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January's Chat

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Happy Sunday, Folks...

Betty - Three weeks seems like an eternity. I am so much an instant gratification kind of girl! I feel for you. And don't worry - I won't be buying much of anything for post op that I won't use later.

Dianne, Honey.... I'm sorry about the leaks! That sucks big time - but at least you are getting it fixed. BAND leakage seems odd. Was it defective? Or did your doc stab it during surgery? Geez - how does that happen?!? HUGE hugs. I hope that we can all get together in March and compare scars or something. :]

Eileenie - I agree, the Divine Miss G was worth the wait. What a doll! Gosh, your plans for the day are almost as exciting as mine - but I am going to the gym, too... :]

Patty - Thank goodness for my doting husband! He is making the low carb diet totally do-able with his lovely stir-fry veggies and things. And my Doc says liquidy potatoes on like day 3 or 4... Like I said, he seems really reasonable about the whole diet thing. I will just take it nice and slow. Oh - you FORGOT about the mystery box?? I never could have forgotten about that... geez! I would have been forced to torment or blackmail until DexH told me what was in it... Or I might have taken it to the airport to be x-rayed... LOL. Do tell when you find out.

Anne - Thanks!! I would love to try the Unjury powder - and I would even love some of the 998 boulion cubes... Or rather, DH would. He cooks with that stuff once in a while... I will PM my address. And Thanks for the tip on The Matador. I love dark comedy - and I love Pierce Brosnan...

Shery - Hi! Hope all is well with you.

Cindy - Ooooooo, San Antonio. I have never been. You will have to give us the play by play. And no sweat on the name thing. I have been called every name between Irene and Ivan (misspellings, mispronunciations, bad handwriting) and besides, Renee is on of my Alter Egos... I have several. (shhhhh, you weren't supposed to tell! Shut up Renee! Reina, grab her and shut her up!) Anyhow, I hope you feel better and can lay off the Benadryl, soon.

Pat - I just wanted something a little different for the Avatar. Now that I have a digital camera to play with, I can change it as often as I like... Maybe next week I will get a full face shot that I like - but for now, the eyes have it. Hope you are feeling better after that day of PB. I am so NOT looking forward to that little Bandster experience! Good luck on the training. At least with training, you can stop after a while... If you just do it all yourself, you have to go on and on and on.... Hope the new gal is great!

Well, Darlings, Thanks for all the suggestions. I have decided that I need to grab a couple of things that I didn't get:

Ice Pops

Heating Pad

juice (gosh, how did I forget to grab juice?!?)

I guess I will have to check out the brand spanking new Walmart store near my job. It opened about 10 days ago - and I just haven't taken the time to go in.

Hope to hear from the folks who haven't posted, soon.

Hugs for everybody!

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Hello all just checking in. Why is it to me Sundays are depressing? I've got the day off but all I can think about is having to go back? The weekends just go by too fast! It's now 3:24pm and I STILL have to do laundry and pay bills. Bills are another depressing thought hahaha. My hubby is snoring on the couch and my son is closed up in his room playing video games and yelling at his so-called friends. Sometimes I wonder why they are friends. They all yell at each other so much playing those games. UGH. Me...I'm in the office, taking a breather to write to ya, while my dog sleeps at my feet. Hmmmm seems Sunday is suppose to be a relaxation day? I must be doing something wrong lol. Eh...it could be worse that's for sure. I need to kick myself in the butt and do some of this "house stuff" during the week so I can be a lazy bum on the couch. Hmmm that will never happen...what a waste. What do you ladies do on weekend? Maybe I can take a lesson or two from you all :)

Eileen...Yikes you just got me scared. You're right...I only have 15 days left for surgery. Wowza..guess I lost track! I keep saying the date in my head but, stopped counting the days because it seemed so far away.

Pat - Hmm get the last burger in huh? Ya mean I can't eat those after I'm banded? oh my....going to be tough in the summer time around here huh? Can you not eat them because they get stuck? I realize we probably can't eat a whole one but, wasn't sure if you just couldn't eat them at all. I guess I'm going to find out what will sit right with me and what won't pretty quickly. We buy our meat from Family First Foods and they are VERY tender. I'm hoping I'll still be able to eat some of that after I'm banded. It doesn't have the preservatives, added hormones or additives that the meats in the stores do. It's really been great. I was skeptical but, after we had them out here and I could taste and feel the difference in the meat I became a customer. Anywho...their burgers are great too. Maybe I'll have to go without the bun :)

Rene - Are you ready? Time flew once you were approved aye?

