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I totally understand how you feel. I have lost about 30-35 pounds in 15 months and have had about 6-7 fills at $175 each! I honestly think there may be a problem with my band. This is my 2nd band (had a Lap band the first time have Realize band now) and with the first band I lost 60+ pounds in about 8 months--which I was happy to do! I was looking for similar or better results with this band. I do what my doctor asks me to do, but admit I have temporarily slacked up on exercising as much. Many of the people that are telling you that YOU are the problem have already lost tons of weight. It is easy for others to see the error in your ways when they have been successful. It is also easier to stay motivated and encouraged when you are seeing progress. YES the band is a tool, but it should play a major role in your weight loss. Many advise cutting calories, exercising more, seeing a therapist, and watching your portions. I AGREE. You should definitely do that, however, if it were that easy, you would have lost weight without the band (and they would have to)! The first time I lost weight, I was encouraged by seeing results. It doesn't make you feel good to spend $20,000 and be told that you need to diet and exercise more. You could have saved the money and stuck to dieting and exercising for the results youve seen!! You (and I) are just the types that may not respond well to the band. It sucks, but we are going to have to do it on our own...let's encourage each other. You may also want to consult with your physician to make sure there are no malfunctions with your band. Good Luck!

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OMG, I just knew the "it's a tool" people were gonna come and preach to you. So sick of that.

The band IS A TOOL. It isn't "preaching" when someone asks for the advise! "Any advise would be welcome."is what was said. There is a difference between preaching and answering one's plea for help. Do you want to see others fail? Or would you rather have some tough love and tell it like it is? The lap band isn't going to do any of the work for any of us. We have to work our butts off, why? Because it is a tool. We need to exercise, make healthy food choices, eat the right proportions. Is it hard, sure it is but it's also reality and I, for one, am glad that there are others on this board that will tell it like it is. To be successful one has to understand how the lap band works and then work with your band. No where have I ever heard that the Band will do it all for you. You can't try to drive a car in auto pilot and get anywhere, just like you can't sit and wait for the band to make us loose weight when we have our old habits.

I thought that all of the advise given was great. I am a new bandster and appreciate all those who are honest w/ what we need to do to be successful! I count on that so I can learn just what needs to be done.

@Bandme - There is great advise here. Start from scratch, as if preparing for the surgery. Go back to the basics. Learn as much as you can about healthy choices. Prepare good choice Snacks, bag them up and have them in a spot so when you want something you have something right on hand that is good for you and will work with you and not against you. YOU CAN DO THIS! We all can. We all, at some point, have been in your situation (food addict) because we are all here. We are here to support you, not preach at you. You want to know how to be successful, that is what others are sharing. Make sure you are getting your Proteins and fluids in daily! And go into your kitchen and every stash place and toss the TRASH FOODS OUT!!! Take control of your life and decide to beat this food addiction!! 20K is alot of money to flush away!!!


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I think it is easy for all of us to get discouraged if we hit a plateau for a few days or a few weeks. We start thinking something isn't working. For me, in the past. I would start thinking bad thoughts about how I was going to fail again. The thing I forgot to do is to love the journey and to remind myself that our bodies have an amazing ability to heal. A plateau may look discouraging from the standpoint that we aren't seeing the scales move but if we take a second look, it may be our bodies way of protecting us. It may just be that our bodies slow the weight loss to allow the skin to have time to retract. When we loose a lot of weight fast, we know that we stand a chance of having sagging skin. I used to get so mad when I would plateau. Now, I just keep on keeping on and remind myself that my body, mind, or both is processing the changes that are going on inside of me, my skin is tightening up to conform to the weight loss and my mind is adapting to make sure the changes are what I want and that all is safe for me. Since I have had this change of mind and continue to send myself love and acceptance instead of getting mad for not seeing the scales move, I have noticed that my plateaus are fewer and they don't seem to last as long. Keep picturing your end result. Let your mind fully grasp where you are going to end up and then just be full of joy that you are not where you started out. If I start to have a discouraging moment now, I turn on my radio for the day and just dance around and allow myself to feel good, even if I don't understand everything that is going on with me. I am in smaller clothes. My face is smaller. Sometimes it truly is all about how you look at it. Good luck on your journey guys. We are all amazing. Take some time to love where you are today and where you are going.

