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Pre-Bander w/Questions and sort of getting cold feet

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First, I've been so gung-ho about this procedure and now I'm getting cold feet because I'm seeing so, so, so many negative things about people and their bands. I'm seeing more bad than good and it is very discouraging. I know there is good and bad with everything. I know this isn't a miracle cure...I totally get ALL of that but I am reading more and more about problems, complications and bad results/feelings about people with the band. This is causing me to wonder if it is worth it? I've looked into the sleeve which I was totally excited about but my insurance won't cover it unless I'm a 50 BMI or higher.....sad :( I wanted bypass originally but couldn't allow my insides to reworked....the sleeve would have been my perfect surgery but I have to settle for lap band to help me on my journey.

So, If I do go through with this...which I probably will.....here are my questions:

1) What is this "nerve pain" people talk about that the band can cause?

2) IF you could pick your band, which would you choose...Realize or Lap-Band? Do I ask for a low profile port? Can I ask where the port is going to be located?

3) What do you wish they would have told you before surgery? Do you ever feel like you were mislead? I know this is a "tool" and it needs to be worked, I'm not asking for an easy out, but I also want to be deceived with false hope and promises, know what I mean? I need a tool that is going to help me, not hinder me.

Thank you to anyone and everyone who can offer some useful advice.

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You also must realize that a lot of people don't just come to the board to say, "Yay, I am doing great!" Many come for inspiration, help, or just to complain. I don't do much posting, just commenting, because I am having great success with my band. I know many people who have not returned to this board after surgery because they are successful and don't want to see the negativity.

The nerve pain is something that I, myself, have not experienced. ElfiePoo, I think, is a good one to talk to about that. You might want to message her.

Picking a band - I have the lap-band. My doctor does both and I just left it up to him to decide which was right for me. I would ask for a low profile port. The location of the port seems pretty much the same, somewhere in the belly, but mine is different. My port is located right above my left breast. I can feel it and it is easily accessed. Also, it is less likely to be visible after the weight loss. Even if it does protrude a little, a bra strap or bathing suit will keep it covered.

I have never felt misled! My doctor and his staff were great in preparing me for my journey. I feel that I was well informed.

My advice to you is to just be sure you are mentally ready for this journey. If you are not, you will most likely fail. There are foods that you will not be able to eat again. You have to learn to eat to live, not live to eat. Enjoy what you eat. Don't eat senslessly. And always know you limits.

Good Luck!

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Slm, I agree, sometimes you have to do research on your own and hear the complaints of others and then research what it is about. For me, I took in the negative comments and asked God to help me through this. There are people who will complain if you handed them a miracle. Some people are just negative and nothing you can say to them will change that. You have to decide what is going on with your body and find out what the band does. I posted yeaterday that I love my band so much and I received several negative comments on how I better enjoy it now because I would soon be in bandster hell and would be hungry all of the time. A lot of the things we go through have a negative or postive effect based on how we choose to look at it. Today is 6 days out for me and yesterday was the first time I have felt hungry. This band is doing exactly so far what I hoped for but the journey continues. Each day is different and I will deal with it as things arise. I am so thankful to have my band and I am so thankful that my insurance paid for all but a small portion. I have struggled with my weight for so many years and to have some help is just amazing. I choose to look at the positive side of my band. I get up and tell it I love it. I still have a few little aches and pains and my port is a little sore. but my surgery went great. I am off my pain meds. My incisions are healing perfectly and I have lost a few pounds. I get up and walk and I feel so good. I guess you have to decide how you are going to look at this on your own, inspire people where you can and then let the nay sayers bitch and moan as they are going to anyway. Best of luck on your decision.

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My experience hass been a very positive one...but no matter how much I read and researched I didnt know:

1. How deep the emotions were and how hard it would be to get through those first few weeks of liquid food. No one could have prepared me for that.

2. I thought that the band would stop you from eating too much, it doesn't. The food passes rather quickly and you can eat more...doesn't mean you should so self control is still the priority now that it always was.

3. Just how quickly some of the non weight related things would improve...this has been excellent, just a month ago I had my surgery and I now sleep better, walk easier, think more clearly, my memory is improved. This may not be true of everyone so quickly but it certainly has been an important step toward a healthy future.

