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You tip every day? I always tip at the end, duh me, like she's gonna remember me 10 years from now. How much do you usually leave each day?

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Hello Everyone, It's been a busy morning but, I'm taking a breather for a bit :P . Hubby is feeling a bit better, good enough to work but, still not up to par:sick . I told him to stay home but, what can ya do:rolleyes: . Anyway....I was passing the underwear section at Walmart today and though...one day...ooooooooooone day this will fit gosh darnit! :help: Of ocourse that is if I can ever figure out how the heck to convert this body into a number found on underwear hahaha. Someone once told me shoe size but heck I suppose that only happens when you're on the "normal" weight chart. Anne - I'm with you....a cute pair sounds sooo nice. NO WAY NO HOW will that cute pair involve a string up the crack of my fanny. :omg: Dental floss for my buttocks is a no no hahaha.

Pat - WOW...I can't even fathom keeping the wrong change from a cashier let alone taking money from an employer/friend. How terrible! I hope you never run into that again and I do hope you find the nice, trustable employee you're looking for. What is it that your company does? I haven't been here long enough to know. The picture that Eileen was talking about can be found http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=7729&page=24 I didn't have an after pic yet but that is a before before pic hahaha. It was taken 3 years ago right after my divorce...hence the smile and sassy look :D . I had a ball having those done. My mom said I had become quite the rebel...got a tattoo, went out with my girl friends dancing and just living life. I finally didn't have a thumb on me keeping me down. A couple postings after that are pics of my son and hubby of 6 months.

Eileen - I finally found the Soup you've been mentioning. I'm looking forward to trying it. Thank you very much for the compliment...I was smaller then..UGH...sigh. Isn't funny that in pics where you're smaller you think now how fat you felt then and now you're bigger and wish you were there again. Ohhhhh I need my band!!! Hope you had fun with Zan and Bene!

Bene - Hope you are enjoying your day today with Eileen and Zan and you have a safe trip home! Be sure to let us know when you're getting banded! It will be sooo neat if we're banded the same week.

Paula - thanks for the laugh on that ad. Talk about a great match of the shirts :)

Patty - Good luck with your job and thank you for the tips on the shakes. I did try Advantage AES (I think that's the right name) chocolate once with SF/FF banana pudding mix and once with about a teaspoon of Peanut Butter...both were very good :) Of course not being banded I could of drank TWO! But I can see where it will be filling when your restriction is just right :)

Betty - Still working hard? Come out and play. Hubby is feeling a bit better..thank you for asking.

Cindy - I'm soooo afraid to measure my hips for underwear. I swear my measuring tape has a line that says Bed Sheet size or Holy Smokes break out the Gramma Whities hahaha

Keri - Congrats on being back on track.....Now its my turn for the lovely lady in red visitor YUCK. This one seems terrible too. I know what you mean by the bloating and just being plain uncomfortable.

Diane - I have a Golden Retriever. You are braver than I. I don't think I could handle more than one dog. This is my first and she's a cutey but, wow you have to get used to the mess they make. I swear she has more toys than my son did when he was 7 months lol. I just brought her to the doggy salon today and she's soooo pretty. All fluffy, lavendar bow on her ear and bandana to match. They did an awesome job. They told me they would of painted her nails but, wanted to ask before doing it hhahaha. My husband would of had a fit hahaha. She smells so pretty too they sprayed her with Jasmine or something lol.

Donna - Sorry to hear you had a hard time with dh/cashews the other night. I'm not banded yet so I'm trying to refrain from some things too. It's not easy and I hear ya on that. Good luck and I'm hearing it gets better :) Especially when you see those pounds coming off :)

Zan - Sorry to hear about mom and I hope you had fun meeting Eileen and Bene today.

That's it for now folks except...how about another though since the underwear one was a hit heh heh. Why is it that they same on some clothes "One Size Fits All"....OHH PAAAALEASSSSSSSSSSE! Who where they using as a model? heh heh

Hugs All!

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Wow, its after 4 and we just got home. After leaving those lovely ladies, DD and I hit Walmart for some new homes for my girls (boobs) the ones I have now are so stretched out and old that I just couldn't take it anymore. So we fought the crowd and did some shopping. I got the cutest little camisol top that is pink and has Pebbles from the flintstones on it. Its PJ's of course, but silky and cute. I need to feel like a woman every now and then ya know (instead of a big lump).

