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Charlotte January Chat Time

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Karah appears to be better. Paul is taking her to the doctor tomorrow for a follow up. She is eating like a pig, which is a good sign. She had lost 2lbs Friday when I had her in.

I'm sick now...lol, 102 temp for two days, coughing up a lung, I'm so tired right now but can't rest. I even suffered thera flu....man is that stuff nasty. I didn't eat anything yesterday except some chicken broth and a cheese stick. Not going to worry much about logging right now. Had to postpone my nutrition appointment till next week...which really sucks because I was hopping she would schedule a fill.

The dog also has done something to his tail. Paul took him in yesterday afternoon, but it was so painful that they gave the dog pain killers and sedatives and he goes back in tomorrow so they can put him to sleep and shave him to see if they can figure outs whats up. The dog is literally a big 66 lb white rug right now with a huge cone around his head.

Thats it for now, but thats plenty...our luck has got to change soon right?


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Awesome about Karah! I am glad to hear she is getting her appetite back. That always shows signs of getting better.

I am sorry to hear about you! Get better!!! Let me know if you need anything.

Poor doggie! I hope his tail gets feeling better! :) <these emoticons crack me up>

Keep us updated Melissa!



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OK, weird stuff happening. I'm on the NC thread, and when I try to click on the 6th page, I pop over to "Introductions" and a post from 7/21/03?

My work desk is very conspicuous; so I'll largely post from home, and thus will likely be on here less :)

I hope everyone is well! I look forward to our lunch :)

I can't tell that the antidepressant is doing much; so per dr's orders I'll bump the dose this evening.

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Wow so much going on....

Karen hang in there...it will get better with time.

Melissa - girl feel better...hopefully it's just a 24 or 48 hour thing

Angie - it's great to see you are getting about. 5 pounds girl that is great...help me shed some please!

Kathy - girl...you are the one I look to girl get out of that slump. I know we all go through that one time or another so I understand. We are here for you...so you can vent away if you have to.

Dianne - have you snapped out of it yet? Ok I think we waited too long for everyone to get back together...everyone seems to be falling in the funk...maybe it's just winter.

Ok now for my house...LOVE my washer and dryer!!!!! Laundry is a breeze if that was ever possible.

I took today off to hang out with my sister and the baby, visit my grandparents you know that kind of stuff WELL we were doing great until @ 9:30 Curtis comes to me and says cover up mommy. He wanted to lay on the couch and for me cover him up. He felt a little warm nothing to bad though. So my sister comes over @ 11 to pick us up...he is a zombie. He hasn't eaten anything today and has drank about the same. So off to the doctor we go....he has ANOTHER ear infection and he has the flu. Well that is what they are thinking. He is running a fever of 101 - 102 (Melissa bring back fond memories) and all he is doing is sleeping. Poor kid..he is just pitaful. So much for a day off uh...guess I will be keeping him tomorrow if we have a rough night.

So hope everyone is doing well otherwise and I will chat later

Oh yeah Happy Tuesday everyone. Whats left of it anyway.

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Sorry that curtis isn't feeling well. Watch him closely...don't let it turn into anything worse. I'm so paranoid now. It's great your doctor sees them on the first day of a fever. Our pediatrician usually doesn't seem them to day 3 of a fever, especially this time of year.

Tomorrows the big day for Karah, she is heading back to school...hopefully she will stay there all day lol. I went to the doctor and mine is broncitis (sp) he gave me big horse pills to take. Glad I haven't had a fill yet huh. The dog had to stay over night with the vet, not serious...they just want to bathe him and maybe cut his fur some. And it takes all day to dry our furball. All these doctor visits and prescriptions are starting to suck...nice of United Heathcare to increase the copays huh. Paul made potato dumplings, the smell good, I might try to eat some. Haven't been doing the eating thing.


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OK, so who hasn't either been sick or had a sick child over the last two weeks? There's so much crud going around!

It's been 4 weeks since I talked to Justina at Dr. K's office. I'm going to drop an e-mail today and ask how "we're" coming. I don't think contact every 4 weeks is unreasonable. Now that the holidays are over, I'm hoping his next patient is getting the ball rolling!

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You've been so patient...and I really don't think calling them once a month to "check-in" is that big a deal. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.;)

I really hope no more "crud" happens here....I don't think I can take it. I'm tired of fighting the child to get her medicine in (still has a few more days to go on that) I'm tired of coughing so hard I pee my pants. :embarassed: And if hubby gets sick...oh gawd the world will end. If the oldest gets it and has to miss school she is sure to fail, she can't seem to get it together when she is there much less if she missed.

Kim, how is curtis feeling today? Hope he is on the mend.

