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Down 65lbs in 3 months seeing muscles now

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I was banded in 10-2010. I have lost 65lbs as of last week so in 3 months I lost 65lbs. 25lbs in 12 day fast. I was 5'10 379lbs at 31 yrs, male. I had an umbilical hernia and a heiatal hernia repaired at the same time. I woke up from surgery and could immediately breath better. The heiatal hernia was limiting my diaphragm from easily raising and lowering. That fixed and my CPAP, I am sleeping like a baby! Yes I am doing it right. I can hear the - "your losing to fast" comments now. Little meals and lots of exercise.I live in DC so I walk everywhere. I walk to and from work, round trip 3.6 miles, with hills, bout 35 minutes each way. I went from being sedentary and XL large pizzas AND super subs over the weekends to eating healthy and normal. I have since cut out beer and all breads and pastas. A few long islands here and there, socially. I don't know how anyone can be hungry after the second fill. I have 5.5cc in 10cc band. Its so easy to eat around the band with soft foods.... Remember 30/30 rule and eat your Protein first. That will "clog the hole" temporary, while your fruit and veggies pile ontop to reach the vargus nerve to tell brain STOP, daddy is full :) . Those that eat soft foods and chew them well, its easy to keep eating and eating. I remeber I was sitting in my recliner and looked down, I seen this big bump on my thigh, I said I dont remeber faling down. I felt it and it didnt hurt, I glanced at the other leg and it was symmetrical. It was muscle tone from years of carrying all this belly around... My legs are rocks, I swear... I wish I would have done this years ago.... If I am with co workers and don't want them to know, I drink Water before meals and during..no kinda crazy amounts of food. For all of you out there debating whether to do it or not, DO IT!. I think there are more success stories than failure stories. I think half the posts are marketing ploys from gastric band interest groups so dont get discourgaed by what you read. I felt so good after 2 weeks of liquid fasting and a week of recovery. I was addicted to getting all the Vitamins my body needed. That made a big difference in my mood and overall well being. Eating and eating and eating, all filled up will make you feel lazy... WIth the band, I dont feel a heavy meal and I am stuffed. You cheaters no your cheating and those that follow the program will succeed. Think about it. If I lock you in a closet and give you 1000 calories a day for three weeks. Guess what, Your going to lose weight. or 1500 calories for you nay sayers. One thing I think helps me is I only weigh when I go to the drs office to get a fill so I have only weighed twice. This will limit you being discouraged if you have a week or even two of plateauing....Also, sugar free pops and pudding have satisfied my sweet tooth cravings... I like the venti pepermint mochas but I found they have 50gs of sugar. Now I get regular coffee and keep peppermint sugar free mints in my mouth while I drink coffee :) Anyway, I am rambling...just want the people thinking of doing this, I have nothing bad to say... Onwards!!! Hope to start macking on some chicks this summer :) .

Happy Banding! Stick to the program, you can do it!

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Freaking awesome keep up the good work and keep losing!!!

I was banded in 10-2010. I have lost 65lbs as of last week so in 3 months I lost 65lbs. 25lbs in 12 day fast. I was 5'10 379lbs at 31 yrs, male. I had an umbilical hernia and a heiatal hernia repaired at the same time. I woke up from surgery and could immediately breath better. The heiatal hernia was limiting my diaphragm from easily raising and lowering. That fixed and my CPAP, I am sleeping like a baby! Yes I am doing it right. I can hear the - "your losing to fast" comments now. Little meals and lots of exercise.I live in DC so I walk everywhere. I walk to and from work, round trip 3.6 miles, with hills, bout 35 minutes each way. I went from being sedentary and drinking 30 beers a week and XL large pizzas AND super subs over the weekends to eating healthy and normal. I have since cut out beer and all breads and pastas. A few long islands here and there, socially. I don't know how anyone can be hungry after the second fill. I have 5.5cc in 10cc band. Its so easy to eat around the band with soft foods.... Remember 30/30 rule and eat your Protein first. That will "clog the hole" temporary, while your fruit and veggies pile ontop to reach the vargus nerve to tell brain STOP, daddy is full :) . Those that eat soft foods and chew them well, its easy to keep eating and eating. I remeber I was sitting in my recliner and looked down, I seen this big bump on my thigh, I said I dont remeber faling down. I felt it and it didnt hurt, I glanced at the other leg and it was symmetrical. It was muscle tone from years of carrying all this belly around... My legs are rocks, I swear... I wish I would have done this years ago.... If I am with co workers and don't want them to know, I drink Water before meals and during..no kinda crazy amounts of food. For all of you out there debating whether to do it or not, DO IT!. I think there are more success stories than failure stories. I think half the posts are marketing ploys from gastric banding interest groups so dont get discourgaed by what you read. I felt so good after 2 weeks of liquid fasting and a week of recovery. I was addicted to getting all the Vitamins my body needed. That made a big difference in my mood and overall well being. Eating and eating and eating, all filled up will make you feel lazy... WIth the band, I dont feel a heavy meal and I am stuffed. You cheaters no your cheating and those that follow the program will succeed. Think about it. If I lock you in a closet and give you 1000 calories a day for three weeks. Guess what, Your going to lose weight. or 1500 calories for you nay sayers. One thing I think helps me is I only weigh when I go to the drs office to get a fill so I have only weighed twice. This will limit you being discouraged if you have a week or even two of plateauing....Also, sugar free pops and pudding have satisfied my sweet tooth cravings... I like the venti pepermint mochas but I found they have 50gs of sugar. Now I get regular coffee and keep peppermint sugar free mints in my mouth while I drink coffee :) Anyway, I am rambling...just want the people thinking of doing this, I have nothing bad to say... Onwards!!! Hope to start macking on some chicks this summer :) .

