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January's Chat

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Good Morning everyone, hope everyone had an extended weekend, like me, LOL.

Thank goodness all the decorations are down and the house is back to normal. (Except, I do need to put Texas Santa away, he's hanging on my study door).

Sherri, I think I'd have to pull the MIL aside and remind her, or I'd have to purchase a gift, wrap it and put from mom on the gift. You'd kill two birds with one stone, you'd protect DH, and mom would surely pick up on it.

Cindy, you'll be @ size 16 before you know it, you've done such a wonderful job so far. You must be doing something right!

Oh yeah, how about those Redskins?

Jan I always recommend egg drop Soup, lots of Protein, might want to blend it a little. My doctor told me I could have anything that would go through a straw, but don't use a straw.

Eileen, is it raining there? It's raining here, suppose to have thunderstorms tonight, hummmm, in January, oh well. The dreadmill, I have one of those, actually it has it's own room with a full wall mirror to see itself, poor thing just sits there day after day. So old, but so young, very low mileage, LOL.

Have a great start to your New Year everyone.

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Hi everyone!

I didn't make it onto the dreadmill yesterday, but I did spend 6 hours taking down the Christmas decorations and cleaning house so I'm going to count that as my first workout in '06. My sciatica was acting up after all that lifting, so it was after 6am when I fell asleep. My son was next to my bed at 6:15 asking for a cup of Water, so I'm pretty tired today! :P DH let me go back to bed for a few hours, so it could be worse.

You would think that 6 hours of cleaning would get the house pretty spotless, but that was actually the preparation clean for the cleaning service, lol. I have Molly Maid come in because I'm not supposed to run the vacuum with my back issues. See - good things come out of something bad all the time! :)

Sherri, I'm so sorry that your DH was hurt by his mother's thoughtlessness. It's so true that the child who makes the most effort often gets taken for granted. I have a similar situation going on in my family, so I can really commiserate here. Families can be so complicated. At least he can sleep easy knowing that he is a wonderful, caring son.

Cindy, I couldn't tell from your post if retiring was a far-off dream or a reality. Will you be able to retire this year? What are your post-retirement plans?

Jan, I didn't have much of an appetite during the full liquid stage so I'm afraid I don't have any great suggestions. I did make some really good Bear Creek Soups during that time. I also liked the Campbells Soup at Hand because they're convenient.

We have rain here today in Michigan. I just caught my 2 year old out on the deck in her PJ's and no shoes. Apparently, she thinks Spring is here. Ewwww... gotta go, she's eating dirty snow. :)

Have a great day everybody!

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Hi Y'all!

Been working around the house, then DH and I went and did a little shopping for bedrails. Not fun shopping:cry

I got back on track with the eating today! I will probably have sugar withdrawals for a week now!:P I have ate so much junk these last two weeks, I feel like I am going to explode! So today I have been extremely good!

Cindy - I envy you, I wish I could just retire! I feel like I am starting over again!:)

Ann - That is a lot of work! Take it easy now!

Sherry - I would say something to her too, without DH knowing about it. I would tell her how hurt he is every year! It seems like a lot of families have one like that! My ex's mother did that to him too, and we did everything for her. Odd how they threat the person that helps them most the worst!

Jan - Good weight loss! Hang in there, it gets easier.

Pat - How is that new car? How many miles have you put on now?

Eileen - Raining again? I sent you some sunshine!;-) Hope you get back on track today too! Your encouragement help me! Thanks!

I got up this morning with my hip hurting, feels like a pinched nerve in there. I hope it goes away soon, I have things to do and places to go! lol

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Betty, I bet you posted during the time there was trouble on LBT...I know you are not so tired you would just repeat yourself 3 times! LOL! I tried to post this afternoon, and couldn't, so I bet there's a thread somewhere that has multiple postings from me, too!

Pat, leave it to me to make you go the extra mile to put Texas Santa away! Sorry about that....and rain! We need that rain here, before more of Texas and Oklahoma catch fire.

