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Things I wish I had known before I got my band

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You will MOST CERTAINLY need to see a Doctor that you have been referred to by an experienced malpratice Attorney. The reason for this is that MOST Doctors/Surgeons will usually not testify against the work of another Doctor. There is definitley a "brotherhood" between Doctors and they resist doing damage to one another. The exception to this are the Doctors used by Attorneys. And every malpractice Attorney has a big Rolodex full of them.

Depending upon the state you live in, though, you might encounter a problem. In many states, the Window of opportunity for a Malpractice Lawsuit is a firm 2 years. There are exceptions to this, though, which are dictated by the circumstances. However, you may also have the option of going the Personal Injury route in some states. I don't have enough info on your particular situation to comment more, I have not read all of your posts.


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I did the in-depth research on the various weight loss surgeries. I asked the questions. Did more research. Asked more questions. I lurked on this forum and other band forums for months. Despite that, I discovered some things post band that I wish I had known before surgery. Would it have made a difference in whether or not I had it...or whether I had chosen another method than band...I don't know.

When I was lurking in the forums, trying to make up my mind, there were very few negative posts about the band. When someone did post that the band wasn't working for them or they were having difficulties, other posters told them 'the band didn't fail you. You failed the band." It left the impression that the band works for everyone who works the band...and that's just not true.

I wish I had known...

That the band would not restrict the quantity of food I can eat. I got the band because I thought it would make me feel full or make me stop eating...which is how it was advertised at the time and what people were saying it did on the forums. Perhaps it works that way for some but it has never worked that way for me. Even at my sweet spot I can eat as much as I could pre-band *if I choose*.

That the band is not consistent, even at the sweet spot, at controlling hunger. Since the band tightens and loosens even a bit on its own, there are days where the hunger is intense and days where it's controlled. On the hungry days, all I can do is white knuckle it. Sometimes I'm successful, but sometimes it goes on for enough days that I lose it.

That the band can cause phrenic nerve pain that may or may not go away and which may be persistent enough and painful enough to affect my sleep, whether I can sit in a car or plane long enough to go anywhere and my range of motion and general health related to trying to prevent that pain.

That eating would become a daily challenge. Foods that were fine one day, would not be fine the next depending on whether my band tightened or loosened a fraction. That, despite taking small bites and chewing well, I might still find myself in a restaurant unable to eat the meal I had just paid for because my band had tightened.

I'm not trying to convince people to not get the band, or to do vertical sleeve or bypass instead. I just think it's important, and wish the surgeons would be more up front about these problems, so we can make more informed decisions about something so important. For many people, these forums are where they get the information they need when trying to make that decision, so it's important that we be just as honest about the difficulties we've faced with the band. Not to scare them off but so they have *all* the information and not just one side of it.

After 16 months I am in the process of getting my band removed due to the pain it is causing me. Bypass is not an option. There are worse things in life than being fat and, in my opinion, bypass is one of them. At this point in time, I can't bring myself to do the vertical sleeve either. It's just far more invasive than I'm prepared to go at this point.

I've kept journals since I was a teenager. My husband suggested I pull the journals from the period when I lost 70 pounds without the band...and kept it off for almost a decade now. When I look back at my journals from that time, some days were good days...some were bad and I had to whiteknuckle it. Much like I do now except I didn't have to deal with the pain in my arm, stuck and sliming episodes or wondering whether I was going to have to excuse myself from the dinner table. So, I've pretty much decided to give it a go on my own.

One thing the band has done for me is make me far more aware of my eating habits and create new ones that make me more successful at putting down that fork and choosing the right foods. As a result, I no longer take insulin and my diabetes is under control with diet alone. So it's not an experience I regret. It's just life. We make the best choices we can with the information available to us and, if it's not successful, we regroup and revise.

Just my .02.


Wow, ElfiePoo. I could have written much of what you have. I have a 4cc band and was filled with 1cc then 2cc by my idiot former surgeon. Slam, bam - which you can't do with a 4cc band. It has to be filled with finesse.

At 3cc's it was too tight and I had major problems of pain, reflux, heartburn. My doctor blamed it on me. When I tried to eat it caused pain, so I would eat just a little and very slowly like they tell you. And I physically couldn't eat anymore but I WAS STILL HUNGRY AND NOT THE LEAST BIT SATISFIED. So I would wait awhile and eat a little more. You are not supposed to have to do this. But even then I wasn't satisfied. It was a horrible experience. I was hungry at 1cc, too. But now I am unfilled now and still hungry but I don't have the other problems, including getting stuck.

I was lucky that I did find a new surgeon - the one I went to for a second opinion armed with a huge folder full of my records, reports, test results and CD's of upper GI's.

Do you think getting a total unfill might be a first step to try before you get your band removed?