Happy Banding! Stick to the program, you can do it!

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awesome dude ..i'm inspired! i was banded on Sept 13, 2010 and have lost 20 lbs I saw the surgeon today she said I don't need a fill I have 4 cc's i'm not sure how big my band is, i just need to get on track with excercise and eating right..I have to stop eating at restaurants..they just don't work for lap banders. well keep it up man I find your story inspriring.

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Great job FredGuy. I was banded on 11/4 and have lost 70lbs with out fills. I started at 344 and I am now at 274. I feel like I am on top of the world.

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Good going, Fred! I'm right behind you. Banded December 6th, and down 49 pounds so far. More than a third of the way to my goal. Keep up the great work!


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I, too was banded in September, 2010. As of the 23rd of January, I am down 72 pounds! I eat healthy, and I exercise ALL OF THE TIME! I love to work out! I have hired a personal trainer to whip me into shape because I am doing a triathalon in the summer. I am SO excited about it! I am able to eat much more at a time now, but the doctor said it was because I work out so hard. I work out with my trainer once a week, and I work out at least 4 more days of the week. It is such a reward to see those muscles and the weight coming off!! I, however, weigh 2 or 3 times a week, and my husband has threatened me with throwing the scales away! :) As far as the calories I consume in a day, I try to NEVER go over 1000 calories!! At first, I counted calories like mad. But, now, I just watch what I am eating and it seems to work out ok. I eat one Protein bar a day, and it satisfies those sweet cravings!

I went in for a fill about a week ago, and my doctor told me no because I am losing over 3 pounds a week now. I was frustrated at first because I an eat a 14 ounce yogurt with no problems. That did scare me, but he assured me it was ok because the weight is coming off and I am not throwing up after I eat.

Congratulations to you all! It is such an accomplishment! For those of you reading this who are thinking about lapband, DO IT! You will not regret it! However, you MUST be ready to make a change in your lifestyle! No more fatty foods, sweet Desserts, and EXERCISE, EXERCISE, EXERCISE!! I am so thankful I made this decision!


Starting weight: 277

Current weight: 205

Goal weight: 160

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Congratulations on your success! What an encouraging story! Thank you!! I am being banded on Feb. 22nd and can't wait. I have been contemplating doing this for a few years and am so sure of my decision and am really excited!!

Good luck to you!

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I came to the "Success Stories" to get some inspiration because I'm getting close and getting scared. I read so many negative things on the the "post op" site that I sometimes wonder if I'm doing the right thing. I've gotten the whole "you don't need to do this." "do it naturally," "your son needs you, what if something happens to you," speeches from those around me who just don't get it. 20+ years I've been yo-yoing and my son is the main reason I'm doing this for myself! I don't want to die of a heart attack at 45 or develop diabetes etc. So far I'm very lucky that my main problem is I'm fat and have slightly high blood pressure (but this has come down since I've lost about 20 pounds).

Thank you for sharing your story because I needed a pick-me-up and it helped solidify my decision. Yes, I'm terrified that I won't wake up when I get the surgery. I'm scared of complications but I do have the fact that I'm relatively healthy on my side and that I will hopefully be below 40 BMI when surgery is happening...that is a goal for myself to make my surgery safer.

Anyhow, with all that said, thank you again and keep up the amazing work. You have inspired me again.

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Amazing and so inspiring... especially as I'm 2 weeks away from surgery and was beginning to feel a little negative re some of the posts.

Thank you for sharing your fantastic/positive journey so far.

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So I thought I would give an update -

I am down 94lbs now! . I went to see my PrimPhys last week, first time since surgery...... She was so impressed with my results and so was I. As I mentioned I dont weigh except when I go to the Drs. I am only on one medication now and I no longer have diabetes Type 2! Down from six pills just six months ago. Long story short, I quit taking all my prescriptions (except blood pressure med) about two months after surgery so I have 4 months without. I personally stopped taking the medications by being lazy and not getting them refilled (you know us guys and dr's :) ) except for BP med, i aint that dumb. So I got the blood work done with just blood pressure med. All my numbers came back perfect for the first time in my life!! Perfect, no shit! I was on a diuretic, cholsterol, two triglyceride meds, diabetes meds, I only have one pill to crush now! No more ruining my cottage cheese and bananas with crushed funny color powders.