I really really want to get a fill scheduled next week...I'm feeling like a failure weight loss wise. The only way I've lost weight in the last two months is to get sick. And we all know that comes back as soon as you start eating again. I'm getting rather discouraged, I'm going to have to own up to that with the nutritionist I guess. :star:

I feel like people are looking at me going..."you had wls...how come you haven't lost more weight" The drawback of having a big mouth and telling EVERYONE. I can't even see it in pictures. Was looking at the pictures from San Fran....I look as fat as ever. I think when we have our meetings I need to get one of you girls to take a picture of me with my camara...at least I"d have a month by month then. I still find myself trying to hide from the camaras or trying to figure out how to hold my head so I look less fat. It's pathetic. I know at least something is happening since I can get in smaller jeans...but at the same time my mind says stuff like...oh thats because those jeans are lower waist...or those jeans are stretchy...or those jeans are a different brand...ya get the picture.:help:

Geez didn't really mean to right a book! Going back to bed now to try to knock this thing out TODAY!:sick:notagree

These new smilelys are funny...here is kim and her new washer and dryer.....:)


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I think when we have our meetings I need to get one of you girls to take a picture of me with my camara...at least I"d have a month by month then.

Me, too! And my camera phone SUCKS big time (did I say that? I hate that word but sometimes it just fits!!!) so will you take a pic of me and e-mail it? I need an updated one so bad!

Hey, I posted some old fat pics on my NSV thread...ya'll go look. Here's the link


Did you see the new journal feature on LBT? We can do food journals and only share them with certain people. We can do private journals, too! Melissa, you should start an NSV thread and start compiling all of your Non-Scale Victories. It keeps you going, even when the scale doesn't move much.

Plateaus are a part of EVERYONE'S weight loss journey, with or without WLS. Tell "people" to shove it. :omg: Did I say that, too?!!! Wow, I must be de-frumping and getting some spunk back! :boxing:

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LOL Hang in there girls! I have done a complete turn around on my attitude in the past 24hours and I have to tell you I am so excited I could SCREAM (where is that jumping banana? )

I am not preaching here I just have to give the credit to God because if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here to begin with.

The power of the spoken work is so important! Yrs ago DH and I read alot of books about the power of the spoken word. I can go into depth if you'd like, just call me or email me. Anyway I realized through struggling over the past week that I have really lost my trust in myself and in God. I opened the bible and where it opened to it talked about words and how they effect the outcome. W

Well my words have been down, my thoughts have been negative so of course I'm going to feel like crud. There is so much more to the story, but it was all comfirmed again last night when I went to a seminar for work and they talked about Freeing the thoughts that bind you! Hello... I took notes so if you want to hear more let me know.

So my resolution is to be positive no matter what the scale says. Oh there is so much more but I hope you get the gist.

Melissa-FEEL BETTER!! How is the dog doing and Karah today?

Kim- How is Curtis? Are you home too?

Ok I'm off to make positive choices for me today....

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I went ahead and did my measurements...I've lost 5 inches off my chest, waist and hips....since it seems to be the same everywhere...wonder if thats why I can't see it in the mirror. I tell you what I can see....flabby flab. I really think thats what got me so depressed and off the wagon before when I lost 50lbs on weight watchers. At least fat, my fat was firm..now I'm all jiggly wiggly and no boobies...lol.

I also checked my goal list that I have...so far I've marked off two things as done 1) giving up carbonation 2) getting into the jeans Kathy gave me and being able to breath at the same time....they are actually getting big....sigh and they are such cool jeans. LOL

When I was in china town I bought me an oriental shirt....its like as size 4x and doesn't fit....I know the sizing is off...but that doesn't help the ego either! I bought Kristen one too, and it looks so good on her (not 4x) I really want to be able to wear mine....guess I'll add it to the goals.

I tried the technique where you stand in the mirror and try to find something good about your body...so far...I like my wrist don't have much to say about the rest of me.

Diane I think its great that you are being so positive...hopefully I will snap out of my what did Kathy call it Frumpy state soon and join you. And its great to see Kathy is snapping out of it.

Kathy I think its a great idea to do a little individual shot of us all at our monthly meetings...everyone bring a camara...and we can use it to take your picture. Or if you don't have a digital camara some of the rest of us can take one for you.

You girls are great..and I hate that I seem to be moaning and groaning all the time recently.


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I just love you ladies...frumy or happy we can come here and chat away tell how we are feeling and everyone still loves you!!

Curtis is doing better today. Fever hasn't been over 101 so that is a good thing. I am taking him to spend the day with my dad tomorrow so I hope he is better....him and dad always play so hard. If he isn't feeling better dad will lay in bed with him. Curtis is taking a nap right now....so that is good. Thanks everyone for asking!!!

Melissa girl you are doing great! Look at me I am finally just getting the scale moving again and I haven't even started exercising again like I should. I feel out of it when Curtis has his surgery and haven't thought much about it since. BAD KIM...I will I have to... A fill is probably what you need. Everyone is SO different when it comes to the band and even WL so don't fret....you will do great!!!

