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Democrat COWARDS

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I can't believe what these cowards who took office to serve the people of WI are doing. Fleeing the state? Really? Can you imagine the backlash had republicans done this? All they did was vote against a bill and the mainstream media tried to tear them to pieces. These punks fled the state and hardly anyone is reporting on it. Disgusting cowards, they should all be fired.

how heartbreaking

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Great to see the democratic process at work. Recall's of the democrats who fled WI are underway!

From Fox6Now

The petition signing campaign is underway in Kenosha. The people behind it are hoping to recall Wisconsin State Senator Robert Wirch.

Kenosha motorists made a pit stop at 60th St. and highway 31. Many drove up, signed a petition, and drove away. The voters who hope to recall Wirch never had to leave their cars. Kenosha resident Cathy Rutkowski says, "Running away from problems is no way to deal with them whether you like it or not you have to participate. These guys signed up. That's what they were voted in for, was to represent the people here."

Great stuff, glad to see it starting to work out. The other option of course is that the Gov. starts laying people off, that will probably make the dems come running with their collective tails between their legs. Again, I think it would have been a brilliant political move by Walker to layoff all the people who's jobs were at stake and let the full weight come down on the dems, but the people of WI are figuring it out on their own.

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Well seeing as how he apologized for doing it, it probably happened.

The republican's aren't mad that it's hate speech, this is what your not getting, they're mad that this hypocritical BS isn't being covered by the media like every little word the republican's and tea partyer's was. That's the story. What would the headline have been if a republican threw a water bottle at a democrat, or told some dem that they were "fucking dead". Hell it was top headline for a week when that republican called obama a liar at the SOTU last year. This is sick, and your sick for perpetuating it, and then, as I predicted you would, trying to point the finger in the other direction to deflect the attention. Your caught, and you don't know what to do because your bias is so strong you can't even point out the wrong doings of your beloved democrats. Your getting sadder with every post.

If it's such a big story then why didn't fox report it. Maybe because it's a deflection on your part. Let's look over here, there's two stories about what a democrat did to a republican. They pale in comparison to the SOTU - the most important speech the most powerful person in the world makes and we have some nobody shouting out you lie in the most disrespectful display at a SOTU and the republicans defended him.

So, if the conservative media, aka fox, isn't reporting on it then it's because they don't find it newsworthy. But keep on trying to deflect with this non-story.

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Speaking of lies, here's one from the daily kos. Read what you just posted because it's a lie. In the full segment with Mike Tobin there are SEVERAL DIFFERENT protest's shown, those taking place in WI are labeled Madison, WI, those that took place elsewhere are not. It doesn't really take a genius to be able to discern that. Here's the full video, with the labels of where the protest were taking place, more disgusting dishonesty from the left that's grasping at whatever they can as the party topples. Very sad to see you all struggling like this. But kind of funny/ironic considering two years ago the left was saying the republican party was dead.


Well, of course someone like me can discern the difference, but the stupid, uninformed fox watcher wouldn't be able to. And that video showing cops on horses and things getting somewhat out of control was shown as soon as Tobin started talking about outsiders being brought in as if the video was making the case for out of state trouble makers.

Let's just say for a minute that the video of the cops on horses, etc. was actually of Wisconsin, I would be pretty sure they were the trouble makers that were brought in by Walker who considered it or the Koch brothers who did bring outsiders in.

You (well, not you specifically since you are in denial - but you in general) have to ask yourself why fox found it necessary to post some unrelated video about protestors in a palm tree state when they were talking about wisconsin and the protestors and the possibility that some were brought in. I guess they read the study about how stupid their viewers are.

And BTW, fox pulled this stunt before showing a DC on the mall tea party rally with more people to represent one with actually fewer people. Jon Stewart caught them and they retracted it.

So, your defense of this sham by fox just shows your desperation.

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Great to see the democratic process at work. Recall's of the democrats who fled WI are underway!

From Fox6Now

Great stuff, glad to see it starting to work out. The other option of course is that the Gov. starts laying people off, that will probably make the dems come running with their collective tails between their legs. Again, I think it would have been a brilliant political move by Walker to layoff all the people who's jobs were at stake and let the full weight come down on the dems, but the people of WI are figuring it out on their own.

I'm glad to see things are working out, too, and they won't be in Walker's favor:

Posted at 2:34 PM ET, 03/ 2/2011

Breaking: Wisconsin Dems throw their weight behind drive to recall GOP Senators

By Greg Sargent The Wisconsin Democratic Party has decided to throw its weight behind a nascent grassroots drive to recall a number of GOP state senators, a move that will considerably increase the pressure on them to break with Governor Scott Walker, the Dem party chair confirms to me.

"The proposals and the policies that Republicans are pushing right now are not what they campaigned on, and they're extreme," the party chair, Mike Tate, said in an interview. "Something needs to be done about it now. We're happy to stand with citizens who are filling papers to recall these senators."