I have some people "that dont see me everyday" say wow, what a difference the weightloss makes. They say I look like a different person. I don't have any pics of me at my highest weight to compare the difference, but O well. I dont wanna ever see that guy again anyway.

I have started a cooking class and try to make all my meals from scratch.... I try to stay away from processed foods, but in this day and age, its kinda hard...Just stay outta the middle of the grocery store where all the packaged goodies are. I am not perfect, I had a super size slim jim the other day...not to worry..that big ass 1/2 mile up hill I walk every day will take care of that.

I cant believe how much easier it is to get around. I am getting a little worried because walking two miles relatively fast (without looking like a crazy power walker) doesn't get my heart rate up anymore. I am afraid I am going to have to start jogging :) . When I stand up out of my chair I have to remember to stand up slowly because if not I'll jump up in the air cause I'm used to pushing so hard to get up...:) OK, a little exaggeration.

Getting my third fill in two days...I am excited cause I think my restriction has subsided a lil..

Not bragging at all....I am new at this, i could balloon back up, its early in my journey.....but...I hope someone will look at my progress and make the life style change and see that it is doable.

Keep on keep'n on!

Banded 10-10-10 = 379lbs

01-05-11 = 314lbs

04-05-11 = 285lbs

48 inch pants - I wear them below my overhang :) 10-10-10

38 inch pants 04-05-11

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I was banded in 10-2010. I have lost 65lbs as of last week so in 3 months I lost 65lbs. 25lbs in 12 day fast. I was 5'10 379lbs at 31 yrs, male. I had an umbilical hernia and a heiatal hernia repaired at the same time. I woke up from surgery and could immediately breath better. The heiatal hernia was limiting my diaphragm from easily raising and lowering. That fixed and my CPAP, I am sleeping like a baby! Yes I am doing it right. I can hear the - "your losing to fast" comments now. Little meals and lots of exercise.I live in DC so I walk everywhere. I walk to and from work, round trip 3.6 miles, with hills, bout 35 minutes each way. I went from being sedentary and XL large pizzas AND super subs over the weekends to eating healthy and normal. I have since cut out beer and all breads and pastas. A few long islands here and there, socially. I don't know how anyone can be hungry after the second fill. I have 5.5cc in 10cc band. Its so easy to eat around the band with soft foods.... Remember 30/30 rule and eat your Protein first. That will "clog the hole" temporary, while your fruit and veggies pile ontop to reach the vargus nerve to tell brain STOP, daddy is full :) . Those that eat soft foods and chew them well, its easy to keep eating and eating. I remeber I was sitting in my recliner and looked down, I seen this big bump on my thigh, I said I dont remeber faling down. I felt it and it didnt hurt, I glanced at the other leg and it was symmetrical. It was muscle tone from years of carrying all this belly around... My legs are rocks, I swear... I wish I would have done this years ago.... If I am with co workers and don't want them to know, I drink Water before meals and during..no kinda crazy amounts of food. For all of you out there debating whether to do it or not, DO IT!. I think there are more success stories than failure stories. I think half the posts are marketing ploys from gastric band interest groups so dont get discourgaed by what you read. I felt so good after 2 weeks of liquid fasting and a week of recovery. I was addicted to getting all the Vitamins my body needed. That made a big difference in my mood and overall well being. Eating and eating and eating, all filled up will make you feel lazy... WIth the band, I dont feel a heavy meal and I am stuffed. You cheaters no your cheating and those that follow the program will succeed. Think about it. If I lock you in a closet and give you 1000 calories a day for three weeks. Guess what, Your going to lose weight. or 1500 calories for you nay sayers. One thing I think helps me is I only weigh when I go to the drs office to get a fill so I have only weighed twice. This will limit you being discouraged if you have a week or even two of plateauing....Also, sugar free pops and pudding have satisfied my sweet tooth cravings... I like the venti pepermint mochas but I found they have 50gs of sugar. Now I get regular coffee and keep peppermint sugar free mints in my mouth while I drink coffee :) Anyway, I am rambling...just want the people thinking of doing this, I have nothing bad to say... Onwards!!! Hope to start macking on some chicks this summer :) .

Happy Banding! Stick to the program, you can do it!


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So I thought I would give an update -

Fred, you continue to impress! Awesome success rate!! Keep going, and be sure to keep us posted.

When I posted earlier in this thread it was Jan 12, and I was down 49 pounds. Today, April 5, I'm down 73 pounds. It's a great feeling to be this much thinner. I'm loving this kind of success rate.


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what kind of liquid diet did you do?

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Congratulations and keep up the great work.

I too am longer diabetic and no longer use a cpap machine.

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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      2. BabySpoons

        Seems it would be more compassionate not to perform a WLS on someone until they are mentally ready for it. Unless of course they are on death's door...

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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