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starting over with lapband

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Hey Bunny7 - don't lose heart - I've taken a lot longer than most on here to lose my weight - I started with a BMI of 52 and am now down to 29.... 65kgs lost, but it has taken me 3 & a half years - what most would have probably done in 2, however I am still proud of each and every one of those kilos being gone. Just remember that each kilo is a step in the right direction and no journey is always straight - one step forward, two steps back, then you'll take 10 forward and only 2 back - in the long run, you WILL get there!

I was so happy to read your post this morning. It will be 2 years in Sept and I had my birthday on Saturday. Talk about moving slowly but happily, after a 6-month rebellion and depression about the whole thing, I am slowly, slowly changing. Being 60 next year might be helping. The one big change I've noticed is how I view the quantity of food on my plate. Too much makes me draw away! Before it was 'pile in'! So my attitude is changing and so is my behaviour. Thank you so much for posting.... it was such a lovely feeling reading your encouraging letter to me. Bless you. Warm wishes from South Africa.

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I really enjoyed these posts. I have a good 30-40 pounds to goal. All of these posts signify the feelings and struggles we all might have experienced. Keeping out head in the game is so important...game for life. I think it's definitely key to have support and good communication with our lapband doctors. Listening to our bodies is crazy at times because our body signals are sometimes inconsistent. This week my goal is to change up my exercise and focus on better foods ( I mean healthier!)


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Hi all! It's been awhile, since my last post. Thought I'd ck in. Happy to say I've got my mind working with my band again and have lost 10 pounds. It's slow but it's working. Now I need to get my mind working with my body to get high on exercise again. That's my downfall.....motivation to exercise!

I will say I've been in the pool 5 of out 7 days this summer and I do about 30 mins of exercising, which has helped.

Hope everyone is having a good summer in spite of the drought and high temps! Take care and just do your best to love yourself!

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Hi All, it's me, Grumpynonna, again...haven't posted to this thread for about a year, and it still appears to be the one that I need to being sharing on.

I am feeling cranky and fat and really don't want my FNP to tell me [again] when I see her week after next that I need to exercise and eat less and that it's really about not eating around the band and following the rules etc etc etc.

Harumph. Just because I ate all the leftover cookie-butts [the ones I couldn't possibly put into the Christmas cookie gifts, and they looked so left behind!] and have to have dessert after every meal [hey, I eat my Protein and veggies, how can dessert be a problem, if I have ROOM for it!?!?], I should still be able to lose weight, right?

Harumph again.

As you can probably tell, I am in Pity Party hell, especially since I was at 200 lbs yesterday, the first time in several years. To summarize what I said when I posted here last year, I was banded in November 2007, lost 100 lbs of the 130 I needed to lose in about 1 1/2 years, and was doing really well, was down to about 173-175. Then in summer of 2010, started having symptoms of being overfilled [pain, lots of regurgitation of meals, couldn't keep Water down,etc], so was mostly unfilled for a couple of months to give everything time to unspasm/calm down/let swelling and inflammation go down. Started being refilled early 2011, and about the time I last posted I was on my way in the struggle to re-lose the 20 lbs I had gained while being at a lower fill. All well and good. Found Happy Spot. Lost about 15 of the 20 lbs, hopeful of maybe losing the rest and continuing with weight loss. Lost Happy Spot. Symptoms started again, couldn't find the Happy Spot, had fills/unfills, yadda yadda.

Basically, was pretty much unfilled from just before Thanksgiving [oh, yay!] until last month, had to slow down re-filling because I had the Virus-from-Hell in December, and who knew what my innards really needed? [Anyone who says that throwing up with a lapband when you need to throw up because of stomach flu or whatever is just like throwing up without a lapband....well, not in my experience!]. Then had cataract surgery twice in January [very successful!] so just not focused on what I was eating or not.

