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Still hate my band

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It's nice to see that some here feel the way I do or at least try to understand were I am coming from. For the ones like me, I do pray that things will turn around and we all end up losing the weight and will be healthy one day. ]

For the ones that lost their patience with people like me that don't love the band, then move on past the posts that don't feel the way you do. Keep your comments to yourself, you are not doing a dang thing to make things better.

I too have lost patience with the ones that have lost 50lbs in two months and can't for the life of them understand why everyone else hasn't done the same.

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As you know...........she didn't come right out and say that. She insinuated it.

No, she did not insinuate anything, that is what you read into it. I re read her post several times and did not get any negative tone from it - she was just asking a question, trying to understand.

Wondering why if you are so angry at your band and your situation why you are posting here and taking your anger out on everyone else? Does it help you to get it out and vent? Venting is fine - we all need to do that from time to time, but I think that it can be done constructively.

I do not judge anyone, ever, its just not me. But I would prefer to see more respectful and polite posts from everyone. I understand passion and I can understand being angry about a situation, but personal attacks are just not called for and they are really not productive.

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I have to agree with Swirl. I know I have to make better choices, everyday. However, I thought I would physically not be able to eat a whole cheeseburger due to restriction and or the fact my pouch is small and not the size of my regular stomach.

I have lost only 24 pounds since 9-10-10 and nothing since 12-4-10. I eat three meals a day no snacking and do eat less than before. I have also noticed I do not crave food like I did before nor do I eat mindlessly anymore. I also used to eat a pint of Ben and Jerry's each night and haven't had a BITE since before surgery as well as many other Desserts. So with those changes I HOPE the LB works. I do eat a lot less and I am hoping my weight loss is so slow cause I don't always make good choices even though less. I also hope it is cause I have not yet reached restriction (4cc's in a 10cc). I hope, otherwise I may end up feeling just like Swirl said. :(

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It's nice to see that some here feel the way I do or at least try to understand were I am coming from. For the ones like me, I do pray that things will turn around and we all end up losing the weight and will be healthy one day. ]

For the ones that lost their patience with people like me that don't love the band, then move on past the posts that don't feel the way you do. Keep your comments to yourself, you are not doing a dang thing to make things better.

I too have lost patience with the ones that have lost 50lbs in two months and can't for the life of them understand why everyone else hasn't done the same.

I totally understand that things don't always work for everyone in just about all things in life. I haven't read all the replies but I have a few questions for you:

Are you journaling what you are eating and following the guidelines from your nutritionist? If so, what does she/he recommend?

Are you exercising regularly?

Are you drinking liquids with calories?

Have you lost any weight since banding? We all lose at different rates and if you are heading down that is better than gaining which is what most of us are used to!

I eat far more variety than just chicken and green Beans. For Breakfast I had eggs, bacon and toast. For dinner I'll have a chef salad. Now lunch wasn't too great, chicken nuggets (5 small ones from Wendy's) and popcorn. I'll eat fruit for dessert tonight. I made pot roast for dinner last night. I think you can incorporate many/most foods in to your diet. It is not the free for all of our pre-banding days but can be quite enjoyable!

I wish you the best on your journey and hope you find what works for you. I'd suggest you keep trying to find a way to make peace and find success with using the band as the tool (not cure) that it is meant to be. I know you've been frustrated and hope things improve soon!


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I eat way more than baked chicken and green Beans in my diet including the bad stuff and have lost 88 pounds this year. I just eat very little of it, know how to order smaller portions and learned to live with a tight band so I wouldn't feel the pain and the sliming(I had to retrain myself how to eat and how to be mentally okay to not clean my plate). I also take my fat behind to the gym several times a week and sweat a few calories off.

So you say what is the point of the lapband if I can't live exactly the same way and eat the exact same things? I don't want to live the same way racked with diabetes, high cholesterol and lazy eggs (I want to get pregnant) The lapband wasn't meant to be so that you could eat the junk just less of it. You still have to put manpower behind the hammer.

