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No Weight Loss at 5 months post-op

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Again I too am in the same boat with a lot of U I see.... It does totally suck....I also feel the band didnt do what I thought it would as quickly and easily as I thought...It has been very complicated....I too wish I had had the gastric bypass laposcopic surgery.... But what is done is done and I have to make the best of it and find a way....my way...to make it work....my journey has been 3 years... I lost 70 lbs the first 6 months and then went for another fill and the fill was too much and too tight and went back to Emergency room and the Dr. on duty just took ALL the saline out of my band.... I went a while empty...then started getting a fill and got it filled now to 6,5cc in a 10 cc band...But for the last 2 years I have been spitting up my food cause it hurt going down...solid food....and even Water would feel like I was too tight.... so after eating ice cream because that was all I could get down...I gained all the weight back ....After gaining weight for 2 years I wanted to start over even if U had to have another type of surgery....So I went back this week and under floro the Dr. said ...theres the problem U are too tight...so he took out 1cc and now I can eat chicken if I eat slowly and chew...I have to measure my food every 3 times a day and it not be over the cup he gave me each meal....I think it is one cup per meal.... Sp through it all I have learned this............... Measure your food every meal.....Journal what U are eating.....Eat slowly and chew chew chew......Stay away from fast food as much as U can.... No bread......hamburger is too hard for me to eat.......no sodium......no sweets unless its 60 or 90 calories a serving and sugar free and fat free....like Jello puddin cups or jello popsicles....No carbonated drinks or sugar drinks..... I also cant walk for exercise because the weight has caused great pain in my knees and back with bad arthritis.....SO I AM GONNA BUCKLE UP AND START OVER AND DO MY BEST TO NEVER CHEAT AT ALL AND GET IT OFF AGAIN..... so YES IT HAS HAPPENED TO HUNDREDS OF US .....YOU ARE NOT ALONE.....BUT NOW THAT WE HAVE THIS BAND IN US AND HAVE LEARNED FROM OUR MISTAKES WE CAN START AGAIN AND DO EVERYTHING THE BAND REQUIRES OF US AND SEE THE WEIGHT FALL OFF AGAIN!!!!!! Thats what I am hoping for me and for all of YOU.....I will keep posting here and hope you all will too.... We can help each other get to the other side and love ourselves again!!!!!!!!!! And enjoy shopping for some pretty clothes again for ourselves......Lets do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Buffy, I definitely think you're too tight. To me, the "sweet spot" is feeling satisfied for 4-5 hours after eating about a cup of food, but not being so tight that I'm getting stuck a lot or having to resort to slider foods all the time.

Also, it sounds to me like low carb might be beneficial to you. I personally don't lose weight unless I cut out carbs. I can restrict foods all day, but if I'm still eating mostly carbs, I don't lose. I currently aim for 50-100g of carbs a day and that works for me.

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My two cents....for what it is worth.

Remember that you are worth this and you are not a failure because your weight loss journey is different from those around you. In my three years I have come to realize that everyone is different even with the band. For example, I have great restriction, but I can eat bread. I always have been able to and waiting around for bread to get stuck to let me know that I have restriction or can't eat anymore is not going to help me at all.

I lost 10 -15 lbs in the first month and basically hit a plateau that lasted nearly a year. Then I gave up, was depressed avoided my doctor and gained a lot of that weight back. My doctor wanted me to have a gastric bypass, even encouraged me to run the new testing and thankfully my insurance company denied it. He basically wrote me off as a patient.

New doctor gave me very different support and aftercare. Some things I have now learned:

(1) I need a low-carb diet. I eat 45-55 gms of carbs a day. Thats it, and a lot of that comes from fruits and veggies. The funny thing is that with carbs, they are either slider foods (potatoes) foods that get stuck, (doughy foods, rice) or sweets/nuts (high calorie, high sugar, high fat) and they often trigger cravings for more carbs!

(2) I eat at regular intervals, every 3 hrs. Some people say they don't get hungry for 4-5 hrs. Not me. I'm hungry. If I rely on just hunger, I eat too much, if I to wait for 4-5 hrs I am starving and again I eat too much, too fast or make bad choices. Seriously figure out how long it takes you to get hungry and set your meals around that. I had an alarm on my cell the first week to remind me to eat because I am not starving at that point and sometimes miss the hunger signals, but I know if I go past the 3 hrs pt bad things happen. I also know if I am hungry between then it is probably dehydration and I'm not getting my fluids in.

