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Good Morning :confused:

Happy Birthday Beanie !! how does it feel to be 29?

I am in such a funk I can't stand myself. And I know I have to get over it..its just hard. Calgon take me away.

How is everyone today?

(I did have a long post, hit the wrong button b/c sargent came in the room and poof... got nervous and lost it...... :) )

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Eileen, sometimes I think we live in a parallel universe....you have trouble sleeping, I have trouble sleeping; you're in a funk, I'm in a funk...Maybe it's just that it's the end of Jan., we have the long month of Feb. with no real holidays to look forward to (by that I mean, "days off") and spring is still too far away. Sorry about your taskmaster...I hate living in anzxiety over one of them. The administration/counseling at our school is convinced the teachers are screw-ups, so even if you work your behind off, which most of us do all the time, there's still one little ping-pong ball that gets dropped, and they make a federal case out of it. URRRGGGH. I guess I should start my little count-down chain...

Please forgive the short post...I have a big fat headache. Last night, I took a nice, long soak in the tub, and fell asleep! What's the deal?

One thing I can look forward to is that next week, a couple of teachers and I, and the principal, are going to an alternative ed. conference in San Antonio...so it will be a break in the routine.

Beanie, I hear you on the alcoholism and family problems...having experienced it in my own little world, I can say that the effects are long-lasting and it's very hard to make a stand and break the cycle. It was the hardest thing I've ever done, and best thing, too.

To all, have a great day...Cindy

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Hey everybody.... Good Morning! :nervous

I'm So sorry that some of our girls here are Blue.... what are we gonna do with ya all. :)

Yesterday I had the best day.... now hear me out. My gal finally came in to teach me some procedures and even though most of it is VERY confusing, we cleared up most of it. She praised me on my work and I left on time! Since my clock-out time is 1pm and my kids are in daycare until 6pm I took myself out to lunch....at Disneyland. Feeling pretty good and not hungry for lunch yet I went on their newset ride and had an absolute BLAST :confused: !

I then went to my fave luncheonette and then went shopping(I had a coupon and it was gonna expire)(never pay full price). I found the cutest Mickey hoodie and it was 2 sizes too small and I bought it anyway! It's a "large" was that too much wishful thinking?? I gotta fit into it some day and I'm not taking it back.

When I got home I called my PCP and found out that my referral was faxed to insurance on Jan 13 and the wait is 10-20 days. Soooo, everybody needs to cross fingers, toes and say hail Marys, as well as prayers because what I need is a surgery date that coincides with school holidays (Feb 13 & 20). Thats the scoop, hope my girls aren't blue anymore and best wishes again to Beanie :kiss2:

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Hi everyone!

I've been lurking, but never seem to have time this week to type a reply. We're all sick again - we picked up a cold bug at my sister's house last weekend. Does it ever end?

DH is stressing out right now... He has always been one of the lucky few who loves his job, but it's become very routine and boring the last couple of years. He wants to make a move, but he has a sweet deal right now. He has a second interview today with a new company, but if he takes the job it would be as a contractor (no benefits - they offer health insurance but it'll be $1200/month!!). Pro's: more interesting job. Con's: same pay, more hours, lots of travel. I'm really trying hard to be supportive, but at the same time, what's in it for me, lol? Oh well... it will all work out. He won't make a move unless we agree on it, but I don't want him to resent me either. Argh - I can't deal with stuff when I have a cold! I'm a big baby when I'm sick. :sick

Cindy, I'm really proud of you for taking charge of the drinking situation in your extended family. That must have been a very difficult conversation to start, and I'm so glad it went well! Congrats to your husband for staying sober for 5 years! What a huge accomplishment. In my family we sweep everything under the carpet, so for you to confront the situation was a very brave thing to do.

Ira, I'm so glad that you found life insurance coverage! Naively, I assumed that it would be easier to get coverage after WLS, so your post was eye opening. I will make a note of the companies that you found and look into it once I'm a year out.

Eilene & Irene, you guys look great! One of these days I'm going to hop on a plane and meet you all for coffee. I want to meet some of my LBT buddies in person!

Betty, Pat, Sherry, Patty, hope you're all doing well. Hope I didn't miss anyone! I'll write more later - gotta go pin my kids down and give them their cold medicine. :)

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:happybday2: :happybday2: :happybday2: :happybday2: :happybday2:

Oops! How did I miss that it's Beanie's birthday? Have a great day Irene!!

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Good Afternoon!

Gosh, I thought I was the only one feeling blah today! I just can't get my butt in gear! I have so much to do and just can't get moving. I just have to this afternoon! I don't feel blue, just don't feel up to par. I think it is this ear infrection I have mostly, but then not sleeping well and the stress of all these interviews! I have started jobs, did a few things and quit! OK, now I have to get things done! No more excuses! It doesn't help that it is overcast here and dreary!

Beanie - Happy Birthday SWEETIE! Sure hope you have a great one! Hey girl, what place are you having your surgery at?

Anne - Awwww, sorry to hear you are having sick problems again. Nothing worse than a cold! Hope you feel better soon! Changing jobs is hard to do, so hopefully he will find or decide on something you both can agree on.