I am not going to judge you and say that you haven't ; I don't know you or your experience. But I am sorry; when people say they have lost 10 pounds in a year-that's bs and some of their fault. Get your fills, work with your nutritionist, join support groups (shoot I even go to a WW at work group) and get off your butt and exercise.

I would have never lost this much weight on my own with my own free will. I was way too hungry. I feel my lapband every time I put something in my mouth, even the juice from a piece of gum but I deal with it, normalize it and choose my battles (what feels worse over the other) I eat whatever I want but knowing my body, I know what I can tolerate or not tolerate. Would I love to have a big crusty panini or a subway sandwhich in a big ole bite, sure, but that's what got me here in the first place. So I will be satisfied with a small bite or three or eating the middle of it or the topping off of a piece of pizza, I even nibble the crust, but the band saved my life, and I don't regret it and I hope this thread doesnt sway others from not getting it.

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Well, it's easy to see how passionate people are about their struggle. It's only fair, this is a very personal struggle. One we all share or we wouldn't be here.

It seems to me that someone trying to reach out for support should certainly get it, and I hope you do. You deserve that. We all do. Self pay sucks, and so does some insurance (I still have to pay $5k myself even with it) and I will be sorely dissapointed if this doesn't work for me.

It seems your intention in writing this post was just to say..."HEY...don't rocket through this people, really try to see both sides because it ISN'T magic and it doesn't work for everyone". That shows a level of care and respect that is awesome. I thank you for that most sincerely. I have considered that it is an expensive gamble...but I have probably spent at least that much over the last 10 years trying everything else I could get my hands on and am tired of the cycle. The other surgery options don't appeal to my for my own personal reasons so...it's this for me and I hope for the best. But I will consider your words. It would be tremendously helpful to those who are undecided to know the good the bad and the ugly because that is reality. There are people who can't tolerate the band...it would be nice to hear all of the reasons why it doesn't work for particular individuals as a heads up ...in general... it's sad that it has to turn into a flame war sometimes and hurt feelings and judgements.

It also seemed that you may perhaps want some advice before giving up completely on the band...if it weren't for the apparent war that seems to be declared for someone daring to say they don't like their band.... People do get defensive on both sides. Sorry that has happened to you. I appreciate your intentions. Perhaps you can make personal connections with people that don't seem to get rubbed the wrong way and go through private messages, or pop into your local support group and make a personal appearance with people who are also sharing your struggle.

In any case I wish you all the best and hope you find your life long solution soon. We all deserve peace and happiness.

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I remember the day I made up my mind about getting the band. I remember how disgusted I felt about my morbid obesity. I was so desperate to find a way to take off the weight and keep it off. I was so ready. I was willing to pay cash because I had no health insurance (had been turned down because of my weight). I was so tired of seeing that morbidly obese gal in the mirror. I would have done it even if I could only eat gruel for the rest of my life. I am happy that I can eat more than gruel. I can sacrifice burgers and fries for getting rid of the morbid obesity and all the feelings that came with it.

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I too would prefer to see more respectful and polite posts. I did not appreciate that she seemed to be blaming the poster for her own band problems! I did not consider that respectful. Perhaps she didn't mean it that way..........but that is how it came off sounding.

I am not trying to take my anger out on anyone. I am trying to stand up for those that do not have a band that is working for them, because apparently someone needs to. I also, would like to see a productive forum, so can we not take someone at their word when they state that their band is not working instead of accusing them???

No, she did not insinuate anything, that is what you read into it. I re read her post several times and did not get any negative tone from it - she was just asking a question, trying to understand.

Wondering why if you are so angry at your band and your situation why you are posting here and taking your anger out on everyone else? Does it help you to get it out and vent? Venting is fine - we all need to do that from time to time, but I think that it can be done constructively.

I do not judge anyone, ever, its just not me. But I would prefer to see more respectful and polite posts from everyone. I understand passion and I can understand being angry about a situation, but personal attacks are just not called for and they are really not productive.