3. Eat slowly. If I eat my 3/4 cup to 1 cup of food in less than 15 or 20 minutes I am eating way too fast and likely to eat way too much. You'll find if you are only eating softer foods you eat them faster because they don't get stuck. I have to force myself to eat Proteins like chicken or steak and fresh veggies because I am afraid they will get stuck and they require me to be very careful with the chewing. The other day I ate carrots too fast and they were stuck! Ugh. The old me would have stopped eating raw carrots. The new me knows I ate them too fast, and didn't chew well enough. Also know that I will get full on a smaller amount of carrots than I will lunch meat, or yogurt. If I can eat it that fast it is probably not that good for me!! Time yourself. I've done it and having that external cue to keep you on pace helps. Note: If you follow this guideline with portion size, small chews and length it takes to finish a meal and are still getting food stuck you are too tight!!! I know it sounds counterproductive, but being too tight means your body thinks it is starving and you WILL NOT LOSE ANY WEIGHT!! Get the unfill, let your pouch heal and go back to the basics. My dr. does not like people relying solely upon Protein supplements for regular maintenance...so in his opinion you need to be able to eat lean meats without getting stuck.You can also be too tight and go over your calories because you tend to rely on soft mushy foods that are not going to keep you full and that are higher calorie for the volume.

4. Track your calories very very carefully. The've said it before and it is true. One of my biggest issues for me with this surgery was my slow metabolism. My body adjusts very quickly to a reduced caloric intake. You are not losing any weight because your body is adjusted to the amount of calories you are taking in. If i ate the amount of calories the calculators say I should to maintain weight (even without exercise I would be gaining 2-3 lbs a week! Trust me! I have tried.) I have to stay on a strict 1000-1200 calorie diet. If I am around 1400 or 1600 I gain. And when you break it down that is not a ton of calories and one pudding cup, cookie, or yogurt can quickly throw me over my daily goal. I may be eating what I would call a healthy diet but now post lap band for me healthy means getting lots of Protein, paying strict attention to carbs, and focusing on non-starchy veggies. Very different from my BFF. If the scale is not moving I have to take a very serious look at what I am eating, own what I ate and make adjustments. My guess, if you haven't lost weight you are probably taking in the same amount of calories you were before the surgery just in a decreased volume. Again, doesn't mean you're eating ice cream all the time, but you would be amazed at how many calories you can take in even with the band. Someone said he does 3000 calories on a calorie cycling regimine for his high cal day.

I know its hard and I know you may feel like people assume you aren't following the rules or are doing something to sabotage your success. Please don't give up!! I have run into plenty of guys and gals who struggle and this journey is a mental and physical one! Don't judge yourself or your success based on what others have done on the boards it will only make you feel more depressed. Set your own goals and Celebrate them, no matter how small. I Celebrate tracking all my calories (especially if I have missed a day or two!) Adjusting behavior patterns and breaking internal cues and triggers can be hard. Your body does not want to lose weight, it thinks of that as starvation. You've got to outsmart your body and for some of us it takes more work than others!

Good luck!

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My two cents....for what it is worth.

Remember that you are worth this and you are not a failure because your weight loss journey is different from those around you. In my three years I have come to realize that everyone is different even with the band. For example, I have great restriction, but I can eat bread. I always have been able to and waiting around for bread to get stuck to let me know that I have restriction or can't eat anymore is not going to help me at all.

I lost 10 -15 lbs in the first month and basically hit a plateau that lasted nearly a year. Then I gave up, was depressed avoided my doctor and gained a lot of that weight back. My doctor wanted me to have a gastric bypass, even encouraged me to run the new testing and thankfully my insurance company denied it. He basically wrote me off as a patient.

New doctor gave me very different support and aftercare. Some things I have now learned:

(1) I need a low-carb diet. I eat 45-55 gms of carbs a day. Thats it, and a lot of that comes from fruits and veggies. The funny thing is that with carbs, they are either slider foods (potatoes) foods that get stuck, (doughy foods, rice) or sweets/nuts (high calorie, high sugar, high fat) and they often trigger cravings for more carbs!