God, thank you today that I am working to get another pound of weight off of my bones and that I am not fighting cancer or another terminal illness. Thank you that what I am losing is weight and not a limb. Thank you for walking with each one of us to give us hope and insperation as we go to places we have never been before in mind, body, and spirit...........and God, thank you for the new image you have given me of my body when I reach the top of this mountain, even if somedays all I can take is a baby step to get there.

Thank you so much for the prayer I love this! I've been pretty discouraged myself lately this helps,

i'm going to copy it and put on my fridge! Have a great day.

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The band IS A TOOL. It isn't "preaching" when someone asks for the advise! "Any advise would be welcome."is what was said. There is a difference between preaching and answering one's plea for help. Do you want to see others fail? Or would you rather have some tough love and tell it like it is? The lap band isn't going to do any of the work for any of us. We have to work our butts off, why? Because it is a tool. We need to exercise, make healthy food choices, eat the right proportions. Is it hard, sure it is but it's also reality and I, for one, am glad that there are others on this board that will tell it like it is. To be successful one has to understand how the lap band works and then work with your band. No where have I ever heard that the Band will do it all for you. You can't try to drive a car in auto pilot and get anywhere, just like you can't sit and wait for the band to make us loose weight when we have our old habits.

I thought that all of the advise given was great. I am a new bandster and appreciate all those who are honest w/ what we need to do to be successful! I count on that so I can learn just what needs to be done.

@Bandme - There is great advise here. Start from scratch, as if preparing for the surgery. Go back to the basics. Learn as much as you can about healthy choices. Prepare good choice Snacks, bag them up and have them in a spot so when you want something you have something right on hand that is good for you and will work with you and not against you. YOU CAN DO THIS! We all can. We all, at some point, have been in your situation (food addict) because we are all here. We are here to support you, not preach at you. You want to know how to be successful, that is what others are sharing. Make sure you are getting your Proteins and fluids in daily! And go into your kitchen and every stash place and toss the TRASH FOODS OUT!!! Take control of your life and decide to beat this food addiction!! 20K is alot of money to flush away!!!


I agree completely. Good advise Journey! As for "the tool" I too agree, and I guess I am one of the "preachers". Someone said it a few months back, it is still about dieting. The "tool" is for portion sizes, what you choose to put in your mouth is still your choice. It seems as if every day I "start over". I am addicted to my scale, and it is what works for me. I try to pay attention to my carbs i.e. more Protein, but sometimes my addictions get the best of me. I sarted over today..I ate something last night that got stuck....badly. I am on yogurt, Protein shakes and liquids, for I can tell (it took me almost 40 minutes to eat a chobani yogurt) that I have a major case of swelling. Beating your food addiction is an everyday thing. Any addiction takes work, every day. I agree with Journey, take stock in your accomplishments, and look at it as a stepping stone. Practice positive internal dialogue and try to make good (for you) choices. If you slip, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and continue on. It takes work, no matter whether you have a band or not. We are here to support, I am sorry if I sounded rude. ( we have all been in the same spot and and I am sure, will be there again) Start anew. Today is a new day. Let's embrace it!

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Sorry to shout, but I'm frustrated that I'm turning into one of those unsuccessful band patients. I was banded with Realize 3 years ago and lost about 35 lbs. Now I've plateau'ed, lost my motivation, eat junk, and have wasted $20K on this surgery only to find out my problem is in my head. My band is filled to capacity and I occassionally get stuck and throw up food. I eat the same types of food as before, just not as much. But I still eat a hell of a lot! I haven't gained the 35 back, but I need to lose another 35! Any advise would be welcome. Thanks.

My advice:

Go back to your surgeon and be tested to see exactly what is going on with the band

If everything is okay, then ask to see a counselor who deals with food eating issues (in the head) - a lot of patients had to go through a psych evaluation prior to surgery.

