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And now the failing begins?

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Wow, here I sit quite concerned that the failing time starts. I've been on a "diet" since December, banded 12/27 and lost about 21 pounds. Just like every other time I've dieted, the motivation and discipline lasts a while, but then the results aren't terrific enough and I start losing will power and end up gaining the weight back. I fear I've suddenly reached that point.

My first MINIMAL fill restriction has worn off, I am able to eat and have appetite as if I have no band at all now. Now I'm feeling angry! Angry at the expense of surgery and angry that I don't have restriction and angry that I have no will power to diet! I feel like the doctors should fill my band enough so that I have restriction! I don't want to wait 6 months and 6 fills later after I've gained all the weight back to finally (hopefully) have the band working for me.

I know, it might be different tomorrow, next week or next month. But damn, this is not how the band is talked about before you get it. Sorry for the vent :( Just very crabby about it today and don't want to fail at this!

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Hello, yes it is okay to vent and also have those days, we have all had those days in the past, but focus on what is important now and in front of you! Remember the band is just a tool! Not a magic wand and bang its all better. Look at your meals, seriously before you eat it. Somone yesterday told me her trainer told her to take a picture of her meal or anything she was going to eat before she ate it and then at the end of the day to look at it. She was totoally surprised about what she did eat and didn't even realize it. I am still on full liquids but i still stop and look at what i am going to eat (or drink in my case) :rolleyes: so i can train my self to be conscience of what i am choosing to put in my body. You have a lot of support here in the forum and i'm sure a support group where you live, don't let fear get the best of you, FOCUS and you will suceed!

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Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you 're right. That's a quote by Henry Ford, and I like it. Keeping a positive outlook makes such a difference. This is a long road and you are just at the beginning of it. You will succeed!

I stalled at around the same weight loss as you, for several weeks. But it picked up again, and I'm doing great now. Maybe you can try to change one thing at a time, like having more frequent small meals that are high in Protein. I am loving cottage cheese with things mixed in it right now. I usually have 2 protein Snacks in between meals. Or you can start exercising. Do what you can, whether it's walking the dog or joining a gym. I started in January where I was winded to walk 1.5 mph, and today I did a 5K.

Best of luck on your journey!

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The big question is are you hungry all the time? Obviously I still want to eat and I have an appetite, but my hunger level is very low, so I don't think about eating as much... it's still a struggle and I have to decide what goes in.

I think restriction is a myth, it's never gonna stop you from eating. Or you'll be so filled that you can't eat and you get sick all the time. I don't think it's supposed to FEEL like you have a band. The band controls my hunger, that is it's job, if I was on a 1200 calorie diet i'd be starving all the time, now I'm not. This makes it a lot easier for me. Sucks to have to make decisions but thats what skinny people do, they CHOOSE healthy foods and small portions. That's why they are skinny. It's a lifestyle, you gotta learn how to work with it.

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There are people filled appropriately that lose the desire to over-eat and likewise can't eat a ton. I had that briefly and I want that!! I don't want to gain the weight back waiting to be filled 10 times over 10 months so that this is achieved. Some people make it sound like if I diet and exercise and drink Water THEN the band will work. Uh sorry, what was the band for then?......obviously doing those things will maximize the results...I know that. I need the band to do it's part so I can do mine, not the other way around. Thanks for your input :)

The big question is are you hungry all the time? Obviously I still want to eat and I have an appetite, but my hunger level is very low, so I don't think about eating as much... it's still a struggle and I have to decide what goes in.

I think restriction is a myth, it's never gonna stop you from eating. Or you'll be so filled that you can't eat and you get sick all the time. I don't think it's supposed to FEEL like you have a band. The band controls my hunger, that is it's job, if I was on a 1200 calorie diet i'd be starving all the time, now I'm not. This makes it a lot easier for me. Sucks to have to make decisions but thats what skinny people do, they CHOOSE healthy foods and small portions. That's why they are skinny. It's a lifestyle, you gotta learn how to work with it.

