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Good Morning,

Boy this work stuff sucks :)

How is everyone this FINE FRIDAY !! We finally made it.

Anne, good luck w/the boobie doc... that is scary. Congrats on the 3lb loss WTG. I haven't gone to my gyno in almost 5 years... Yeah.. I'm sick! I know I have to go, its just that I hate it so. This year I promise :D

Its gonna be a long day b/c my heart is just not here, nor my brain. Spacey Chick is in orbit ROFL !!!

Cindy are you counting down to the retirement?

Okay I better do something.... hurry up lunch I'm hungry !!

Oh... had a fight yesterday with a huge bag of M&M's and pnutbutter cups... guess who won? :D DANGIT!!

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Good Morning! :hungry:

I just love the banter on this thread!

Work is doing well... except I'm alittle afraid of answering the school phone when one of the gals has to run to the potty. I got this scarey man on the line, he said he was the locksmith. I just told him to hold on and then Terry got out of the restroom. Everybody is really helpful and trying not to throw too much at me, which is great but the stress finally gave me a sore throat( which I expected would happen) Otherwise I am in HogHeaven and things are looking up. I got my new Disney Pass in the mail yesterday and I am dying to try out the newest ride at Disneys California Adventure park -- its a ride based on the film "Monsters Inc".

Anne: 3lbs and I'm jealous. So, got for weird and let you BIL mess with your booby(just kidding). My ex boyfriend became my BIL, married my sister.... and yes he's a good kisser!

Eileen: You need to be eating sugar-free Reese's.... :) they don't make SF m&m's.... must write the company.

Cindy: I sent you a message, a personal how to use a hand blender.

Rene: take a tylenol PM tablet(it's non-addicting). You need your rest.

Betty: put your feet up this weekend, you work too hard :kiss2:

OK, ladies gotta get pretty -- bye

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Patty, DS and I are twins, so we already get the suggestive comments from the hubbies. I can just imagine if I let him feel me up, LMAO! He has come close to grabbing my behind a few times when he thought I was DS...

Ugh - my sister's house is NOT child proof. This morning, DD has already gotten anti-fungal cream in her hair (and on the floor, and on the dresser, and on the bedspread) and ruined one of my sister's lipsticks. That girl needs a leash...


DH is finally awake (he worked until 6am - total night owl). Time for coffee. :D

Hope everyone is having a great day!

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Good morning!

First, Anne...so funny about the underwear! I as going to post this as a NSV, but thought the guys would find it weird, but since you brought it up....I was so excited to buy size 10s the other day! They were even cute, with poodles on them (kinda retro looking). I used tow ear a size 13. Look on the back of one of those package-type underwear, and they have the hip measurements that correspond to the underwear size.

I know I had more comments to make to certain people, but now your posts are on the previous page, and if I scroll back to them, I'll lose this post. I'll probably get back on later. Right now, I was trying to explain to a kid how an American democracy is, indeed, different than communism...now remember, I teach English (lit. and composition). I am wondering what kind of thing is being taught in history and government, if this is confusing....

So, it's FRIDAY!!! I really haven't started counting days, because it's too far away...I have to finish this year, and then come back and teach the first semester of next year...I'll start counting in August! I did have a visit with my principal and told him my plans. He was appreciative. Not because I was leaving, although that might be true, but because some people just spring this kind of thing on administration...I told him I wouldn't want to leave my colleagues in the lurch. I do still care very much about our program and what happens to the kids. Still, with everything that's gone on last year with my mom, grandma, etc., I felt I needed to retire ASAP, which is after first sem. next school year.

Enough on this...right now, I've gotta get my paperwork together for the meeting this afternoon!

Love ya, Cindy

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Hey Kiddos...how ya'll be today?

This will be short and sweet...the boss is out and on the prowl. I am sorry I haven't been in here the last few days, but work was hectic yesterday and I was just too tired last night. I am finally back on track with my weight loss, I had my period and it blew me up like crazy...never been this bad before. I hope ya'll have a super Friday!

