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Still hate my band

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I have had a few fills and never got any restriction till the last one. I would get food stuck and start throwing up. Doctor took some of the fill out. I go back this Tuesday. I am able to eat just like I did before the surgery. If I have to eat baked chicken and green Beans the rest of my life to loss weight, then why did I need surgery? If I could do that I would of done that on my own. I really don't understand this band thing. Even it they get where I have restriction and don't throwing everything up, I don't want to eat baked chicken the rest of my life. I really wished i had just had by pass and been done with this.

The problem I see with this is that you continued to eat the way you did before surgery...with any WLS you need to change your eating habits. A little of something like fried chicken, fish or a ice cream isn't the end, but everything in moderation. That is the problem with most of us, we never cared about what we put into our bodies before. I use to be able to eat anything and walk, run, play it off..but after 3 kids and me hitting 30, my matabolism stopped. Now in addition to my band, I have to make better choices...

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14fills/unfills?!?! That has to be abuse on your port. I understand now why you opted for a revision to the sleeve...I'm sure your lapband surgeon was sad to see you leave without your business I'm sure he has gone bankrupt...

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For a moment...if there were no WLS how would you eat to maintain your weight? What would be a typical lunch? Would you eat that whole hamburger and fries or would you get something more filling and last longer? Its all about choices! You have to be in control and not expect your band to do all the work. Still think that the band is a bad idea??wait til you get the bypass and find out what you can NEVER eat again...good luck!

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Swirl -

Trying to understand - are you saying that the lap band doesn't help you feel satiated for longer and that you can still eat as much of whatever you want despite the band?

My Dr. had told me that - you can still make bad choices with the band (e.g. eat whatever you want within reason), but that you will not be able to eat the quantities you ate before). He said for nutritional reasons, you obviously want to try to make more good choices than bad ones and that no matter what, in order to lose weight you need to limit your daily calorie intake and that the band is a tool to help you do that. Sounds like maybe your band is not working properly....

Have you done an analysis of how many calories you are eating each day to see if you are out of the 1000 - 1200 range?

I have a good friend who had GB - she, just like a lap band patient, is not able to eat everything she wants - she has to restrict herself or she gets sick (dumping). But she did lose +300 lbs and has kept it off for 7 years. Her life turned around and she is doing terrific.

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So it was my understanding that with the lapband you still could eat pretty much what you did before, but within reason. You could eat a hambuger,but just eat half. By cutting half of what you eat means less calories, so you will loss weight. It should also help you eat less because the food stayed in the pouch longer.


I can only speak for myself but I'm at my sweet spot and I can still eat the way I did pre-band...same foods, same quantity...if I *choose* to. However, now that the band has gotten rid of the out of control hunger, it is easier to make the right choice to put down the fork and to choose healthy food.< /p>

My suggestion (if you haven't already) before you give up on the band, is to use something like Fitday.com to record everything you put in your mouth. It really is a bit horrifying to see how those calories add up...and how little difference there is between the caloric needs of our current weight vs the caloric needs of our ideal weight. For example, my caloric needs based on age, height and activity level for my current weight is about 2000 calories. The caloric needs for my ideal weight of 140 is only 1600 calories. Supposedly, if I drop my calories to 1000, I should lose 2 lb per week *BUT* in order to do that I must consistently eat 1000 calories per day (or burn off the difference with exercise). A couple days of 1000 and a few at 1600 and the weight will drop off more slowly...like 2 lbs per month. :blink:

For some of us, carbs count heavily into whether or not we lose weight no matter what our calorie level. I only lose about 1 lb per week because my calories average out to about 1200 per day and I also keep my carbs down to 30...usually...some days they're up around 60 if I get a craving for winter squash. I could lose faster but this is my compromise between not wanting to diet and just giving up.

It is true. The band does not work for everyone. I don't know you. I don't know what you've tried or how consistent you've been. So there are no judgments here...just my .02 on what worked for me.

My turning point came when I realized that the band was not a substitute for dieting...but I look forward to the day when I can enjoy more things than I do now...within moderation...when I'm not trying to lose weight but merely maintain.

Good luck to you.

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I'm confused why you have to eat baked chicken everyday. I don't eat poultry or red meat so I've never eaten baked chicken with my band. It's pretty easy to eat a diverse menu with the band. I'm never bored with what I'm eating which is key for me staying on track. For an idea, in the last week I've eaten Alaskan king crab legs, homemade baked lobster ravioli, stuffed Tomato, fish sticks, soft tofu stew, miso glazed sea bass, and an array of veggies and fruits (and I also had some Hagen daaz on Friday night). So I'm just wondering why you feel you are limited to baked chicken. I imagine I would be pretty frustrated If that were the only thing on my menu as well.

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Hi Swirl,

Sorry you are having troubles. I just want to put in my two cents...FWIW.

Before you had the unfill, were you taking very small bites? I know when my band is tight I need to take very small bites, or I'll get stuck. If I tried to take bites the size I ate pre-banding, I'd need an unfill. BUT, I have been overfilled, and gotten an unfill, that was a miserable time! ugh.