Cindy - Benedryl does me in all the time! Fortunately I don't need it often. Hope you're feeling better.

Betty - I certainly hope you hear back from your interviews tomorrow. The sooner the better :)

Everyone else - I hope you're having a good weekend and sorry I missed you here. I'm afraid I'm not very good at getting everyone all the time but, I'm thinking of ya :)

Have a great week everyone! Remember.....One is too many and twelve isn't enough. DON'T EAT THAT FIRST CHIP OR COOKIE!!! hahaha


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Hey Y'all!

Finally got a chance to get here! I finished my work on the puter, then did the housework. Then I made a pot of Soup for lunch, boy it was really good! Fattening, but worth every bite!:) :) :)

Dianne - My heart goes out to you, how I hate to hear you have to do the surgery all over again. Good luck, and please keep us posted.

Beanie - It's almost here! I can't wait to welcome you to bandland!:):D :D

Sherry - I don't do the bread, but I do the hamburgers. I just use lettuce instead of bread, still put tomatoes, and all the works on it. It is pretty yummy and I really don't miss the bun. Although when I am anywhere near a subway, I wish I could have one of those, they always smell so good!

Cindy - Sorry to hear you aren't feeling better. That Benadryl does the same thing to me, in fact I can't take two of them, one knocks me out! Feel better!:D :D

Anne - It was housework for me today too. My DH gets to relax on the couch, I get to do work! Something is definately wrong with this picture!

Eileen - Isn't your fill next week? I bet you are ready!

Pat - Yes, that tastes like yogart. It tastes a little more like the frozen ice cream one though. I only had a little taste of it so don't hold me to it. I think it would be better than a "chit" pill though! Glad you found someone for your office. I'm also glad to see you back on here. I thought I needed a fill too, but decided against it. I know I can eat too much, but I don't want to be too tight again either. Nope, can't take that sliming at all!

Patty - What you haven't opened that box yet???? OK, I am coming over there and opening it up for you! The suspense is killing me!:D :D :D

Well, I haven't posted much lately so I am going to check out some of the other threads. Take care and have a great evening!

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Good Morning,

Its Moanday lol :( whats everyone doing this week? anything good?

Yes Betty, I get my fill *PRAYING* this friday morning... if he doesn't I'll whip out a 12" sub and eat it infront of him ROFL !!! and finish it off with a slab of cake and a diet coke... haaaaaaupmpf.

Its a beautiful day in NJ...sun's out and that always makes me happy.

How are you all ?

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Hey, where is Everybody?

Good Morning All,

I just read through some old threads and Dianne my heart is completely broken for you :( I really didn't realize that you just got your band last September. Do you have a date for surgery? My prayers are being sent right now, please take care of yourself... OK.

Betty: Oh, girl.... you just slay me with your snappy come-backs! Come on over and rip into that mystery box that I have -- it would give me great pleasure to do so (I still didn't find time to open it) :kiss2:

On Saturday night my co-worker and new friend Terry & I went out for girls night out. Terry is married with 2 children and the kids and her hubby were out in the desert riding ATV's so this wonderful gal took me out to dinner and by the end of the evening we were at Knotts berry Farm(her treat) walking around and talking! On Sunday morning 10am she called again to say "hi" and invited me to late church and I accepted. I had a great time and met some really friendly people. The weekend was wonderful, my garage sales finds were amazing and life seems to be turning around. My prayer this week is to hear from insurance -- yeah, the icing on the cake.... lets make that sugar-free icing.

Hey, here's wishing you all a great week :(:D I'll try to post after work.

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Good Monday morning, everyone!

We've got sun, too! Very pretty day.

Eileen, you'll get that fill for sure if you whip out a 12".....sub! LOL!

Patty, so glad to hear you had a great time! We have to have times like that to regroup for the rest of the week!

Dianne, how's it going? I'm praying for you.

