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Would you do it again?

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I am a pre-bander and I'm posting here because I'm reading and reading about all these issues everyone has and I'm really wondering if it is worth it? I know this is a tool and not a miracle, but I also know my personality and if I don't see something coming off that scale, I'm going to freak. I know the "rules" of how the band is to work and I know there are success stories but I'm questioning...(1) do I do bariatric surgery at all or (2) should I go with gastric as it is more effective at teaching you how and how not to eat?

Also, the whole port sticking out thing is creeping me out. I know the weight loss would be so much more beneficial than to worry about a stupid port but it freaks me a little. How/what is the process/procedure to get a smaller port? Is this something that you can request or is this something that is only done if you have a Tummy Tuck done? Also, can you really never sleep on your stomach again....I'll never sleep.

Would you do it again? Was it worth it? Stories/sharing......

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You definately need to weigh all your options when it comes to WLS. I am very happy with my decision to have Lap-Band vs Gastric Bypass. And yes, I would do it again. My weight loss has been slow and steady over the past year. I do not have any loose or saggy skin because of the gradual weight loss. I do not feel deprived from anything. As far as the port goes, it doesn't bother me at all. I sleep on my stomach with no problem. I believe the port size is all the same. They are fairly small. You should attend a WLS seminar that explains all of the options out there. Almost all of them have an actual band/port there to show.

Good luck with your decision.

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It has been emotional and uplifting, depressing and rejuvinating all at the same time. I have only been banded two weeks and yes, I would do it again. I have already lost 17 lbs since surgery and am feeling great. Even on liquids my energy is good, overall I am very happy, no complications. The liquid thing can get boring so plan for variety there in week two especially and it will help. I think we all kind of question whether we really need surgery and we each have to search our souls for that answer.

For me, surgery was like giving up at first I thought...but after all my waffling back and forth I decided it was not giving up, it was reaching out for help with both hands and accepting help that is actually available to me. Why shouldn't we take advantage of something that can help us take control of our lives? I am so glad I did. It is scary to change....but so worth it.

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Although I was only banded in November of 2010, I would definately do it again. Do not let a few bad experiences scare you away from something that can be so life changing and wonderful. Most of the time, those that have bad experiences have no one else to blame but themselves for failure. However, there are the few exceptions where failure is due to mechanics. But if you are willing to commit to your own success, then there is nothing that can hold you back.


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I'm not sure how gastric bypass teaches you to eat better than Lapband or any other type of WLS. Can you explain that? Because really it's not the tool that teaches you how to eat, you teach yourself. Having part of your stomach cut and rerouted isn't going to trigger a switch in your head that tells you how and what to eat, nor is a band around your stomach. That all comes down to you. There's no surgery in the world that will teach you how to eat, just my opinion.

I would get banded again in a heartbeat. I'm 9 months out, 108lbs down, and I couldn't be happier. I've had no problems at all. Keep in mind that all weightloss surgeries can and do fail. It's up to you to work with what you've got. Yes bypass promises quick weightloss in the beginning but there also comes a time when you need to maintain. Also keep in mind the bypass doesn't mean you're gonna lose all of your weight overnight.

I sleep on my stomach just fine and nowadays doctors usually put in low-profile ports automatically which usually don't poke out.

I say explore your options. Maybe talk to a surgeon who offers all types of WLS and sit down and consider which one will be best for you. Take some time to read over forums. You'll find Lapband success stories and you'll find Lapband failures. You'll also find the same for gastric bypass and any other WLS.

Good luck!

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I'm two weeks post op, am down 18 lbs and surgery/recovery was and is going great! U have to be ready, no procedure will make u eat better, the best thing to do is attend a seminar, read a lot about it on here, and attend some pre op classes before making your choice.

I was/am ready and I'd do it again even though I'm literally still scabbed over! Its hope and guidance I've needed for a long time!

Be optimistic and u can change ur life for the better!

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Btw...I slept on my stomach the 2nd night I was home from the hospital like a baby! Also, having a port print under my shirt is waaayyy better than a fat roll or 3!!! :)

Good luck on whatever u decide!

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I have to agree with everyone here. This is a very personal decision that you need to think about. Weigh the pros and cons. Really think about whether or not this is something you want to do because, as you said, it's not a cure all. The weight won't automatically fall off. You have to work at it. You have to make the right decisions about food and diet. And if that's not something you want to do, I wouldn't put your body through the procedure.

