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Would You Do It Again?

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Hey there!

I'm 24 at 5'4 245lbs. I am seriously considering the lapband procedure. My mom(age57 5'3 200lbs) and I met up and went together for our consultations in December. We were both given checklists to complete that were a little different from one anothers.. as well as our reasonings for wanting to get this procedure done. Mine were based more upon appearaces lol. My mom was more interested in getting energy and trying to get rid of her diabetes (she was just diagnosed last year). Mom's checklist included a stress test.. where we found out something was wrong with her heart.. that they weren't able to hear on a stethascope. She just underwent QUADRUPLE BYPASS surgery! She's doing wonderful! When I saw her with tubes coming out of everywhere on a breathing machine I saw myself there.. and I know I will be if I don't get a handle on my life. Being overweight really incresases your odds of getting heart disease and diabetes. I have been overweight since I was about 10 years old. Every year I seem to gain a little more. In June of 2009 I hit my highest at 308lbs while I was pregnant. For the first time in my life I was successful at a diet losing more than 10lbs! I only ate lean cuisines and worked out religously to make it down to 235! Once I hit 235 march 2010. I burned out and have since gained 10lbs.. taking me back to my prepregnant weight where I've been stuck at since I was 21. My body is comfortable at this uncomfortable weight I guess. I want to get healthy! I am sharing my story because I am feeling extremely anxious and nervous! My reasons for having this surgery now are way more for health and feeling good, but I have been reading alot of your posts such as: Alot about feeling sick often!! Fill spots being turned sideways and causing painful fills. Being on a liquid diet.. and actually being succesful at it? (I've tried SlimFast at least 10 times and never made it past 3 days!) Please tell me about your experiences. The most important question I'd like to ask is, Would you do it all over again?

Thanks for your time I really look forward to reading your responses! xo

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The only thing I will say is to very carefully look at the reasons you eat. If you eat because you're always hungry (and you'll need to be honest with yourself whether it's real hunger or just cravings), then the band has a very good chance of helping you because that's what it does...it puts pressure on the vagus nerves which tell the stomach to quit producing ghrelin, the hunger hormone.

The band won't stop you from eating sweets. It won't stop you from grazing. For quite a number of us, it also doesn't physically restrict how much we eat...even when we have too much fill and are getting stuck frequently.


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The band is still hard work. I'm three months post op, I've lost 42 pounds, and I still struggle. I exercise, I watch what I eat, and I'm still a slave to the scale. I am just now starting to get sick, but I'm also finally starting to see the weight loss. The surgery itself was very painful for me. For some friends of mine, it was nothing. You really do have to follow some kind of diet after the surgery otherwise you went through it for nothing. I'm struggling now with getting my full Protein requirements in. Its tough!

I'd love to sit around eating ice cream every night like I did before, but I don't. I haven't had ice cream at all since the surgery, and it hasn't been difficult at all.

The hardest thing for me is to stop eating and let myself feel full, which lately hasn't been happening until I was sick.

Just don't go into this thinking its easy. Its really not.

The two week liquid diet wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I think I was so ready to not have that internal fight with food, it was almost a relief. The best part about this is I don't feel the guilt anymore. I know I need to eat and I feel good about eating. I dont think everyone is looking at me wondering why I'm not eating salad. Its very freeing for me. I was consumed with guilt and self disgust and I can say for certain that is gone.

Would I do it again, if you asked this a month or two ago, I would have said no way. Now that I can see a difference in my life and my physical appearance and I'm feeling back to normal, yes, I'd do it again. Especially because I know I'm not done losing weight. Its coming off slower than others, but its coming off.

Good luck, if you have any other questions, feel free to contact me.


