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Good Morning Y'all!

Well, one interview down and one more to go tomorrow! Heck soon they'll just give me my own parking space there!:)

Things went good today, they said they probably won't make a decision until the end of February though. I wanted to know yesterday!:girl_hug:

Thanks y'all for all the kind words! Now, if I can keep that scale moving in the right direction I will be a happy camper!:girl_hug: :D

Beanie - We want to hear from you about the Dr. appointment! I bet you'll have your date this time!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Eileen - I hate meetings! They are always so boring they put me to sleep! They usually don't say anything we don't already know anyway.:heh: Happy B-day too!:D

Di - Congrats on the 80 crunches! Good luck on the fill!

Patty - Your job just sounds awsome! I bet with your personality you are a ball to work with too! Did you call the clinic and check out the date? Now you know we are crossing our fingers and toes and eyes and everthing else so you best let us know!

Cindy - I go in spurts where I won't sleep much at all for weeks, then I go back to normal. My DB does the same thing and so did my DM. I think it runs in our family. I hate it when I do that! Hope you and Eileen get some needed sleep tonight.

Ira - It just doesn't make sense to me why they would do that. I guess there just isn't enough "updated" information out there yet. Good luck! You look fantastic!

Pat - You have done good with your band too! Look at all that muscle you gained in the process too! I think all my muscle went to my ankles along with all the other stuff!:D :D :D

I have to say that we were over to the neighbors last night talking about drinking and my friend said she couldn't drink like she used to and I said I can't either. Then her DH ask me if I could tell the difference when I drink now and I told him yeah, alot. I use to be able to drink quite a few before I felt it and now I feel it on one or two. Then my DH said well you ladies are little too and that makes a big difference! LITTLE???? First time in years anyone told me I was little! Believe me I am not that little either!

Well, got to go get something done around here! It is noon and I haven't done anything except primp and run.


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Betty, you have all the good news these days! Glad ot hear your interview went well today, but that waiting until February is a little extreme! I mean, that's over a month away! Good luck with all of it!

Patty, no coddling! Good for you! ARe you getting excited as your date moves closer? It'll be here before you know it!

Eileen...gotta love those meetings...I guess if there's not a meeting on the calendar, they won't have proof that they are doing something? It's that way in the ed. biz, for sure! Glad you are sleeping better...for me, I know exactly what it is, and I'm working on it...some delayed post-stress reaction from mom and grandma. I tell myself to put on my big girl panties and deal with it, but that lecture is not working. I do feel better lately, maybe it's the journal, maybe it's just time.

My sis and I did have our little chat about her DH's drinking, and its effect on my DH (recovering alcoholic...almost 5 years! Yea!). It was good, and she understands. We will not let it get in the way of our good relationship, and she is going to talk to him to explain that we won't let our DD be in the car with him, or around him unsupervised (he says stuff he shouldn't say around an 8 year old girl). So, that worry is considerable lessened.

Beanie, glad you had a good time, and I'm excited to see these pictures!

Dianne, thanks for checking in and good luck with your choices...one day at a time, right?

To everyone else, keep checking in! Cindy

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Awww Betty...give that DH a big hug. I bet it felt wonderful in a BIG way to hear that "little" word. Hugsss

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I just wanted to let ya all know (if you don't already) that I do not currently have a date for surgery.

My signature ticker is my "wishful" surgery date of Feb 14, 2006. And I use the term "LB vacation" so that my kids when they glance over my shoulder don't think somethings wrong with Mom.

As of yesterday my surgeon of choice faxed to my Primary Dr. asking for a Bariactric Referral. What I discovered yesterday was that this request was faxed on Jan 12, 2006 and has been sitting in my file! The office manager that handles this is on vacation until Jan 31. I told the girl to please make a note and have "office manager" #2 do something. I will give her until tomorrow. A week ago I wasn't pushing for surgery only because I was focused on work. This week lapband is my burning issue. Thanks for all the support, I need to disconnect for incoming calls.... talk later.

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(Patty, thanks for letting me borrow your update signs)

OK Eilleen you were right. I can't believe the timing. Here it is, I have dealing with this death thing for months and the day after I post a non-update, I have an update.

So you all know that that I have been dying for life insurance for months now. The idea of walking around without life insurance has been killing me. Having the band done was the dead center of all my problems in getting insurance. Well guess what.. I got calls today from 2 companies that can deal with my band and beleive that I will live for 20 years and (at least) one day.

BANC OF AMERICA Life Insurance (a subsidary of Bank of America)


Banc of America had a much better price, but I am so happy that this resolved I could just die. (actually if I do, my wife would be better off right now).

At last I can rest in peace!


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Hi Guys

A little more time, today - but not much!! Dang this Working business, anyway!

Went to my doc today for the pre-op consult. I have a tentative surgery date for 2/06/06 and I have scheduled that week off work. Now all I have to do is stop by the lab for new bloodwork and get that date confirmed!

