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Being Banded this Monday - Feb 7th

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so today is my last day on full liquids, tomorrow is all Clear Liquids and Monday i'll be going in for surgery.

This is how i currently feel:

I am scared and excited. i am a little depressed this whole week being on pre-op diet. I feel so hungry and feel like i am missing out on the "fun" this weekend. I never had surgery in my life and i am scared so much that i thought about backing out. I've come to far and won't back out. i can not wait for next week when i am banded and feeling more normal.

I hate reading about the people that only loose 30-50 lbs with lap band. i dont understand why. i pray i am not one of those people. i am scared about having loose skin. I am excited to be a normal weight again, i am excited for all the compliments on how much weight i am loosing. I dont want people to ask me HOW i lost the weight. i dont know if i should lie and say i am dieting or tell people i have lapband. i am confused today and moody. I am stocked up on muscle milk and pudding and Jello and broth etc. I am dying for a real meal. I lost some weight this week and it feels good. i am staying away from friends and family this week. i cant stand when people eat in front of me. i quit smoking now for 16 days and i think i will not smoke again even after the surgery. I found i have strong will power to stick to this pre-op diet with no cheating, quit smoking, no soda or coffee this week either. i am proud of myself. i cant wait to loose the first 50lbs and fit into my old clothes that i havent fit into in over a year and half. i cant wait to be even thinner than that. I have high self esteem, always have, when i have lost weight before and was a size 9-10 i was sooo self conscience...now that i am double that size i have more self esteem, i am scared that loosing the weight may do that to me again. i cant wait to get skimpy clothes for my boyfriend. i cant wait until the summer. i am scared to loose my amazing boobs, i hope they dont sag. i am already thinking about a Tummy Tuck and boob lift next year. am i crazy?

all these things are going through my head...ANYONE FEEL ME?

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Hey hungrymel I most definitely feel you!! I am also being banded Monday the 7th. During the first week od the pre op diet I think my rollercoaster of emotions hit the all time high. I even broke down & cried because I didn't think I'd be successful at the band. Reading all the posts these posts about people only losi 25-50 lbs in a year was so disheartening to the point where I called the doc who I had my psych eval with to tell hi. I was terrified, worried about not losing weight. He told meth worrying is actually a good thing, it means you are making a conscience effort to change my way of life and the worrying means you will make better choices because it is in the forefront of your mind.

Since that appointment Tuesday I have not thought about food & when I do I remember this pre op diet won't last forever & I can still have my favorite just occasionally and in moderation.

I think once you lose the weight and people start complimenting you it will give you the motivation to keep going until you have that sexy body you've been dreaming of!

I chose not to tell anyone about surgery just the people closest to me. I don't like people in my business and I definitely don't want everyone watching me when I eat and the food choices I make.

I have aleeady thought about the Tummy Tuck & boob job. I have huge boobies & I want them to sit up & be extra perky! If I reach my goal weight by next feb 7th that was going to be a present to myself in the spring. Thinking like that has helped me to not think of the bad times that come along with the band.

It's not going to be easy but I think with your support on here as well as your support system at home you'll do great.

Good luck with surgery did they tell you what time to be there? I have to be there 530am. Ugh I am not a morning person at all, but it's for a great reason so I'll suck it up & be there.

Your in the homestretch one more day for us!

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I am right there with you both. I get banded on the 15th of this month and have felt all of the emotions ya'll are going through. I went to hospital pre-op, more test and a support group on Thursday and even though I am ready for this I can back a little deflated. I told my sister-in-law that I was the fattest at the fat club meeting (support group) and she laughed and said don't call it that. She said call it the On The Way To Skinny Club. That helped me view things different. I have also not told many people, no one outside of my close circle of friends and family, and are not really sure how I am going to handle the question. The only ones that knew while I was waiting approval was my husband, kids, parents, brother and sister-in-law and 2 friends. Since approval I called to tell an aunt that I am close to and she was very supportive. I told my daughter's best friend, that we are very close to, that I was having a procedure at the hospital and couldn't help with her baby that week and she got teary eyed and worried wanting to know what was wrong and I didn't have the heart to lie to her. She was actually relieved it wasn't something bad. So it is a sticky situation but I really want to wait until I have made some good progress before it is well known. I can't wait to start seeing a difference in my clothes and looking forward to being able to dress for fahion and not to cover the fat.