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Thank you so much for getting back to me! I had to sleep on all that information I found on this site! I've weighed the pros and cons. I feel so torn like I should be able to lose this weight on my own with hardwork and dieting. This surgery really shouldn't even be a question for me though. I am in the beauty industry and since joining my selfesteem has plummeted! It's like I am waiting to live my life now instead of enjoying life! I was just invited to run a booth for a rollerderby game and to my best friend's 30th birthday party and my thought process was something like " oh gawd, I don't want everyone to see me this fat." It is a huge struggle to go to any gatherings because of those feeling. I'm always thinking "I'll do it next year, I'll be thinner." I am a grazer and always seem to have a sweet tooth. Yesterday I went to the grocery store and bought keebler Cookies.. which I try never to do.. I ate the whole carton before I got home! I can't say no to food in front of my face.. even in front of others. I make myself sick without a lapband! My number one deciphering reason for having this surgery, over appearance and building some of my confidence back up, is for my daughter. She deserves a mom that has more energy and who will be here for her as long as I possibly can be. Also to lead by example. I feel that having been overweight at such a young age limited some of my opportunities in my life. I want to teach her healthy eating habbits, eating in smaller portions, and to make sure she is healthy and has every opportunity at her doorstep! There are so many more important things to concern yourself with than weight in this life. I don't want her to ever feel this burden! @Liese why would you have said no way? I understand now that you're seeing results your happy with your decission, but was it because of your recovery or not seeing enough results?

Your comments are much appreciated!

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I would get the Lapband again in a heart beat. It is the best thing that I have ever done for myself.

BEST PART = Type 2 diabetes is GONE!!

I'm blessed to be one of the people that has found the process to be easy. Good Luck

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I am only a few days Post Op...I am still in pain and learning all the new feelings and sounds of my body but I am happy with the decision because my health and my life and my kids are so very important to me. Don't get me wrong. People can and do lose significant amounts of weight without surgery and some even keep it off. The bigest thing that has to change is the mental aspect of things. When I was younger...in my 20s losing weight was about my appearance. And I was easily able to derail my progress with thoughts of "vanity is stupid" and "people love me for who I am not what I look like" and " I am a good person no matter how fat I am" and it gave me the permission to stop trying to lose weight way too easily.

Then my mom who is only 56 yrs old had a triple bypass surgery...her second heart attack actually...then one day she fell and couldn't get herself up for over 3 hours. There was no one to help her, her muscles are weak, the neuropathy in her feet and hands from her diabetes made it hard to even feel her way and couldn't get enough footing, all the strenght that she could muster couldn't help her lift her body off the ground for 3 entire tear filled hours. My heart broke for her and I thought...there is no way I can let this happen to me. I also didn't want to continue the pattern and pass on the poor habits and choices onto my own kids dooming them to a similar fate. No, I decided to have surgery because having a tool that will help me be less hungry will assist me in making better choices and give my best efforts of planning and exercising a chance to work without making me more hungry when I increase my activity and by taking away the aspect of eating too much because I simply get too hungry after a week of dieting and start eating too much.

Weight loss even with the band is not going to be easy. But over the last 5 months I just keep thinking that it will be a lot easier than dealing with the health problems that were looming on the horizon if I don't.

I honestly feel that if I hadn't started really caring about my health...I would have not been able to keep the weight off...now that I do, it's about lifestyle changes and not dieting and that sounds really cliche....but it's true. I am at a point right now where I realize that as much as I love potatoes...I should probably never eat one ever again...or relgate it to the only very occasionally list. But when you know that it's just not consistant with your goals it really stops making sense to want the foods you shouldn't have anymore....there is no justification, it's all accountability. You still have to hold yourself to a higher standard...this lapband...just helps you do that by making you less hungry and giving your logical mind a shot at combating the hunger we all face every single day....that's just my two cents worth. Sorry if it was too long.

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I got the band March 15 of last year. I was 319lbs. Now, 10 months later, I'm at 207. I've had a few problems with the band (problems I blame solely on my surgeon and his cocky attitude), but it was a huge blessing. I've been able to lose weight myself as well, but never been able to stick with the diet and keep it off. I haven't had a problem this time.

The main reason I did it was because of my daughter. I was 28 and didn't see myself living to see my daughter get married (she was 2 at the time, 3 now) because of my weight and the family history of weight related problems (diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol). Now I see myself beig there (and looking hot!). We're actually talking about trying to conceive another one in six months, depending on how close I am to goal.

