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January's Chat

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Beanie, have fun on your NY trip! Might as well embrace the early time, let's see....the traffic will be very light! Yeah, that's it....

Eileen, enjoy your butternut squash soup! I know I'd love it, wish I'd find that sale!

Patty, enjoy your day off...you have a big week ahead in nursing!

Anne, I get Zone Perfect bars in 14 or 16 packs at Sams. Which flavors have you tried?

Dianne, glad to see you around, and sorry about the caraway cheese...I like caraway, but have never had it in string cheese.

Sherry, I will never eat string cheese the same way again!

Betty, you, Beanie and I must get together sometime! It would be great to hug each of you in person.

I'm home from Denton...DD had a great time bowling. I shopped, but didn't buy myself anything...I have plenty of 20s for now, and with the season change coming up, I kinda hate to overbuy in any size. As it is, I have some really nice sweaters and jackets I doubt I'll get to wear many more times. Can you say Ebay? LOL!

We have inservice training at work tomorrow, but there's no telling what it is about, since principal kinda forgot he was supposed to plan something. I hope we may get some time on our own so I can get some stuff done like grading and posting grades on the computer. And visiting you all!


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Sneaking on at work....

I got back late last night from my Mom's and am now going back down tonight to meet with a pulmonary doctor tommorrow morning. Hopefully I can get some direct answers from this doctor. I'll be back again tomorrow night and will post more. Needless to say it's one thing after another and I'm exhausted....thanks everyone for your support!

Okay I checked the hotel address with NJ Transit and they said there is no bus route to that area. Impossible!!! Anyone else know where there is a train station near Pearl River? What other towns are nearby? Help me out here the farthest north I know is Wayne NJ!

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Hi Jersey Girls.. Guess What? I'M BANDED!!!

Just got back from Mexico last night. Dr Rumbaut and his staff were great. The hospital clean and the rooms are like american hotel rooms. The language was only a problem with the nurses...but someone always speaks english.

I am very sore, but no real problems. For that I am grateful.

Well, justs wanted to let you guys know....


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Welcome to bandland Doc! I'm glad things went well for you. You'll feel better each day. Remember to do some walking around and keep sipping that Water. If you get any shoulder pain, a heating pad works wonders!:)

Zan - I sur hope things get better for you. I know how exhausting it can be. Hugs!

Cindy - Yes, we will have to get together sometime. I think that would be fun!

Beanie - You are doing great already, I can't imagine how good you'll do when you are actually banded! :clap2:

Sherry - I used to use the Seargento light string cheese when I was first banded, I forgot all about it for some reason. It really does help, especially for a quick snack.< /p>

Dianne - Sometimes it is just the simple things that make us the happiest!:biggrin1:

Patty - Hope you enjoyed your day off!

Anne - Sometimes I would not lose anything all week, then the next week, down 5 pounds! Hang in there.

Pat - Your home is so beautiful! You have it landscaped beautifully. Are you on a lake? I didn't know if it is a lake or pond or river.

Eileen - How lucky you are to get that Soup so cheap! I had a $1.00 off coupon for one and thought that was great. Have you tried any of the others flavors? I was wondering if they were all good?

Well everyone have a great night! I am going to go finish watching the Mav's play.

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Congratulations Doc, glad to hear you're mending so well, don't over do it.

Thanks for the nice compliments about my Virginia "ranch". Too bad we couldn't afford to live on the Water until we were 50, it's been a great experience the last 3 years. Watching the ducks and geese, while I talk to my LB friends. My family and I love to crab and fish, that's why I have very little time for the Harley anymore. Gee tough decision, jet-ski or Harley, LOL, and ladies, you get the best tan gliding across the water on the jet-ski. So, y'all come on to Virginia and we'll play!

Betty, it's a river.

Eileen I always feel like I got a meal to go when I eat those fancy Soups.< /p>

Beanie, I want to go, I love NY, but haven't been in 25 years, the people I know who could afford to go won't go, the ones who can't afford it, would love to go with me.

Cindy, your pink eye(s) gone? I still can't figure out why your puter wouldn't read my pictures and attachments, maybe it's because I use Incredimail, ya think? I want to do EBAY and get in on the hugs.