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Oh I'm sure most of them are. And yes I have chatted with some amazing ppl from this forum. We all have our differences. Some love the band, those that have bands that don't work tend to hate their bands. It's just that I feel those ppl have the right to post about their frustrations w/o having someone ask them "how do you know it's not working" or whatever the statement was. I thought that was insulting to the poster. It seemed to me to insinuate that she was too stupid to know if her band was working or not! Believe me...........If it's not working...........YOU KNOW IT! :-(

I don't have anything to add; you guys have the patience of a saint though. The support on this forum is amazing. FF, I wish you could see that people are only trying to help.

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*I am not going to judge you and say that you haven't ; I don't know you or your experience. But I am sorry; when people say they have lost 10 pounds in a year-that's bs and some of their fault. Get your fills, work with your nutritionist, join support groups (shoot I even go to a WW at work group) and get off your butt and exercise.*

But you are judging! You just said it's bs and some of their fault. Then u tell them to get off their butt and exercise. Did u realize u mentioned NOTHING about restriction??? If she has no restriction it's just like them dieting BEFORE they went to all the trouble and expense of having WLS! Yes I think they should eat right. Yes I think they should exercise. However if that is the ONLY way they will lose weight THAT is b.s.!!! None of us paid all that money and subjected ourselves to a surgery to lose weight ONLY by making lifestyle changes. If we thought we could have done it all on our own then we wouldn't have had WLS now would we???

I eat way more than baked chicken and green Beans in my diet including the bad stuff and have lost 88 pounds this year. I just eat very little of it, know how to order smaller portions and learned to live with a tight band so I wouldn't feel the pain and the sliming(I had to retrain myself how to eat and how to be mentally okay to not clean my plate). I also take my fat behind to the gym several times a week and sweat a few calories off.

So you say what is the point of the lapband if I can't live exactly the same way and eat the exact same things? I don't want to live the same way racked with diabetes, high cholesterol and lazy eggs (I want to get pregnant) The lapband wasn't meant to be so that you could eat the junk just less of it. You still have to put manpower behind the hammer.

I am not going to judge you and say that you haven't ; I don't know you or your experience. But I am sorry; when people say they have lost 10 pounds in a year-that's bs and some of their fault. Get your fills, work with your nutritionist, join support groups (shoot I even go to a WW at work group) and get off your butt and exercise.

I would have never lost this much weight on my own with my own free will. I was way too hungry. I feel my lapband every time I put something in my mouth, even the juice from a piece of gum but I deal with it, normalize it and choose my battles (what feels worse over the other) I eat whatever I want but knowing my body, I know what I can tolerate or not tolerate. Would I love to have a big crusty panini or a subway sandwhich in a big ole bite, sure, but that's what got me here in the first place. So I will be satisfied with a small bite or three or eating the middle of it or the topping off of a piece of pizza, I even nibble the crust, but the band saved my life, and I don't regret it and I hope this thread doesnt sway others from not getting it.

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The band is what you make of it. I have been banded since 2005. I have lost over 150 pounds from my preband weight, had three beautiful babies.. one of which I gained and lost 60 pounds with, and I also gained and lost with both of the other ones. My 2nd pregnancy I caused a hernia and my band to slip from morning sickness. I chose to have it replaced. It was replaced in July and Ive lost about 50 pounds since then.

There is a few things that many people dont realize.....

-There are different band sizes... some require more fills than others.

-There are different band types... the two different types handle fills and restriction differently.

-Fills aren't universal. Many people can get 1 cc (or even more) each fill. Some people an barely handle 1/8th of a cc at a time. This is one reason you need to take control of the wheel and tell your surgeon what you want and need. I've often had to tell the physician assistant I want more than she was going to give me, and a few times I had to tell her that would be too much. They don't know your body and you need to ask questions, know what they are doing before they are doing it so you can be involved in the decision.

-Different surgeons (or physician assistants) have different views and opinions. Some are more helpful than others and some know more than others. If you are not 100% honest with them when you go in for a fill then you aren't doing either of you any good.

-Your port won't go out if you get a lot of fills or unfills.. at least I can tell you 14 isn't a lot or anything close to needing to worry.

-The person giving you a fill should be checking for leaks every time you get a fill. They do this by pulling the liquid out and measuring the whole amount they put back in. This should be listed in your records.