Previously, Wisconsin Dems had not publicly supported talk about recalling GOP Senators, in hopes of privately reaching a negotiated solution to the crisis. The Wisconsin Democratic Party's decision to support the recall drives represents a significant ratcheting up of hostilities and in essence signals that all bets are off.

Eight Republican Senators are eligible to be recalled right now, and various groups around Wisconsin are beginning to file papers to make it happen. Tate told me that the party would throw its organization behind such efforts

"We're an aggressive, on-the-ground group and we're going to be looking to aid these citizens in any way we can," he said.

Tate said he couldn't say whether such a recall drive would result in GOP Senators breaking with Walker, given their solidarity so far, but he vowed that a number of them would pay the price by losing their own jobs.

"There are Republican senators today that will lose their seats in a recall election in the next few months," he said "We're happy to assist."

Asked if Wisconsin Dems would drop their push to recall senators if they abandoned the drive to roll back public employee bargaining rights. Tate said he couldn't guarantee that, arguing that Walker's proposed budget cuts yesterday took this fight to a whole new level.

"In the past 24 hours, this has gotten so much larger than the rights of our public employees," he said. "This is much larger now than it was a week ago."

UPDATE, 3:08 p.m.: Ian Millhiser has some detail on the slim vote margin some of these Republicans won office with, and on how a recall would work.

And Sam Stein notes that Wisconsin Dems are already raising money to support the recall effort.

UPDATE, 3:43 p.m.: The SEIU is now soliciting support for the recall drives, suggesting labor may join the push to collect the required signatures necessary to make them happen.

UPDATE, 4:19 p.m.: We now have a total of four national polls all showing solid support for public employees

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If it's such a big story then why didn't fox report it. Maybe because it's a deflection on your part. Let's look over here, there's two stories about what a democrat did to a republican. They pale in comparison to the SOTU - the most important speech the most powerful person in the world makes and we have some nobody shouting out you lie in the most disrespectful display at a SOTU and the republicans defended him.

So, if the conservative media, aka fox, isn't reporting on it then it's because they don't find it newsworthy. But keep on trying to deflect with this non-story.

Wrong, again. Fox did report on it.

And if memory serves me right, just about everyone called that guy who called obama a liar, an idiot, and that he was out of line. But to say the least, he didn't threaten the life of another person like the democrat is WI did. And he didn't throw anything at anyone, like another democrat in WI did. Your grasping. Quit it, it's below you.

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Well, of course someone like me can discern the difference, but the stupid, uninformed fox watcher wouldn't be able to. And that video showing cops on horses and things getting somewhat out of control was shown as soon as Tobin started talking about outsiders being brought in as if the video was making the case for out of state trouble makers.

Let's just say for a minute that the video of the cops on horses, etc. was actually of Wisconsin, I would be pretty sure they were the trouble makers that were brought in by Walker who considered it or the Kochy brothers who did bring outsiders in.

And BTW, fox pulled this stunt before showing a DC on the mall tea party rally with more people to represent one with actually fewer people. Jon Stewart caught them and they retracted it.

So, your defense of this sham by fox just shows your desperation.

So you want to pretend, something that didn't happen, did happen, so that you can point a finger at someone who "would have done something" if they could have? Quit grasping. If you can discern it, and so can I, I'm going to go out on a limb and say there are probably more out there like us that have enough intelligence to figure it out. Which doesn't change the fact that story you posted about this was a blatant lie, no where did fox news say that the video's of the mounted police were in WI, they were very clearly marked where they took place. Another, blatant lie, that your now trying to defend instead of just admitting they did wrong, and you were wrong for posting the lie. Sad.

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So you want to pretend, something that didn't happen, did happen, so that you can point a finger at someone who "would have done something" if they could have? Quit grasping. If you can discern it, and so I can, I'm going to go out on a limb and say there are probably more out there like us that have enough intelligence to figure it out. Which doesn't change the fact that story you posted about this was a blatant lie, no where did fox news say that the video's of the mounted police were in WI, they were very clearly marked where they took place. Another, blatant lie, that your now trying to defend instead of just admitting they did wrong, and you were wrong for posting the lie. Sad.

Walker said on his duped tape phone call with "koch" that he considered putting troublemakers into the protest crowds (which by the way is being investigated) so even if we did see some troublemakers there would be no way of knowing they weren't planted by walker since he considered it and "koch" suggested it, too.

Secondly, the part of the protests showing police on horses and palm trees is not identified as to location. It says union protest. And you can't answer what purpose it has in a video about wisconsin protestors and the possibility that some may have come from outside. If they had proof of this they would have shown it. They didn't so they threw in some unrelated protest video to try to lend credibility.

It is you who is grasping at straws. fox deliberatly tried to mislead and their stupid viewers probably fell for it which was their intent.

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Great to see the democratic process at work. Recall's of the democrats who fled WI are underway!

