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January's Chat

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I THOUGHT it was gonna be a pretty day here, but it turned all cloudy and is cooler (I know your NJ chicks are LYBO!). Went to church, had coffee with my sis while DD was in Sunday School, then home for a while, and over to a backdoor neighbor's house for a quilt lesson. She and my mom were in the same quilt guild and quilt group at church, and she is finishing a quilt mom was making for DD. I helped her lay it out. She'll put it together, and the church ladies will quilt it. Also, she is standing in for my mom and teaching DD to hand quilt. She's working on a wall hanging.

Sherry, I love the imagery of kicking the little devil to the curb! Can I borrow that one! LOL!

Eileen, and anyone, have you ever heard of Super Suppers, or dinner Station? It's a place where you prepare dishes to freeze; you put all the ingredients together, but they have everything laid out and chopped, etc. My sis and I do this once a month, and we get 3 meals each to take home. I LOVE your idea of cooking once a week, and I've done that some. Just not consistently, like the rest of everything I do! LOL!

Pat, are you hanging out at the beach? I've seen a few posts from you, but didn't really see what time you were on...update us, please!

Betty, this isn't as good a day to be cruisin' as yesterday was, so you must be getting your house in order, right? You are a really good support-person on LBT...I see you patting backs and holding hands all over the place! You're great!

DH and DD are leaving to sell cookies; she's doing pretty good on her goal. This is her 3rd year to sell, so she's getting better at it.

I'm going to finish reading all the new posts, and basically hang out for a while before dinner. Gotta get some relaxing in! (Is that bad? Scheduling relaxation time?)


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That's one smart computer, Ira. We've been guessing about where you have been. We thought you had met your goal, and were off doing other things! Cindy

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Cindy I was wondering where you were! I was disappointed that it was so cloudy today! We still went riding but it wasn't as warm as yesterday. The temp on the bank said 79 but the air didn't feel quite like it! I wish I knew how to quilt, that is something I always wanted to do, just never learned how to do it. Thanks for the compliment, I actually love to help people even if it is with a smile! I guess I have just been doing it all my life and I don't realize I am even doing it. :) Glad you are taking some time for relaxing, and yes sometimes we do have to schedule it!:) I did get my house cleaned up so that is one more thing I can chalk up for today. Now.....if I could just get myself to start walking every day again!:tired I have my interview at 9:00 in the morning, so I have to do a few things for that yet tonight.

Eileen - Did you get your car cleaned out???? I got mine washed and cleaned out too. DH and I went out and did it right after we went riding.

Ira - Nice to see your smiling face even if they had to remind you to do it!:)

Later y'all! Have a great night!

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I also got a note from Ivan that I haven't signed into January chat. I said to myself, "who is Ivan and how does he know that I haven't signed in? LOL

It was a beautiful day in south Florida... sunny, clear and a bit cool.... 72 degrees. LOL

OK, I am packing for Mexico. Feeling scared and sorry for myself. I was so excited. I don't know what happened to me. You guys have been so supportive and I have received so many nice emails.



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Good evening everyone, suppose most of you are in bed now getting ready for the new work week, especially Eileen.

Eileen, you do remember I don't cook, I couldn't imagine preparing a week's worth of food. I do well to fix the coffee the night before, just cause I have to have my lava when my feet hit the floor. I can't believe you didn't get a fill, although, why waste one if you're on a losing streak.

Cindy, I wish it was summer and warm enough for the beach, though, I'd rather be sitting at the end of the pier fishing, or crabbing with the grandkids. They get so excited when they feel them tugging on the string, they start yelling, "get the net, get the net". The 2yr old just wants to play climb in and out of the boat.

Betty you're one dedicated Harley rider, I'll give you that! I'm a fair weather rider, LOL.

DOC, what part of FL, my DH wants a place in Florida soooo bad. I have to hear about it every morning while we're having coffee and watching the cold weather report here. I wouldn't mind something near Orlando, it would have to be a great deal and near or on golf course. Condo's all we need, any suggestions?

Ivan, you're looking great!

Took my 12yr old gson to see Kong tonight, the special effects were great, but a tad bit far fetched, oh my butt, 3 hours!

