Peaches78 8 Posted February 22, 2011 Hi Everyone.... My name is Faith, I am 32 (soon to be 33) and live in a very small but beautiful town in New Hampshire called Mason. I just signed up today and have been reading posts for the last few hours and am finally getting the courage to post my own hello. My story is not that different from most, I have been heavy since my pre-teen years. I remember waking up one morning and discovering I had boobs and then it seemed like I woke up the next day and was fat (or at least I felt that way)! I suffered like most with dieting, failure, and ridicule in school (which is the WORST!) amongst other things. However, my weight ballooned after I had my daughter at age 19, I'm fairly sure that between depression and taking the saying "eating for 2" a bit too seriously I gained nearly 70 lbs. On top of my already being overweight I became obese. It didn't go well from their for my weight however, I can't complain about the rest! I have a VERY supporting (and thin, which is depressing sometimes) husband who loves me for me and I have 2 beautiful children ages 13 and 6. I could blame my weight on food but it really has to do with me putting food in my mouth and now feeling to winded to even excercise so I don't. I have dieted many times over the years always fluctuating up and down but never being able to keep it off and I finally realize that I need help... something to assist me in losing weight because I can't do it alone and that is what the Lap-Band is going to be for me... my helper... always with me!! I was at my heaviest about a month ago at 296 but again lost a few lbs so a few weeks ago when I went for my first appointment at the surgeons office I weighed in at 287 lbs! It is hard for me to admit that considering I'm a whopping 5 ft and a 1/2 inch tall but it is what it is (I'm short!) and acceptance is the first step I guess. My first and foremost reason for doing this is for ME, I'm tired of being big, not being able to shop in a regular clothing store and always feeling uncomfortable in my own body. My second reason is for my family so that I can be around for them for a very long time. I don't have any health issues yet from being obese but I know I will have them (family history) as I get older if I don't take care of this now. My lifestyle is hectic with a full-time job, husband, kids, and college in the evenings but I am committed to making this work... my husband is even going with me to my appointments with the nutritionist, etc so he can help me too. I am hoping that considering my day-to-day routine does not allow me to get to personal meetings that I can get my support virtually with many of you that have been where I am. I'm also taking my tax money and buying a treadmill (even though we should do other things with the money) because I need to excercise. What I am most concerned about is the pre-op diet of opti-fast for 2 weeks (not sure if I will feel hungry or feel the need to "eat"?) and then post-op... will I be able to cope with the liquid/mushy diet for the first several weeks.... will I constantly be hungry? My 13 year old said mom that will really stink you mean you can't eat ANYTHING? Although I played it off like I might not even be hungry.. they say there's a lot of swelling so who knows... it made we wonder and worry to be honest . Even so, I am anxiously awaiting my appointment with the surgeon on 3/11 to schedule my surgery date!!! I met my surgeon (and his partner) at the seminar I went to on 1/8 and they both seem really great and supportive plus one of the women in the office actually has a Lap-Band and another had gastric bypass so you get to speak with them too and get their point of view and advice so it has been a very positive experience so far. Sorry this was so long... feels good to be open and honest and get it all out there though!!! Congrats to all those who have done it and to those who will and good luck!!! Your help, input and words of wisdom are appreciated Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JourneyGirl 10 Posted February 22, 2011 Welcome to the board! There is so much information here it is amazing. I didn't think that the 2 week liquid diet was that bad until today. My surgery is tomorrow and I am just so done with it! lol The Protein shakes really filled me up. broth helped as did popsicles. Jello makes me gag but I did try it sometimes. Your mind definitely plays games with you. I was never truly hungry but I thought I should be if that makes sense. I just did something to take my mind off of it and that worked for me. I was on 4 shakes @ 27 g of Protein daily and 64 fl. ounces of clear liquid. The waiting until the day is finally here is worse. lol Good luck and again, Welcome. Wendy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Peaches78 8 Posted February 25, 2011 Thanks Wendy! Its good to know that I won't really be "starving" during those few weeks. Although you're right I'm sure it will get old once the date starts getting closer. I just met with the dietician and health counselor today and have my appointment with the surgeon on 3/11..... I am so very excited! I hope your banding went well! Let me know how you are doing... maybe we can stay in touch My email is Thanks again Faith Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JourneyGirl 10 Posted February 28, 2011 Thanks Wendy! Its good to know that I won't really be "starving" during those few weeks. Although you're right I'm sure it will get old once the date starts getting closer. I just met with the dietician and health counselor today and have my appointment with the surgeon on 3/11..... I am so very excited! I hope your