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Zan & Eileen must have been posting at the same time as me. I was so long-winded...

Zan, you crack me up. We were as excited as you about the bus. We just waved and were happy you didn't have to wait around for one. Glad you got the computer issue fixed. I was beginning to think I had provoked you too far! :]

Eileenie - You wild thing, you. A cupcake?!? That's pretty out there... 16 yrs of wedded bliss and DD is only 4? What's up with that? I know there has to be a story there. Is miss G a miracle baby or something? Or did it just take you & DH a while to grow up enough to have kids of your own. (call me nosey!!) I, personally, plan NEVER to grow up - so no kids for me... I will have to Mom vicariously through all of you!

Well, back to work. Love you guys!!

Betty - send me your e-mail address - I will forward the pictures.

Cindy - you want in? I have an address for you...

Anybody else? I have several shots that will never hit the boards...


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Hey Y'all!

Had my interview this morning, it was nice. The offices were fantasitc! Everything was really pretty. But, again, it will be 3-4 weeks before a decission is made. WTF!!!!! What happened to the days you went for an interview and they hired you on the spot?

Beanie - Glad you had a good Birthday! It sounds like you really enjoyed your last meal!:) :girl_hug: :girl_hug: I did send you my e-mail addy and thank you for the update on Dianne. Yes, I have wondered many times how she was doing. Hello Dianne!

Zan - Now you know the worse picture is the one that is always posted! I'm looking forward to seeing you in my email!:scared:

Elieen - "Happy Anniversary"- Hope you have a great one! Eat that cupcake girl, after all this is a special occasion!

Patty - You XDH never deserved someone as special as you, so give it to him girl. Make him pay that back! I know it is hard to do, but sometimes if you keep writing/calling you finally get someone that cares enough to help you. Hang in there!

Cindy - Sure hope you are feeling better today! It's sprinkling here in Grand Prairie already, at least it was a half hour ago.

It is supposed to rain here tonight and tomorrow morning then clear up and Sunday it is supposed to be in the 70's. So, DH said this morning if it does get nice we'll be going riding. Other than that, I have to catch up on all the entries that I haven't done the last couple of days, some things to do in the house too.

Well, got to go get busy, catch you all later!

Hello to all that hasn't posted yet!

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Hey guys,

I here but not really. Having a tough time. I'll fill you all in soon. Just say a little prayer for me please.


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Good Morning,

Dianne, whats shakin girl? come talk to us, maybe we can help... HUGS !!!

Betty, good luck with the interview, 3 - 4 weeks is a long time but you know they do the same thing at my company, they are just soooo slow. Hang in there. Who ever hires you will have hit the jackpot.

Beanie babe, we always wanted kids but we put building our house first and before we knew it.... we were getting OLD!!! so I told DH uuuuh we better move on it b/c I'm not having kids after 40 years old. Gracie was well planned and well worth the wait. If I had to do it over, I would have had one more, just earlier. DH will be 50 this year and our mistake was we started to late :) Can't turn back time but we can enjoy whats ahead. Thats my story and I'm stickin to it LOLOL !!!! Post op foods.... yes, don't get to much. Make sure you have ice pops/italian ice, Soups, and your Protein stuff (what ever your doc allows).

Nothing much is going on today, the weather is supposed to be 55 so hopefully we can get outside and enjoy some fresh air without freezing out behinds off. My kitchen looks like a bomb hit it...just awful, so Ill clean that first or it will never get done. But for now I'm enjoying staying in my jamies reading up on everyone.

Watcha all doing this weekend.

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It's my day off and I still get up at 6am... Morning all :)

Dianne: you are making me worried, please post soon.

Rene: your post-op list might include: liquid tylenol and Vitamins, don't forget powedered whey to boost your shakes cause you don't want your pretty hair falling out. Get at least one sugar-free Syrup by Da Vinci, they make a million flavors(I crave hazelnut), a heating pad & recliner are on my list and one doting husband -- oh, I don't have one of those.... but you do! :o When will you be able to eat mushies like pudding/potatos?

Betty: Glad that the interview went well. Here's what happens when they hire you on the spot.... you life completely unravels in 10 days! I have dishes, laundry, piles and piles of paper and a 6 year old who now does his poopie & peepee in his pants because of all the confusion :eek: due to our new schedule. Complaining, nah -- just reality. Now that question about the mystery box -- It's still in the closet! I had completely forgotten about it,(new job) and he stopped asking for it! Thanks for the reminder, it will give me something to do later :guess.