I had an NSV today, my DH had the Harleys out and I ran in and threw on my Harley vest and ran out with camera for him to take a picture and he'd already put them back in the garage. Anyway, my vest, that I only could snap the bottom snap, wellllll, it snaps all the way and it fits very nicely, not too tight, and to think I almost gave it away.

Cindy speaking of cooking, I almost cooked the other night, I popped in one of those meatloaf frozen things and those mashed taters with garlic, some porknbeans and my dh thought he had a home cooked meal.

I'll catch the rest of yall tomorrow.

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I live ocean front in South East Florida, Highland Beach, It is a small town between Boca Raton and Delray Beach. We bought a unit down here while my older son was in college and the interest rates were still around 4%.

When we moved down here in July from Connecticut I moved into my mom/dad's unit in Higland Beach and sold our unit to my stepdaugher who made the move with us.

It is so GREAT. I so love the weather. We have had the coldest weather this week and it was in the 60's during the day. It stayed that day for a day or two and was back up to high 70's. It is sunny almost every day.

That is why I so want to be fit.... so I can appreciate and utilize the wonderful weather.

This isn't for everyone, but not ever having to shovel snow again makes me :Bunny jump for joy : - )

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ummm ooops was I suppose to be from NJ to be in here? hahaha I'm from Massachusetts is that close enough? Finally realized why everyone keeps saying Jersey Girls lol.

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Good Morning!

Just a quick check in, I have a lot to do getting ready this morning for my interview. Wish me luck!!!!:)

Sherry - Half the people on here are from Texas! We just jumped in and posted. I actually didn't realize I was posting on a NJ thread till I had posted for a few days.

Pat - I'm a fair weather person too, it was 82 yesterday. It sure didn't feel like it though as it was cloudy. I can do some 60's but 70's/80's are my weather. I have rode when it was much colder, but I shiver so bad I usually don't. Great NSV on the vest. I bought one a couple of years ago to sew all my Patches on and never wore it. Now it is way too big on me so I went the other day to exchange it and didn't like anything they had. So, I still have the big one till I can find something I like.:) Love your cooking story!

Doc - I know you are very nervous, but you will be fine. It won't be long till we can welcome you to bandland!:)

Well, got to run and get ready. I'll check later!

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Good morning everybody,

What did ya'll think of those Panthers yesterday!!! Now living in NC I love the Panthers, but I really wouldn't have been upset it the Giant's won either, since NJ will always be called home to me. I hated FB until I moved here, now I understand it so I like it.

Doc, your going to love your band. Just think this time next week it will be all over with and your new exciting life will begin!

Pat and Betty- Your weather sounds wonderful! This week we are supposed to be in the mid 60's today may hit 70. I'm so glad I didn't buy a lot of heavy sweaters! We sold our showel for 25 cents when we moved here!

I wish I could say I cook ahead also, but I don't. Although we have enough chili left over from our FB party yesterday to last at least a week! Yuk..I like chili but I don't like to OD on it.

Have a good day....

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Good Morning,

Can't play long b/c I'm at work WAAAAAAAAAH!!!

Never got to clean my car yesterday, the day just flew by. But I did cook what I had to.

This sucks.... first day is so gloomy and feels like you never had a vacation lol. What a tease.

How is everyone this fine MOANDAY!! lol.

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GoodMorning all!

Today is the first day back to school and all four of my monkeys made it to school on time. Sorry I didn't post yesterday but I did read everything. You guys are SO funny in response to my Mystery Box. Still haven't opened it yet.... need more input. If I give you the dimensions and shake it, will you like to guess whats in the box? OK: it's 13" x 5" and when I shake it there is an obvious rattle....kind of sounds like a bell. It weighs under a pound because it's fairly lightweight. Since I'm not anxious to open this delightful little treasure I will wait until next Sunday to cut it open.... hmmmm this might be fun.