If they don't have a counselor, seek out Overeaters Anonymous - they deal with the emotional aspects of eating.

Meet with the nutritionist at the hosptial. They all have one.

Start with seeing if you can figure out a way to eat the most amount of healthy food with the fewest calories. Pick a total daily calorie consumption - like 1500 and pick those healthy foods where you get the most bang for your buck.

Choose healthy Snacks and eat every couple of hours - don't allow yourself to get too hungry.

Keep a food journal. Figure out when your difficult time periods are during the day or what events might precipitate your eating.

You are not a failure. You are human. And you asked for help. I hope I have provided you with some.

Good luck.

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Sorry to shout, but I'm frustrated that I'm turning into one of those unsuccessful band patients. I was banded with Realize 3 years ago and lost about 35 lbs. Now I've plateau'ed, lost my motivation, eat junk, and have wasted $20K on this surgery only to find out my problem is in my head. My band is filled to capacity and I occassionally get stuck and throw up food. I eat the same types of food as before, just not as much. But I still eat a hell of a lot! I haven't gained the 35 back, but I need to lose another 35! Any advise would be welcome. Thanks.

I know how you feel. I have been banded for 5 months, and have only lost 18 pounds. Most of that I lost in the first 3 weeks. I was first really frustrated and down on myself, but now I think that I am glad I lost 18 instead of gaining 18. And without the band, I would probably still be gaining weight. Also, it's never too late to start again. Make better food choices. Go back to eating slowly, follow the rules with eating and drinking separately, and get it in your head that you want to succeed. You can do it. I'm telling myself that too, even as I write it to you. It's not a magic pill. It's just a tool we have to use correctly, right? We can do it.

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<br />Sorry to shout, but I'm frustrated that I'm turning into one of those unsuccessful band patients. I was banded with Realize 3 years ago and lost about 35 lbs. Now I've plateau'ed, lost my motivation, eat junk, and have wasted $20K on this surgery only to find out my problem is in my head. My band is filled to capacity and I occassionally get stuck and throw up food. I eat the same types of food as before, just not as much. But I still eat a hell of a lot! I haven't gained the 35 back, but I need to lose another 35! Any advise would be welcome. Thanks.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

And for those who wonder why we complain...THIS is why. The band manufacturers and surgeons are still leading people to believe that the band will physically restrict how much we eat...which is why many of us got the band in the first place...and it does not for most of us.

It should, at some point, give you a cessation of hunger...but it won't deal with the head hunger. That one is all up to us. I can only tell you what's working for me in that respect. I found that when I dropped my carbs below 30gm per day and eliminated all sweeteners including the sugar free and all wheat and gluten, my head hunger dropped dramatically. After about one week of *rigidly* sticking to this plan, I found I was eating 900 calories per day when prior to that I was struggling every day just to stay at 1200. I thought I'd just found my sweet spot, but I had my band completely unfilled now for a few days and still no hunger or craving to eat.

Maybe try that and see if it doesn't help with the head hunger...which I think isn't just in the head but is an insulin reaction (even for nondiabetics) to the wheat and gluten. The sugar free stuff still keeps us craving junk because it's reminding our head what it tastes like.

Anyway...my .02...and good luck.


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OMG Its like I am looking in the mirror!!!!! I lost 35 lbs in 2 years I have not gained and have not lost. I am thinking about trying low carb Any thoughts??

Sorry to shout, but I'm frustrated that I'm turning into one of those unsuccessful band patients. I was banded with Realize 3 years ago and lost about 35 lbs. Now I've plateau'ed, lost my motivation, eat junk, and have wasted $20K on this surgery only to find out my problem is in my head. My band is filled to capacity and I occassionally get stuck and throw up food. I eat the same types of food as before, just not as much. But I still eat a hell of a lot! I haven't gained the 35 back, but I need to lose another 35! Any advise would be welcome. Thanks.

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After being banded, I stopped consuming sugary drinks, basically no sugar but do use sweetener. I was recently told by one of my doctors that ultimately, from using sweetener your body will start to forget how to convert REAL sugars into energy, causing our bodies to hold onto fat again. So....I don't know what to say.