Let me tell you folks, Beanie is just glowing !!! you can see it in her eyes that she is so happy about getting the band. And we're so happy for her.

Zan is just the prettiest woman ya ever wanna meet and what a sweet personality. My DD just adored her.

lunch was wonderful, food was good and the company awesome!! My DD decided after lunch to roll her cheeks up and fart.... and then she looked at Beanie and said Oooop I farted. I think Bean girl almost lost her lunch ROFLMfAO !!! kids lol. :guess

Beanie should be in the air right about now.... :) have a safe flight and we're looking forward to those pictures....especially the close up of Zan.

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Hey Y'all!

Been busy much of the day, but not working! We went for a ride up to Harley and watch a burn out with the bikes. Wow, first time I ever watched one of them and it was wild! Those guys burned their tires almost off. The smoke was so bad I had to move way down! You should have seen all the rubber on the drive afterwards!

Now, we are getting ready to go to a birthday party for our neighbor, he's a great person, love him and his wife and family to death! They are so sweet! I have been good all week, I hope I don't blow it tonight!:)

Eileen - It sounds like you had a good time with Beanie! I can't wait to see some of the pictures! I sure wished I lived closer and could have joined you, I am jelous!:) That is so cute about your daughter farting!:) :) :)

Sherry - You crack me up!:D:P:D I need to go get me some new underware as well, mine is really starting to hang on me! Very romantic huh? I went about a month ago to get a new bra, I had them measure me and I had been wearing one that was way too big! Now that I have one that fits, what a difference. I saw your picture for the first time today, and I must say you are very pretty!

Pat - I wish I lived near enough to do the drive! I know how important it is to find someone that is honest and can keep their mouth shut. The same thing happened to the company DH works for. The gal took money for a long time before they found out. I don't know how people can do that to someone. Ahhhhh, the facial sounds wonderful!

Cindy - You must be out running around today, so what did you buy????

Beanie - Hope you aren't too worn out before you get home! I bet you had a good time with those gals.

Well, I know I didn't get to address everyone, but I have to get dressed and ready to go. We don't know how to get there, so we are following someone, so I best get some clothes on and be ready!

Catch ya all later! Have a great evening.

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Yeah, where is our Cindy? Woohoo Cindy where are you?

Eileen and Betty, I got measured recently too, seems my girls need more pasture :) . Of course I've never figured out how they seem to think they've made the correct measurement, think about it, they measure you with the WRONG size bra on, hellleww.

Sherry, I'm gonna find that picture yet, why don't you post it here for me and save me some time, LOL.

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Eileen, Oh my goodness you're making me blush. Those pics were taken just after my divorce was final...that's why I looked so relaxed lol. I wish I still looked like that lol. Back then I was thinking how big I was...and of course since then I've added probably 40 pounds - OHHH THE AAAAAGOOOONEEEY. Dang I need this band :) I happen to think all of you are very pretty and I find myself praying I'll do as well as you all have done with your bands and dieting. God help me! Why does my head keep saying I'll probably fail when in my heart I want to succeed so badly? Maybe because I've failed so many times before it's hard to beleive this will work?

Did I happen to mention....I walked in on a coversation between my boss and my account manager. A new insurance plan is on the way...oh you guessed it! It's going to take place before my surgery...God I hope this doesn't stop things! I'll hear more Monday or Tuesday and then I'll have to call my surgeon to make sure it will still be covered. Same insurance but a different plan...one where we're going to be allotted so much money and then a deductible which I didn't have before. UGH. I pray this will be covered.

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Awww. are't you just a doll baby! You're just as cute as a can be.

It is so much easier to gain 50 than lose 50 for sure, I wish you the best. You need to change your name to doll baby.

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Hi, everyone!

Pat, I think you're right...we're on the same, reluctant schedule to get new fills. I did say I was thinking about it in March, didn't I? I"m just gonna ask them to do barely any...last time was .2cc, so that's what I'll ask for next time...I think. LOL! WoW! I can't believe that story about your former helper...what a liar! I can't stand stuff like that! Hope she enjoyed her rent free housing there for a few months! LOL!

Beanie, Eileen, Zan...I sure hope ya'll had a great time! I'm waiting to hear about it!

Anne...so is anti-fungal cream a good conditioner? I've never tried it! LOL!