PLUS, I lost another 1.5 lbs since the last visit in November. (now, think about that - Thanksgiving, Christmas, no band, no diet and a 1.5 month gap in my exercise schedule... ). I am pretty psyched about the whole thing. I guess my Thyroid meds and the exercise I have been doing are helping.

Pat - I tip between 2-5 dollars a day - depending on how flush the old wallet is feeling. This trip, my boss wined and dined me, so I was bucks ahead. But then, I will probably be back there again in the next month or so, so it might pay off. Somebody told me to tip daily, since the staff isn't the same for your whole stay. *Way to train the DH.

Sherry - I don't even want to THINK about frilly underwear! Geez... DH chases me around when I wear the Granny panties... Anything provocative would strain his heart! And what a Babe you are! How did I miss seeing that picture on the first go-round? I am thinking good thoughts for you and the insurance thing.

Eileen - my lunch was in no danger... Kids farting is as natural as gray hair... you get over it. I probably just looked funny because I couldn't hear what she said so I was running the tape back in my brain to see if I could figure it out. (I could).

Betty - you wild biker chick, you...What is a Burn Out? Congrats on the extra pounds gone!! Woo Hoo!! I guess we'll have to call you "Little Betty", now...

Cindy - I haven't gotten as far as the Journal, yet... I guess I will start while I am recovering...

Patty - sorry DexH is being such a (insert expletive here)! I hope you get the Disney issue settled soon. I feel your pain on the request just sitting there... My PCP took over three weeks to write a stupid letter... which she then charged me $25 bucks for... Uh Huh.

Ira - Congrats on FINALLY getting some resolution on this life insurance thing!! Nice to hear that a couple of companies are somewhat sane, or well informed enough, to insure with the Band. Yee Haw!! But you had better not die for at least 6 months... Most policies have that restriction, don't they?? :]

Dianne - how did your doc visit go? Any leak? Great work on the crunches... I am only up to TEN of those full body lift crunches at the gym. Too much body to lift, still!!

Well, here is the picture of Eileen and Irene. I won't post pics of the DD based on the fact that she is adorable and there are scary people on the web.

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So, Zan won't let us post any pictures of her to the internet. She has a thing about that. Besides, she is a little camera shy... we had a hard time getting a good shot...

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Good Morning!

Beanie - Wow, things are going to fly for you now! 12 days away, let the countdown begin!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: I have a long ways to go before I am little! Beanie a burnout is when they pull their bikes up to a curb and let the back tire spin. It creates a lot of smoke (stinks too) and it burns the rubber right off the tire. The one that does it best gets a trophy. Of course they have to buy themselves a new tire too!:heh: Loved the pictures, but we'll have to teach Zan how to uncover her face. :cake: :cake: :cake: Congrats on the weight loss too! That is really good w/out the band in place. I guess we know who is going to keep all of us in line!

Eileen - You look so pretty! You have such pretty eyes!

Ivan - Congrats for getting the insurance! At least someone out there is using their head!

Cindy - I'm glad you got the drinking problems solved. Yes, I think they take an awful long time to decide who they want working for them.

I have my second interview this morning, and then yesterday I got called for a different place for an interview on Friday. I'll say one thing, at least I am getting more comfortable with interviews! I'm glad I have a few different suits too!:cake: :cake: :cake: I never wear suits, but I am beginning to get use to them!:cake:

Well, got to get some work done and then get things ready for this afternoon. I'll check back later!

Good morning to all of you that haven't posted yet!

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Good Morning :cake:

Ira CONGRATULATIONS !!!!! Prayers do help :cake:

Beanie, that picture is HUGE !!! almost pee'd in my pants...it scared me ROFL. Congrats on the 1 1/2 lb down girlie GOOD JOB !!! 2/6/06 DATE OMG !!!!!!!!! YEAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats less than 2 weeks YEAH YEAH !!!

Betty good luck w/your interview "CROSSING FINGERS"

Patty, I'm glad your staying on top of things with the LB. People will let things slide if you don't. And thank you for the Happy Band... wishes lolol. I just can't wait for a fill on Feb 3... I'm gaining and I can feel it.

Cindy coming from a family of alcoholics, I really understand where your coming from. My DH is not an alcoholic but my dad was and my brothers are. I'm glad your doing what your doing for your daughter's sake. One thing I promised myself is that my DD will never see her dad or I bring a beer bottle to our mouths. Kids absorbe to much and I remember seeing that as a child thinking it was okay. There's a family up the street that are heavy hitters as well. WHen you go to their house the little boy 7 years old will ask you as soon as you come in the house... do you want a beer? WTF ya know. Your a wise person.

Nothing much is new here, sosdd. Just working like a fool lol.

Trying not to over eat but pfffffffffffffft.... thats just not happening. Hurry Fill !!!

Whats up with you all ?


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Happy Wednesday,

Rene: February 6th is SO fast! I am so very happy for your surgery. And throw out the granny panties.... you'll be thin in 2 weeks at the rate you're going :cake: .