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Wow, here I sit quite concerned that the failing time starts. I've been on a "diet" since December, banded 12/27 and lost about 21 pounds. Just like every other time I've dieted, the motivation and discipline lasts a while, but then the results aren't terrific enough and I start losing will power and end up gaining the weight back. I fear I've suddenly reached that point.

My first MINIMAL fill restriction has worn off, I am able to eat and have appetite as if I have no band at all now. Now I'm feeling angry! Angry at the expense of surgery and angry that I don't have restriction and angry that I have no will power to diet! I feel like the doctors should fill my band enough so that I have restriction! I don't want to wait 6 months and 6 fills later after I've gained all the weight back to finally (hopefully) have the band working for me.

I know, it might be different tomorrow, next week or next month. But damn, this is not how the band is talked about before you get it. Sorry for the vent :( Just very crabby about it today and don't want to fail at this!

It has only been 2 months for you dont give up on yourself so easy. Your doing good. Remember what the nutritionist taught you . Drink your Protein shakes they will keep you full. Try not to get depressed think positive. Your right you didn't go through all of this for nothing. Do a check list make sure your keeping your good habits like chewing your food alot. drinking alot of Water. Taking your vitimans. You will fine. Believe in Yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Mattie - I agree with everyone. It is not an easy journey! We still have to deal with the demons of how we ended up here. It is struggle every day. But you will feel better. I find when I do well on the scale I feel great and stay focused. Do you keep a food diary? I find this helps. I have an app on my phone that tells me how many caleries, fat, carbs & exercise...

Stay strong and keep trying! We all can do it!


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Mattie what does your dr say? Will he give u another fill soon? How many cc's are in your band now? I feel your frustration!! When I've posted previously looking for some specific suggestions the LAST thing I needed to hear was "remember the band is just a tool" we KNOW it's a &"$@:& tool!!! You know how to lose the weight and you DO deserve for the band to be doing what it's intended for. Call your dr, tell him all this, talk to him re your fills.

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Wow, here I sit quite concerned that the failing time starts. I've been on a "diet" since December, banded 12/27 and lost about 21 pounds. Just like every other time I've dieted, the motivation and discipline lasts a while, but then the results aren't terrific enough and I start losing will power and end up gaining the weight back. I fear I've suddenly reached that point.

My first MINIMAL fill restriction has worn off, I am able to eat and have appetite as if I have no band at all now. Now I'm feeling angry! Angry at the expense of surgery and angry that I don't have restriction and angry that I have no will power to diet! I feel like the doctors should fill my band enough so that I have restriction! I don't want to wait 6 months and 6 fills later after I've gained all the weight back to finally (hopefully) have the band working for me.

I know, it might be different tomorrow, next week or next month. But damn, this is not how the band is talked about before you get it. Sorry for the vent :( Just very crabby about it today and don't want to fail at this!

Mattie, I think it may take some more fills, but you will get that restriction back. I speak from my own experience only, so keep that in mind. They did put in some fill for me at surgery and I reached my sweet spot at fill number 2 after that. They include some fat between the band and your stomach to help prevent erosion. If you shrink some of that fat, you may need another fill along the way. The band DOES restrict the amount of food I can eat and DOES control my hunger. I do not get sick, slime, pb all the time. The few times I have since being banded were all part of the learning process. There have been a few plateaus along the way, but I think that is pretty normal. I think my body just needed to adjust. I have no willpower and have not really needed much after I hit my sweet spot. It can be a very long road, so you may need patience more than willpower. I agree with keeping a positive attitude. You don't want to get yourself down or set yourself up to fail. Celebrate every pound. I think all the "tool" talk is hogwash.

When is your next fill?

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Feel free to vent! Many of us have days we feel frustrated. And, yes I did not feel any restriction for almost 6 months. I know it's not what you want to here but I am not alone in this experience. If it makes you feel any better I have been on this "diet" since January 2010. Due to other health issues I had to postpone my surgery until 8/2010.