banding went well! Let me know how you are doing... maybe we can stay in touch My email is Thanks again Faith Faith, My banding went AWESOME! I have an amazing doctor and the practice he is at is great too. Everyone is so friendly and helpful. I am sure that this added to my great experience. I have read that many can't sleep on there sides for days after surgery. For me that wasn't the case. From the day of surgery I rolled over to nap on my side and was fine. Just a small about of "uncomfortableness" but not "pain." The only thing that bothered me was the gas pains. UGH! I still have some discomfort with it but it is, slowly, getting better. I meet with my doctor this Friday (1 week 3 days after surgery). RIght now I am on a Full liquid diet which includes low fat/ fat free cream Soups, Jello, pudding, cream of wheat along w/ the "normal" liquids. I am really hoping that he moves me along to the next stage at the appointment. I have no problem with anything so far. I pray it stays that way. So on the 11th . . . is this your first meeting w/ the doctor? Do you have your surgery scheduled yet? Forgive me but I forgot. It is hard to keep up with everyone. lol I have tried a few different Protein shakes and I could barf!! They are all so gross with the exception of the fusion Protein Shakes. Those are to die for! But it is pricey, which is why after the first container I tried others. I wasted more money trying other shakes that stunk when I could have gotten another of the good stuff. Now I have to finsih this gross one because I refuse to waste the money. Keep me updated on how things are going. My e-mail should be on my profile page. Please feel free to e-mail me at anytime. I am certainly no pro, but am learning more and more. I am always here to lend an encouraging word!! Wendy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crazygoatlady 0 Posted February 28, 2011 I am new here too. I actually had the surgery last Wednesday. Pre-surgery, once I knew that the surgery date was soon to come, I switched to a low carb, high Protein diet of my own. Once I got to the 2 week Protein diet, it wasn't too bad. My doctor allowed me to have one well balanced meal a day, so that was something to look forward to. The hard thing for me was when my family would go out to eat. I chose not to go to the restaraunt, because it was so hard to resist. The other hard thing,(kind of stupid) tv food commercials. I have never craved pizza so much in my life! I try to change the station during commercials now. The Clear Liquids the day before surgery was hard. Keep yourself busy. I went shopping all day. Since the surgery, I started with Clear Liquids the first 2 day, then I moved to protein shakes. Yesterday, I switched to pudding, applesauce, and those types of things. I've been having terrible gas problems though....nothing will come out, and it hurts my chest. I talked to the dr today, and they said that because of the hiatal hernia repair that I had done, my food progress will be behind schedule, since there is twice the swelling. Unfortunately, I had to switch back to Protein Shakes only, for a few more days. My moto that I say over and over in my head is, IT'S JUST FOOD! Hopefully this will help you a little. You can do it! Keep up the good work. If you have any question, I'm here to help. Jessi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Peaches78 8 Posted March 2, 2011 Hi Jessi, On the 11th I have my final meeting with the surgeon and they will schedule my surgery date. I'm glad you are doing well but I can understand the TV Commerical thing as strange as that sounds I have already started trying to eat more Protein and cut down on my portions. Its weird but I think my body is ready to be lighter too because I have not been having too many issues with the changes I've made which is amazing! I'm was hoping that doing this now would help me to prepare and it sounds like I'm on the right track..... My husband and I have decided to get a treadmill too since my schedule is very hectic and where we live is not really good for walking outdoors especially during the winter and spring (which I like to call mud season). That stinks that that you had to go back to Protein shakes but at least you found one that you like and it will only be a few more days. I read someones story on and they had a good motto I liked.... they said "nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels". That kind of resinated with me and its so true. Thank you so much for sharing. I really appreciate all of the information, I will keep you posted! Faith Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Peaches78 8 Posted March 2, 2011 Hi Wendy, Thats so good to know, I am a side and/or belly sleeper. I am not too worried about the surgery part, I have had c-sections with both of my kids and that was very uncomfortable so although I know there will be discomfort I'm not going to dwell on it. Someone else in this forum mentioned using the "belly band" from being pregnant and I think I am going to do that.... it sounds really funny but it was very helpful when I was recovering from having my kids. I've heard that there is a lot of gas for some people I'm going to get gasx strips for afterward just in case. No surgery scheduled yet but on the 11th I will have my appointment w/ the surgeon and will schedule my surgery date then so I'll definetly keep you posted So have you been feeling hungry since being on the liquid/mushy diet part? I'd be interested in seeing how that has been. Has your gas pain subsided yet? I hope that you are feeling well! Thank you so much for the support. Faith Share this post Link to post Share on other sites