Well, thats about it, I need Breakfast and I hitting the garage sales :)

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Good Morning!

Rain, glorious rain! We got lots of it last night, and it is still going this morning. We need it so bad.

Dianne - Hope all is right with you. Hugs!

Beanie - broth, popcicles, juice (grape/apple), Protein Drinks, heating pad, tylenol, Jello. Don't buy too much of any of it though, you won't need as much as you think you will. I used more broth, coffee, tea, popcicles, and jello than anything.

Eileen - Thanks for the compliment:D I too have work in the house to do, but first I have to get my work on the computer done. All I want to do today is sit in my gown and pull up the covers and have a good hot cup of tea with cinnamon Creamer in it.:) :) :eek: My ear is swollen shut again this morning, so things sound funny or can't hear much at all. UGH!

Cindy, oh Cindy where are you my friend? Hope things are ok and you are just very busy.

Patty - Ah the famous box, how could you forget that???:o :lolB: :lolB: I know, just kidding! You have certainly been busy. It seems like when things get changed so much at home it always has an effect on the children. Have fun at the garage sales!

Pat - where are you ???? Time to quit working and come and play and let us know how you are!:clap2:

Good morning Anne, Sherry, Ira, Paula, Zan, and Pat. Hope I didn't miss anyone!

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Good morning everyone! I'm just having a quick cup of coffee before I have to pick up my sister-in-law at the airport. I get so nervous when I'm driving at the airport. One of those little phobias I guess, but it will be fine. Tonight, DH and I have a babysitter. I'm trying to decide if I should cancel... the kids are still coughing some. Do you ever stop being contagious with a cold? Because I really want to go out, lol. Can anyone suggest a good movie?

Beanie, don't go too overboard with the food for your liquid stage. I had almost no appetite. I don't know what I was thinking... I bought one of those costco sized containers of beef bouillon cubes. Can I ship you some, lol? I think I used 2 of them, so that leaves me with 998 left. In all seriousness though, I have an unopened jar of unflavored Unjury Protein Powder. It's really good as far as Protein powders go, but I prefer to get my protein with real food. It's just sitting in the cupboard, and I'd be happy to ship it to you - just PM me your address if you want it. I may pack it in boullion cubes though... :)

Betty, I'm glad to hear that you're finally getting the rain that you need! No

riding out on the bikes today though, eh? Do you and DH make cross country trips too? That would be a lot of fun... My dad always had motorcycles, but he would never let his little girls anywhere near them. I'm 32, and he still wouldn't like it, lol.

Patty, I hope things will settle down for you and your family soon. Give it a few weeks - I'll bet you'll be feeling so much more settled in at school. Have fun garage sale-ing today! I'm jealous, We don't have any garage sales in Michigan this time of year.

Time to go to the airport - Pat, Cindy, Zan, Sherry, Ira, Paula, Eilene, hope you're all having a great day! Sunsett, I hope everything is okay. Please post when you're feeling up to it.

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You guys are great and I really am thankful to have your support.

I HATE negitive stuff on here! But this has to turn out positive...right?

Ok Thursday I went for my fluo fill. 3 weeks earlier my Dr. who I just love and respect, thought I might have a leak. I got scared and was terrified that that meant a leak in the band.

So Thursday was my fluro day. Which was also my 4 month anniversary.

You all know how I have been in and out of a funk lately. I really thought I had a leak and was prepared as best as I could be with the idea of a port exchange.

Well I have a leak and I have it not only in my port but also in the band.

Which means that next Thursday I have to go back in and have the whole surgery over agian. That I wasn't expecting to hear. My Dr. said it is a tougher surgery because of the chance of bleeding and the scar tissue. I asked him if he has ever had anyone else with the band leak and he said I'm his first. I think he has had a few port leaks which seem to be the most common.

DH and I will go see him on Monday and then Wednesday I have the presurgical stuff and then Thursday.....Everything is happening so fast.

I'm scared. I'm upset. I'm crying on and off all the time. I'm asking God whats up. I'm also upset to tell all of you because I don't want you to worry about your own bands. I know when I read things I hear people panic and that is why I hesitated to say anything. I truely believe that I am one in thousands to have this.