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I fell you. I am full of emotions. I am being banded on the 8th. I started this process 1/10 so its been a year now. Over that past year I have slowly been sharing with people what I am doing. Now everyone I work with and all of my family and friends know. Its an amazing feeling everyone is very supportive about it. I am diabetic and they have seen everything I have been through this past year and how hard things have been so everyone is just about as excited as I am :) Its just me but I am an open person and I chose to share. I am glad I did. Good luck and I hope everything goes well.

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I'm scheduled to be banded on Monday also. Since I was approved last fall, as I've approached the date, I have taken this very matter-of-factly. But I noticed from about ten days ago, I've been feeling kind of anxious, wasnt sure why but I realize that it's quickly becoming real. Since yesterday, I'm feeling grief. Ok, I thought, what is this grief about? My whole life is going to change -- the way I socialize, what I do to satiate myself when I'm on the run, how I sooth myself, not thinking about food except when I'm hungry and want to it some. I've been on the verge of tears today. It hasn't occurred to me to back out, I don't want to. I'm apprenhensive about the change. I have ADD so I have to be so very mindful about drinking and eating, especially when doing so with others because I'm easily distracted. I have to -- not try to, as in the past -- I have to drink a lot of Water, something I've never been good at. No more gum or soda, or eating popcorn of sipping from a straw. For the first 6 wks, have to walk for a minute every hour. That's no problem but how am I going to rmember all of this, and get in drinking 30-60 minutes before a meal? I'm single, live alone and I ALWAYS do something else while I'm eating...watch TV, on the computer, etc. I've tried, but haven't been able to NOT to. All these things I've been unable to do in the past I have to do now along with a whole new slate of rules and do it inspite of ADD. Ok, I see now I'm overwhelmed. I always get thru things better than I think I will, and sometimes, things magically happen where there's no angst. I'm not dwelling too much on not losing enough weight to justify the band. I've heard several people say in my support group, as well as the surgeon's coordinator, that the people who don't lose aren't eating properly to lose the weight. Emotional eaters can struggle with the band because soothing milk shakes go down easily. My neighbor got the band a couple of years and she hasn't lost very much but acknowledges she eats the foods she did before, although she gets full faster. Apparently she needs more caloric restriction. I have friends but I'm really alone in the world -- no parents or children or family that are close. I'm 59 and I want to be able to control my life until I die, not be at the mercy of busy and/or uncaring nursing staff. That would be my idea of hell. So, that's why the lapband, I need to be healthy and vital for the best chance for independence for the rest of my life. And I want to be able to cross my legs!!!!!

265 lbs, 5' tall, have no idea what my goal is but I'll take 135lbs.

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Wow, sounds like we are all having the same feelings. I am in Canada and self paying at $17K so I have to make this work. I am 44 yrs old and at my heaviest. I have to get my old self back or I won't live to be 50 or 60 yrs of age. The lap band is a tool. You still need to watch what you eat & exercise...

I have always been in great shape my entire life. In the last 6 yrs I have ate the same but I gain weight so easily. I went away at Christmas and ate sandwichs for lunch and choclate every day. It isn't like I sneak food. I gained 10 lbs for every week away with a total of 20 lbs.

Pre-op I am on day 12 and down 10 lbs. I am being banded on Wed Feb 9.

I lost 40 lbs 2 yrs ago. Since I have a back injury my weight is a real problem and I put the weight back on & more.

I have big boobs at 44 DD. Hate them. I hope to get down to a 38C again. With age & gravity that might not be possible if so I am getting a bob reduction or lift.

I have 3 friends that have been banded. One of them had a boob job & tummy tuck...

4 more days and the new journey of the next phase begins!

Good luck all!


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Thrilled to be able to read everyone's stories and journeys - and to know that all the things I'm feeling, others are feeling too. My big day is February 17th, so I'm in real countdown mode now. I have a million questions, over and above those I can ask my surgeon. You'll be hearing from me! Good luck to everyone who's about to have their surgery.

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This week (and the next) is a big one for all of us. Let's virtually hold hands for encouragement and support as we embark on our new and wonderful life even with whatever bumps in the road we may go thru. It will all be worth it, you'll see.