Betty, what are you doing today? I bet you're out for a nice, long walk!

Pat, glad to hear you have hired someone, even though I know it will take time to train her the way you want...that sounds weird, like we're talking about a pet or something! Are you gonna try another fill anytime soon? Just being nosey, because I think I need one, but will wait until spring break.

Frightening breaking news: I've been forced to take Benadryl and teach! Actually, it's going pretty well....or my brain is so covered in slime that I can't let them get to me! LOL! Really, I'm going to see my doctor this afternoon; she's working me in. God love her. She's really great, and she hasn't seen me since the pre-op work-ups. I can't wait to see how much I've lost, on her charts. When I weighed in there last, I weight more than even I claim was my high point...I think it might have been about 286. I"ll let you know. I'm going because of this cold/bronchitis/sinus infection or WHATEVER it is, but I know she'll talk with about the surgery, too.

Everyone have a nice day! Cindy

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Hi Folks!

How goes the battle? It's another exotic and exciting day... Not much going on here. Just starting to feel some pre-op anxiety.

I mean, Geesh - what was I thinking to get my surgery the day after the Superbowl... My Doc will probably still be hung over... lol!

Yeah - that's the kind of crazy-assed thought that is running through my head right now. I can only hope that it doesn't get too much worse between now and next Monday.

I am in a lovely state of Ketosis right now, so I hope my little liver is throwing out fat cells with abandon. Obsessed? Uh - YEAH. So sue me.

Yesterday at the gym - I made it to 12 on the full body crunch machine. That's a record for me...

Not much else to report.

Sherry - two weeks is still pretty far off! :] Eat those burgers now - cause my understanding is that it's Bunless All The Way after the big surgery. I feel ya on the Sunday thing. About half the time, I can't focus on Sunday cause I am worrying about Monday. Wish I knew how to break that....

Betty - Working on a Sunday? I haven't had to do that in a long time... Hope things even out for you, soon. I still have everything crossed til you hear from your job interviews.

Eileenie - yep, carry the sub. If the Doc tries to say "no" again, threaten him with the cousins...

Patty - Oh sure... We are all sitting here DYING from curiosity - and you are out whooping it up with your new co-worker... What's That all about? (LOL!) But seriously - good for you that you are going out. I know you love your boys - but you need some grown-up time, too.

Cindy - we are all going to concentrate on you getting well. Come on, Folks, everybody concentrate on a Healthy, Un-medicated Cindy. Don't feel too badly about that top weight... That number is actually below my first Medium-Goal!!! You are doing great, and I am sure your Doc will tell you so.

Well, I haven't made it to the new Walmart today - but maybe I will scoot out of here early... I realized that I am going to need one other key piece of equipment on my weightloss journey...

I still don't have a scale! I am a little hesitant to get one, knowing my own capacity for obsession... but I don't know if I will be able to STAND waiting between doc visits to know how I am doing. Hmmm... I will have to think, some more on that. Maybe I will get one after my fills begin...

Did I mention I was obsessing?

Catch Y'All Later!!


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Rene, be sure to get one of those fancy dangled scales that does the muscle vs fat ratio, that way IF you should have a slow loss, maybe you'll be able to attribute it to the muscle gain. JMO

As for the burgers, bunless or not, the closest I've come to having a burger is a hamburger steak, yummmm. No taters for me either unless they're instant, can't fool this band. I keep thinking enough time has lapsed that it will be fooled with an occassional french fry from time to time, NOT, sure as I take a bite, PB everytime. My secretary fusses at me and says, "I don't know why you do that, you know you're going to end up in the bathroom", I just remind her I sign her check and she'd better get on back in her office, LMAO.

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You all are great! Thankyou so much for all of your support and most important your prayers!

I saw the Dr. today. I will not be having surgery on Thursday do to insurance! So now I have to wait to get the approval. My Dr. doesn't think it will be a problem, just paper work junk.

I think this is better I have some time to adjust and get used to the idea. I haven't slept much the past few days.

I know the timing is all in Gods hands, so I am not going to worry about it. This time is deffiniatly giving me a stronger faith and making me lean on God.

I will keep you posted. Thanks so much and (((HUGS))) to all of you.