ANYhow, am now about 1/2 cc short of the Happy Spot of Summer of 2011, but I feel very little restriction. I eat what I want when I want it. [Oh, don't start, yes, I know better.] Dessert makes me happy. If one piece of something is good, then two must be twice as good.


I do know what the "rules" are, I do know what worked the first time around, but I can't seem to get going again. Anything that occurs to me to try just feels like another diet....and I know in my heart of hearts that diets of any kind don't work for me...been there, done that. It seems that I have lost that "spark" that I had when I first started this whole process, that time of preparation [physical, mental and emotional] pre-op, and that whole first two years of success.

I just can't quite find "it"...and I can't bear the idea that my clothes are getting tight again, and I can't bear the thought of buying Big Clothes with X's in the Size again.

So thought I'd share/vent with you all, as you are pretty much the only ones who have a clue what this is about. And if anyone knows what might work to get me going again, it will be much appreciated. [Do you have ANY idea what happens to a body over 60 years old when it loses 100 lbs? Sagging? Ha! Never mind double chins [[now just double flaps!]], I seem to have triple knees....do they do knee tucks?]

Thanks to all of you for support....hopefully I can at least slow down the process and get through a summer without a repeat!.....Diane

Diane, how are you doing? Just thought I'd ck on ya. I don't get on here very often, usually if I get a notification on this thread. Wondered if you've tried to do liquid Protein for about 3 days? I'm sure you've heard it before.

Anyway hope you 're still hanging in there......Rhonda

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I think I have found my home on this thread. My name is Laura, and I was banded October 7, 2009. When I went to the first seminar I weighed 309 and was on diabetes medications. I did great the first year. I had gotten down to 240, I even weighed 237 for about a minute. I was working out, having Protein shakes for Breakfast, a yogurt snack, clear broth for lunch, and a sensible dinner. I was also going to Curves 3 times a week. Then, I don't know what happened, we went to Disneyworld, I got vertigo, started drinking soda, and bam, I have been as high as 252. For the last 2 years I have fluctuated between 245-252. When I do liquids I lose, when I eat, I don't.

My fill process has been very slow. They have never put in more than .5cc at a time. I have gone months without fills because they said I didn't need to come in. I have watched my aunt, who had surgery a year after me, drop from 240 to 160. It has been very depressing, but I will not give in.

I have watched New Toy for KT on Youtube. She is very inspirational, as is this thread. The main thing that I have learned is that the band is a tool that we have to use.

I know that I have not been using my tool. I too, have leared to eat around the band some. Ice cream goes straight through. I do have restriction with over cooked meat and some bread products. I'd like to get to the point where I cannot even put a piece of bread or baked good in my mouth.

I learned at my aunt's fill appointment with her in Oklahoma City that I shouldn't worry how much is in my band. I should listen to my body. I do envy the follow up care she has received, it even includes quarterly nutritionalist meetings. Sadly, my follow up care hasn't been as thorough.

I do have the tool. I am off of diabetes meds (for which I am eternally thankful). Now it's up to me go get my head on straight and do this thing. I have another fill tomorrow. Maybe we can find that sweet spot or green zone or whatever it is I need to work this tool.

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I am so happy to have found this thread...I won't go into details...my story is like the original...lost all the weight...gained it all back...yada, yada, yada.

I just "restarted" last week. Had several fills...finally have some restriction. Went and saw a nutritionist a week ago. I have lost 6 pounds over the past two weeks. I am looking forward to staying on track and working with my band.

I would love to keep posting here for anyone that is "restarting"

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I am also restarting.....I also have not gone to my doc because I am ashamed of my lack of dedication.

I lose very slow, and I am comfortable at 700 to 800 calories, but will not lose unless I eat 900 too 1100 . straying even a couple hundred is a challenge, as it makes me want to nibble. More then 1200 cal and I basically maintain.

I go a very long time before the scale actually shows a loss too, so I have avoid it. I wish the care after the band was for life. Seems visits and meetings should be mandatory like mammograms and physicals.