That being said, I would absolutely do it again and I only wish I would have done it sooner. It's the best decision that I've made. It hasn't been easy. I haven't been as successful as I probably could have been due to slip ups. But I'm dow 58 pounds since my preop diet. I feel better, I look better.

Knowing the detriments of being overweight, I think it's something you should think about but not be scared of. And yes, you can absolutely sleep on your stomach. And I can feel my port now if I push down on it. It might be more noticeable the more weight I lose, but if I just have a little bump on my tummy compared to be being obese? I'll take that every time...

Good luck with your decision!

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I am a pre-bander and I'm posting here because I'm reading and reading about all these issues everyone has and I'm really wondering if it is worth it? I know this is a tool and not a miracle, but I also know my personality and if I don't see something coming off that scale, I'm going to freak. I know the "rules" of how the band is to work and I know there are success stories but I'm questioning...(1) do I do bariatric surgery at all or (2) should I go with gastric as it is more effective at teaching you how and how not to eat?

Also, the whole port sticking out thing is creeping me out. I know the weight loss would be so much more beneficial than to worry about a stupid port but it freaks me a little. How/what is the process/procedure to get a smaller port? Is this something that you can request or is this something that is only done if you have a Tummy Tuck done? Also, can you really never sleep on your stomach again....I'll never sleep.< /p>

Would you do it again? Was it worth it? Stories/sharing......

First thing to know about this board, is everyone comes on to complain or worry, most of it is pointless things and random hysteria, like I ate 2 days after surgery am I going to die? hahah, not as much to talk about the good stuff. So be careful with what you read. A lot of it is just different than you expect.. but now that I'm on a regular diet I feel fine, I have no problems, nothing gets stuck, I'm not hungry and I'm losing weight. Everyone is different, but for me I feel completely normal, I don't feel deprived and the weight is coming off.

The port doesn't stick out, it's under the skin, I can feel mine if i press down on it, but it doesn't stick out at all. I can't imagine it will when I lose all my weight either. I sleep on my stomach, it's fine, yes, for the first few weeks you can't because of the pain. The first week the pain is pretty bad, it's hard to move in general so I couldn't lay on my side or my stomach, but after that I could.

Overall I'm happy. I got banded about 10 weeks ago, I've lost 35 pounds. The only thing I would tell you is the band won't stop you from eating. It controls your hunger. Which is great, I'm never hungry, I can go 5 hours between a meal and not eat. But it's up to me what I put in my body. I still have to watch calories and diet and exercise. Keep that in mind. But I can still eat when I'm not hungry, it's a mental battle with food addiction. There will never be a point you physically can't eat the wrong foods. That is why people fail, they get filled and filled and it isn't stopping them from eating junk food and they freak out because they can still eat. Or they get their bands so full they just puke all the time and nothing goes down. Just eat a sensible diet, and exercise and the weight will come off easily, but if you can't comit to giving up junk food and expect the band to do the work you will be in for a surprise.

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As to the port. Mine is realllyyyy deep and the nurse has to really look for it. Even at goal I don't think it will stick out. I think that's why the doctor puts it so deep. I am a stomach sleeper. It will be hard to sleep on your stomach the first week or so but not a problem long term.

A lot of people talk on her about he "Band stopping them from eating bad foods". That's really not true. The band is'nt a mind reader. I can eat any food. Until restriction I had to measure and only eat that amount and stop. Even being at/near restriction I still have to measure and don't get a full sensation until I stop eating. We are not overweight because we ate small portions of healthy food. I ate realatively healthy food but I ate way to much of it and did a lot of snacking.

I would absolutely do surgery again. I was very scared about the surgery but for me it really was not bad. I was a bit freaked out by the people posting how horrible their pain was. I had pain in the port area certainly but I was back at the gym on day four.