Anne: I am sure that you will be fine with your boob check. Mine feel strange now as well...I can't even stand to look at the poor droopy things.

I will come back and type some more later.

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Just sneaking in here real fast, I just got a call for a second interview!!!!:) :clap2: :clap2: I go next Wednesday afternoon!

Anne - congrats on the 3 pounds! I bet it is fun having a twin!

Patty - Your job sounds so neat! I am always afraid to answe the phone right away at a new job, just because I don't know what to tell them!

Eileen - I haven't been to the doctor for that in a couple of years either, but I know I need to! I guess we'll have to work on that one!:faint:

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Hi Everybody,

I have missed alot being away for a few days!

Doc- How are you feeling congrats.

Patty- When do you go back for BP check?

Anne- I need a check too. Last yr I was with my daughter and went into the office with her to try to make an appointment. She bet me that I wouldn't tell the lady at the desk that I neededa boobage check, I think the bet was for M&M's or something. Well I did, they just cracked up, then told me they wouldn't see me.....(because of my new insurance)

Work has been nuts for me this week. I've been out every day and every night. Clifford (the BIG RED DOG) arrived yesterday a week early, which helps explain my moods last week!

We have a 7yr old lab and a 3 yr old cat. My daughter and I were looking on line and found a 5 month old B&W Sheltie/collie and something else mix. Her name is Ellie Mae. Do any of you know anything about this mix. She sounds wonderful. I'm waiting to hear if they'll let me come see her. I might be nuts, but I miss having a dog sit on my lap. We lost our cocker/mix a yr ago this past September.

So I'm off I guess to make dinner...urgh I don't feel like it!

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Happy Friday Jersey Girls!

Thanks for your mails... it keeps me going. Day 8.... Had a little "thing" with DH last night. He went to eat cashews in bed and I about tore his face off. After a bunch of tears:think mine of course, it led to a good dicussion. Having a lot of head hunger.

lost 14lbs :clap2:

I am walking 1 mile a day and doing the next right thing.

Have a great weekend.....

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Doc, way to go! the high emotions should settle down before you actually tear your DH's head off! LOL! You get used to the differences; you accept that you are going to eat differently than other people. I don't even feel "cheated" at buffets anymore. I just eat what I like, and it feels so weird to only get the best stuff, because I can't have much. I think you'll find this to be true in time. I'm so glad to hear how good you are doing...fight that dragon of head hunger. Hint: it comes back to life from time to time!

Eileen, did you make it through the day?

Dianne, good to see you! We actually had a Sheltie once. Very sweet little dog; high energy but very sweet and loyal. You've got to do some regular brushing, though...lots of hair. I don't know how the collie mixed in would affect the temperment. We have 3 dogs and 3 cats, so I know what you mean about missing a little dog. We have an Airedale, a Bichon and a Mini-Schnauzer. Big, small, and smaller.

Keri...I know what you mean about being too tired to hang out...that HAS happened to me, but not too often. LOL!

Betty, good luck on your 2nd interview!

Everyone enjoy your weekend!

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Well I’m finally home after all week taking mom to a million doctors. Long story short… she has COPD (pulmonary disease) next stop is emphysema if she does not quit smoking now. The emergency room visits were a result of severe nose bleeds that needed to be packed 3x and also caused a painful ear infection (took 3 days and several doctors to find that out). So anyway… I’m back home and trying to catch up on all the postings I’ve missed.

Very exciting… I’m meeting Beanie and Eileen in the morning for coffee:tea: I finally figured out a bus line that gets me out there!

I’ll post more once I read through all the postings from everyone!

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Wow, two days and I've missed so much. This working stuff is interfering with my LBT family.

First of all, let me kick some Ash here, ladies, what are you thinking? No "ladies" exam for 2-5 years, helllllllooo. It's important to get those boobs and booty checked every year. Don't put it off, the life you save may be yours!