Ivan: Sure.... go ahead and steal my update, yours had me thinking. When I get my band I might want insurance and where would I turn. Thanks for taking the journey, and please don't leave the planet just

yet :cake:

Betty: with all the interviewing you are doing lately I'm gonna guess you didn't get the one on the day you walked into the Mens room? I never fully got the scoop on that, anyway I have fingers crossed for these new job shots :kiss2:

Eileen, Rene and Zan: Pictures tell all.... well maybe. Eileen and Rene are both such beautiful women and I could tell you all had a wonderful time, wish I could have been there. In the future we must have a mini convention. And Zan.... give the girl an additional drink for courage -- camera shy, you silly thing.... and watch the flying finger, we have kids in the room! :bandit

Gotta keep this short and sweet and will post later this afternoon,

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Betty: with all the interviewing you are doing lately I'm gonna guess you didn't get the one on the day you walked into the Mens room? I never fully got the scoop on that, anyway I have fingers crossed for these new job shots :kiss2:

I am still in the running for all these jobs including that one. I won't know till the end of February or first part of March. Thanks for keeping your fingers crossed for me.

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I'm typing with one hand because I'm on (apparently) terminal hold with Earthlink...we had a dial-up acct, and changed to a DSL (also with Earthlink through Sprint) sometime back in the summer...well, we are being charged for both of them...you'd think that would be seamless, same ISP and all....but NO! Urrrggggh.

Beanie, you and Irene are babes! I'm glad you could get together! Zan, I understand your reluctance yo post pictures on the web...I have 2nd thoughts about that myself sometimes. It's a sad day when we have to worry about stuff like that, but we do.

Patty, stay after them! You will get a date soon!

I'm still on hold. Helloooo? Customer service??????

Ira, YEA! I'm so glad you found the life insurance you were looking for!

Okay, I'm off hold and the problem is taken care of.

Betty, have you said this before and I forgot? What kind of position are you looking for...I mean, with the job?

Eileen, thanks for the good words about the alcoholism thing...yeah, my grandfathers both had the gene...my dad does okay, but definitely must have his beer...sister's DH is getting worse. I guess she can live with more than I'm willing to. I'm not throwing stones, because I am no angel myself, but my crazy days are long over. Growing up is not all that bad...Having DD really changed my point of view, that's for sure! No offense whatsoever intended to my friends who still enjoy their drinks!

Can you even believe we have ANOTHER meeting this afternoon? OMG! Jane, stop this crazy thiiiiiiiing!!!!!!!!!

Later, Cindy

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Well I just got home from the interview. I had to answer 6 more questions, then they gave me a tour of the office and I met the supervisors. Then they told me it would be at least the middle of next week before they would make a decision and make an offer. So, hurry up and wait again.

Cindy - I do accounting, secretarial, payroll etc. Just most any kind of office work. I actually like multi-tasking, it doesn't get so boring. I like working with numbers the most though.

I had the same problem with SBC, they kept charging me for three months after I cancelled with them. They kept using different excuses on why I still had to pay for it. I won't go back to their DSL ever again!

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Hi All!!

Betty - I have a pic of Zan's face - but she specifically asked not to have her picture posted on the web. Too many scary people surf the web - basically for the same reason I didn't post the picture of Eileen's DD. If Zan gives permission, I will be happy to e-mail a copy for you - BUT no posting... And Geez! Your interviewing seems to be taking almost as much time as my insurance approval! Hope you hear something good, soon! I'm still crossed...

Eileen - you DO have pretty eyes... Not the least bit scary. You should have seen those pictures when I very first posted them - They were off the page huge - about twice that size. You want to talk about seeing pores... I had to edit to make the pictures small enough to fit the screen.

Patty - if the flying finger is truly a problem, I will replace that with another picture I got of the top of Zan's head... LOL!~ I just loved the New York-ness of the flying finger. It's so what you expect from those tough city girls - but really not much like Zan was - until provoked.

Zan - hope you aren't mad - but your face is covered and you don't have any identifying marks or jewelry... :] There I go, provoking you, again!

Cindy - I aplaud you on keeping DD away from the drinker. No kid needs to be endangered due to that. I guess that weakness for alcohol is similar to the weakness for bread and Pasta and chocolate - but, my being fat never endangered any life but mine... Alcohol abuse has ruined so many lives. It's hard not to judge. But I'm working on it...

Well, Friends - Another Glorious Day in Mortgage Lending has passed. Only 7 more business days until MY Tropical LB Vacation... I don't think I will be travelling to NY in February - just after surgery and all - but you never know. I will keep you posted.

Tommorrow am I have to stop at the lab on my way into the office so I can get new fasting bloodwork. That means I need to get my petute out of here early tonight so I can be fasting for the requisite 12-14 hrs... We normally eat after we go to the gym.

Hello to everybody that hasn't checked in. Hope to hear from you, soon!

Hugs all round!


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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