are from mostly newly banded or soon-to-be banded folks. Except for Elfiepoo

- and Fran - way to go! Not that I discount anyone's opinion but I really wish I could hear from folks who have had it for more than a few years.

If the definition of "successful" is to lose excess weight and keep it off for 3 years then I have been successful on my own. I lost 50+ lbs. and kept it off for 3+ years. I weighed between 135-142. Then I got pregnant, then I injured my back and the rollercoaster started again and I gained way more than I lost. I'm just scared to try again because then I might gain even more and I really can't stand the thought of being even fatter than I am now!

I hear all of you and it makes sense that the band would help with stomach hunger and not head hunger. That's where the willpower comes in. OK. I get that now. So would this help me is what I have to figure out.

When I'm hungry I go for the real foods like meat and vegetables and bread. I eat way too much regular food - I like the feeling of being stuffed. Then after the hunger is sated I start craving the sweets. No, not just sweets, CHOCOLATE! I can look at a piece of apple pie or a sugar cookie and it not do a thing for me, even when I'm hungry. I want real food when I'm hungry. When I'm craving I want chocolate. I can act like a normal person as far as turning down Cookies, candy etc. until the chocolate comes out. Then it's like showing an alcoholic a bottle of whiskey. So do you thing this would help me?

I'm trying to be as objective as possible because I don't want to be disappointed by having unrealistic expectations.

Thanks for all the info!

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I'm seeing that the ones who are successful with the band are the ones who learn how to eat right and use willpower. How is that any different than any diet? Couldn't I just go on a 2-week liquid diet to detox then start Weight Watchers and get the same results?

I really don't understand the people who say it's all about will power yet they got the band so ... why? Why did you get the Band if it's all about will power?

And please, don't say "It's just a tool". tongue.gif

If you want to talk about what that means I have a previous thread for that.

Right now I'm looking for solid reasons that people got the band even though they have great will power.


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