Oh well. Day one here we go!!!

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Wow......couldn't go back to sleep and I must say this has been a great thread. Praying for each of you through this journey. I too am struggling and just getting started on my journey. I couldn't be failing at this already can I? I was banded on March 29th this year and have only lost 21 pounds which I think sucks. I have been toggling between 3-4 pounds up and down over the last 2 months. I have never thrown up but I slime a lot so they took out .2 a couple weeks ago. I was able to eat 3 tacos last night and feel so disgusted with myself. I don't get how I can still eat so much and not get sick but still slime and sometimes have a hard time getting stuff down if that makes any sense.

If I'm being really honest this is one of the hardest things I had to do in my life and I feel people are watching my every move and wondering why I'm still looking the same.....THERE IS SO MUCH PRESSURE.

My 25 year old daughter had her band last week and is down 11 pounds already. I'm so scared that she is going to be more successful at this than me. I want to be the example for her to follow my success and see that I'm doing good so she can do good.

Just frustrated all hell over here and not quite sure what to do. I am going to drink more shakes this week and try to find a support group to start.

I shouldn't be feeling this way too early on like this. I so feel like a complete failure.

Sorry for the long post but I needed to get it out.

Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk

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Don't beat yourself up so much...this is a tough thing.

I lost 70 pounds in the first 6 months after surgery...and gained it ALL back +5!!! I am now restarting because the band allows me to do that!

I have gone back for fills and FINALLY have some restriction,,,but I know that is not enough...I have to do my part too.

I am counting calories, eating the right things, and exercising. I know that I have to do all these things to be successful. I wish it was easier...but it's not.

Stay strong...find what works for you...and don't compare yourself to others. No two people are identical in this journey!!!

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So yesterday I went for a fill. I now have 9ccs in my 10cc realize band. I really felt the difference yesterday. My husband said he watched the doc withdraw and insert and withdraw and insert the saline several times. Maybe he was trying to see how much was there or maybe he was trying to reset the band? Not sure, but I felt like an old fashioned coffee maker perking away. Last night I had some French onion Soup from Atlanta bread Company. Yummy. I was completely full after one normal sized coffee cup full. Horray! I got up this morning and went to Water aerobics on base. I feel pretty good so far today. I'm still just going to do the liquids today; have a Protein shake and more Soup. Tonight's plan, paint the master bedroom. Maybe that can count as exercise too?

Thank you so much for the support on this thread. It is awesome and much needed. The doctor's office said I weighed 242...I started at 309 when I went to the first seminar. I go back in another month. I hope to be 232 at that time. Here's hoping. I will say that when school starts up (I go back to work July 25th and kids begin Aug 1) My Water aerobics will only be twice a week instead of three times a week. I'll have to go in the afternoons on Tues/Thurs instead of mornings on Mon/Wed/Fri. Wish I could go all days...I think I'll try that the next couple of weeks before I return to work. I really feel great afterward. Getting there is the problem! LOL

Ok, I've rambled enough today. Thanks again for the support. I truly needed to know that I'm not the only one restarting.

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I had my lapband surgery in January 2008' date=' lost about 70 pounds, but have since gained it all back. I'd like to start over with it ... definitely still have restriction ... is it realistic to think I could do just the Protein shakes for awhile (a few weeks) to get back on track?[/quote']

I had mine in 2007, lost 80lbs and gained it all back plus more! We are definitely in the same boat. Two weeks ago I started back. I'm doing whey Protein Shakes for Breakfast. I think its a great idea as long as you choose one with a lot of Protein. I struggled with it the first few days because I was so off track but you can do it! I've list 12lbs so far!

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How come MaryAlice never responded to all of this talk????? Does anyone know her?