It kind of makes sense though, I mean for any of you taking Synthroid for thyroid disorders....eventually your thyroid will stop working entirely and you will be 100% dependent on the synthetic hormone for life. Sorry if this is off topic, but ElfiePoo said something about sugars and it reminded me of this .......

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<br /><br /><br />

And for those who wonder why we complain...THIS is why. The band manufacturers and surgeons are still leading people to believe that the band will physically restrict how much we eat...which is why many of us got the band in the first place...and it does not for most of us.

It should, at some point, give you a cessation of hunger...but it won't deal with the head hunger. That one is all up to us. I can only tell you what's working for me in that respect. I found that when I dropped my carbs below 30gm per day and eliminated all sweeteners including the sugar free and all wheat and gluten, my head hunger dropped dramatically. After about one week of *rigidly* sticking to this plan, I found I was eating 900 calories per day when prior to that I was struggling every day just to stay at 1200. I thought I'd just found my sweet spot, but I had my band completely unfilled now for a few days and still no hunger or craving to eat.

Maybe try that and see if it doesn't help with the head hunger...which I think isn't just in the head but is an insulin reaction (even for nondiabetics) to the wheat and gluten. The sugar free stuff still keeps us craving junk because it's reminding our head what it tastes like.

Anyway...my .02...and good luck.


Melody, Melody, Melody ...

I cut my carbs a couple of weeks ago, and the results were mixed:

The good news is that I lost 6 lbs in one week. YAY! (And that was based on my doctor's scale -- had two appts a week apart). I was thrilled to see such great progress in my weight loss.

The bad news is that I tied up my kids and put them in a closet because their music was too loud. They are big (20 and 22) so I had to let them out cuz they were kicking the walls so much that the neighbors were sure to call the police ... eventually. :rolleyes: I was rude to everyone, including my bosses ... had a really hard time censoring myself and almost told one of my bosses that if he changed his travel plans ONE MORE TIME, his next trip would be to SIBERIA - ONE WAY! :angry: I did manage to keep those particular words in my head ... so I still have a job ... for the moment. I was just MEAN, GRUMPY and IRRITABLE.

I was jonesing for my carbs sooooo badly. I felt like an addict! Bottom line is that cutting carbs really does work. I just have to find a way to do it so that I don't lose my mind, job, and family in the process. :(

I'm working on it. I won't give up.


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<br /><br /><br />

And for those who wonder why we complain...THIS is why. The band manufacturers and surgeons are still leading people to believe that the band will physically restrict how much we eat...which is why many of us got the band in the first place...and it does not for most of us.

It should, at some point, give you a cessation of hunger...but it won't deal with the head hunger. That one is all up to us. I can only tell you what's working for me in that respect. I found that when I dropped my carbs below 30gm per day and eliminated all sweeteners including the sugar free and all wheat and gluten, my head hunger dropped dramatically. After about one week of *rigidly* sticking to this plan, I found I was eating 900 calories per day when prior to that I was struggling every day just to stay at 1200. I thought I'd just found my sweet spot, but I had my band completely unfilled now for a few days and still no hunger or craving to eat.

Maybe try that and see if it doesn't help with the head hunger...which I think isn't just in the head but is an insulin reaction (even for nondiabetics) to the wheat and gluten. The sugar free stuff still keeps us craving junk because it's reminding our head what it tastes like.

Anyway...my .02...and good luck.


See how easy it was for you and me to reply with a non-jugdemental and helpful post even to an OP who says they were doing many things wrong with regard to eating. But the bottom line was they were struggling and deserved our help.

Can you tell me what you ate when you did the low carb thing? Did you just drink Water? I don't think I can give up my Decaf coffee with artificial sweeter but I could try.

You and I have had such a similar experience. I would love to get to the no hunger point. Only ever had it for two reasons in my life - labor & childbirth and stomach flu - never from the band.

Give me a run down of what you ate for a day or couple of days. Thanks.