To all, a good night! Cindy

PS...I started a journal on the journal section...needed to start one nayway, so thought I'd do a public one...what was I thinking? Check it out; it's not (at all) about weight loss...but I imagine I"ll hit on those topics at some point!

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Good Morning :)

Cindy, good for you for journaling...some people really get alot out of it. I've tried several times but I never seem to keep it up long enough to do any good LOL. Bravo !!

Sherry, NO WAY !!!! your insurance better not back down now. Did you get your approval letter? if so then they have to stick by their guns. Oh that would be just horrible if they started messing with you.... Lets all pray that they don't. Its normal to think your not going to be successful with the band. We all think that or have thought that. I still think it and I've been banded since October. The band had given me so many emotional roller coaster rides. When I'm losing weight I feel good but since I have no fill and no control, I feel horrible and really down on myself. Its just that I've been so used to failure and its hard to train the brain that geeeee..... fill's will help (if I ever get one lolol). Am I sorry I did this... NO WAY !!! I'm very happy I have the band and would do it again if I had to :)

Well its off to do some laundry and a few other things like clean the house, car, fish tank....ick.

Whatcha all doing today?

Oh....... DH and I went to a chinese buffet yesterday.... boy I ate 2 huge plates full of food...... WTF???????? talk about being sad when I left... I just kept shaking my head saying...this isn't right, this isn't right, this isn't right... :)

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Eileen, Did you say you're scheduled for a fill? Why is it that if you're losing but, losing slow the docs won't fill? It's almost as if some docs want us to stay the same or even gain weight before they will fill..how frustrating. Yea...I'm really worried about the insurance. I have a feeling I'm going to have to go to not having to pay anything to having to pay a whopping deductible and co-insurance and to boot I'll end up using my medical care bank all up and have to pay for med. services for the rest of the year. It's so frustrating...the unknown that is lol. I guess I'll just have to wait until they give us the news. I love how they make it like it's an added Benefit..YEA RIGHT! I'm smart enough to know business is business and if you own one you want to make a great profit but, it still stinks to be the little guy.

I have to do laundry as well and I'm trying to clean up this tornado struck home of mine. Why is it I can't just wiggle my nose and have it all go in it's own place..heck I didn't make the mess! lol If my family would just put away the little things that would take them 30 secs to do it wouldn't take me a whole day to clean things up. Do they listen noooooooooooooo they'd rather hear me complain I guess. Hmmm can ya tell I'm pmsing? I can't stand myself today, isn't that bad? lol Oh well...back to cleaning! Talk some more later. Have a great day folks!

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I have to do laundry as well and I'm trying to clean up this tornado struck home of mine. Why is it I can't just wiggle my nose and have it all go in it's own place..heck I didn't make the mess! lol If my family would just put away the little things that would take them 30 secs to do it wouldn't take me a whole day to clean things up. Do they listen noooooooooooooo they'd rather hear me complain I guess. Hmmm can ya tell I'm pmsing? I can't stand myself today, isn't that bad? lol Oh well...back to cleaning! Talk some more later. Have a great day folks!

OMG, were you looking in my kitchen this morning when I was flinging around stuff and slaming doors... I feel the same way. Why can't DH just pick up stuff instead of walking over things. My weekends are spent cleaning instead of doing things I like, hobbies, etc. I got so pissed this morning that DH ran upstairs... WTF... I'm not a maid and DD is to small to understand.

I was scheduled for a fill on Jan 6th. Doc said no b/c I was losing weight. I told him how much I can eat and I was struggling like crazy. He said maybe next visit. Well thats on Feb 3rd. And I can tell you right now that I have gained. I wish he would have listened to me on the 6th b/c then I wouldn't have gained, maybe I would have lost. Anyway...what can you do. I'll be crying next visit if he doesn't . I mean how many bandsters can eat 2 plates of chinese food? ???? :guess

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:typing: Happy Sunday,

Sorry I was MIA yesterday, its this dang headCold from my life of stress. I knew this would happen.... new job, kids and stupid ex-DH(I'll get to that later). I'm on decongestants, and tylenol for the sore throat and 16 layers of clothing because I am really really cold, this tin box I live in never heats up.... anyway, feeling better this morning because I slept so well. The children are nestled in bed and it's peaceful.