This band has been Gods idea from the begining. So I know he will pull me through this tough time and ease my nerves and pain.

Thanks for being here for me. Today we meet our LBT local group like we do monthly. I got lots of hugs and support. This whole website is wonderful. I love the relationships that we are making. And I can't wait to meet my NJ group. Hopefully in March.

So thats it for now. I'm tired and hopefully will sleep tonight. :notagree

night night.....di

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Dianne, I'm so sorry you have to go through this. Please know that I've got you in my prayers for an easy surgery and a speedy recovery. I truly appreciate you sharing what's happened. It does help all of us learn that can happen...after all as much as the band is a useful tool we do still have to keep in mind things can go wrong so that we're more aware of what is in our bodies. I haven't gotten my band yet but, this is definately a question I'll bring up to see if my surgeon has run into it. Again, I wish you the best with your surgery and recovery. Please keep us posted.

Hugs to you and your hubby,


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OH MY !!! Dianne, that freakin sucks !!! I'm so sorry this is happening to you, uhhh !!! I would be mortified too. Your so right when you said it was Gods will from the start and YES YES YES, HE will bring you through this safely. You know you can count on us for prayers. Please let us know when you get home. Is your doc keeping you over night (I hope).

March sounds cool !!! I'd love to meet you :) but no yodells okay :)

We're here for you, and know that you don't have to go thru this alone, we all can really feel your pain and frustrations. Lean on us okay. Its more than LBT that brought us together.

Hugs and Kisses to you !!

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Yes, here I am! Up in the middle of the night, because I coughed so much it woke me up, and thought sitting up for a while would help. The big fat headache I had, I kept until last night. It seems to have backed off right now...I would guess this is some sinus infection thing. I can't stay well for 2 weeks in a row! Bleccck. So, I got up, took some Benadryl, sat in the recliner, and am catching up on everything. Oh yeah, I've even got a little fever.

I didn't post Friday, since I was swamped in class, then had to host the big staffing meeting for the teachers on Friday afternoon...turned out fine, and I don't host again this year.

Yesterday, I took my DD to UNT for a GS thing...called CSI. They could earn a couple of badges...ya know I had this headache, and a fever, then got there and I promise, there were almost a thousand kids there! It was obvious they had not planned for that many, so it was unorganized. That drives me crazy! We had to leave at noon to get something to eat, then went to my (step) niece's baby shower! That was fun, but still....24 people, lots of noise, etc.

My niece had contractions that took her to the hospital, premature labor. They gave her a shot and sent her home. During the shower, I could tell she wasn't feeling that good. After everyone left, a friend, my DD and I put up all the stuff in the baby's room...is there anything more adorable than baby clothes! When I left there last night, she was having contractions, but didn't want to call the dr. Her sister stayed with her last night - her DH is in Daytona on a business trip. My personal feeling? I'd tell him to get on a plane! I don't think she'll make her due date, which is 2/17. I think she'll hold off as long as possible, since he'll be home tomorrow night. He would be sick if he missed it...first child!

After being gone all day, I came home and didn't want to even touch my computer!

I've read up on everyone...Beanie, please forgive me for addressing your PM to Renee...I'm goofed up in the head! Benadryl....

Dianne, dang. What a hard knock! Along with the rest of us, you know you have our prayers and love and support, and we do want to know what is going on with you and your 2nd surgery. ((((hugs))))

Eileen, happy anniversary! 16! We'll have our 10th this summer. I was 41 when I had DD, and turned 42 the next month!

Where's Pat? I miss you, girl!

Bettty, wasn't the rain great?

I'm getting sleepy, so will browse the new posts, then back to bed!

Love you guys, Cindy

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Good Morning,

Cindy girl, feel better today and rest up. No more running around for you missy, now stay in your Jammie's and relax. Hugs !!

Its still a little dark out and everyone is sleeping LOVE IT !! I love the quiet mornings all to myself w/my hazelnut coffee.< /p>

I have no plans for today except some more cleaning and laundry. Should be a nice day although the sky looks cloudy.

My house is decorated for Valentine's day....got red lights and a red lighted heart outside w/red and white doily hearts in the window.....gotta make the drab winter more cheery yah know.

Patty I hear ya on getting up early on your day off...ick. Did you get anything good garage saling yesterday?