As a veteran bandster I can tell you one thing. The beginning is the worst. Everyone hates their band at times and most everyone loves it the rest of the time. I would not have lost as much as I did if it weren't for my band and I tried for 6 years to get pregnant before my first year post-op.

There is a sweet spot.. for many people it isnt as easy as two fills. I have lost count on how many fills/unfills I've gotten over the years. Even now I can get 1/4 of a cc and it send me in a spiral to need an overfill. Even though days before that 1/4 of a cc I could eat anything I wanted..

As far as what you can and cant eat, it depends on your fill... period. There has been times I can't eat cheeseburgers or pizza and others that I can eat a whole thing!! the first year was the worst and since then I learned to listen to my band and listen to my body. I would say a good year and a half before I even really knew what that meant.

Do I eat better? Absolutely.. I still tend to eat the foods I use to love, just in smaller portions. I was told that by my surgeon.. and it's proven to be true (for 5 years now) I rarely get sick unless I have to tight of a fill, I'm not chewing enough or I ignore my body and overeat. It does NOT happen often!

It is a tool. If you aren't willing to learn to listen to your body and make the most out of this tool that you have received you won't be successful. That includes talking to your surgeon and finding support. if your surgeon isn't giving you what you need to be successful, find a new one.

You have to ask yourself what you wish to get out of this journey and what it will take to make it happen. The band does fail some people but as a veteran bandster who has ups and downs with the lapband I have to wonder to what extent can the lapband be blamed?? My ups and downs were 80% my fault and 20% of the band. I was rebanded a week after my initial surgery because of an artery and needing a different size band and then my band was replaced after it being slipped for 2 years. I fail and do bad when I don't listen to my body and do my best.

I will tell you one thing as someone whos gone through this journey long term if you don't get your Protein in you will NOT be successful. If I stop doing Protein drinks I stop loosing. If I add them back in I start loosing again. The more I do Protein Drinks (in addition to eating --- usually whatever I want to eat) the more weight I loose.

You have to do something to change the things you want to be changed. there are sacrifices, but usually it isn't forever. If you want to buy something you need to save up for it... that doesnt mean you have to save forever. I hope I don't offend anyone but honestly there are some things that just aren't accurate or those who are misinformed on here. Just trying to help...

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The band is what you make of it. I have been banded since 2005. I have lost over 150 pounds from my preband weight, had three beautiful babies.. one of which I gained and lost 60 pounds with, and I also gained and lost with both of the other ones. My 2nd pregnancy I caused a hernia and my band to slip from morning sickness. I chose to have it replaced. It was replaced in July and Ive lost about 50 pounds since then.

There is a few things that many people dont realize.....

-There are different band sizes... some require more fills than others.

-There are different band types... the two different types handle fills and restriction differently.

-Fills aren't universal. Many people can get 1 cc (or even more) each fill. Some people an barely handle 1/8th of a cc at a time. This is one reason you need to take control of the wheel and tell your surgeon what you want and need. I've often had to tell the physician assistant I want more than she was going to give me, and a few times I had to tell her that would be too much. They don't know your body and you need to ask questions, know what they are doing before they are doing it so you can be involved in the decision.

-Different surgeons (or physician assistants) have different views and opinions. Some are more helpful than others and some know more than others. If you are not 100% honest with them when you go in for a fill then you aren't doing either of you any good.

-Your port won't go out if you get a lot of fills or unfills.. at least I can tell you 14 isn't a lot or anything close to needing to worry.

-The person giving you a fill should be checking for leaks every time you get a fill. They do this by pulling the liquid out and measuring the whole amount they put back in. This should be listed in your records.

As a veteran bandster I can tell you one thing. The beginning is the worst. Everyone hates their band at times and most everyone loves it the rest of the time. I would not have lost as much as I did if it weren't for my band and I tried for 6 years to get pregnant before my first year post-op.

There is a sweet spot.. for many people it isnt as easy as two fills. I have lost count on how many fills/unfills I've gotten over the years. Even now I can get 1/4 of a cc and it send me in a spiral to need an overfill. Even though days before that 1/4 of a cc I could eat anything I wanted..