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Hi Everyone, Hope everyone is doing well. I have to vent, complain, grumble whatever you want to call it. UGH.

WORK has been so much pressure that that's all I think about all the time besides waiting for my band. Friday...things blew up and I lost it. My boss came by and asked how i was doing...I was fine up until that point. I told her about a conversation I had just had with the account manager. He said he had all these projects he needed to have done and needed them ALL done. Well, believe me there is NO manpower for this and so most of it is on me to do and get done. Anyway, when I said I'm doing the best and I can and I'll get it done as soon as I can he said he needed it all done like yesterday. I've been telling him to meet with me and my boss so we could game plan what needed to be done first etc., but nope they were both too busy. He said well we need to get together today yadda yadda. He needed it all done and if he had to he'd go to the president and vice president and tell them that he needed it done and they'd come out and tell me get it done. I was dumbfounded. I've worked overtime (even though I'm salaried) since the day we got this account. I'M FRIED! I'm BURNTOUT and constantly on the verge of tears and anxiety. I have to keep this job...I have a mortgage to pay etc. Oh well. Anyway....after my boss asked me how I was I told her what he said, she was furious and went to the President and told her what was said. She got mad...big BIG blowout between my boss and acct. mgr. He ended up calling me leaving a message apologizing saying he didn't mean it that way, then called me personally...so that helped. But, you know....it's going to take a long time for the tension to go away. We finally had that meeting today and LORD knows how I'm going to get all this accomplished. I can't even think straight to do the work at home to help myself out of this hole. Oh well I keep saying.."It will get better", "This too shall pass" ...I'm actually looking forward to surgery just to have time off. But then there will be HELL to pay when I get back and try to catch back up. UGH. I guess I'm feeling pretty beaten up right now :(

So today I called my surgeon's office. I asked Debbie if I was approved yet. She said NO. UGH. She said, for the first time my insurance Tufts, is asking for another psych eval. They've never asked for it before. Debbie asked me if I saw the psychologist again and I told her no...was I suppose to? She said no because the psychologist said I was a "excellent canidate" for the surgery. She made a call to my insurance to find out what the heck they were truly looking for. Well I then told her my insurance is changing as of 2/1. She wasn't thrilled but, she thinks it will be ok since it's with the same insurance company just a different plan but still with the same employer. I HOPE this doesn't go wrong :D I just didn't need this on top of it all.

Well....enough of my complaining. I just had to get if off my chest and I knew my friends here would understand what I'm going through. Thanks for listening...ummm reading.

You folks always make me smile reading your posts :( I love the comebacks joking around, trying to read Eileen's funny noises she types and the caring nature of all of you. Thanks so much for that :Banane39:

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Hi Everyone! Sorry I haven't been posting lately but it has been so hectic. I went back to work on January 23rd and I am also going to a Bariatric Rehab Exercise Program over at Hackensack Univ. Med. Ctr. in Hackensack, NJ. The program is great but now since I am back at work I have to get there no later than 6pm because the hours are 5pm to 8pm on Tues. and Thurs. I was going from in the early part of the afternoon which began at 2pm and ended by 4pm. They have an exercise physiatrist like a personal trainer and they really guide you. I have some physical problems that I have been coping with for years and they are addressing them. I am now finally walking and walking faster than I have in years. I feel much better finally getting a bit more active now. I have lost 32lbs since my banding on Dec. 21. 2005. It was neat going back to work after not seeing me for a month. I lost all over and especially alot of bloat from my face. It feels good to look in the mirror again and not cringe. I am really happy to say one of the best things that has happened to me besides losing weight was that I have been off my diabetic medicine since the day before surgery. I test my sugar levels every morning before I eat. My levels are normal now:) Yesterday, my blood sugar was 94! I haven't been below 100 in years! I go to my endocrine doctor in about 2 weeks and I am sure he will be very happy. It is amazing to me that I didn't realize how bad I really felt until I started to feel GREAT! I pray everyday that it continues this way. I felt so bad for so many years. Even my arthritis feels better. I don't have to take advil everyday. I was taking at least 3 to 6 advils everyday for pain. The taste of feeling great is just wonderful. I am sure many of you would agree with me.