Here is how the band works for me. Your mileage may vary:

I still eat most of the foods I ate pre-banding. Portion Control was my biggest issue. With the exception of chicken breast there are no foods that will give me constant problems. My portions are smaller now, but if I sat there long enough I could eat in the same quantities as before. But I take my "I am satisfied" signal as time to stop, and put my plate away. A meal with 2-3 oz of solid Protein will keep me satisfied for about 3 hours. Sometimes longer, especially if I am distracted. Without the constant hunger I had pre-banding, I don't have the compulsion to graze all day.

If I choose to, I can snack on an entire bag of chips at my desk. They go down very well. So do milk shakes and most other highly processed foods. So, I make the choice not to eat those kinds of foods.

I do not journal my foods. It was important to me that I not do that after my surgery. I wanted a "normal" life, whatever that may be. Just recently I downloaded an app to track a couple of days just to see where I am calorie-wise. I was shocked to see 1700 calories a day! That is where I need to be to maintain my weight, which is fine. I am happy with my weight now, but I thought I was eating around 1400. It was eye-opening to say the least.

I do hope you will find what works for you! Best wishes to you!

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I have had a few fills and never got any restriction till the last one. I would get food stuck and start throwing up. Doctor took some of the fill out. I go back this Tuesday. I am able to eat just like I did before the surgery. If I have to eat baked chicken and green Beans the rest of my life to loss weight, then why did I need surgery? If I could do that I would of done that on my own. I really don't understand this band thing. Even it they get where I have restriction and don't throwing everything up, I don't want to eat baked chicken the rest of my life. I really wished i had just had by pass and been done with this.

Not saying this to be mean, but you really do not understand the band, you don't have to eat only baked chicken, you just have to be mindful of what you do eat. Sounds like the bypass would have been better for you, you want to eat what ever you want to eat and lose weight that is what the bypass does. Sadly people like you who get the bypass and keep eating like they were will lose their weight but they will also gain it all back. You need to get your head into the right frame of mind before you choose another type of surgery.

You are very right in that you really need to think about this before you do it, this isn't a quick easy fix.

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As I'm sitting here reading these post a girl that had GB just walked in the breakroom so I asked can you eat now like you did before your surgery and she said "now I can". She couldn't the first year but now and she is the size she was 31/2 years ago before she had it

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The band doesn't work for everybody just like the GB doesn't work for everybody. Don't ever give up on your weight loss journey and I hope you find out what works for you!!! Good luck!!!!!!

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That right here is my point. In the past for whatever reason I would eat like you do now and loss weight. But over time I would go back to my old habits and the weight came right back. So it was my understanding that with the lapband you still could eat pretty much what you did before, but within reason. You could eat a hambuger,but just eat half. By cutting half of what you eat means less calories, so you will loss weight. It should also help you eat less because the food stayed in the pouch longer,

If I have to eat baked fish and baked chicken, what is the reason for the Lap Band??? Please do take this as a knock to you or anyone else here.but I am really trying to understand if you eat like you do now of course you will loss weight. I know I have done it more times then I care to remember. I don't have it in me any more to eat like that. If I did then I would of just did it and not have gone through the pain of getting the Lap Band put in. I would be better off just taking diet pills.

Just a brief post to say I will reply to this later. I have college age kids in this house and we have to take turns at the computer (yes, no wireless here.. LOL.. I live in the dark ages somewhat).

I don't take your reply as a knock at all.. you're trying to understand and that's good. I'm cool with rational discussion. Talk to you later. :)

P.S. Most of the others who've replied re post banding long term eating are on the right track.. but I have my 2cents to add later.

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No...your bitterness read that into it. All one has to do is read the posts on the LBT to know that many people have the wrong expectations of the band. They *expect* the band to stop them from overeating or choosing the wrong foods and that is not what the band does.

The band, with the addition of the food sitting in our pouch, puts pressure on the vagus nerves, which tell the stomach to stop producing ghrelin, the hunger hormone so that we can go 4 hours or so without being hungry. We still have to *choose* to put the fork down and not overeat just because we can. We still have to *choose* not to eat the wrong foods. We still have to *choose* not to graze. Yes, we still have to use self-control *BUT* if the band is doing its job in removing the constant hunger, our self-control stands a chance.

Yes, there are people who never get that cessation of hunger...maybe even when they are overfilled...but I also think that a lot of people who claim the band is a failure really don't understand what the band's role...and what their role...is in the whole process. If someone truly believes the band has failed them, then I would suggest they get a *complete* unfill. They'll either find no difference in their eating...or discover that the band really was working...just not according to their previous expectations.


I did get a complete unfill a year ago and haven't noticed any difference in my hunger or satiety levels. The only difference with my fills (one of which made me too tight) was that I got stuck sometimes. It made it difficult to eat but it never provided me with a sense of satiety. I know how the band works and I followed all the rules. Still do. And I exercise every day.