Wow, I just hope you get this all resolved and I am so glad you posted this. And just let any of the rah, rah, cheerleaders for and defenders of the band dare enter here and try to blame us.

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I'm sorry to hear about all the problems, but I'm not surprised. Myself I think the Band should be re called, and revamp.

I know you know the majority is made out of plastic. We all know that. But do you really know how easy this plastic can break.

I have a 4cc band, with fills going in at 0.5cc at a time, it took a while to get to 2cc,,, only !/2 of the band full. It blew in the surgeons office.

I didn't know though. Not until I got home, and tried to take a swallow of Water, and it came up, tried it again same thing. I couldn't swallow

saliva. Called them up, they said you have to come back "no kidding!" He stuck in the needle, and it popped clear to the top of the syringe.

I heard "WOW!!!" What's wrong I asked? He said when that happens it means your Band is Blown. I said what you gonna do about it?

I'll empty you because your to swollen, and come back in a month. WHAT? how about fix this. Will see when you come back.....

In about 3 weeks they called, and said he will not be able to see you for your appointment, he will be in Switzerland. Can I see his partner?

Nope! He doesn't allow any one to touch his work. I'm sure you can all see were this is going No-were!

I'm still looking for a surgeon to remove this. I have moved, and you can't find anyone to touch some one ellses screw ups.

He is still Chief Surgeon at a "Center of Excellence" I wouldn't recommend this place for the dead!.

I have regained all my weight, with a empty band I forever feel like I'm starving. I know it's head hunger, but it seems so real. I still can only eat so much,

"more though then if this Band were filled" Everything gets hung up in this though, and that's a true pain I know that the only way I'm gonna get this out.

is if something is stuck, and when they clean it out,,, they take it out.

They told us about things getting stuck, and people even dying, but they never told us that this stuff is made on a assembly line in a factory, and if they pass defective

merchandise !!! Then O well... That's the risk you take.... I would have never waisted my time at all.

As you all know, this is a major decision to alter your lifestyle. If you choose to, You would expect It to work. not just take a gamble at it. You do your work, and it doesn't work.

Best of Luck to you.



Dr. Jeffrey Genaw "Chief Surgeon"

Henry Ford Hospital "Center of Excellence."

I've noticed that many of us who have problems with the band have a 4cc band. This is not a call for all the successful 4cc bandsters to reply - it's just something that I noticed. It takes expertiese to fill them, unlike the clod my idiot former surgeon was with two slams 1cc, then 2cc's.

I am going to give you the advice I have given many time to those with problems:

Get a copy of all your test results, pre and post surgery but most importantly the operative report. Ask for the serial number of your band and contact the maker of the band with your story. Find out when it was manufactured. You will also learn it's expiration date (for sterility). All this might be a huge eye opener and all of it is information you are entitled to.

Plus this will show your surgeon that you mean business.

Then find a surgeon who is willing to give you a second opinion. Your insurance might pay for this. Then take all these test results for the second opinion. That's how I found my current surgeon. He gave me the second opinion and told me I didn't have a 10cc band like my former surgeon told me but rather a 4cc band. I quickly left my former surgeon and went to the new one and never looked back.

Good luck and let us know how things go.

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Very true, to find out if she has any recourse she must first gather all the info and facts--

I've noticed that many of us who have problems with the band have a 4cc band. This is not a call for all the successful 4cc bandsters to reply - it's just something that I noticed. It takes expertiese to fill them, unlike the clod my idiot former surgeon was with two slams 1cc, then 2cc's.

I am going to give you the advice I have given many time to those with problems:

Get a copy of all your test results, pre and post surgery but most importantly the operative report. Ask for the serial number of your band and contact the maker of the band with your story. Find out when it was manufactured. You will also learn it's expiration date (for sterility). All this might be a huge eye opener and all of it is information you are entitled to.

Plus this will show your surgeon that you mean business.

Then find a surgeon who is willing to give you a second opinion. Your insurance might pay for this. Then take all these test results for the second opinion. That's how I found my current surgeon. He gave me the second opinion and told me I didn't have a 10cc band like my former surgeon told me but rather a 4cc band. I quickly left my former surgeon and went to the new one and never looked back.

Good luck and let us know how things go.

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Yes, my first step is getting a complete unfill tomorrow. I'm not betting on all of the pain going away since I've had this pain since the day of surgery, but who knows, maybe I'll get lucky. I'm not sure what benefit there is in keeping the band in though if I can never get it filled. It seems I'd be better of getting it out now while I have insurance that will cover it since it's kind of useless since you never know what the future holds.

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Bypass is not an option. There are worse things in life than being fat and, in my opinion, bypass is one of them. .

That comment is both remarkably ignorant and incorrect. And, one of the more irresponsible things I have read on this forum in a while.

Maybe you would like to tell that to the tens of thousands of patients over the last HALF-CENTURY for whom the Bypass has been the key to a new and healthy life.