(2) I eat at regular intervals, every 3 hrs. Some people say they don't get hungry for 4-5 hrs. Not me. I'm hungry. If I rely on just hunger, I eat too much, if I to wait for 4-5 hrs I am starving and again I eat too much, too fast or make bad choices. Seriously figure out how long it takes you to get hungry and set your meals around that. I had an alarm on my cell the first week to remind me to eat because I am not starving at that point and sometimes miss the hunger signals, but I know if I go past the 3 hrs pt bad things happen. I also know if I am hungry between then it is probably dehydration and I'm not getting my fluids in.

3. Eat slowly. If I eat my 3/4 cup to 1 cup of food in less than 15 or 20 minutes I am eating way too fast and likely to eat way too much. You'll find if you are only eating softer foods you eat them faster because they don't get stuck. I have to force myself to eat Proteins like chicken or steak and fresh veggies because I am afraid they will get stuck and they require me to be very careful with the chewing. The other day I ate carrots too fast and they were stuck! Ugh. The old me would have stopped eating raw carrots. The new me knows I ate them too fast, and didn't chew well enough. Also know that I will get full on a smaller amount of carrots than I will lunch meat, or yogurt. If I can eat it that fast it is probably not that good for me!! Time yourself. I've done it and having that external cue to keep you on pace helps. Note: If you follow this guideline with portion size, small chews and length it takes to finish a meal and are still getting food stuck you are too tight!!! I know it sounds counterproductive, but being too tight means your body thinks it is starving and you WILL NOT LOSE ANY WEIGHT!! Get the unfill, let your pouch heal and go back to the basics. My dr. does not like people relying solely upon Protein supplements for regular maintenance...so in his opinion you need to be able to eat lean meats without getting stuck.You can also be too tight and go over your calories because you tend to rely on soft mushy foods that are not going to keep you full and that are higher calorie for the volume.

4. Track your calories very very carefully. The've said it before and it is true. One of my biggest issues for me with this surgery was my slow metabolism. My body adjusts very quickly to a reduced caloric intake. You are not losing any weight because your body is adjusted to the amount of calories you are taking in. If i ate the amount of calories the calculators say I should to maintain weight (even without exercise I would be gaining 2-3 lbs a week! Trust me! I have tried.) I have to stay on a strict 1000-1200 calorie diet. If I am around 1400 or 1600 I gain. And when you break it down that is not a ton of calories and one pudding cup, cookie, or yogurt can quickly throw me over my daily goal. I may be eating what I would call a healthy diet but now post lap band for me healthy means getting lots of Protein, paying strict attention to carbs, and focusing on non-starchy veggies. Very different from my BFF. If the scale is not moving I have to take a very serious look at what I am eating, own what I ate and make adjustments. My guess, if you haven't lost weight you are probably taking in the same amount of calories you were before the surgery just in a decreased volume. Again, doesn't mean you're eating ice cream all the time, but you would be amazed at how many calories you can take in even with the band. Someone said he does 3000 calories on a calorie cycling regimine for his high cal day.

I know its hard and I know you may feel like people assume you aren't following the rules or are doing something to sabotage your success. Please don't give up!! I have run into plenty of guys and gals who struggle and this journey is a mental and physical one! Don't judge yourself or your success based on what others have done on the boards it will only make you feel more depressed. Set your own goals and Celebrate them, no matter how small. I celebrate tracking all my calories (especially if I have missed a day or two!) Adjusting behavior patterns and breaking internal cues and triggers can be hard. Your body does not want to lose weight, it thinks of that as starvation. You've got to outsmart your body and for some of us it takes more work than others!

Good luck!

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I agree a great resourse for tracking calories and excercise 9I also track my glucose numbers daily) is SPARKSPEOPLE.COM it is FREE AND IS AN AWESOME SITE Try it out - Good luck to you and don't get frustrated. Even minimal activity will help - ealk around your kitchen- living room bedrooom for a few minutes eachj day

It's possible to eat healthy (low fat, Vitamin rich, etc.) but consume too many calories for your activity level. In your first post you said you thought you'd be able to eat everything you wanted--did you keep records to see what/how much that is? If you are unable to be very active, you will have to be extremely conscious of the number of calories you take in, no matter WHAT you eat. At some point your doctor/nutritionist is probably going to ask for the number of calories you take in daily. It would be a good idea for you to journal at least for a little while so that you know that for yourself and for them. It might uncover some suprises for you, it might not. But it will give you a realistic idea of the actual numbers, and what/if other approaches to weight loss would be beneficial to you.