Cindy - Hope that headache is better by now! I am beginning to think the weather and time change is getting everyone down. Heck, I was sitting in my chair last night and almost fell asleep. I told DH I was going to go in the other room and get in bed and watch the rest of my show. Needless to say, I didn't see the first five minutes of it. And, I didn't want to get up this morning. Now, you have to understand I am a person that gets up every morning including weekends, between 4:30 and 5:00 a.m. At 5:30 this morning I was making myself get up!

Patty - Wow, you sound like you had a great afternoon yesterday! :clap2: :clap2: I think it is very important to do something for ourselves once in a while. I am keeping everything I have crossed for you getting your date!

I have been wondering what became of that box of your DH you got? Did you ever open it??????

Zan - I understand totally about not wanting your picture posted. I did it for a while, then I took mine off, then I put it back on again.

Pat - You are working too hard! I guess you haven't found a replacement yet huh? Thinking about you!

Sherry - I always open your other thread thinking it is this one! Then when I notice I see names I am not familiar with I realize I am in the wrong place! Have a great day!

Well, I have to get busy, work to do and a salad to eat, so I will catch you all later!

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Hey Y'All

I am a Fat & Sassy 41 - and I claim every minute of it, every wrinkle and every grey hair (at least for now!). It's only the Fat part I want to be well rid of.

Thanks for the well wishes... Tonight is my "Farewell to Carbs" Birthday dinner. DH and I are off to macaroni Grill for some bread & Pasta. Yeah, MAYBE I will be able to eat those again - but maybe not - so I am going to revel in carbs and eat cake. Eat, Drink & Be Merry - for Tomorrow We Must Diet...

Doc Fox's office called today to confirm my Feb 6 surgery date at the Surgery Center of Richardson. I would be ecstatic if it weren't for the fact that I have to be there at 7am - But, I guess I don't have to do any make-up or fancy clothes - so I will survive the early morning. Surgery is scheduled for 8am... EEEK!!

Well My Darlings... I must also make it a short post today. I still have some work to do before I leave - and Macaroni Grill awaits...

Hugs All Around!! I will hope for my LBT time tomorrow!!

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Betty, I gotcha on the early morning thing...I'm an early riser, too...usually fairly high energy, but just draggin' around these days. You must need some rest, so go ahead and take it!

Patty, how incredibly wonderful to have some time in Disneyland all by yourself! I'm glad you were courageous and bought a small size...you'll get there!

Eileen, hang in there, buddy! We'll get through these winter doldrums.

Beanie, you will probably get to eat the carbs you really want, but it is funny. I was a total Cereal addict, and now, I haven't had cereal in at least 5 months. And I don't care. Ice cream is my battle...I am pleased with myself if I make it 4 days in a row without it. It's a victory. I'm gonna pm you for a way to get in touch with you after your surgery. You have the totally right attitude and I know you'll weather the post-surgery days with your usual style and class!

Anne, sorry about the cold. I hate those! Take your time and rest and take care of yourself! I appreciate the encouraging words re: problem drinking. I am very proud of DH.

See you all tomorrow, hugs to all of you! Cindy

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My goodness where have I been? All these postings and I haven't posted a thing. Thank you all for keeping me in your thoughts and I apologize for not writing sooner.

Funk...did someone say funk? Can I join the club and I'm not PMSing anymore. I'm just soooo tired of the stress level at work. There just HAS to be something more! I love the work I do but, there's just sooooo much of it and everything has to be done at once. There is never a dull moment or time to take a breather. Heck, I've worked through my lunches for 3 years now and what the heck is a break? Something has to give and unfortunately it's going to be my nerves I think.

Bene thanks for posting those pics. You all look great (well what I could see of Zan heh heh). Beautiful eyes and hair too! I hope I can meet you all sometime.

Betty best of luck with the job. Sounds like if they brought you around the office and introduced you they're really thinking you're the one. Thats a great sign. I interview people all the time and I only do that with people I'm really interested in to see how they react to the people I introduce them too etc. Good Luck!

Everyone.....Keep up the good work with your bands and I wish you well. 18 more days for me. Well...I still have to deal with this insurance change. I'll be working on that on Monday UGH.

Hugs and goodnight


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Where is everybody this morning??

I'm in the middle of a homemade "egg mcmuffin" and don't have long. The weather here in So. Cal is beautiful... possible rain clouds on the horizon. The kids got to school without a hitch and I need to run to the food bank this morning for my allotment of food. Yesterday I got a certified letter from the IRS telling me what a bad human being I am. Blahhhhh, this junk has been happening to me since the divorce. My ex took almost all the 401K money and spent it(you know where) and never thinking that it wasn't free money. The IRS wants the fees from both of us. He hasn't paid any of them and I count myself blameless. I have my tax guy on the situation but I stood at the post office a long time for a dumb letter. My hearts desire is that this "problem" is resolved and my credit and character remain intact. Whatever "sins" that my exDH committed should not reflect on me and the kids, but right now thats not the case. Sorry to be a bit gloomy -- I'm actually feeling pretty good today. Hey, Love ya all and hope the weekend has great surprises for all! :kiss2:

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Hi Everyone,

Sorry I haven’t posted in a week I had problems with the connection at home but the cable guy came this morning and fixed the issue!