This forum is one of the places people come to try and make informed decisions about which, if any, Weight Loss Surgery they will have performed. It's fine for you to comment on the Lap band; you have one. You do NOT have a Bypass, and from what I have gathered from your posts, you know very little about it, in SPITE of your claims to the contrary.

The Band, the Bypass, and the Sleeve (and several other procedures) are ALL very viable options for prospective WLS patients. The Bypass has been the gold Standard in WLS for many years, and will continue to be for the forseeable future.

It is ridiculous and uninformed comments likes yours that have the potential to dissuade potential patients from even considering a sugery that could very well change their lives.


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my Lord I am so sorry

what a loser that doc is

i pray u find a good one

6 days banded

good luck

I'm sorry to hear about all the problems, but I'm not surprised. Myself I think the Band should be re called, and revamp.

I know you know the majority is made out of plastic. We all know that. But do you really know how easy this plastic can break.

I have a 4cc band, with fills going in at 0.5cc at a time, it took a while to get to 2cc,,, only !/2 of the band full. It blew in the surgeons office.

I didn't know though. Not until I got home, and tried to take a swallow of Water, and it came up, tried it again same thing. I couldn't swallow

saliva. Called them up, they said you have to come back "no kidding!" He stuck in the needle, and it popped clear to the top of the syringe.

I heard "WOW!!!" What's wrong I asked? He said when that happens it means your Band is Blown. I said what you gonna do about it?

I'll empty you because your to swollen, and come back in a month. WHAT? how about fix this. Will see when you come back.....

In about 3 weeks they called, and said he will not be able to see you for your appointment, he will be in Switzerland. Can I see his partner?

Nope! He doesn't allow any one to touch his work. I'm sure you can all see were this is going No-were!

I'm still looking for a surgeon to remove this. I have moved, and you can't find anyone to touch some one ellses screw ups.

He is still Chief Surgeon at a "Center of Excellence" I wouldn't recommend this place for the dead!.

I have regained all my weight, with a empty band I forever feel like I'm starving. I know it's head hunger, but it seems so real. I still can only eat so much,

"more though then if this Band were filled" Everything gets hung up in this though, and that's a true pain I know that the only way I'm gonna get this out.

is if something is stuck, and when they clean it out,,, they take it out.

They told us about things getting stuck, and people even dying, but they never told us that this stuff is made on a assembly line in a factory, and if they pass defective

merchandise !!! Then O well... That's the risk you take.... I would have never waisted my time at all.

As you all know, this is a major decision to alter your lifestyle. If you choose to, You would expect It to work. not just take a gamble at it. You do your work, and it doesn't work.

Best of Luck to you.



Dr. Jeffrey Genaw "Chief Surgeon"

Henry Ford Hospital "Center of Excellence."

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Good thread!!

Hmm guess I will post some.

I know this isn't the same for everyone, and maybe I'm lucky, but I can eat anything, nothing gets stuck, or makes me throw up. I was so scared when I would read this board pre op thinking that was going to happen all the time. If you can't eat hard Protein (after you heal), you probably have too much Fluid in your band.

The pain is pretty bad for the first 3 days post op. It was worse than I thought for such a "simple surgery".. just thought I'd mention it. Get a heating pad. Also, when you need to lie down, or sit up or down post op, take a big breath before you move, it'll help with the pain when you have to move your stomach

It is nearly impossible to poop (haha gross, but you pretty much have to take something every few days to make it come out, since you don't eat very much)

Buy the gummie Vitamins they taste better than the nasty chalky chewable kind. I actually enjoy taking them now!

and like everyone else said the band won't stop you from eating, or make you full after eating 1/2 cup of food it's just not like that! I eat, i have to watch my calories and what goes in. It's a learning process. I eat about a 1 to 11/2 cup of food per meal (after healing), not 1/2 cup. I always had this vision that you eat like a 1/2 cup of tuna for all your meals forever, it's simply not true. I can eat regular food and regular meals, I just am satisfied with less.

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Yes, my first step is getting a complete unfill tomorrow. I'm not betting on all of the pain going away since I've had this pain since the day of surgery, but who knows, maybe I'll get lucky. I'm not sure what benefit there is in keeping the band in though if I can never get it filled. It seems I'd be better of getting it out now while I have insurance that will cover it since it's kind of useless since you never know what the future holds.


That's where I am. A band that has never controlled hunger or provided for satiety. So now that it is unfilled I don't get stuck but it does provide some restriction. I can feel pressure/pain if eat too fast or the wrong foods. I don't have the capacity for food at any one sitting that I used to have - but again none of this translates to a sensation of satiety or keeps me from being hungry.