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Robin - yes, I will be thinking of everyone! Good luck all! Big hugs!!! :D

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Hi everyone! I am also getting banded tomorrow 2/7...I am nervous, excited, sad, worried, etc. It's been a rollercoaster of emotions over the past few days. I am excited b/c I feel I am doing what is best for me. I know I can do this but it's going to be very hard. I have spend my life using food in so many ways other then for nutrition. This change will effect everything in my life. I enjoy socializing and going out to eat and drink. I sit in many meetings all day and i'm nervous as to how i'll prepare and eat the right foods. I did buy a small fridge for my office and lots of tupperware so I plan to premake food and take it to work.

My mom came to stay with me for the first few days since hubby is starting a new job and can't take off any time. My mom is already driving me nuts...yikes.

I have onlt told a few close friends and family. No one at work really knows. I'm also starting in a new role at work and that's adding some exta anxiety.

I think i'm totally babbling now...my thoughts are all over the place.

Best of luck to everyone! This is the beginning of a wonderful journey. I look forward to sharing all our successes and challenges with each other and providing lots of support along the way.



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:DEveryone, congrats! As you can see every thing that you are feeling is normal. It sounds as if you have done your homework and are approaching this process with eyes open. Being realistic about what the band as a tool and not a fast fix is a must in order for you to be successful. Your emotions are real and I am glad to hear that you are voicing them and that others are here to support you through this time. This process works differently for everyone, our bodies respond differently, and we all wonder if we might "fail" one more time as we have when doing the diet trail. Esteem plays a big role in this and watching your body change may even seem sureal as we have gotten so used to seeing ourselves as "fat" or whatever term you choose to apply to your body shape today/or in it's heaviest moment. Some of us grieve for the loss of our relationship with food, others will experience fear/of the unknown or the what if. OK so weight will come off slowly for some of us and then for some weight will come off fast, as long as we get there! Our bodies are changing and in many ways our lifestyle will change too. How it will change is the unknown...how will we handle ourselves when eating out, what will we do when we are in a group setting and there is nothing that we can actually eat/or want to eat...who will we tell about our surgery? and many more questions. You will work this out and you will have some bad times, but you WILL work out these situations to your satisfaction.

Water at work I carry a bottle around with me where ever I go. A lunch full of crap? I will bring in my lunch and either eat it with the rest of the folks or I will eat my lunch before I go, bring my water (I put crystal light in it for taste) and then enjoy the others. Eating out, I have learned to stay away from the bread basket, I choose my meals carefully and use the bread plate for my main plate. As for work...I decided to be open and tell everyone as when the weight came off they would all probably label me with a traumatic illenss and my family is aware. I made the mistake of trying to protect my mom as she has always had a life long fear of surgeries and her health is not the best so I did not tell her until afterwards. After she thanked me for loving her enough to protect her I then was treated to her "and don't you do that again and since when do we lie to each other now that you are a grown woman" lecture. I am not perfect by any means and I am still working issues out, but I am doing it and I know the plateaus and bumps are coming my way, however, I overcome them and I will not be shocked by them and I will carry on. How bout you? sounds to me as if you will too! Good Luck and keep us updated.

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:DEveryone, congrats! As you can see every thing that you are feeling is normal. It sounds as if you have done your homework and are approaching this process with eyes open. Being realistic about what the band as a tool and not a fast fix is a must in order for you to be successful. Your emotions are real and I am glad to hear that you are voicing them and that others are here to support you through this time. This process works differently for everyone, our bodies respond differently, and we all wonder if we might "fail" one more time as we have when doing the diet trail. Esteem plays a big role in this and watching your body change may even seem sureal as we have gotten so used to seeing ourselves as "fat" or whatever term you choose to apply to your body shape today/or in it's heaviest moment. Some of us grieve for the loss of our relationship with food, others will experience fear/of the unknown or the what if. OK so weight will come off slowly for some of us and then for some weight will come off fast, as long as we get there! Our bodies are changing and in many ways our lifestyle will change too. How it will change is the unknown...how will we handle ourselves when eating out, what will we do when we are in a group setting and there is nothing that we can actually eat/or want to eat...who will we tell about our surgery? and many more questions. You will work this out and you will have some bad times, but you WILL work out these situations to your satisfaction.