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I haven't lost any weight with the band either and I've had mine almost two years. I either have zero restriction or I can't get anything down and I spend my whole day puking. The "sweet spot" has always eluded me despite 20-30 fills and unfills. After a year of eating nothing more than Soup, oatmeal and salad (no idea why salad stays down but it does) I looked horrible: my skin was awful, dark bags under my eyes and I always looked like I was about to drop. I finally had to get all the fill out so that I could get some real food into me to bring my nutrition level back up. My doctors (I've been to a few now) say I fall into the category of people who have unexplained band complications and it's not going to get better. I'm jumping ship and revising.

You haven't even had your band a full year yet. You should tough it out a bit longer to see if you can get that balance. The whole point of the band is not to make it so you can't eat solid foods so it sounds like you are just a bit too tight. It's a fine line between restriction and starvation.

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I haven't lost any weight with the band either and I've had mine almost two years. I either have zero restriction or I can't get anything down and I spend my whole day puking. The "sweet spot" has always eluded me despite 20-30 fills and unfills. After a year of eating nothing more than Soup, oatmeal and salad (no idea why salad stays down but it does) I looked horrible: my skin was awful, dark bags under my eyes and I always looked like I was about to drop. I finally had to get all the fill out so that I could get some real food into me to bring my nutrition level back up. My doctors (I've been to a few now) say I fall into the category of people who have unexplained band complications and it's not going to get better. I'm jumping ship and revising.

You haven't even had your band a full year yet. You should tough it out a bit longer to see if you can get that balance. The whole point of the band is not to make it so you can't eat solid foods so it sounds like you are just a bit too tight. It's a fine line between restriction and starvation.

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Thanks alot for you advise

....I am going to continue to give it a try. I am having good days and bad. Next week i am getting a defill. Hopefully that makes a difference.

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Thanks alot for you advise

....I am going to continue to give it a try. I am having good days and bad. Next week i am getting a defill. Hopefully that makes a difference.

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What I want to say is I am doing the same. I lost 2 last week and I want to keep it off. I have started eating hard boiled eggs ( just the white) for lunch and when I feel hungry and it seemed to help. Also a Protein Shake in the evening ( 120 cal one) . I was hungry alot but I made it! I just wish this band would help me feel full like it should! I honestly feel no restriction except that if I am not careful I get very stuck and then it comes up.

(((hugs))) to my fellow band strugglers !!!!!!! Stay in touch.

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I started using sparkpeople.com again yesterday ... for some reason I own what I eat much better when I record it. I also walked yesterday for the first time in almost 2 months and it felt good. Hopefully I am getting back on track so I can get the weight loss started again.

I agree a great resourse for tracking calories and excercise 9I also track my glucose numbers daily) is SPARKSPEOPLE.COM it is FREE AND IS AN AWESOME SITE Try it out - Good luck to you and don't get frustrated. Even minimal activity will help - ealk around your kitchen- living room bedrooom for a few minutes eachj day

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I agree that recording things helps!! So does being busy! I have totally changed my Proteins too. eggs. Turkey. More solid proteins and that has helped. I lost last week and hope for more. Still not dropping as I hoped! :(.

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I must say I am too in the same boat with zero to miniumn weight loss. I am extremely encouraged by this post. You made me realize that I am not a failure and I really need to start paying attention to all that I am eatting and drinking bc I could very well be over eating and my body may need to be shocked by eating around 1000 cals just to start lossing. Thank you. I feel much better.

My two cents....for what it is worth.

Remember that you are worth this and you are not a failure because your weight loss journey is different from those around you. In my three years I have come to realize that everyone is different even with the band. For example, I have great restriction, but I can eat bread. I always have been able to and waiting around for bread to get stuck to let me know that I have restriction or can't eat anymore is not going to help me at all.

I lost 10 -15 lbs in the first month and basically hit a plateau that lasted nearly a year. Then I gave up, was depressed avoided my doctor and gained a lot of that weight back. My doctor wanted me to have a gastric bypass, even encouraged me to run the new testing and thankfully my insurance company denied it. He basically wrote me off as a patient.

New doctor gave me very different support and aftercare. Some things I have now learned:

(1) I need a low-carb diet. I eat 45-55 gms of carbs a day. Thats it, and a lot of that comes from fruits and veggies. The funny thing is that with carbs, they are either slider foods (potatoes) foods that get stuck, (doughy foods, rice) or sweets/nuts (high calorie, high sugar, high fat) and they often trigger cravings for more carbs!