I have lost 75 lbs but most of that was from me alone, not the band. I started my weight loss journey in January 2006 and didn't have surgery until September 2008. By that time I had lost 40 pounds (includes 20 from the 6 month pre-op diet required). Then another 10 on the 2 week liquid pre-op diet and another 10 on the 2 week post op diet. So 2 weeks after surgery I had lost 60 pounds. I didn't have as much to lose as some people - I started at a BMI of 34.8 before surgery. In a few months after surgery I lost 15 pounds for a total of 75lbs and that's been it ever since.

I think someone on here posted that perhaps they weren't as successful with the band because they had already lost a lot of weight pre-band and I think that is true for me too. I mean if you're eating habits were fast food, junk food, lots of calorie laden pop, etc and you didn't have to do the 6 month diet or the liquid pre op diet and then got the band - you'd be singing the praises about how much weight you are losing. Because it would represent a huge change in calorie consumption. But that is a different issue than the band NEVER controlling my hunger which is the number one reason I got it.

I hope you get your issue resolved and get to a pain free point. And I hope you find something that works for you.

Keep us posted. I care.

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That comment is both remarkably ignorant and incorrect. And, one of the more irresponsible things I have read on this forum in a while.

And once again you believe it is your right to tell others what their opinion and beliefs should be.

I said "in my opinion"...and in my opinion, being fat is better than slicing and dicing my insides. If someone else believes differently, then that is their right. Just as it is my right to have my opinion. In my opinion, there are worse things than being fat...and that includes the potential for a lower quality of life...which *many* bypass patients have as a result of the problems related to malabsorption. Someone else may not feel that way. *I* do.

Since it is my 'opinion'...is is neither ignorant, nor incorrect. :rolleyes:

Back you go on my ignore list.


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Hmmmmm, what a great thread. I have a 9cc realize band. It has 8.25cc's in it :o .

1. I wish I had known it could take up to a year for me to get to restriction. The frustration was at times overwhelming.

2. I wish I had known that eating on a daily basis would be a chore, maybe not for everyone but it is for me. Yes I chew, yes im eating good quality food. Yes I knew about the 30 minute rule. Getting stuck sometimes happens even if I chew very carefully.

3. Wish I knew that food today might not work tomorrow.

4. Wish I had known that my hormones would affect how much and what I could eat with each monthly.

Each one of us has an opinion on WLS and why we got, or why we didnt get one or the other. I was against G-bypass. I was not going to have my inards rerouted, it has been a miracle for others, but it wasnt for me. I did do some research on it, and I spoke with friends of mine that have had it, all of them have gained most of their weight back and one of them is looking to do a band OVER her bypass! I wasnt impressed with it.

But this is my opinion and otherts definately vary drasticaly. If someones had bypass and its worked for them, congratulations. I am glad your life is better now, its just wasnt the surgery for me.

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Great post! I def agree with the nutritionist thing. My NUT was exactly that! A nut! I wish I could find one who has actually been through the trials and tribulations of overeating. Mine was a very kind and knowledgeable lady (a skinny) whom I really enjoyed but, for me, she was over-the-top!! She said if it doesn't have a mama or grow from the earth don't eat it!! Yes that sounds ideal as far as a diet goes, but lets try one lifestyle change at a time!!

I also wish I had known that the restriction would change from one minute to the next. food and dieting have always consumed my life. I knew that the LB would not be an easy "fix", but I expected not to be controlled by it. Frankly it runs my life. I would rather be focusing on other things. I thought that losing weight would allow me to do that, but so far its all about the band, band, band. I'm not complaining since I am losing weight but someday I want to be normal!

Good luck to all!

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As for me and my situation, I'm glad I did very little research about the band because all the things that *could happen* would have scared me away and I would have never experienced the success I have had with the band. That being said, I do understand Elfie's post and will add in a few things I have learned for those who research the heck out of this thing.

Many bandsters suffer hairloss. It is misinformation I have heard out there over and over that only G-bypass folks lose hair. Protein, special shampoos, and vit. intake will not stop the hairloss. I know this from experience.

The band works different for everyone. Some bandsters still have to diet and some don't. Some bandsters have rapid weightloss and some don't. Some bandsters can eat everything (or almost everything), just in smaller portions. Some bandsters have a very long list of foods they can no longer eat, never, like bread, Pasta, rice, eggs, fried food, steak, chicken, porkchops.....

Post surgery fatigue can last for months.

Phrenic nerve pain can last for days, months, or never go away.

There is no way to know how the band will work for you until it has already been placed.

On a more positive note:

The entire process can be much easier for some people than all the research tells them. For me, this is the case. I would have never taken off this amount of weight and kept it off on my own. My yo-yo and obesity history proves this. I thought I would have to *work* at it and I really have not.

Right up to the last post where your band is working awesomely, I'm right there with you. Mine isn't working, and it's coming out.

FYI... any rapid weight loss will cause your hair to fall out. As does anesthetic. And no, there isn't much you can do about it.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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