Dianne you and Kathy are such great inspriations....

Pictures once a month - individual why didn't we think of this 6 months ago...hello. :) I think that would be a great idea.

I can't wait til next weekend for a our monthly gathering...I would love to see some new faces...just don't know if any are going to join us.

Alright ladies....Have a great Wed night....keep them heads up and lets get busy being some BIG LOSERS or having GREAT NSV!!!!!:clap2:

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I've been grumpy frumpy today...and part of its been the stress over the last few weeks. San Fran was great, but it made coming back to the teenager not getting out of bed for school and the 5 year constantly "bugging" her all the harder. Then I got mad because I lost weight...how funny is that. But the only reason I lost weight was because I'm eating NADA because I'm sick. Then I was like...in four months I have only lost 35lbs. I stressed over this for awhile. Then I like went over and checked out the reunion board on obesity help. Everyone there kept posting...at my 3 month check up (back to that in a sec) I lost 53lbs or 58lbs or...you get the picture. So i sulked more. Then it hit me..they said 3 months...so got looking and I'm not 4 months I'm 3 months. And I went back and looked and NONE of those that had posted were lapband patients. I don't visit obesity help as much as I used to...and forget its mostly rny patients. So I'm embracing the 35lbs which comes out to just a little over 11lb a month. I'm going to stop grumping and ask for a fill next week. I'm going to be thankful that I'm loosing and not gaining as I did in the months waiting for the surgery. I started one of those journals to grump into that Kathy mentioned.

Kathy thanks for knocking some reason into me today...your nsv list is amazing.

Diane you are always so supportive..thanks girl

Kim, you are doing great, I keep wanting to do as well as you guys :) I"m glad Curtis is feeling better. My fever is down but the coughing is driving me nuts. My port area hurts...I hope I haven't coughed something wrong.


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I got an encouraging e-mail from Dr. K's Nurse Practitioner yesterday; she wrote:

"We do have 2 other patients that are getting close to the submission process but we have not submitted them yet. I will keep you posted. I will touch base with you in 2 weeks just to keep you updated."

I'm caught up at work for now and asking my new boss for things to do. I'm going to go nuts if I have to sit here all day trying to look busy without truly having enough to do. Talk about a long day!

I'm still dealing with the depression, but think the Lexapro may be starting to help a little? It's really too soon to know for sure.

I hope everyone has a happy & healthy Thursday :eek:

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Good morning!

Journals are great! I am not as good as I should be but when I do it first think in the morning it seems to help me focus on my daily goals..of course not the chocalote part....but I'm trying!

I think we are all doing great. Melissa I was in the same frump. It is hard to get out of. I totally understand. It isn't easy to think positive all the time, but I'm trying to watch myself and stop when I do.

I'm telling you guys the best book I ever read was called What To Say When You Talk To Yourself it is written by Shad Helmstetter We got so much out of the book that we brought 10 copies and gave them all away. Everyone that we gave them to agreed that it was an incredible book. I want to buy it again and reread it.

Ok wish me luck today I have had a crazy week with work. I need to cose up on stuff, the hard part! But I will...lol..

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Karan: Thats great news on possibly getting things scheduled soon. And lexapro, worked well for Kristen a couple of years back. The doctor prescribed it for her specifically because its one of the only anti depressents that doesn't cause weight gain. Kristen has weaned off of it now...and I think all her moody stuff is normal teen stuff. Anyone want a teen? This morning her dad joked at her and she snapped...or growled "I'm not in the mood" Uh hello?

Diane I started the one over in the Journal section....I can go there and talk to myself all day long...LOL Karah's doctors office had new murals all over the office when we went the last few times and it made me think of you...you have did any peds offices recently have you?

Kim, how is curtis? Is he feeling better today? I hope the little guy gets feeling well soon.

Angie, you feeling back to normal yet? And no popping anymore staples do controlled cheering for the panthers. :eek:

Karah did something totally funny yesterday, apparently they started teaching them about nutrition at school. They brought home a really nice kit with flash cards, a video and workbook. Well she went and watched the video, while watching it she kept coming and asking for food. I figured she still doing her restock thing from not eatting much for two weeks. I go and check...and she has carrot sticks, apples and peanutbutter crackers all lined up in front of her two favorite stuffed animals. She was telling them if you don't eat this your lungs will be sick like mine. I laughed so hard I caused a coughing attack. Of course she ate so many "snacks" herself yesterday afternoon that she didn't have to eat the "intersting" stir fry Kristen made. LOL

Oh and I talked to Dr. Baumans office...I so love them. They told me I wasn't likely to hurt my port by the coughing...but I could actually hurt the band if I had gagging coughs...which I don't. She recomended Mucinex that will help disloge the crap and let me get it coughed up. And if I still hurt after I'm better from the cough then they can check my port if I'm concerned. So if the cable repair guy ever gets here, I'll go to the drug store for some Mucinex.


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