Anne, sorry I didn't reply to your post until now...duh. I hate driving to the airport too, the massive cars going every which way and it being so confusing scares the crap out of me. I hate driving in NY City...same reason... to nuts for my blood. .... Did you get to go out last night? I hope so, the kids will be fine, I think in the beginning stages of a cold, like right before it comes out is when your contagious... its airborne so its hard to tell. Movies...... can't think of any but Brokeback Mountain... my friend said it was REALLY good..... The last movie I saw was with my Dd and that was Hoodwinked...very cute.

Bettyboop !! how was your rain yesterday, did it make a dent?

So we gotta do a count down for Sherry and Beanie....

Beanie's got 8 more days (not counting today) and...

Sherry's got 15 more days (not counting today)... whooooot !!!!

Whats everyone up to today?

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Good morning everyone! It's a rainy, overcast day here in MI, but that's fine with me. The house is clean (I'm only mentioning that because it NEVER happens!) and my plan is to finish up a few loads of laundry and lay around with the kids. Everyone seems to be coming out of the cold.

Dianne, I am so very sorry that you have to be rebanded. I can only imagine how you are feeling right now. ((((((HUGS))))) for you, and please feel free to vent any time. That's what friends are for!

Cindy, I laughed when I read your post because you do NOT sound like yourself (or how I imagine you, lol). Once I read the line about being hopped up on Benadryl it all made sense. Hope you're feeling better today! If I was your niece, I would be telling DH to get his butt on a plane pronto. I'm sure she will be fine, but that's a scary thing to go through alone.

Eilene, don't worry about not responding to my post! It's so hard for me to remember everyone's posts when I'm typing mine, I know I miss a lot of it. Your Valentine's decorations sound cool! I don't have anything outside, but I put some things up in my eating area for the first time this year and the kids love it. It's fun to Celebrate the smaller holidays too...

We ended up seeing The Matador yesterday. It was really good if you like dark comedy. Pierce Brosnan was hilarious, and very against type. Unfortunately, I scarfed my small popcorn during the opening credits and it sat in my stomach like lead for the whole movie. Will I ever learn, lol? It was SO nice to get out.

Time to wake up DH... no early risers in this house! Have a great day everybody!

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OOh, Anne...I love your glitter signature! Where do you all find these great things?'

I'll say that the combo of Benadryl and sleepiness will account for whatever strangeness exists in my posts!

Eileen, I also love being up when everyone else is asleep. It's so peaceful and cozy, isn't it?

DH has DD at church; she's singing today. I hate to miss that! Better for all concerned that I don't spread germs, and rest more. I do still have to finish a little laundry, though.

Next week is when I go to San Antonio for the alternative ed. conference...something to look forward to!


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I'm baaaaack!

Hey everyone, what a week or two, finally hired someone, but it's still major work, all the interviews, and then training. It's much easier to do it myself, LOL.

Beanie, where's the beautiful face? I feel like you're peeping, LOL. Soon to be fellow bander,:clap2: .

Dianne, I'm so sorry to hear you have to redo everything. Personally, I think we should all have to have our fills under flouro, what's to prevent us from getting a puncture without it. I especially think we should have a flouro check at least at the end of year one.

As for the NJ trip, are you driving or flying? If you're driving, you've got to pass my way, either stop by or I'll meet you at my beach house in Nags Head, I'd love to meet you, heck if you're flying, maybe I'll meet you there.

My doctor told another patient he did a flouro on a male patient last week and his stomach had stretched around the top of his band :) , not a good thing, I worry that I'll either get the puncture or maybe my band has stretched. I know no two days are the same with this band. I was suppose to go for a fill Friday, but pb'd all day Thursday, maybe it was nerves/anxiety???? Needless to say, I cancelled the appt.

Anne, Hope the kids are better. As for airports, they so intimidate me, from arriving, parking, and the attendants, especially large airports where we rent a car, OMG, that's even worse than just passing through or dealing with the local airport.

Sherry, better get those meals in, especially a juicy hamburger with the bun for me, LOL.

Cindy, sorry to hear you've been sick, hope you're all better, hugs.

Betty, if they took you around to meet the supervisors, this sounds like it could be it!!!! I'll save the :clap2: until we know for sure. Betty, I saw that post about the "regular" Dannon yogurt, does it taste like yogurt? I hate the taste of dairy products.

Ira, Patty, anyone I missed, I'll catchya later, have a great day, oops it's almost over, too late to get dressed now.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

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