(2) I eat at regular intervals, every 3 hrs. Some people say they don't get hungry for 4-5 hrs. Not me. I'm hungry. If I rely on just hunger, I eat too much, if I to wait for 4-5 hrs I am starving and again I eat too much, too fast or make bad choices. Seriously figure out how long it takes you to get hungry and set your meals around that. I had an alarm on my cell the first week to remind me to eat because I am not starving at that point and sometimes miss the hunger signals, but I know if I go past the 3 hrs pt bad things happen. I also know if I am hungry between then it is probably dehydration and I'm not getting my fluids in.

3. Eat slowly. If I eat my 3/4 cup to 1 cup of food in less than 15 or 20 minutes I am eating way too fast and likely to eat way too much. You'll find if you are only eating softer foods you eat them faster because they don't get stuck. I have to force myself to eat Proteins like chicken or steak and fresh veggies because I am afraid they will get stuck and they require me to be very careful with the chewing. The other day I ate carrots too fast and they were stuck! Ugh. The old me would have stopped eating raw carrots. The new me knows I ate them too fast, and didn't chew well enough. Also know that I will get full on a smaller amount of carrots than I will lunch meat, or yogurt. If I can eat it that fast it is probably not that good for me!! Time yourself. I've done it and having that external cue to keep you on pace helps. Note: If you follow this guideline with portion size, small chews and length it takes to finish a meal and are still getting food stuck you are too tight!!! I know it sounds counterproductive, but being too tight means your body thinks it is starving and you WILL NOT LOSE ANY WEIGHT!! Get the unfill, let your pouch heal and go back to the basics. My dr. does not like people relying solely upon Protein supplements for regular maintenance...so in his opinion you need to be able to eat lean meats without getting stuck.You can also be too tight and go over your calories because you tend to rely on soft mushy foods that are not going to keep you full and that are higher calorie for the volume.

4. Track your calories very very carefully. The've said it before and it is true. One of my biggest issues for me with this surgery was my slow metabolism. My body adjusts very quickly to a reduced caloric intake. You are not losing any weight because your body is adjusted to the amount of calories you are taking in. If i ate the amount of calories the calculators say I should to maintain weight (even without exercise I would be gaining 2-3 lbs a week! Trust me! I have tried.) I have to stay on a strict 1000-1200 calorie diet. If I am around 1400 or 1600 I gain. And when you break it down that is not a ton of calories and one pudding cup, cookie, or yogurt can quickly throw me over my daily goal. I may be eating what I would call a healthy diet but now post lap band for me healthy means getting lots of Protein, paying strict attention to carbs, and focusing on non-starchy veggies. Very different from my BFF. If the scale is not moving I have to take a very serious look at what I am eating, own what I ate and make adjustments. My guess, if you haven't lost weight you are probably taking in the same amount of calories you were before the surgery just in a decreased volume. Again, doesn't mean you're eating ice cream all the time, but you would be amazed at how many calories you can take in even with the band. Someone said he does 3000 calories on a calorie cycling regimine for his high cal day.

I know its hard and I know you may feel like people assume you aren't following the rules or are doing something to sabotage your success. Please don't give up!! I have run into plenty of guys and gals who struggle and this journey is a mental and physical one! Don't judge yourself or your success based on what others have done on the boards it will only make you feel more depressed. Set your own goals and Celebrate them, no matter how small. I Celebrate tracking all my calories (especially if I have missed a day or two!) Adjusting behavior patterns and breaking internal cues and triggers can be hard. Your body does not want to lose weight, it thinks of that as starvation. You've got to outsmart your body and for some of us it takes more work than others!

Good luck!

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I agree... I had the band done on July 6th 2010. I lost 65 pounds in the first 4 months. I don't eat bread, Pasta or rice. I am very cautious. I had a few complications while traveling and moving and ended up having my Fluid removed for 6 months. Now, after having the fluid put back in slowly, the past 6 months, I haven't lost anything..I think instead of continuing on the right path, I got sidelined and started learning that if i eat softer foods, I can eat more, without ever learning what the "full" feeling was. I have gone back to my dietitian and she is helping get back on the right path....Its not learning the full feeling, its the feeling of Satiety. So now I am retraining myself. Its definitely hard. But if you get your mind set right and use the medical supervision, I think they will guide you to the right path. You definitely have to work out. If you don't, it is easy to fail.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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