The issues I had with food before still exist but it gets easier everyday to make those healthy choices.

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Try to remember that there is negativity about everything that people do whether it be WLS, exercise, the kind of car we purchase, etc...

1) What is this "nerve pain" people talk about that the band can cause? I have not had any of this. So far everything is going great.

2) IF you could pick your band, which would you choose...Realize or Lap-Band? Do I ask for a low profile port? Can I ask where the port is going to be located? My doctor uses both bands. We went over both of them and they are both good, so I told him whatever he had on hand the day of is fine w/ me. I ended up having the Lap-Band brand. My port is located 2" above and to the right of my Belly button. I have ABSOLUTELY no pain, and haven't from the moment out of surgery at my port site. I even started sleeping on my side that afternoon while in the hospital and have ever since.

3) What do you wish they would have told you before surgery? Do you ever feel like you were mislead? I know this is a "tool" and it needs to be worked, I'm not asking for an easy out, but I also want to be deceived with false hope and promises, know what I mean? I need a tool that is going to help me, not hinder me. I was going to get the band 2 years ago then read some "bad" things people were saying and switched to the bypass. I didn't want my organs redone so I canceled surgery 1 week before. 1.5 years alter I got banded (last week) and I am so very glad that I did. I wish that I would have let my doctors office know of how I was feeling and talked to them, if I did I may have done the banding 1.5 years ago.

The LRD was hard to do! And I"ll admit that the first week I cheated at times, I had a few bites of chicken, or peppers. Nothing "bad" for you but some veggies. My diet consisted of Protein shakes and liquid only. I wish that we (doc and I) would have gone over this more.

You know what you want to do. Don't let what you read scare you off. There is a chance in everything in life we do, driving, walking, going to school/work, etc.... If we didn't do things we wanted to because of the "what-if's" what kind of a life would we have? it sure seems that once we start seeing posts on what could go wrong then all of a sudden they are popping up everywhere. I don't know why that is, it happened w/ me too. Keep your chin up, think positive, and you will do great!! In your heart, you know what to do, go with that!!

Good luck,


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There are two kinds of people with any new "purchase": those who are blindly happy and those who have buyers remorse. I often see both kinds on this board. I'm not trying to discourage you but want to make sure you are a balanced view on how the band can work. There are those that after 1-2 fills have restriction and start losing at a faster pace. It has taken me 6 months to get restriction. I have to chose healthy food, the band does'nt prevent me from eating anything. Knock on wood I don't have any pain issues.

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I think that there is a level of "negativity" on support boards because it is where people go when they are having problems. I have had an amazing experience with the band so far, and I'm considering taking a short-or-very-long break from the boards because my experience is so different than many people who post here and for me, the cynicism can be too much. If my experience is anything like those who have come before, that means that people who are doing really well just don't visit the board that much which leads newbies to see a misrepresentation of the positive vs. negative.

I do not feel mislead, but compared to some, I've had an easy time of it. I have had only 2 small fills (2.5 cc in a 10 cc band) and I've lost 63 lbs in 5 months (rest of my loss was pre-op diet). My doctor told me lap band patients lose 60% of their excess weight. I am at that point now, and still losing, so I'm doing better than average. I haven't had any pain, I can eat almost anything I want (for some reason french fries are the one food that regularly goes down slow), and I've never vomited, PB'd, slimed or foamed. I also am losing without exercising or counting calories (though I do pay a lot of attention to what I eat and make healthy low-carb choices).

Based on these boards, I am a huge exception to the rule. But, through my experience with blogging I see more people out there "like me". This leads me to believe that the boards may be a misrepresentation of the general experience of lap banders.

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As others have said, keep in mind that these forums and any other support forums you come across will have more negative posts than positive ones. People seeking help will come to forums and those who are succeeding will rarely come as they do not need any help/advice.

Overall I'd say weigh your options, the good and the bad. I too have had a relatively easy band journey. I have PB'd, which is my own fault for still not learning to eat slowly, but otherwise I have lost amazingly. 112lbs in 9 months, no fills. I do workout for my own sanity and because I want to tone.