From Fox6Now

Great stuff, glad to see it starting to work out. The other option of course is that the Gov. starts laying people off, that will probably make the dems come running with their collective tails between their legs. Again, I think it would have been a brilliant political move by Walker to layoff all the people who's jobs were at stake and let the full weight come down on the dems, but the people of WI are figuring it out on their own.

Typical neocon thinking - the kind walker subscribes to - lay people off - cause them to lose their jobs, taking food from their children - to make a political point. And the people would be blaming him for laying people off - if he has the power to do it then he would be the one they would blame.

What the people of WI are figuring out is that they regret voting for this guy who thought he was going to be some f**king modern day hero and the masses would be worshiping his cajones. Didn't quite work out that way. They just see some guy who wants it all his way. The unions have agreed to the economic concessions - now it just looks like union busting (which it is). They didn't vote for him to strip the unions of collective bargaining and now even some republicans say he has gone too far. The WI polls and the national polls do not support him and what he is doing.

So, go ahead and lay people off walker - see how well that plays out for you.

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Typical neocon thinking - the kind walker subscribes to - lay people off - cause them to lose their jobs, taking food from their children - to make a political point. And the people would be blaming him for laying people off - if he has the power to do it then he would be the one they would blame.

What the people of WI are figuring out is that they regret voting for this guy who thought he was going to be some f**king modern day hero and the masses would be worshiping his cajones. Didn't quite work out that way. They just see some guy who wants it all his way. The unions have agreed to the economic concessions - now it just looks like union busting (which it is). They didn't vote for him to strip the unions of collective bargaining and now even some republicans say he has gone too far. The WI polls and the national polls do not support him and what he is doing.

So, go ahead and lay people off walker - see how well that plays out for you.

dodge duck dip dive dodge

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So, has the dailykos ran the retraction on their own lie about fox lying?Because they've been outed now, and the story is starting to circulate, the desperation is growing by the day. The other dirty word on the left besides accountability and responsibility? CONTEXT.

The Internet is abuzz this morning with a story that Fox News has “lied” in showing a video of an angry union protester from California while claiming its from Wisconsin. The “Palm Tree lie” (described as such because the tropical trees in the background of the protest video are used as proof of the deception) was the top two stories on Reddit’s Politics board this morning. They needn’t have tried so hard. While, in the 43-second clip that’s being
, it does look like Fox News lied, but watching the entire segment for context makes it clear that they did not.

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So, has the dailykos ran the retraction on their own lie about fox lying?Because they've been outed now, and the story is starting to circulate, the desperation is growing by the day. The other dirty word on the left besides accountability and responsibility? CONTEXT.

Why should they retract anything when they exposed fox's deliberate deception? I watched the whole tape. dailykos got it right and those who continue to defend it as something anywhere near good journalism and legitimate are just gullible, in denial, stupid or all three. dodge, duck, dip, dive, dodge

x News Airs Random Protest Video To Make Wisconsin Demonstrations Appear Violent Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly isn’t happy that protesters in Wisconsin have been calling out his network for its shoddy journalism practices. Last week, O’Reilly sent his ambush goon Jesse Watters out to badger people protesting Fox outside their studios in New York. On Monday during an interview with Fox News’ Mike Tobin, who is reporting from Wisconsin, O’Reilly was at it again, calling chants that “Fox lies” from pro-union demonstrators “some kind of organized deal.” But during the interview, Fox aired b-roll of some unknown protest that contained physical confrontations among demonstrators and simply labeled it “union protests,” as if it was coming out of Wisconsin. Watch it:

Digby asked of the video, “What’s wrong with this picture?” adding, “If you guessed the snowless ground and palm trees in Wisconsin you win a big prize. Your sanity.”

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walker has painted himself into a corner and now has no way out. Things aren't going in his favor.

-WI republican senator Dale Schultz said that walker has overplayed his hand

-WSJ said that they cannot support the bill as written (that walker supports)

-most americans and WI people don't support it

-most WI voters would vote for walker's opponent if voting today. (buyer's remorse)

-walker didn't run on a platform of stripping collective bargaining rights and the people of WI know this

-the WI budget stalemate - the budget doesn't really have to be passed until at least May.

-walker has rejected every offer of compromise offered by the unions, Democrats and even a republican senator. All of the proposals would balance the budget without permanently eliminating collective bargaining rights.

So, there you have it. walker is just stubbornly rejecting every compromise - proving he doesn't care about the budget - he just cares about busting unions.

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Now to move on to republican lies, cons and hypocrisy:

They claim to be about reducing the budget and deficit. Really? Then why did they cut $600 million from the IRS budget?

You see, for every $1 the IRS uses to go after tax cheats - it generates $10 in revenue ( for debt reduction).

Revenue is in their name - that's what they do - and it doesn't raise taxes or cost jobs. That's a pretty good return.

Now let me think for a millisecond why republicans would do this if they actually wanted more money (revenue) for debt reduction. Hmmm. Could be because those tax cheats are known as republican corporate donors. :lol:

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