Anne, I like the chocolate/peanut bars, you're right the Zones are the only high Protein Bar I've tried that doesn't taste like paper.

Duh, I mean Sherry, LMAO, you're so funny!

Later gang, gnite.

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Wowee, lookie at you all :)

I was a little....okay alot pissed when I got on the scale yesterday...the blasted thing didn't move. Oh well try try again. I WANT A FILL !!! rant over.

Beanie do you know which hotel your staying at... I can't remember *brain fart* and let me know what time you want to get together... I'll let you know if its doable with the wee one.

The reason I love that Soup so much is b/c when I got to go on thicker liquids after being banded it really got me thru the tough weeks. You have to love butternut squash or you just won't like it. Its got a little zing to it as well. Its Campbells Select Gold Label. Serving size 1 cup, calories 90, fat 1/5 g, sodium 750 mg, carbs 17, Fiber 3g, Protein 2g. Its blended with carrots, potatoes, cream and all sorts of stuff I can't pronounce HAAAA!... I like weird things.

I'll be back later.... I feel like a lost lamb today... my brain is wondering. Did you ever drive some where and wonder how you got there? thats about where my brain is at today LOLOL !!!

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Hello, all!

I am about done with all my meetings and work, and am out the door...and on to Girl Scouts!

Doc, you take care of yourself, sip, walk, sleep, and repeat. Take something for gas if you need it. I liked the heating pad, but some say it doesn't help. Try it, though, if you need it. Glad you're back and safe!

Pat, wow. I don't know what I'd like to try first, the Harley or the jet ski...something makes me laugh picturing you and I zipping down the river on a jet ski! Or, would it be funnier if we were on a Harley? I haven't forgotten about designing your biker babe outfit!

Eileen, I had a week like that last week...no brain in head, just going through the motions. Yes, pink eye is all gone, and now I have no excuse! Gotta go to work, and get these kids ready for the state test. Fun.

Betty, glad you're able to get on the boards a little more, you are such a positive person and I look forward to your little messages!

Pat, again...You don't have to sell on Ebay to get a hug from me! ((((HUG))))!

To all others, I love reading about your day, and hope everyone is doing great!

later, Cindy

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Hey Gang,

Just when I thought life was getting good..... ya know that employment physical -- I failed it! According to Pathway medical my blood pressure is too high -- ha I have never ever had high blood pressure in my life, even when I was pregant with twins! But did they try to take it a second time? Nah, just wave bye-bye and told me I wasn't gonna get the job. I was steamed. I went to work today on my last day of training and as overwhelming as all that is, all I could think about was failing a blood pressure test. After work I immediately went to human resources and they seemed to already know, and want me to come to work tomorrow and are willing to step in and sort through the mess. Working in the districts LARGEST school is nuts and I am truly trying to keep the panic at a managable level. The gal that was training me was trying to teach me everything she does.... except that it took her 18months to learn it all and I had 2 days with her -- impossible to do! I told her to say goodbye to everyone and get her skinny little butt out of my office! I plan to have many many meltdowns but it's not rocket science and it will all work itself out.... thats what I say today.... any how, thats my vent this afternoon, I have kids to pick up in 20 minutes. Sayonara :)

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Zan, I don't know if anyone answered you but the train line for Pearl River is the same one as Montvale NJ. Its the next stop.

Rene can we try again for a cup of coffee?

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Ok gang, I don't know where this biker babe outfit started, but I can assure you there is not now or ever will be a biker babe outfit for this Nana, LMAO. I can't, well before I wouldn't have even tried to get a pair of leathers on my ash, although, now I might be able to do that, hmmmm, I guess never say never, LOL.

Zan, I've got a funny story about the train, only in my sons case it was the bus. He went to Atlantic City with my nephew, then they got separated and he ended in New York and was to catch a bus to Toms River, NJ, well he got drunk and missed catching the bus. He waited around the terminal until the next bus came. Well, he got on the bus and he kept trying to stay awake, and kept dosing off. Then my nephew called him and was talking to him, and he told him he was trying to figure out how many stops before Toms River. The guy in front of him overheard him talking and turned around and told him they'd passed Toms River about 3 stops ago, needless to say I could go on, but what a weekend.

Sorry about the high BP Patty, I'm glad they're gonna try to work things out for you. I guess they know how hard it is to find good help.