As far as what you can and cant eat, it depends on your fill... period. There has been times I can't eat cheeseburgers or pizza and others that I can eat a whole thing!! the first year was the worst and since then I learned to listen to my band and listen to my body. I would say a good year and a half before I even really knew what that meant.

Do I eat better? Absolutely.. I still tend to eat the foods I use to love, just in smaller portions. I was told that by my surgeon.. and it's proven to be true (for 5 years now) I rarely get sick unless I have to tight of a fill, I'm not chewing enough or I ignore my body and overeat. It does NOT happen often!

It is a tool. If you aren't willing to learn to listen to your body and make the most out of this tool that you have received you won't be successful. That includes talking to your surgeon and finding support. if your surgeon isn't giving you what you need to be successful, find a new one.

You have to ask yourself what you wish to get out of this journey and what it will take to make it happen. The band does fail some people but as a veteran bandster who has ups and downs with the lapband I have to wonder to what extent can the lapband be blamed?? My ups and downs were 80% my fault and 20% of the band. I was rebanded a week after my initial surgery because of an artery and needing a different size band and then my band was replaced after it being slipped for 2 years. I fail and do bad when I don't listen to my body and do my best.

I will tell you one thing as someone whos gone through this journey long term if you don't get your Protein in you will NOT be successful. If I stop doing Protein drinks I stop loosing. If I add them back in I start loosing again. The more I do protein drinks (in addition to eating --- usually whatever I want to eat) the more weight I loose.

You have to do something to change the things you want to be changed. there are sacrifices, but usually it isn't forever. If you want to buy something you need to save up for it... that doesnt mean you have to save forever. I hope I don't offend anyone but honestly there are some things that just aren't accurate or those who are misinformed on here. Just trying to help...

Wow - loved your post and your story! You are an insiration...I am only 6 months into this new life and I feel I'm just beginning to understand what "listening to my body" means. It does take time - patience is soooooooo necessary in this process. For YEARS I was such an "all or nothing" dieter, experiencing great success and then even greater failures and gaining more weight in the process. That is perhaps the first lesson I'm really learning with the band...you don't have to be perfect all the time and continue to work towards the ultimate goal. Forgiving myself without running in the other direction is huge for me. The band simply won't let me stay "off the wagon" for very long. The reality is if I never lost another pound (yet I know I will) this has been a win/win for me. I'm not willing to share with others about the band because I'm a very private person, so I appreciate this site so much.

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I have to ask how much education did you get before you got your band? My surgeon did the orientation meeting and went over all the pros and cons of the band and what he was going to expect of his patients. He went over how this was going to be a life change and if you weren't willing to make changes then you weren't ready to get banded. All his patients have to work with a dietitian/nutritionist for 6 months pre-surgery and continues to work with them after surgery. You have a strict 4 week 100% clear liquid pre-op and 2 week post-op diet to follow. During those 6 months with the dietitian I had to keep a food log and I would meet with her every two weeks and learn how to change my eating habits and omit soft drinks/sweet tea. The dietitian would explain to me what could/would happen if I ate certain foods and why I needed to make these changes. I also had to meet with a shrink and do a sleep study test.

Yes, I love(d) to eat hamburgers, pizza, fried chicken, Pasta...etc...That's what got me so "fluffy" but I was tired of being fluffy and after years of yo yo dieting I knew I had to do something different and I wanted a better life for myself. I wasn't going to let my favorite foods control me anymore, it wasn't worth it.

My best friend was banded (she had a different doctor) she was self pay (I was insurance) and she has not used her tool as she should. Her education was so different from mine. She only met with a dietitian once, her pre-op diet was only a week, no shrink, no sleep study. She drinks while she eats, she drinks sodas, and she pretty much eats what she did pre-band. She has stretch out her pouch and her excuse is her band did not work for her. Well it wasn't a quick fix for her so that is why it didn't work for her. She never did what she was supposed to do and when she sees her doctor she is not honest with him. I have tired to help her get back on track but she wont do it.....because "it doesn't work." It doesn't work because she still eats mac and cheese, bread, pizza, burgers...etc....EVERYDAY

Today is my 1 year bandiversary and it is the best thing I ever did for myself. Has it been easy? No! Have I had episodes of getting stuck and throwing up? Yes! I do still allow myself a little fried chicken or pizza but only a few bites because that is all I can get down but it satisfies my craving. But I have also learned to cook new things that are yummy and now food is not all that important to me. My hubby and I still go out to eat, I just make different choices and take a lot of left overs home. I own my own bakery and I am around sweets and will have one from time to time and that's OK.