Beanie – I had a feeling the finger picture would make the post! Totally fine with that and sharing my face with everyone in email but not a post. I can’t explain it other than I hate the thought of my picture out there for the entire world… maybe it’s the cynical New Yorker in me!

I felt so bad that I did not really get to say goodbye to you & Eileen. When we came out of the restaurant I could not believe that the bus was right in front of us and had to jump in front of it so I didn’t miss the bus back home.

Eileen’s DD is so adorable!!

I’m going to read through all the posts for the week and catch up on everything. Then….it’s time for me to go do the laundry. Yuck…. There isn’t laundry in my building so I have truck all my laundry a few blocks to get it done. Yup – a day off and all I’m doing is chores!

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Good Afternoon My LBT Buddies :)

Sorry I'm late, I was swarming with asswipes this morning lol.

Patty, your a breath of fresh air. I loved reading about your Disney trip yesterday, it made me smile. OY on the taxes, good luck there girlie. Hang tight things will work out.

Sherry, YEP Funk it is. Join the club ROFL !!!

Cindy good for you for staying away from the ice cream... are you feeling better now that your not eating all those sweet carbs? I know that the more sweets I eat, the more down I get. Shoot... I think I just diagnosed myself...... How much do you think I should charge myself $$ ROFLMFAO !!! Actually my boss put me in a funk and now I'm just eating crap and that vicious cycle keeps going and going. Feel better love.

Today is my 16th wedding anniversary.. DH and I are gonna live it up tonight with turkey bacon sandwitches and maybe a cupcake HAAAAA!! yep we know how to Celebrate LOLOL !!!

Any good plans for the weekend?

Its supposed to be 55 degrees tomorrow... ahhhhhhh fresh air here I come.

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ZAN !!!! you beat me to the posts... whats shakin girl.

I couldn't believe there was a bus at our feet when we walked out that door... how freakin cool was that. We were just so happy that you didn't have to wait.

You see folks, there's no such thing as a bus stop in New Jersey.. you just hold out your arm like your flagging down a taxi and those big bad ass buses will stop anywhere :)

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Howdy Girls and Boys...

It's another glorious day in Mortgage Lending. I should be busier than I am - but that is just a fact of January, I guess. :rolleyes

DH & I went to macaroni Grill last night and carbed til we couldn't carb any more... It was wonderful!! The chefs were ON - the food was perfect, perfect, perfect! I could not have asked for a better Farewell dinner - or a better Birthday dinner. :)

Today, I have been a good girl. Ham & cheese omelette for Breakfast and off to get a lovely salad for lunch as soon as I am done here.

I am sure DH will have some spectacular Vegetable Delight for dinner - so I am all set.

My big plans for the weekend include: shopping for post-op supplies (suggestions are welcome) and preparing for the arrival of some new Texas Immigrants. My SIL & her DH are relocating to lovely Carrollton (I think) and they will be arriving quite soon. That will be great for DH and for my phone bill... DH has been alone too much at home - now he will have another excuse to get out and talk to other human beings face to face. The cats have such limited conversational skills...

Besides, Sis will make a nice fuss over me after the surgery. (Yeah, it's all about me.) :becky:

What's up with y'all this weekend?

Cindy - I may never miss the Lemon Passion Cake from the Grill - but right now I find that pretty hard to believe... :girl_hug: I'll get back to you in about 6 months and let you know. BTW - I would love to hear from you after the surgery. You can't get too much love... :]

Ira - Thanks! It was great! Hope you are having a FAB day.

Sherry - work is work is work.... I get that way sometimes. I was working like a dog at my last company - and finally had it up to here when after 4 yrs with the company - 2 yrs working 14-16 hrs a day - the office manager threatened my job because I made a mistake that caused her a little personal grief. I figured if I could work like a slave anywhere, and probably for more money. I was right. Maybe it's time for a change.

Patty - You are being so good not calling your DexH the slime-ball he is... I hope you get the whole IRS tax thing corrected - but take heart. As a mtg underwriter - I review the divorce decree along with the credit report. If you include a letter explaining that DexH took all the 401k and ran and left you with the tax obligation, you may be ok. Keep fighting the IRS :boxing: and get whatever documentation you can to support the fact that HE took the money and ran. Besides - a lot of sins can be laid at the feet of the ex - even if they were partially yours... Just be sure that what you write in the letter makes sense with what your divorce decree and your other documentation says. Sometimes a Divorce really can be a clean start.

Hey Betty - just in case you are as worried as I was... I had sent a message to Diane/Renee 772365 because her last post was like 2 minutes after her surgery. She responded that all is well, she is down 37 pounds to 190 and she has been lurking because she isn't much for typing... I was having these horrible visions of post-surgery disaster. So glad she got back to me. ***Hi Diane!!***

Hope everybody is doing great.

Well, I'm off to grab that salad. I'll check back later, if I have time. It seems like the folks here save up the work until about 3 or 4...

Mmmmm Salad. :ermm

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

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