Eileen, I know what you mean about being bummed about those dang scales. Talk about being in a slump, :angry :help:

Sherry, get the Magic Bullet, it's the bomb girl. I use mine every day in the summer and at least 3 times a week in the winter.

Betty, you still working, stop in here every now and again.

What y'll think of the "journal" section Alex added? He's a really neat guy to do all of this for us, the least we could do is be a loser, well you know what I mean.

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Hey kiddies...how goes it??? Sorry I haven't been in lately...just being lazy. Spent the day with my hubby yesterday...it was so wonderfu!!! Kids were at daycare and my mom was hibernating in her room. I am with mouse..I am envious of all ya'll getting rain or cold weather...gosh we need it so bad here in the Southern Central part of the states....*sigh*. Tonight is quiet everybody is either in bed or in their bedroom. Hubby is off to work, just me and the pc now.

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Good Morning All,

I couldn't sleep, I have my first Health Services Assistant(thats my title) meeting today. I will get to meet everybody who has the same job as I do within our School district and the 4 real nurses. Nervous doesn't begin to describe where I'm at :phanvan After our meeting it's off to work, by myself for the first time! I just need to keep a cool head. Yesterday, when I got home it took me hours to unwind. Hey, I just wanted to thank ya all.... without this place, my head would surely pop off! CYA,

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Keep after it, Patty. You are certainly getting good practice in handling disappointments! (a purely optimistic point of view!)

Keri, isn't quiet time great! I LOVE when I can be at home alone, even if I'm not alone, but the others are quiet and/or asleep.

Pat, now you know perfectly well that we had that little conversation re: Sturgis, and how (some of) the ladies didn't seem to own mirrors, or at least look at them before they suited up and went for a ride...that's when the idea came to me to help you design some leathers that befit a woman of your dignity and stature...I'm thinking black, of course, with a couture cut...not the typical tight-as-hell fit, but something flattering. The regular boots will be great, since the harnass boot is all the rage anyway....my mind is running amuk! (but thanks for letting me have fun!)

It looks like Eileen, Betty, Pat and I are enduring the stuck scale phenomenon. It would be aggravating, except that I know exactly why my scale is stuck, and it's not the scale's fault! LOL! I am really trying to focus on the goal, and get the rest of the sugar cravings under control.

So, when I found out I was getting lapband, I bought a stick mixer. I have never used it. Has anyone had any experience with this kind of mixer/blender, and if you do, will you give me some tips?

Have a good day! Cindy

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It looks like Eileen, Betty, Pat and I are enduring the stuck scale phenomenon. It would be aggravating, except that I know exactly why my scale is stuck, and it's not the scale's fault!

I know why too mine is too! Since the holidays, I havn't been good at all! I started this week being good though, so I think I am finally back on track!:clap2: My :hungry: is finally back to normal and it has been all weeks so far. Maybe those nasty scales will finally move now!:clap2: I really need to get these 10 pounds off!:cry

I think you need to make Pat a leather halter top!:);) :star:

Patty - I sure hope things get better for you! Maybe you could just get a note from your doctor saying your BP is normal!

Eileen - If you are having trouble with eating, call your dr. office and tell them you need to come in early! Mine will let me do that if I need to.

I have been working hard all day, now I am going to get a little R & R before DH comes home!:star: :clap:

Beanie - You need to come out and play!:clap: :clap:

Hello to y'all that are out messing around!:clap: :clap:

Catch you all later!

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Hey Youse Guys,

I am up here in Orangeburg, working like a slave.

Zan - big hugs. If nothing else, we can meet AT the newark airport... I know there has to be some sort of transit there. :] Saturday -

Doc - CONGRATS!!! So happy for you. Rest up and drink your liquids. Don't forget to get some Protein in.

Betty - you'll have to keep me posted on the Mavs. I can speak Basketball at slightly above a remedial level - several steps over my football speak.

Pat - hook me up! You better be careful who you invite... you never know who might show up!! Crabbing and Fishing sound like great fun to me - although I have no experience with the Jet Ski... I am always up for a minor adventure.

Eileenie - you spacie chick, you - I am at the Pearl River Hilton.

Oops - sorry kids, the Boss says we go now...

I will try to log on and finish up later.

Love you guys.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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