The band is about making changes and you really have to want to make those changes and have a positive attitude or it's just not going to work for you. Find some support meetings and attend those, talk with your doctor and be honest with him. Don't think GB is the way to go just so you can eat your burgers again. With GB the stomach stretches and you can gain your weight back. The band is not for everyone and neither is the sleeve or GB, it's something you really have to want to do and make those life changes for yourself and when you are ready you will know.

Good Luck to you in whatever you choose to do.

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I have to ask how much education did you get before you got your band? My surgeon did the orientation meeting and went over all the pros and cons of the band and what he was going to expect of his patients. He went over how this was going to be a life change and if you weren't willing to make changes then you weren't ready to get banded. All his patients have to work with a dietitian/nutritionist for 6 months pre-surgery and continues to work with them after surgery. You have a strict 4 week 100% clear liquid pre-op and 2 week post-op diet to follow. During those 6 months with the dietitian I had to keep a food log and I would meet with her every two weeks and learn how to change my eating habits and omit soft drinks/sweet tea. The dietitian would explain to me what could/would happen if I ate certain foods and why I needed to make these changes. I also had to meet with a shrink and do a sleep study test.

Yes, I love(d) to eat hamburgers, pizza, fried chicken, Pasta...etc...That's what got me so "fluffy" but I was tired of being fluffy and after years of yo yo dieting I knew I had to do something different and I wanted a better life for myself. I wasn't going to let my favorite foods control me anymore, it wasn't worth it.

My best friend was banded (she had a different doctor) she was self pay (I was insurance) and she has not used her tool as she should. Her education was so different from mine. She only met with a dietitian once, her pre-op diet was only a week, no shrink, no sleep study. She drinks while she eats, she drinks sodas, and she pretty much eats what she did pre-band. She has stretch out her pouch and her excuse is her band did not work for her. Well it wasn't a quick fix for her so that is why it didn't work for her. She never did what she was supposed to do and when she sees her doctor she is not honest with him. I have tired to help her get back on track but she wont do it.....because "it doesn't work." It doesn't work because she still eats mac and cheese, bread, pizza, burgers...etc....EVERYDAY

Today is my 1 year bandiversary and it is the best thing I ever did for myself. Has it been easy? No! Have I had episodes of getting stuck and throwing up? Yes! I do still allow myself a little fried chicken or pizza but only a few bites because that is all I can get down but it satisfies my craving. But I have also learned to cook new things that are yummy and now food is not all that important to me. My hubby and I still go out to eat, I just make different choices and take a lot of left overs home. I own my own bakery and I am around sweets and will have one from time to time and that's OK.

The band is about making changes and you really have to want to make those changes and have a positive attitude or it's just not going to work for you. Find some support meetings and attend those, talk with your doctor and be honest with him. Don't think GB is the way to go just so you can eat your burgers again. With GB the stomach stretches and you can gain your weight back. The band is not for everyone and neither is the sleeve or GB, it's something you really have to want to do and make those life changes for yourself and when you are ready you will know.

Good Luck to you in whatever you choose to do.

I can answer your questions. I had the same orientation you had. I met with a nutritionist for 6 months and had to log my food choices too. She said I was one of the most successful ones in pre-op weight loss. She knew I was a person who followed the rules. She explained all the food choices that would be appropriate. She had all the fake food in her room (you know a rubber hamburger patty, the empty boxes of diet frozen food, etc..) to show portion size and healthy choices.

Before I even contemplated the LB, I had lost about 20lbs on my own. Then another 20 with the 6 month diet. I, too, had to go on a liquid diet two weeks before and 2 weeks after the surgery. Another 20 lbs. So, I had lost 60 lbs before the band even had a chance to work. My BMI was 34.8 before surgery. I not only had a psych evaluation but every other conceivable test there is - heart, gallbladder, upper GI, chest x-ray, EKG, stress test, sleep study.