The only advice I can give you is make sure you research your surgeon and feel comfortable with him. If he brushes off concerns before surgery, he will brush them off after surgery, too.

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I would have said no way because I had a lot of pain at the port site. The sutures in the abdominal muscles were very painful to me. I have a friend who had the surgery a month after me and had very little pain, so I guess it just depends on the person. Because of all of the pain and what I thought was slow weight loss, I would have said no if you asked me a month ago. Now I can see the difference in my body and how I feel, and I dont' have any pain, so my answer would be yes, I'd do it again. I was comparing myself to another friend who lost an obscene amount of weight in the first two or three months, while my weight loss was slower. Being as fat as I am/was, the weight loss didn't show until I lost a substantial amount of weight. I'm finally seeing it....

The first six weeks I felt like I went through a big surgery, a bunch of pain, I lost my best friend (food), only to lose the same kind of weight I'd lose through weight watchers and for the same amount of effort.

Now, I dont' have to count points, I can eat mostly what I want, and I'm still losing weight. I miss soft drinks and champagne, I stay away from ice cream, I've had to identify my triggers, and find new hobbies. This has a HUGE emotional aspect to it and I highly suggest a therapist. I really missed food as a comfort and reward, but that seems to be going away now too.

I don't think I will ever be 130 pounds, and I fear that this is it, I will be at this weight forever since I've lost a good bit, but I think thats all part of the crazy that is me.

Good luck to you.

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I would definately do it again! I have been very happy and determined to make the right choices to loose the weight. I tell myself everyday positive thoughts and believe that I can do it and that I deserve to be thin. I pray that if you make the decision to have lapband that you stay focused and believe in yourself and the great value that you have! You will love the newfound energy and confidence!

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I would definitely do it again! This is the only thing that has helped me lose more than twenty pounds and keep it off. I have also been overweight since I was about 9 or 10 years old so this has been a total lifestyle change. I am more critical of what fuel I put in my body now, rather than just eating to stop me from feeling bad about how overweight I had become. Like someone said before, if you have food addiction problems and are an emotional eater then a therapist would help your journey as well. If you follow the rules to this process and don't cheat often then it will work for you. My heaviest was 325 last March when I started my pre-op diet. This morning I weighed my lightest weight of 203 and I know that I could not have done that without the lap-band. Good luck on your journey!


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The main thing you must realize is it is NOT a quick fix--it's a slow process, that still requires a lot of hard work on your part. If you're like me and have an emotional relationship with food, then the band can only do so much. It won't stop you from drinking chocolate milk, eating chips, or ice cream. I expected the band to do it all for me, and I realize now that it's only a tool. Having said that, it is a helpful tool. My weight loss has been very slow, and for me there has also been a lot of pain and discomfort along the way. But I would still do it again. I'm not one of those people who changed their lives as soon as they had their surgery--I sabotaged myself along the way, didn't want to change, and resisted the help that the band was actually giving me (figuring out "tricks" to getting around the restriction, like eating late at night or eating chips). But even so, as time went on, I learned to let go of a lot of my emotional attachment to food, and just let the band do what it was supposed to. I don't think I could have let go without the band there. So even for me, someone who has only lost 40 lbs in the 10 months since my surgery, I feel like it IS something I would do again. Good luck with your decision!

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I too would do this process again in a new york minute! I have been lucky so far with my band. Early on I had a three day bout with an irritated stomach that would spasm at any unannounced time and it took around 4 months for the soreness around my port site to settle down. I work my relationship with food, I have like many others who have posted here discovered my trigger foods and I stay away from them, I have discovered tricks to assist my psychological status when eating such as using the bread plate for my main meal plate, I stay away from bread and instead of the fatter seasonings/flavorings, I now use herbs and blends to flavor my food. Know that the band will not do it alone, it takes you to work it and never take it for granted because there are ways to make those slider foods your main stay.