I am a bit nervous for Wednesday, Feb. 1st. I go to the doctor for my first fill. Eileen, how come your doctor has not filled your band yet? My friend had her band filled after 2 1/2 months and her doctor filled it 1 1/2 cc. isn't that alot for a first fill? What is normal for a first time? My friend got banded on Nov. 7, 2005 and she had lost 50lbs by her first fill which was Jan. 11th and after her first fill she didn't feel good and was not eating alot except for pudding and pops. Finally, she began to eat again and when she went on the scale the next week she lost an additional 11lbs! In 2 1/2 months my friend lost 61lbs! That is wild! But she did say to me that she really doesn't want to lose in such big jumps because she doesn't want her skin to sag. She also added exercise to her program. She does it for half hour 3 times week. I do think the exercise does help to take off the pounds easier and faster.I must admit I do feel so much better since I began my exercise program. I even treated myself to a Gezelle. I tried it and it seemed like it will be fun to use. It even came with dvd's to use. Tony Little is like your personal trainer in these dvd's.

Diane - I was sorry to hear that you had to have surgery again. My prayers are with you for a speedy recovery. Just keep thinking positive and with all the good wishes from the group you are sure to have a speedy and successful recovery. God Bless you Diane!

I better get myself back to bed. I have work in the morning but I had to place a Mary Kay order before 12 midnight. By the way, if anyone needs anything from Mary Kay just let me know. I give my customers a 10 percent discount and I do parties and complimentary makeovers. I have a good time with it. I have been doing it part time for about 1 1/2 years. Plus, I teach as a one on one teacher during the day so I am quite busy but I do enjoy what I do. My younger son has been keeping me quite busy and it will only get busier as the weeks go on. He is rehearsing for "Fiddler on the Roof". He is playing the part of "the Fiddler". He has rehearsals every weekend including some during the week. By the time February is here which is real soon. He will have it almost everyday of the week. Especially when March rolls along. I will never see my son Phil. I will just have to put on a taxi sign on my car:)

I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of your week. Just remember to take it a day at a time. That is what keeps me sane lol....Feel free to write anytime. I will try to get on the boards more often. However, it is a big comfort to get here and read what everyone has to say. Stay healthy, be safe and feel great! Take care everyone!


Banded Dec. 21, 2005

Hackensack Univ. Med. Ctr.

Dr. Trivedi

Highest weight 340 2yrs ago/Pre-surgery Weight 299.4/

Lost 32lbs...267lbs now!;)


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Good Morning :)

Sherry, after reading your post all I want to do is slap the crap out of that account manager... of course the pee-pee head (thats being polite) is going to appologize, your boss called his bluff about going to the VP. What an ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! And he did mean it how it sounded..he's just covering his butt...I hate people like that. There is no reason to threaten people... When I first started here this one guy sent me an email about something and said in the email that he was going to talk to my boss... well I sent the email back to him and copied my boss on it basically ripping him a new orfis and telling him that he can go to my boss any blasted time he wants... I hide NOTHING from my boss. When my boss read the email she came out and applauded me. I am so quiet and I don't make waves but he hit a nerve threatening me like he did. Your boss sounds cool !!! I'm glad she did what she did....phoooie on that nasty little man. HUGS and have a peaceful day..... you deserve it.

JAN !!! its so good to see you...LORDY !!! look at your stats. You go girl whooooooooohoooo. I heard that the program at hackensack was very good, I wish I had the time to do it but I don't. My doc won't fill me b/c he said he doesn't want me losing like a gastric bypass person and from my last visit I was losing. I doubt I have lost anything since then but we'll know friday when I go for yet another attempt at a fill. I can eat anything, I mean anything and as much as I want..... its mentally wearing me down b/c I feel like I have 0 control. I'm losing my willpower and drive to lose weight eating like this.... but... I know.... hang in there.

Dianne, sweetness, we all can't blame you for feeling like you do. My gosh girl. But you know... I'm so happy that they can fix it and give you a new one. It will be here and gone before we know it. I'm here if you need to talk... PM me and I'll give you my email addy. Hugs !!! now get some sleep...

Pat... no french fries ? well you know something, its kinda good that you can't. The other day my veggie wrap came with chips, which I didn't eat but my DD's hotdog came with steak fries...which I ate all of them :) and it went down w/no problem.... kinda sucks... When will we ever be happy LOLOLOL !!!!!