Thanks for all the well wishes for a new hireeeeee. I forgot to mention that 2 years ago I had a girl working for me and she embezzled more than $40,000.00 from me. We were in the process of building our house and I did all my banking online, so I was constantly transferring money from one account to the other. I was in and out of the office, checking on the house as it was under construction, picking out appliances, cabinets, plumbing fixtures, carpet......etc, well she got comfortable with MY schedule and hit me hard. I had no idea until one of my tenants called and wanted to know why I had not cashed her rent check for February and it was October. So I started checking my bank account along with my banker, and OMG, she was hitting 6 of my rental accounts every month for almost 2 years, AND she was cashing my husbands paychecks instead of depositing them. I would let her leave early on Fridays to go to the bank and cash her check and then she would "volunteer" to drop off my weekly deposits, NO WONDER. She would fill out the deposit tickets, then take a spare deposit ticket with her and then before she went into the bank she would do a new ticket. It was devastating, this girl was like a family member AND she rented a house from me. She was even stealing her husbands checks he had written to me for the rent. To make a long story short, she spent 6 months in jail and has to pay me back @ $250.00 per month, pretty much for ever, LOL, plus her income tax return every year. She is now in default, it's been 4 months since my last check, hopefully they'll be pulling her parole.

Ok enough feeling sorry for Pat night. My ad for help wanted starts Sunday, so Monday it will be interviews all day.

Beanie, I don't travel very much because I've seen too many 20/20, Dateline specials on all the germs in a hotel room, LOL. When I do travel, I take my own pillows, I use one of those bags that sucks the air out so it will fit in my suit case, I usually take a $5.00 pillow, then when I leave, I just leave the pillow there. I probably use a 1/2 can of Lysol, I spray the light switches, tv remote, phone, bath fixtures, knobs, you name it I spray it. I also call and have a new comforter delivered, I tell them mine has a funny smell, It works, then the bring me a clean one.

Zan, I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom, good luck getting her to stop smoking. Maybe she'll do it for the grandkids.

Boy I've been chatty, gnite everyone.

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Another glorious week in Mortgage Lending OVER!!! WHEEEEEEE!

I am really excited for a multitude of reasons. I get to sleep in tomorrow, I get to meet a couple of swell folks for coffee and whatever in the morning. I get to go HOME. And on Tuesday, I get to have my pre-op consult with Doc Fox. Yee Haw!!!

Cindy - glad to be of help. You can get wi-fi access in all kinds of crazy places, nowadays... truck stops, hotels, coffee shops... Even if you don't have internet in the cabin - you might be able to get it closer than you expect.

Sherry - Hope hubby is feeling better! The underwear thing is pretty funny. I wouldn't begin to know where to start, either.

Betty - is your computer all back up to snuff? Please tell me that you at least get to relax on the weekend... Hurray!!! Congrats on the 2nd interview. I just know you are going to get the perfect job!

Anne - Stay strong against the junk food!! And congrats on getting back on plan with the three pound thing. Sorry about the whole boob-doc business.... I had my first Mamo this year. Oh Joy. Oh Rapture. And just to make it exciting, they called me back for a sonigram.... Fortunately it was nothing - but I had an exciting day or two. Try not to get too panicked - no matter what.

Eileenie - guess who is picking up Zan at the bus stop tomorrow morning? Yep - that would be me. See you at 11!!

Patty - Congrats on the Disney Pass.... And watch out for those Scary Phone Men...

Keri - sorry about the nasty period. The only benefit to being morbidly obese is that I don't have them but maybe quarterly - or for even longer spans. I suppose I will have to get used to the idea of normal body function again... bummer.

Dianne - you party animal... What have you been doing every day & night?? hmmmm?? I feel the way you feel about dogs for my cats. It's just not a proper day without petting a cat.

Doc - congrats on the walking. Love those "things" with the DH, don't you? I always end up crying, too. What is it about husbands? You can't get their stinkin' attention until you cry, I swear. Thank goodness there is usually some good communication afterwards. I think cashews in bed would be cause for some serious ass kicking, if I couldn't eat any!!!