Oh, I wanted to tell you guys about my second visit to the Crystal Cathedral. The boys and I went yesterday to the 9:25 service after dropping Lewis off to Sunday school. Taylor, Channing & Garrett were so grown-up and I was very proud of how they behaved. They sat there counting cameras and made comments about the giant organ, but there mouths simply dropped open when the pastor announced that the mornings guest speaker was Dr. Phil McGraw! When Dr. Phil came out he got lost in all the foliage on stage and we all laughed. The bulletin's note said that he was going to talk about "the new you in the New Year" and I thought... oh, No a lose weight talk:ermm but instead his interview was about his new book "Love smart" his book about love relationships for married or single. We all had a blast going to church with Dr. Phil and all 4 boys want to come back. This church is one step above huge and the campus has 5 buildings and 7 parking lots. We had a great day as a family and spent the rest of the day preparing for school ie: laundry, dishes and cleaning back-packs. Catch ya all Later!

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Eileen, sorry you are at work...I know the feeling.

Betty, good luck on your interview!

Patty, great story about Dr. Phil. I do like him, but I have question marks anymore, now that he is so commercial. Of course, I don't blame him for making a buck.

Doc, don't feel sorry for yourself...nervousness is one thing, but pity? No, girl, you're brave and courageous! Go for it!

Pat - If you move near Orlando, I guess you know who you will have as a house guest?! You might just want to move and not tell me! How exciting to button up your vest! I"m happy for you! And, you might try those Stouffer entrees...at least on the commercials they pass it off as home-cooked. Kinda like that commercial where the mom throws flour around, and acts like she's been working so hard, but she made Rice Krispie squares?! LOL! Hey, whatever works for you! I like cooking, but just dont' always have the time I would like to do it well. Those women who work full time, make perfect meals, keep the house all neat and tidy, AND have time for outside classes, hobbies, and volunteer work just amaze me. I'm doing good to get to work, send a check for DD's lunches, and put just anything on the table for dinner.

Everyone else, hope the day is going well for you! I've been sorta stuck on weight for a week or so, so I know it's going to go down soon...but when? That IS the question!

Later, Cindy

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Good Afternoon Y'all!

Well, the interview went well I think! It is a very good job, I would be doing the accounting for two companies so it would be a busy job, but I like staying busy! They have good benefits so that is a plus too! I liked the gals in the office, real down to earth type. She showed me "my office" (that is what she said) and it was really nice with one side all windows! She said she would try to make a decision by Friday, so we'll see. She kept telling me she wanted someone with my experience and some one stable and she kept saying with my years at the same place was empressive! Now I will just have to sit on pins and needles and wait!:)

I finally got off my butt and went for a walk today. I haven't been for a long time, too much holiday stuff going on then cold weather, and any excuse I could think of. So, today is warm, sunny and no excuses so off I went. I could certainly tell it had been a while since I went! Talk about feeling out of shape! Guess that tells me to get my arse in gear and start this walking routine again. I wore jeans and a short sleeve shirt, but wished I had worn shorts, I was getting a little warm by the end of the walk!

Cindy - I have been stuck for a long time! It's my own fault though, not exercising and nibbling on stuff I shouldn't. I started back on track today, so we'll see what happens. I don't cook for a whole week, I cook each night though. But that is all I do, cook clean up and park my butt! I do my cleaning/laundry on the weekends. Of course when I am home, I do a little more during the week so I can play more on the weekends.:)

Patty - How neat that Dr. Phil was there. Glad you enjoyed it so much. I must say you are a saint. If that box was sitting there by me, it would have been opened the day it arrived. Opps, I didn't realize it was for you, I didn't even look at the label since you don't get mail here anymore! Yup, I sure have to open it up and take a look. It probably isn't much of anything, but I would just have to know for sure!:laugh :laugh :laugh

Dianne - We left all our winter stuff too when we moved here. I don't even buy sweaters anymore, I just don't get to wear them enough here. I go for the long sleeved shirts etc. Gosh, I have been hungry for some home made chili, was going to make a pot and didn't. Now you have me wanting some again.:)

Eileen - You must be a busy bee today! I bet you have a lot of catch up work waiting for you.

Beanie - How was your weekend? I am still keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Pat - You need to get DH to take a picture of you on that Harley! We wanna see!:)

Well, guess I best get something done around here today. I have some thank you letters to get in the mail, so I best get those composed!


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