Those for whom the band works are often suspicious of those for whom it doesn't, using the mindset that if it works for one, it should work for all. Sometimes they give good advice, sometimes they are critical. I can see how the later could turn off some who come on here for help.

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After some thought.......... just wanted to add in 2 more cents worth

Before I was banded I , like many others, was under the impression I could pretty much eat most of the same foods I did pre-band but in very small portions. I was wrong for thinking that way. Some people's stomachs become very sensitive to some foods after being banded no matter the restriction level. We don't know exactly how things will be untill after we have the band in place and the healing is done.

For me mindset and attitude about it all has played a very large role. I could be very mad that I can't even eat one piece of pizza. I could be mad I can not eat 1/2 a hamburger and 1/2 a small french fry. I *choose* to look at it as a blessing that I can no longer eat those things. They are not good for me anyway. That is where the band does the *work* for me in many ways. The first time I tried french fries I ate about 5 tiny fries and ended up throwing up in a semi-public place.

In that situation the band did it's job and I am now happy about it because I now have a normal BMI and look great in jeans. Thanks to my band I can no longer eat french fries ...... see, it's a lot about how you look at it ......half empty/half full kinda thing.

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It's not just eating baked chicken, I was just using that as an example. The point I am trying to make is I have done this samething over and over to lose weight. It takes a lot of will power to do that. For whatever reason after a while I would get bored with this "eating healthy" thing and go back to the food that I enjoy eating. For some reason I didn't think it would be like this with the lap band. I like eating hamburgers, French Fries,cheese cake,ect. If I had know that I would have to chose the baked whatever instead of a cheeseburger for this thing to work then I would not had gotten this thing I hate. The only time I have felt any restriction I would feel all kinds of pain and throw up. If I have to live worrying about food getting stuck and throwing up, this is not worth it. And to have to take tiny bites of bake whatever on top of it. The Doctor went with the band because of the meds I am on,but I can't help but feel I would of lost a hell of a lot more weight by now. And maybe been off half these meds in anyway. You wait months it get approved, you wait months to find this so called sweet spot, months have gone by and not a damn pound lost. For all the ones on here that think this is the best thing that ever happed to them (and I am happy for those) there are people here thsat have not had this surgery and really need to hear that it doesn't work for everyone. All the money, all the pain, and for what???

Just to have to chose cheeseburger or baked chicken. Hell I did that before surgery. But that time I did loss 60 lbs. Didn't keep it off. But its still more then I can say a this Lap band.l

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Please explain to me what has change for you food wise. What do you eat now that is different then before?

Swirl, you ask me what has changed for me food wise and what I eat now that is different than before. To answer your question, in some way my food "type" has not changed as much as my "behavior" towards food has changed. I have chosen to give up certain foods that everyone knows is not exactly the most healthy things you can be eating. exam: rich sauces, fast foods too often, cakes, candy, soft drinks. excessive fried foods, too many carbs. Do I ever have fried chicken...yes...but I only eat 1/3 of a fried chicken finger...not the whole piece or several pieces. Do I ever eat out...only once in awhile but that's mainly because I am now retired and can fix my own meals. I have chosen to eat smaller bites, slow down my eating, and be more aware of my choices.

What I have done and chosen to do for myself, was to search out my "trigger foods" and "trigger situations" so I'm not put between a rock & a hard place where food is concerned. I educated myself prior to surgery and determined beforehand what the band could do for me and what it would take for me to make the band work for me. I searched for a surgeon and a good support group that would continually give me information and support so that I wouldn't find myself out on a limb hanging on for dear life.I paid for a good nutrition class in order to learn the "what cans & what nots" I got my family members and friends on board with their support and help. I cleaned out my pantry and got rid of my trigger foods. My dear hubby, who doesn't need to lose anything, has chosen to give up a lot of his junk foods so I don't even have to buy them anymore for him.

Another benefit I have had during this time beside the weight loss, is I no longer have to use the C-pap machine, I no longer have to take 19 pills a day, my respiratory system is in better shape, I can now climb stairs, I have more energy, and I am very thankful for all of these benefits. My primary care physician now thinks I might actually live pass my 70th birthday and when you're in your 69th year, that's fantastic news. Better odds than when I started all of this journey.

I am 18 months out, have lost 90 pounds, have 9cc in my Realize band. Has it been easy street for me....I can honestly day that in the beginning, it was easier than it is now. I haven't lose anything for 2months. I have had to "revamp" my program, increase my Protein intake and get rid of too many slider foods. In other words. I looked in the mirror and decided that I wasn't giving up! I have worked hard and the band has been doing it's job for me...so why stop now. All in all, the BIG scheme of all of this is a Behavior modification lifestyle and it's up to each individual to make their decisions about health and weight. I just wish I had learned all of this years ago instead of spending my life Yo-Yo-ing with my weight & health.I now choose " to eat to live, not live to eat"

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