Band journeys, I believe, are what you make of it. Some people have a harder time than others, and 98% of the time that's attributed to fills and unfills, but I have no experience there and prefer the restriction I have as opposed to keeping a very tight band.

Sit down, consider the pros and cons and go with your gut feeling.

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I aggree with above that the board can be missleading and u have to do ur own research. I tend to comment in bursts as when I'm having a bad day/week..I.e. gained a pound, seem to be stuck at the same wt, made poor food choices..I tend to stay away bc I don't want to post negative things when this truly has been the best decision I ever made for ME. I knew this was a tool too, and that losing 1-2 lbs a week is considered normal...and I have been, but I think I look at it some days and wish I was 100 lbs down rather then 40 at this point. Only u can make the decision for u, and yes there r risks as there r with any surgery but someone once put it to me like this...if u knew u had to have surgery for a broken organ (appy, pancreas, g. Bladder ect.) U would do it right? Now knowing that the risk for death/infection/surgical complications is 5 times higher for those problems then wls, u won't take the steps towards saving ur life by banding? Idk, that just always stuck with me and I'm happier because of it....tip, don't get into the rhythm of weighing urself daily...when I do that I drive myself nuts, when I do it 2x a week I feel much better about me and my wls :)

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1) What is this "nerve pain" people talk about that the band can cause?

Phrenic nerve pain is caused by the band rubbing against the diaphragm. It sends a referred pain to the left shoulder. Some people get it when they eat too much. Some, like me, get it when we lie down or sit in a certain way. Some don't get it at all. Some get it and it goes away over time. You won't know which you'll be until after the fact.

2) IF you could pick your band, which would you choose...Realize or Lap-Band? Do I ask for a low profile port? Can I ask where the port is going to be located?

I didn't get to choose. My surgeon does the Realize and it has a low profile port. Mine is located about 3 fingers width down from the ribs and just right (my right) of center.

3) What do you wish they would have told you before surgery? Do you ever feel like you were mislead?

I started a thread here. I never felt misled. I just don't think they really know as much as they should about how the band works. I read one medical report online that said until recently they had no idea the band actually curbed hunger. They thought it worked because it stopped people from eating. :blink:

In the end, all you can do is research the best you can, ask questions, ask more questions and then decide what is best for you. I am most likely getting my band out in a couple weeks due to the constant pain for the last 16 months *BUT* I do not regret the experience. Over the last year I've learned a lot about my eating habits and learned to correct them. I have lost weight and best of all, I'm off my insulin as a result of correcting my food choices. In my book, that makes it the right choice even if I do have to have it taken out.


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I commend you on your research and hope you come to a decision you feel comfortable with.

As for me...I am approximately 1 & 1/2 months out of surgery. I have had 0 issues, problems, etc. (including no PBing, stuck, or probs with food). I have not experienced any nerve pain, port pain, etc. I never got the horrible gas in the shoulders after surgery like some got, mine stayed around the abdomen area & was not bad.

I have the Lap Band brand and my surgeon made that decision. I read lots of information before my surgery and talked with a fellow bander who gave me even more information. I feel like between my surgeon, his staff, my research, & the nutritionists, I had a great deal of knowledge going into this journey. This forum was amazing in letting me hear the good and the bad from people who already had the band.

I know I am not far in this journey and have a LONG way to go, but I am so much further than I was 2 years ago when I first began my documentation with insurance. I know there may be a time when a certain food may not agree with me or I may get stuck or sick or something, but when I imagine myself without the band getting bigger and bigger and missing out on things with my family, I'll gladly take a little potential inconvenience down the road.

I think one thing that has helped me is to track what I eat on my phone. I was successful with weight loss several years ago, but without the band to help curtail hunger, I slipped back into my old ways and regained all my weight plus. At least now, I have something to help keep me satisfied with less, plus a team of nurses, nutritionists, a surgeon, etc. to help keep me on track.

Good luck in your decision. I wish you the best.

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Thank you EVERYONE. I understand that a forum is a "sounding board" for people that are having problems...I'm not against that...that's what we are here for, but it just freaked me a little that there were so many problems. I went into the Success Stories just to get some inspiration :rolleyes:

I'm going forward! I have started and stopped this process so many times and here I am...insurance paperwork ready to be sent in! I have a 3 year old son and he is the main reason I'm doing this....I want to be around for him, I want to be healthy and mainly I don't want to be an embarrassment.