Whether or not you loose your weight slowly (I have to interrupt myself here and say...what is losing weight slowly vs fast?...Isn't the point is to lose weight within your means?) easier said than done I know because sometimes we compare ourselves to others and this process is an individual one and what works for one person does not work for someone else and we have to find out what works for us on an individual level. I for one hate exercising, I don't care about the endorphines...I hate to exercise, so I work it, I do not allow myself to excuse myself out of exercising... IN the end we need to learn to forgive ourselves when we do make mistakes and pick ourselves up and continue on towards where we want to be. I have found the most amazing and yet simplistic act in learning how to forgive myself when I fall off the food wagon to have resulted in empowering me to continue the process when before I would have just given up and continued to beat myself up on being the failure that I knew I was gong to be. Now, I'm not a failure, I am a human being who has learned that what truly doesn't kill you will only make you stronger!

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Hey there!

I'm 24 at 5'4 245lbs. I am seriously considering the lapband procedure. My mom(age57 5'3 200lbs) and I met up and went together for our consultations in December. We were both given checklists to complete that were a little different from one anothers.. as well as our reasonings for wanting to get this procedure done. Mine were based more upon appearaces lol. My mom was more interested in getting energy and trying to get rid of her diabetes (she was just diagnosed last year). Mom's checklist included a stress test.. where we found out something was wrong with her heart.. that they weren't able to hear on a stethascope. She just underwent QUADRUPLE BYPASS surgery! She's doing wonderful! When I saw her with tubes coming out of everywhere on a breathing machine I saw myself there.. and I know I will be if I don't get a handle on my life. Being overweight really incresases your odds of getting heart disease and diabetes. I have been overweight since I was about 10 years old. Every year I seem to gain a little more. In June of 2009 I hit my highest at 308lbs while I was pregnant. For the first time in my life I was successful at a diet losing more than 10lbs! I only ate lean cuisines and worked out religously to make it down to 235! Once I hit 235 march 2010. I burned out and have since gained 10lbs.. taking me back to my prepregnant weight where I've been stuck at since I was 21. My body is comfortable at this uncomfortable weight I guess. I want to get healthy! I am sharing my story because I am feeling extremely anxious and nervous! My reasons for having this surgery now are way more for health and feeling good, but I have been reading alot of your posts such as: Alot about feeling sick often!! Fill spots being turned sideways and causing painful fills. Being on a liquid diet.. and actually being succesful at it? (I've tried SlimFast at least 10 times and never made it past 3 days!) Please tell me about your experiences. The most important question I'd like to ask is, Would you do it all over again?

Thanks for your time I really look forward to reading your responses! xo

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I am 4 years post op and I did have to do it again! after 3 years my band slipped and I had to have it remvoed soon as I could I was back to have it put back in! It isn't easy changing your mindset toward food but it is sooo worth it! I wasn't the typical lap band candidate because I had mine done because I have had 4 heart attacks and have artery disease and had to get the weight off or I would die. I was on 14 meds at the beginning and now I'm on 4! I had lost 62 lbs gained 16 while band was out (I guess I thought it gave me license to eat!) I've now lost 6 and want to lose another 7 before deciding if I want to be that small again. I think I was too small at 133. If you follow your drs guidelines you will have no problems. I was back to work in 7 days without any problems. I still get stuck at times if I eat too fast or if I drink before eating but I would NEVER HAVE IT TAKEN OUT! I feel wonderful and can now exercise at Curves without having to stop becasue I can't catch my breath! I walk my dogs and housework is sooooo much easier. If I can't get to the gym I either wash floors on hands and knees or wash my walls so I get exercise daily. watching the weight drop is incrediable!!! If you need moral support just let me know and I'll be there with you 100%. Pat

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I am 4 weeks post op today... down 20 lbs since surgery and 70 lbs from my highest weight. I feel like I took 10 years off my age. .. And would Definatley do it again. I already feel great.. But it is HARD AS HELL.. it is not a easy walk in the park and it took me 5 years to decide.... My only regret is waiting so long to do it...

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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