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I was banded in Sept 2010 so it's my 2 year anniversary in about 6 weeks time. It's been a journey of "starting overs" for me. Reaching that almost mythical 'sweet spot' took over a year to reach - my doc just never seem to give me the guidance I needed if I look back. I struggled on with insufficient restriction for way too long until for the last 5 months of last year I just threw in the towel and gave up. Well post Christmas holidays and I had put on 3kgs which was actually amazing as we had gone crazy with our eating and drinking over the season. I suddenly realised that actually the 'enemy band' was actually helping after all as I had obviously not consumed nearly as much as I had done in the past. While feeling pretty bloated and uncomfortable, my hubby and I started to really watch what we eat. It;s now 6 months down the line and while the loss is SLOW being almost 60, we are both down 5kg (11 lbs). So I hope that for those of you who are battling with portion size (1 cup max should be totally satisfying) go and get another fill! I am still eating slightly more than I should be at optimum restriction so now I am trying hard to pluck up the courage and go back and get a few more ml in that band. I am soooo nervous that I will have too much restriction - I lost a lot of confidence in the band working properly but I will eventually pick up the phone and make that appointment. We were all so excited and hopeful - let's just encourage one another to not give up and do what we have to do to win this battle. Would love to hear what some of your daily meals consist of.... the recommended amount for me is half a cup of food per meal. I cannot see how so little can be health???? Anyone able to help?

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Hi Bunny. I did go back yesterday for a tiny bit more in my band. I haven't been there in well over a year.

I have a great doctor, but also just a doctor, in no way is he a mentor. I just figured this out. It was not nearly as bad as i was expecting. Other then how much I have gained back.

I was worried it might be too much, as I thought I was at my sweet spot. I think now I was having some restriction, but not enough. I should be forced to eat slow, small bites, and stop at less then a cup. That is what this band does. I was lazy and started chewing less, took bigger bites, etc. I also didn't stop in time, because in reality I was NOT satisfied.... I need to go back to the less is best motto.

Good luck. :) you will feel better if you make the appt. if you are over filled, they can take it right back out.,

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I was banded in Sept 2010 so it's my 2 year anniversary in about 6 weeks time. It's been a journey of "starting overs" for me. Reaching that almost mythical 'sweet spot' took over a year to reach - my doc just never seem to give me the guidance I needed if I look back. I struggled on with insufficient restriction for way too long until for the last 5 months of last year I just threw in the towel and gave up. Well post Christmas holidays and I had put on 3kgs which was actually amazing as we had gone crazy with our eating and drinking over the season. I suddenly realised that actually the 'enemy band' was actually helping after all as I had obviously not consumed nearly as much as I had done in the past. While feeling pretty bloated and uncomfortable' date=' my hubby and I started to really watch what we eat. It;s now 6 months down the line and while the loss is SLOW being almost 60, we are both down 5kg (11 lbs). So I hope that for those of you who are battling with portion size (1 cup max should be totally satisfying) go and get another fill! I am still eating slightly more than I should be at optimum restriction so now I am trying hard to pluck up the courage and go back and get a few more ml in that band. I am soooo nervous that I will have too much restriction - I lost a lot of confidence in the band working properly but I will eventually pick up the phone and make that appointment. We were all so excited and hopeful - let's just encourage one another to not give up and do what we have to do to win this battle. Would love to hear what some of your daily meals consist of.... the recommended amount for me is half a cup of food per meal. I cannot see how so little can be health???? Anyone able to help?[/quote']

I feel your pain. I can definitely eat way more than I should be able to. After 5 years the most I've had in my band is 2 ccs. It's a struggle because I don't get that "full" feeling when I eat I just make myself stop, sometimes. I got totally discouraged after a year or so and completely gave up. I lost all faith in the band too. I feel so guilty I let myself go. I went back to weeks ago because I went to Universal Studios in Orlando and couldn't fit on my favorite rides, I was devastated. When I went to the doc some Fluid had leaked out. So I'm going back today to have it checked. I'm scared of being over restricted too but I think you should keep going and if its too much you will know. Good luck with everything. If you need to talk I'm here.

God Bless


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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