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My advice:

Go back to your surgeon and be tested to see exactly what is going on with the band

If everything is okay, then ask to see a counselor who deals with food eating issues (in the head) - a lot of patients had to go through a psych evaluation prior to surgery.

If they don't have a counselor, seek out Overeaters Anonymous - they deal with the emotional aspects of eating.

Meet with the nutritionist at the hosptial. They all have one.

Start with seeing if you can figure out a way to eat the most amount of healthy food with the fewest calories. Pick a total daily calorie consumption - like 1500 and pick those healthy foods where you get the most bang for your buck.

Choose healthy Snacks and eat every couple of hours - don't allow yourself to get too hungry.

Keep a food journal. Figure out when your difficult time periods are during the day or what events might precipitate your eating.

You are not a failure. You are human. And you asked for help. I hope I have provided you with some.

Good luck.

I don’t always agree with CM’s posts, but I think she hit the nail on the head with this one! The nutritionist and the psychiatrist have been a big help to me so far and I won’t be banded until Monday March 7th. Good Luck

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You felt like an addict because you ARE an unknowing addict as most of us are!!! The chemicals and additives in processed food and many carbohydrates ARE ADDICTIVE and this is a contributing factor to obesity. Google it for some interesting reading. A group of doctors I work with regularly detox by fasting, etc. to do what your body is going through now. Basically, it's WITHDRAWAL!!! And I feel for you, it is tough. Once you have a lot less in your system you will feel a lot better!!

Melody, Melody, Melody ...

I cut my carbs a couple of weeks ago, and the results were mixed:

The good news is that I lost 6 lbs in one week. YAY! (And that was based on my doctor's scale -- had two appts a week apart). I was thrilled to see such great progress in my weight loss.

The bad news is that I tied up my kids and put them in a closet because their music was too loud. They are big (20 and 22) so I had to let them out cuz they were kicking the walls so much that the neighbors were sure to call the police ... eventually. :rolleyes: I was rude to everyone, including my bosses ... had a really hard time censoring myself and almost told one of my bosses that if he changed his travel plans ONE MORE TIME, his next trip would be to SIBERIA - ONE WAY! :angry: I did manage to keep those particular words in my head ... so I still have a job ... for the moment. I was just MEAN, GRUMPY and IRRITABLE.

I was jonesing for my carbs sooooo badly. I felt like an addict! Bottom line is that cutting carbs really does work. I just have to find a way to do it so that I don't lose my mind, job, and family in the process. :(

I'm working on it. I won't give up.


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Sorry to shout, but I'm frustrated that I'm turning into one of those unsuccessful band patients. I was banded with Realize 3 years ago and lost about 35 lbs. Now I've plateau'ed, lost my motivation, eat junk, and have wasted $20K on this surgery only to find out my problem is in my head. My band is filled to capacity and I occassionally get stuck and throw up food. I eat the same types of food as before, just not as much. But I still eat a hell of a lot! I haven't gained the 35 back, but I need to lose another 35! Any advise would be welcome. Thanks.

I hear ya, Lost 30 lbs and got stuck for 2 years myself. I changed Dr's and luckily, got a really good one who kicked my A** and told me "how" to eat. I listened.

Its NOT easy, I'll admit and the junk food tends to go down smoother than the meats. I also got my last fill, I'm at a 10, which the Dr said she wouldn't fill me anymore.

So now its make this thing work for me, OR BE FAT! Unlike you, my band is now so tight, I can barely eat anything before like 2pm. So that helps alot. I open the panty and say, why bother, I'll just throw up. I drink a lot of Protein shakes and eat the way I probably should've been over the last 2 years. If you need a friend to vent on, please don't hesitate to ask for help!!! I know how hard it is!

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I don't always agree with CM's posts, but I think she hit the nail on the head with this one! The nutritionist and the psychiatrist have been a big help to me so far and I won't be banded until Monday March 7th. Good Luck

Thank you. I think my post is the kind that are helpful to struggling posters. I think they need support, understanding, some good advice and some concrete suggestion and some sympathy, too.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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