I know it's trite, but it does help me to see this as a new way of life. While I try to live the 90/10 rule (eat correctly 90% of the time have some fun the other 10%); I've come to the decision that naturally thin people live a lot looser with that rule. I have thin friends who can eat crap for weeks and then say "What am I doing?" and go back to eating sensibly. My problem is if I ate that way for weeks on end it would become a habit and I would not go back. I have an mentally unhealthy relationship with food. For me to call it diet means it's something I will stop and I don't really know if that's true (yes I understand somethings could change when/if I reach goal.

After this week's fill I think I am at restriction (though I was getting close with my last 2). What I've noticed is that if there is a food trigger (last night walked by samples at the food court) I ask my self "Am I hungry enough to eat that?"; my stomach said "Not really" and I kept walking. Would I have done that preband probably not.

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Mattie, it's possible that with the last fill you had restriction due to the fill and a bit of swelling. When the swelling went down, you lost the restriction.

But, I think you've seen what is to come when you find your sweet spot. Many doctors don't want to be too aggressive with fills for fear of making you too tight. Being too tight is absolutely miserable. I've been there. Believe me, slowly coming up to your sweet spot is much better.

Also, 21 pounds since December is a fantastic loss. Please remember plateaus will happen on the journey. I discovered along the way that my trend was to lose several pounds one week, then nothing for a couple of weeks, then down one, up one, down four, same, same, same, down one, down, two, up one. So on, so on....until the total was 70 pounds gone. It's frustrating at the time, but in the long run, you will succeed.

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I am with you. I had my first fill a few weeks ago and suddenly I feel no restriction. I posted my concerns and basically the response I got was as someone mentioned above, all the swelling inside has gone down. Your body has healed, thus where the band was tight before, it's not now.

I am supposed to go for my next fill on the 10th, but I am calling the drs office tomorrow to see if they could do it ASAP. Maybe if you call your dr and speak to someone, they can guide you.

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right on!

Mattie what does your dr say? Will he give u another fill soon? How many cc's are in your band now? I feel your frustration!! When I've posted previously looking for some specific suggestions the LAST thing I needed to hear was "remember the band is just a tool" we KNOW it's a &"$@:& tool!!! You know how to lose the weight and you DO deserve for the band to be doing what it's intended for. Call your dr, tell him all this, talk to him re your fills.

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Wow, here I sit quite concerned that the failing time starts. I've been on a "diet" since December, banded 12/27 and lost about 21 pounds. Just like every other time I've dieted, the motivation and discipline lasts a while, but then the results aren't terrific enough and I start losing will power and end up gaining the weight back. I fear I've suddenly reached that point.

My first MINIMAL fill restriction has worn off, I am able to eat and have appetite as if I have no band at all now. Now I'm feeling angry! Angry at the expense of surgery and angry that I don't have restriction and angry that I have no will power to diet! I feel like the doctors should fill my band enough so that I have restriction! I don't want to wait 6 months and 6 fills later after I've gained all the weight back to finally (hopefully) have the band working for me.

I know, it might be different tomorrow, next week or next month. But damn, this is not how the band is talked about before you get it. Sorry for the vent :( Just very crabby about it today and don't want to fail at this!

I'm a little confused...it looks like you've been a member here for a while, and it is frequently emphasized on here that it could take months to reach proper restriction. Sometimes the doctors don't talk about that as much, but there's plenty of info on LBT (if you've been reading as much as you've been posting) that what you're going through shouldn't be unexpected if you were realistic going into it. It's fairly normal--just be patient, get your fills, try to eat and live well in the meantime, and you will get there. And try to be positive--it will make this time much more pleasant for you! :)

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I became a member when I was first thinking about it way back then, didn't realize I had a login already! I became a real "member" December 2010 when I was banded :)

I'm a little confused...it looks like you've been a member here for a while, and it is frequently emphasized on here that it could take months to reach proper restriction. Sometimes the doctors don't talk about that as much, but there's plenty of info on LBT (if you've been reading as much as you've been posting) that what you're going through shouldn't be unexpected if you were realistic going into it. It's fairly normal--just be patient, get your fills, try to eat and live well in the meantime, and you will get there. And try to be positive--it will make this time much more pleasant for you! :)

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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