Zan - I can't wait for tomorrow!! See you in the morning.

Pat!! That's why I don't watch those kind of news shows.... I just live with whatever germs that may be present in the room - and tip the maids well. I haven't had any problems, so far, and I always have plenty of clean towels. :] Of course, tonight I came into my room and it smelled kinda funny - not really strong or anything - just a kind of light skunky odor... It took me several minutes to figure out that it was probably POT. I expect the gal who does the turn-down service must have been outside for a lil' smoke before she did my room. Oh My.

Well kids, it's off to sleepy land for me. For some strange reason I am feeling oddly relaxed... lol! I will check in again after I get home... maybe not til Monday - I have been gone for a week, after all...

Love you guys!!


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Good Morning,

Well I must keep this short b/c I need a shower and I need to get ready to meet Zan and Beanie WHOOHOO!!!! Way to Cool !!!!

Beanie girl, we're still meeting at the Saloon? You have my cell phone right ?? See you at 11.

How is everyone this beautiful saturday morning?

Ira to bad you couldn't meet up with us... do you still visit these boards?

Pat, that story about that girl is horrible...shame on her.

Betty, good luck on the 2nd interview :D

Patty, have fun at Disney..I'm jealous LOL !!!!

Dianne, I've never had a collie mix but they sure are pretty dogs.

Anne did you get the stuff out of your DD's hair ?

Keri, don'tcha just love it when work consumes your entire day leaving you no time to play here... UHHHH!!! How are you today?

Cindy, congrats on the new size undies :D Hey, thats a great NSV.

Doc, head hunger is the worst... I eat when I'm stressed. This week I didn't do good b/c work just had me at my wits end...so I made up excuses in my head why it was okay to eat like I did. Wish food wasn't my drug of choice. Hang in there.

Sherry..... I saw your pictures on the other thread and lady !! you are beautiful !!!!!

Okay time to run... Zan, Beanie... here I come :)

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Patty, my DH has been in Fl all week playing golf, poor baby, ERRR, while I'm here dealing with work, but at least I haven't had to deal with him, LOL. He said the golf courses at Disney are awesome.

Sherry, I've got to find the pictures Eileen mentioned.

Beanie, smelled like skunk, I hear that's what the good stuff smells like, LMAO.

Betty, have you thought about taking a job with a long commute?

Cindy, you go as long as I do without a fill, though I think my time is very near. I'm just so comfortable right now, WITH EATING, which is not a good thing. I say every week I'm going to call and make an appt, but then I think of being too tight and change my mind. It's kind of like when you've been waiting for 2 weeks to get your hair cut, then the day you're suppose to go, you have the best hair day you've had in months.

I forgot to mention one of the hardest parts about the girl stealing the money was I had to tell DH. I found out in October, didn't tell him until January. I was so hoping the girl would get the money from her parents, but they didn't have it. She offered me a settlement of $15,000, @ $100.00 a week, but said she'd need to KEEP her job, so she could pay me back. Duhhhh ok.

Eileen, it's suppose to rain this afternoon and tomorrow, what's it doing in your neck of the woods?

Doc, day 14 I was doing the mushies, actually, it was day 13, (we were having our company Cmas party). French onion Soup, OMG, it was soooo good.

Ladies, I'm getting a facial today, yep one of those high dollar, high pressure salt spray treatments, my skin will probably fall off. I have really sensitive skin, so I may just have a regular facial once I get there. They're having a special 2 for 1 so my friend is going and we're splitting the $80.00. Then she's gonna put this "mineral" type makeup on me. It's suppose to be similar to that bare minerals make up they advertise on tv, anybody use it?

I've got to stop drinking so much coffee and talking my head off..

Have a safe day LB friends.

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Yes, Eileen - The Saloon. See you there!!

Mornin' Pat! If the maid is smoking the good stuff, maybe I have been tipping too high? rotflmao.


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