I was banded September 2008.

Part of the problem was my former surgeon. He was a general surgeon who kept his general surgery practice while jumping on the $$$ WLS bandwagon. He and his partner took over a retiring WLS's practice.

Even though I had lost a lot of weight at this point, at my first post-op visit, my surgeon wanted me to lose 10-15 lbs. in 3 weeks, without a fill. Not only is that unrealistic for how much more weight I had to lose, but not within the guidelines of 1-2 lbs. a week. This should have been my first red flag.

Then when I didn't lose any weight at that second visit, I got the come to Jesus talk and about how the band is only a tool (I have learned to hate that statement). I told him what I ate, a Smart Balance dinner and he said to throw them out. I told him the nutritionist promoted them in her office and they should be on the same page. I received a 2cc fill at that time. I lost a few founds before my next fill of 1 cc. Then I started having big time problems. Heartburn, reflux, pain, the inability to even drink a sip of Water in the morning to take my synthroid (the Water seemed to come up) and you know what he said "don't take your pill then, take it another time". But the problems persisted and he ordered an endoscopy and upper GI. The GI doctor said my band looked high and tight and thought it was positioned too high. The upper GI showed that nothing much was getting through. It was only then, when my surgeon saw these results, did he have me come in immediately to get a slight unfill of 1cc.

I was told that I had a 10 cc Allergan band, so I couldn't understand why 3cc's would cause so many problems. I was soon to find out.

I knew at this time that I needed a second opinion. I got all my test results, including the CD's of all my upper GI's and took them to an experienced bariatric doctor at a center of excellence. He told me that I had a 4cc band and that it had a slight slip. Now I knew why I had so many problems. Plus, he was very impressed with my weight loss at that point (75 lbs. - 15 was from post band) whereas my former doctor never was. So, I quickly switched to this doctor. I did some research on my band and found it had an expiration date of June the following year (for sterility) and I think my former surgeon was using up old inventory before investing in new which is why I got an older band that isn't used much anymore, if at all.

I followed all the rules, all my food choices were healthy. I made healthy choices when eating out. But in Dec. 2009 I had a major stuck episode that resulted in a trip to the ER and an overnight stay. All my fill was removed and that is where I am now.

But here is the most important part of my story: At no point from no fill to 3cc fill did the band ever reduce my hunger or provide me with satiety. NEVER. And that stuck episode was so incredibly painful that I couldn't even talk. I NEVER, EVER, want to experience that again. So, as long as I am going to be hungry, at least I have reduced my chances of getting stuck.

So, you see, the band doesn't work for everyone like it does for some, even when we follow the rules. I don't regret getting it because I doubt I'd have lost this weight without embarking on this journey - I mean I wasn't going to go on a liquid diet for 4 weeks.

So, don't assume that when the band doesn't work it's because we aren't following the rules or changing our mindset. I have been dieting for 5 years this month. It started before the band. I have made healthy food choices during that time. I chew, don't drink with meals, etc.. but it just doesn't work for me and my current surgeon says it doesn't work for everyone.

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Ok, Here's my nickel's worth.

I was banded 8/30/10. I have lost 60 pounds since. I have 9cc's in a 14 cc band and I feel I am at my sweet spot for now. I LOVE the Gov'ner! I have battled weight all my life.

I went into this WLS with the attitude this is a tool. The work is up to me. The band was only there to restrict the amount of food I could shove down my gullet!

I do eat 100% different than before WLS. There are things I cannot eat that I used to love. bread for one. I cannot eat as much of anything as I once did. I could eat a FULL meal and 30 miinutes eat a full meal again. Now I eat about 1 cup (total) of food and I am not hungry again for at least 3-4 hours. This tool is the greatest thing I have ever done for myself.

I understand WLS does not work for some. Some people do not "work" their band. I don't make this as a blanket statement to include every one(the OP included). I feel sorry for the OP and others who have not had the success I have had and hope they can find the help they need.

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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