Anne: You mentioned that you are a twin! How cool it that. I love being a MOT-(mother of twins) my boys are very close and still don't mind dressing alike at age 13. My first ultrasound showed 4 embryos, now that would have scared me.... by weeks end only 2 babies remained, I had whats called "vanishing twin syndrome".

Pat: I was So sad about your story. How can others be So cruel. Sometimes I wonder about how crafty a thef is in order to steal.... if they are so "smart" couldn't they harness that energy to support themselves honestly? I'll tell ya later about some checks of mine that got stolen -- incredible. Anyway, I totally understand your wariness about a new-hire. I'll be praying for you.

Betty: You are right on the button about my silly "phone fear". I'm such a newbie at work and when a switchboard is all lit up I freak. My victory lies in the fact that I picked up one line.... this week I'll shoot for 2 calls -- baby steps!

Donna: That head hunger seems to be such an animal and we probably all have it. Thanks for the reminder because being alone with my boys I don't want to unravel in front of them. I'm gonna need to take some precautions.

OK, a quick rundown on yesterdays antics. Remember when I told you guys that my ex-DH has to pay for the boys Disney passes.... well he has to pay for 2 1/2 of the passes according to our agreement. In September I paid for little Lewis and on Jan 4th it was Garretts renewal a 50-50 split. This week are the twins. I called him up to remind him and he said he was sick and that he was busy (lame excuse)I nicely asked "So, you all have been sick?" Well, he said "its complicated" My gut says the wife is preggers again.... anyway I ask for the money and he says that I should meet him at the park in 2hrs and he will take care of it. I got heated because I don't like being told what to do and secondly I know that he doesn't have the cash and is stalling. We bantered a few words and "attorney" came out of my mouth and then he HUNG UP. Unfortunately all the boys heard this and I had to do some damage control... its the ugly part of being divorced. The ex will cool down and it will all work out but in the meantime I have to hold the boys closer. It wasn't how I planned our Saturday. Sorry this was so long.....

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I have to do laundry as well and I'm trying to clean up this tornado struck home of mine. Why is it I can't just wiggle my nose and have it all go in it's own place..heck I didn't make the mess! lol If my family would just put away the little things that would take them 30 secs to do it wouldn't take me a whole day to clean things up. Do they listen noooooooooooooo they'd rather hear me complain I guess. Hmmm can ya tell I'm pmsing? I can't stand myself today, isn't that bad? lol Oh well...back to cleaning! Talk some more later. Have a great day folks!

Same here, and I just have a DH! I feel like I have kids that I am cleaning up after!:angry

It's raining here today!:clap2: :clap2: I bet everyone in Texas is doing the "Happy Dance!"

My party was so much fun last night, DH had to drag me home! I didn't want to leave and everyone wanted us to stay.:cry I drank too much and ate too much but I have fun!

Eileen - If he tells you he won't fill you just insist on it! After all, you are paying him for this service!

Sherry - I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, I sure hope they don't change before you get your surgery. Maybe you can get them to work you in earlier?

Cindy - Your journal is good! I started one, just haven't had time to keep it up. Besides I probably say petty much the same thing on here!:)

Well girls I'll be joining you in the laundry/cleaning stuff today. I also need to do some work on the puter since I have some running to do tomorrow, then an interview on Tuesday and Wednesday. I sure won't get much done this week! We'll see how much energy I have after the house cleaning is done!:)


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My DH said he was sick today, I came home from a day shopping and getting new nails to a sink full of dishes. I told him for somebody sick he sure did make a mess. I got by without having to take care of him because he had too many beers last night, so I just blamed his throwing up on beers, so he suffered alone today. He kept telling me I sure made a day of it, like yeah, I want to hang around and listen to you barf and complain, LOL.

Most men are just born slobs, IMO, my DH was gone all last week to Fla playing golf and my house stayed clean, two days home and what a mess, talk about laundry, his full weeks worth, :angry , dumped right in my bathroom in front of the washer. Best thing I ever did was put the washer and dryer in my bathroom. DH has his OWN bathroom. No more toilet seat problems for me, or ring around the tub to clean. At 55, I'm pretty awful, if he leaves a ring in it, then he either cleans it out or he bathes in it, LOL. Needless to say, he learned how to use one of those tub brushes. Also, if he puts his undershirts in the laundry inside out, that's the way they go back in his drawer.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Congrats on the surgery!

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      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

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