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most people who frequent this site are 100% happy with their band and would probably do it all over again. if i was given the opportunity to do it over again with what i know now, i honestly don't know what i would do. don't get me wrong... i'm EXTREMELY happy with the results but it hasn't been an easy journey for me at all.

i'm (relatively) young and thought i'd breeze through the surgery and lose weight quickly but that just wasn't the case for me. i had never had surgery before so i don't have anything to compare it to but it is painful for the first 3+ days. i suggest taking the prescribed pain killers as directed. i live 4 hours away from my surgeon so my first few fills were aggressive. i ended up being over-filled. i threw up constantly and gained acid reflux on top of it. i was losing weight so i didn't say anything to my surgeon. (totally MY mistake. i don't blame him at all). when i finally scared myself straight by the acid reflux causing me to vomit in my sleep and choking on it, thankfully my band hadn't slipped.

i'm almost 3 years post-op and i'm so close to my goal weight i can almost taste it... but its been an uphill battle for every single pound... not the cake walk like i thought it would be when i started out. the most difficult part of this whole journey is learning to listen to your body. your band will tell you when your full but your brain will tell you its still hungry. its like the devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other. which one you listen to will determine whether you lose weight or not.

as for sleeping... i'm a stomach sleeper and a week after surgery i was sleeping on my stomach again. the port is a little freaky. thankfully, i didn't think about it much before surgery. now, when i'm stressed i run my hand over my port and its like a comfort to me... like a reminder that i can't eat to ease the stress. i don't think its visible but for some people the port is visible under the skin.

i've lost 65 pounds and still continuing to lose. i have never gained any weight back. i've gone from a size 16 to a size 6. i'm not the biggest girl at work anymore. i'm more confident. i'm healthier. but what i wouldn't give to eat 1 normal sized meal again.... its an every day battle.

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Short answer is YES. I have learned some much about myself already! I just wish i had this will power without a surgery. I have totatally changed the way i eat now that i am banded. I can eat anything. Nothing gets stuck. But i finally got the mindset that if i went thru surgery i WILL lose this weight. And so far so good :) I LOVE my Band. And would do it over again in a heartbeat.

That said everyone is diffrent. Make this decision because YOU want it. Not because a doctor is tellin you to lose weight or to please someone else. This needs to be your decision. You will be the 1 living with it. :)

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I would definitely do it again! I was so scared at first. I did the whole diet thing before and I was always so hunger. I have been banded for about two months, but I have not really worked on the diet part till recently, just hit the 25lb loss. What is so good about the lapband is when I do diet, at the end of the night I don't feel like I am starved. I can't wait for my next fill!

But I think you seriously need to think about what you are going do and be sure it is for you. Learn as much as you can and if you have a question make sure to ask your dr or one of his/her nurses, that's what you paid for.

Love Sam

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I would definitely get banded again. My only regret is not doing it years ago. The weight loss is slow, but steady. Surgery went easy for me and I had minimal pain- only need children's motrin. After a few weeks you'll be able to sleep on your stomach. I can not feel my port unless I really press down on it. Problems can up up and most likely will at some time. Its important to be comfortable with your doctor choice and make sure they make themselves available. i have gotten "stuck" just once, but my doctor met me on a holiday and opened the practice and took out my fill in less than a minute- problem solve instantly! Next week, a was filled again and now I really chew!

Good luck... research, ask questions, and make the best decision for you!

I am a pre-bander and I'm posting here because I'm reading and reading about all these issues everyone has and I'm really wondering if it is worth it? I know this is a tool and not a miracle, but I also know my personality and if I don't see something coming off that scale, I'm going to freak. I know the "rules" of how the band is to work and I know there are success stories but I'm questioning...(1) do I do bariatric surgery at all or (2) should I go with gastric as it is more effective at teaching you how and how not to eat?

Also, the whole port sticking out thing is creeping me out. I know the weight loss would be so much more beneficial than to worry about a stupid port but it freaks me a little. How/what is the process/procedure to get a smaller port? Is this something that you can request or is this something that is only done if you have a Tummy Tuck done? Also, can you really never sleep on your stomach again....I'll never sleep.

Would you do it again? Was it worth it? Stories/sharing......

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Deciding to undergo bariatric surgery is a very personal decision and only you can decide if you are ready for it, no matter what procedure you choose it is a committment that you have to make and no one can make that for you. I don't know how much weight you have to lose, but every WLS has it pros and cons and it took me over a year to make the decision and that was after researching all WLS options. It you are looking for a quick fix, the band is not it. It is a tool, the least invasive, and can be your friend. You work with it, not against it. You have heard from several people who would do it again and have given you some great advice.

I would do it again. I have not regretted my decision. During the process I attended an informational session, had a meeting with the surgeon and nutritionist. Asked a lot of questions. I also discussed it with my primary care doctor and other specialist I see. Knowledge is power.

I wish you the best with your decision. Maybe your are not ready yet. Be well.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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