I'm getting "harrassment" from my family...not really, but you'll see what I mean...that I can do this on my own. Yesterday I get this email from my mom telling me how our family friend lost over 70 pounds just doing it her way and lost it over a period of two years! I get an email from the family friend that it is all about mind control etc. DUH! I've lost 70 pounds before....gained back 90. I've lost 50 pounds before, gained back 70! I know I can do it...I know I have mind control and when my mind is set....I can lose it. I can't keep it off and that is where I pray the band will be my needed friend to assist me in keeping it off. In all honesty, I have a goal of 160 but I've decided that I'm going to set 10 pound goals. Once I break below 200......that is going to be a huge goal set for me! 160 would be perfect...I wore a bikini at the beach at 160 which really shocks me, but I've also decided that if I'm below 200, my blood pressure is down, my body doesn't hurt as bad...that will be a success for me. I'm going to take success where I can find it and not set myself for failure by telling myself I must be a certain size or certain weight. I'm going to take this ride, and see where it leads me. I know my mind is ready (scared to death but ready). I know this will help me with control. I've been doing well for the past two months, like something really clicked inside me. I get hungry and around my period must have my little snack of chocolate but I'm really limiting my intake, stopped my Mt. Dew addiction and have learned to adjust to sugar free and low calorie...I'm even trying to eat cottage cheese :blink: (it is the 4% but I figure that is better than not eating it, for Protein reasons..I'll take a few more calories so I can at least tolerate it)

Thank you again everyone and I welcome the comments. I can't wait to begin this journey so I'm healthier, happier and even just a little bit skinnier! I can do this.....:D


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My suggestion would be to research a lot. I haunted this site and a couple of other sites for the bypass. My insurance only gave me two choices the band or the bypass. My surgeon wanted me to have the bypass stating my age, weight, BMI and how I'd lose faster with the bypass. My thoughts on the subject were that speed of weight loss was not a big issue for me as I didn't gain it overnight. I am not diabetic and wanted to lose weight so as not to become diabetic. I am hoping to help the sleep apnea, high cholesterol and mild hypertension I have. That being said part of the decision was based on never having had major surgery before, fewer complications with band surgery, shorter surgery time and shorter hospital stay, less complications and quicker recovery time. Another factor for me was that it's reversible if a problem comes up and it's adjustable. I have been able to lose weight in the past doing a low carb high Protein diet but would always start to eat too much because I could. Granted there were times I gave up and ate whatever I wanted but generally my problem was always a volume issue. I was raised on unnaturally large portions and even when I was slim I was hungry all the time. What I wanted was to not feel hungry all the time and help limiting how much I could eat. I have gotten that and don't regret my decision at all. I don't appreciate the negative nancys either in here or in my support group meetings who mostly have the bypass and think it and they are superior in some way and I am somehow stupid to have chosen the band. I ignore them. I am intelligent and have made an informed decision on what I want to do, how I want to do it and what I want done to my body. Remember it is your life, your body and you need to do what you are comfortable with. Don't let others talk you into something you are not comfortable with. Research and list all the pros and cons and really think about what you want and how much you are willing to do after either surgery. As info I have a friend who had the bypass on Dec7th 2010 who has only lost 30 pounds and is already making bad food choices. I had my surgery on Jan.10th 2011 and have lost 35 lbs since my surgery. It's all about trying to do everything they tell you. I did the 4 week liquid and after the 1st week it was easier and that is pretty much the same for both surgeries. Other issues like getting stuck etc I learned about on this site and have only had a couple of episodes so far but I'm sure there will be more in the future. It's a learning journey. Sure there are thing you won't be able to eat but isn't it worth it to be healthier? I started Water aerobics before surgery and am still at it. I feel better and healthier and isn't that really why we're all here for help with our food issues. Anything worthwhile takes work and effort but I think we all deserve all the help we can get. Doing something is a whole lot better than giving up and doing nothing. Good luck with whichever surgery you choose. :D

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        That's a great choice! 😊

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