Water at work I carry a bottle around with me where ever I go. A lunch full of crap? I will bring in my lunch and either eat it with the rest of the folks or I will eat my lunch before I go, bring my Water (I put crystal light in it for taste) and then enjoy the others. Eating out, I have learned to stay away from the bread basket, I choose my meals carefully and use the bread plate for my main plate. As for work...I decided to be open and tell everyone as when the weight came off they would all probably label me with a traumatic illenss and my family is aware. I made the mistake of trying to protect my mom as she has always had a life long fear of surgeries and her health is not the best so I did not tell her until afterwards. After she thanked me for loving her enough to protect her I then was treated to her "and don't you do that again and since when do we lie to each other now that you are a grown woman" lecture. I am not perfect by any means and I am still working issues out, but I am doing it and I know the plateaus and bumps are coming my way, however, I overcome them and I will not be shocked by them and I will carry on. How bout you? sounds to me as if you will too! Good Luck and keep us updated.

thsisme - well said! What I neglected to ad in my first post are my biggest concerns: not knowing exactly what is a 'small' bite although I've been given the analogy of the size of an eraser on a pencil. That does help. What amount is a 'sip'? How am I going to deal without being able to gulp when I'm SO thirsty? I've never been able to get a good analogy from anyone what it feels like when food gets stuck, other than its 'comfortable' or 'it really hurts'. I've got my ammunition (Papaya enzymes and meat tenderizer) ready though. I already assume my skin will sag and have no illusions about a 'beautiful' body, except in the spiritual sense. I'm extremely happy that I won't be taking up so much space everywhere I go, no issues with airline seats or even my discomfort in them, and trying to pack my arms in to no intrude on the next person's space. I want to know what it is to not be winded going up stairs, to not panic when I approach a turnstyle, to not have to pay an additional $5-10 to get clothes in my size from a catalog, often needing help to get a seatbelt closed when insomeone else's car, wondering before I sit on a chair if it will support my weight or how am I going to be able to get up and out of a couch without looking pitiful. And with any luck, be down enough to be able to qualify for an individual medical insurance plan with premiums less than what I'm paying on my current small group plan (I'm self-employed). Regardless of the bumps in the road, look how our lives will become easier, less stressful and fearful, and I'm sure there's a lot more I haven't remembered to add to the list above. BTW, I know a lot of people consider getting obesity surgery a private matter and struggle with who to tell, who not, etc. Everyone's different, but I don't relate with this at all. What's the big deal about it? (no pun intended, LOL) When appropriate, I always mention it. People seem to be very interested in that. If anything, it's an ice breaker, LOL. Someone else mentioned she doesn't want other people watching what she eats and and ready to judge. People who 'watch' will do that even in you're on Weight Watcher, and you know they've always been watching you being their superior selves. "Look at her, that's her 2nd dinner roll". With people like that, just pull a chair up to where they're sitting, the more in their space as possible, the better, and comment on everything they're eating with each bite. "You shouldn't be eating that fried shrimp! Do you NOT care about your cardiac health? (and then rattle off some statistics about mortality rates related to eating fried or unhealthy food. You have children you need to be there for!! Then do it again with the next bite they eat of anything where there's a health risk (which is almost everything!). Do some slow moving your head back and forth, with a superior, there's nothing that can be done for this person expression on your face). You get the picture. Letting people get away with stuff like that is giving them permission to do it in the first place. There has to be an uncomfortable/annoying/embarrassing/mortifying consequence or it will continue. Mortifying is always good.:) Ok, now you know I'm a Scorpio (vengeful), LOL. But incredibly kind also. And modest!

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wow - thank you everyone for all of your kind words. i am glad i am not feeling all of these emotions alone. Today is my clear liquids day and tomorrow is the big day. i am more hungry then scared of the surgery. lol. i stuck to the pre-op diet and i am already feeling better and looking thinner. although today i am really hungry, i am happy.

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Ok... Being banded Tuesday, and exact same feelings.... I'm not hungry on preop diet but craving everything and it has been so hard not to eat while everyone around eats as they please.... But hangin in there and will make it through this.... Just as all of you will!!! We beat obesity and we will do it together!!

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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