Cindy Cindy bo bindy, fe fi fo mindy CINDY!!! how did you do at the doc's yesterday? Are you feeling any better today?

Beanie gurl, bet your melting away with the no carbs and exercising.. BRAVO !!! Don't even think about surgery until your there... I wasn't nervous until that very day. The worst part was walking into the surgery room... I looked back at my DH and said "WTF am I doing to myself" and I started crying.... I'm such an ass now that I think about it because it wasn't that bad and I'm happy now that I did do it. We all get nervous and have 2nd thoughts...its called being human. Now go to Walmart and buy me something pretty...I mean buy yourself something pretty and get your mind off of things. ;) I'm here for you too.,....and you know where to find me.

Patty, I'm glad you went out with your friend.... I need to do the same thing. I never want to go out w/out my DD but I know I need to. Its hard isn't it. What kinda good buys did you get garage saling? You know whats fun... go to the rich sections in town and go garbage picking :Banane23: for some reason it always makes me feel sneaky LOLOL!!!! One man's trash is another's treasure.

Betty boop....whats shakin...any news from the job market?

Okay let me get out of here. I have to run to the pet store and get fish filters and then to who know's where else... I just need to get out.

TTYL......... ********SMOOCH*********

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Good morning. I slept ALL NIGHT! Yahwhooo! LOL

You know before I had this band I spoke with a friend who had had the gastric stapling band surgery/they don't really do it anymore but back then it was the safest WLS around. She had it in 97. I asked her if she was sorry that she did it. Her reply to me was it was the best thing she ever did in her life and she would do it again in a heart beat.

So Beannie, and everyone else, I have to tell you, I am doing it again in a heart beat! It is scary I did have doughts and do now, but I have gone from a size 24/26 really pushing those 26's to a 18/16 from 268-222 in 4 months and 5 days. It is the best thing I ever did for me in my life, and I would even do it again in a heart beat..lol...kicking screaming and crying...lol...but thats just normal head stuff. The recovery, I have to keep reminding myself, really wasn't bad at all. I remember waking up and I was amazed at how it wasn't bad at all. So hang in there and just remember it is so worth it! And thanks for reminding me!!!!

Eileen I will PM you thanks. Your really great.

Sherry you go girl! Kick that dude! What a jerk!

Jan thanks for the exercising encouragement. I have to tell you I have been feeling like why should I bother I have to stop during recovery for a while anyway, but after reading your message, I'm getting off of this and dong my crunches! thanks

Patty- That box has been on my mind, did you ever open it?

OK I'm off to my crunches thanks guys all of you!

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My gracious this thread is something else!

Sherry: We're gonna have to send up some mighty prayers for you, cause you are in some volcano of a situation. Corporate America is awful. We need you to stay calm, surgery is just around the corner. Hugs,

I had a crazy day yesterday. Day 11 of being the school nurse and I have to offically report a child abuse case ;) . One of my favorite little dolls came in for what I thought was daily medication. Whats this, a tummy ache? I gave some crackers thinking that Breakfast wasn't enough and I dashed into the restroom. When I returned the principal who also pals around with our sweetie came to show me a mark by the hip. How'd you get that? "MY Dad hit me with the belt"! I was immediately instructed on how to file a report, make phone calls and fax documents to the correct agencies. By the time I left work the social worker had notified a patrol car. My heart sank. This is way harder than I ever imagined. I went home and called my Mom to vent, I guess I'm still not over it.... I won't know until I get in today what happened. Was the child removed from the home and will I have to deal with angry parents as a result? So, guys, I could use a heavenly telegram as I leave for work. I'll try to post again this evening.

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Oh Patty, that is horrible just horrible. Both for you and that little sweet girl. What kind of monster would strike a child with a belt...uuuh (some one aught to hit him with a belt @#!_#%_)... that is just so wrong!!! You both have my prayers.... guess I should pray for the father and mother that they don't ever do it again.

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    • BetterLeah

      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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      1. NeonRaven8919

        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

    • Ladiva04

      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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      1. NeonRaven8919

        Congrats on the surgery!

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      1. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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      HGH For Sale
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