Anne, take care of your back. I'm sorry you have that particular problem; it's so THERE. Not much you can do, either...the surgery isn't very reliable. Yes, I can actually retire after the first semester next school year, so end of December 2006. That's my plan. That will make my 29th year of teaching, I'll be 51, and the magic number is 80. Age + years of service= 80. The state legislators, in their infinite wisdom, have changed that to 90 for those poor new teachers...they think closer to 40 years in the classroom should be about right to retire...let me tell you, that's a long time in today's educational system. Still, I will miss my contact with the kids, but I'll find them somewhere...I'll sub, work with youth at church or something. It's in my blood, and working with at-risk kids is my passion (career-wise).

We go back to school tomorrow, all three of us! I hate to see our time off end, and on the other hand, I am glad to get back to routine.

Goodnight, Cindy

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Cindy, I wasn't complaining, I luv my Texas Santa!

Betty, I hear ya, I hear ya, I hear ya, LOL.

I thought it was just my puter bogged down I started clearing out all kinds of stuff making room for LBT. We've been spoiled with such a great running site that a glitch sure threw me for a loop,;-)

The new car is great, although, I wish I'd gotten the LX, like I had before, I didn't think there'd be that much difference in the size, but in my LX, I had to step up onto the running board and then get in. So now, I step on the running board and overstep my seat, anyway, I'll get use to it. I met up with my son today and cleaned all my stuff out, OMG, every side door compartment, the double glove compartment between the seats, and cup holders all had change in them. I guess I'll give the bag of change to my 12yr old gson to put towards his xbox360. He told everyone he'd "accept" money for Christmas, LOL, so he's got right much saved for the new, expensive game.

Eileen, did you get all your decorations down? How many miles on the dreadmill. I was telling my mom about your dreadmill today and she said she noticed one of those great big yoga balls in my "exercise" room when she was showing my house the other day, she asked what I did with it, I told her I bought it to keep dreadmill company.

I started a thread asking about everyone's digital camera, didn't get much of a response, but I'm gonna check on the cameras mentioned, so I'll catch you losers (new years resolution, right?) later.

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Hee hee hee I love that word "dreadmill" it's cracking me up but God I've said that so many times. Now lets see if someone comes up with one for a stationary bike. Man that thing just hurts my butt. Why is that? With all this extra padding all around me...why on Earth there is nothing where I sit on that seat? lol. I suppose as I keep going it will toughen up. Hey doc I may not be losing weight but Gosh Darnit my butt is tough hahahaha.

Thanks everyone for understanding about what the m-i-l did to my DH and how it makes me feel. I don't even want to think about it anymore and I'm just happy that finally someone in his life and help him see what a great guy he is. We're very fortunate to have each other and we'll help each other get through our family's lack of commonsense. (Oh yes I have it on my side too hahaha Sometimes you just have to take a step back and let them do it to themselves :P )

How do you folks type such long reponses without being timed out? I tried 3 times today and gave up. I'd love to respond to each of you but I never have time on this thing hahaha.

Hugs to you all and here is to the start of a new year and a new you :)

One day at a time, one forkful at a time .......make sure that forkful isn't chocolate cake hee hee

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Cindy you are right, I was having trouble with the site.

Pat - I was trying everything with my puter too, especially since I have been having problems anyway!

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Hi everyone, Long time no talk to. I've been in New Jersey. Wow what a trip! We went from Monroe to Cranford, Denville, Oakland, Ringwood, High Bridge.Stewartsville, Hackettstown to home in Charlotte NC. The car ride lsted 12 hours today. It was great to go back "home" but it is wonderful to be back in 58 degree weather. Even though I have to pump my own gas here, I love it here.

I ate like a pig, at l.east it felt that way. I go to the Dr. for a fill onThursday so I'm looking forward to that!

love what you said Eileen about getting closer to the Lord this year! My whole lapband journey has been his idea not mine. My goal this year is also to get closer to the Lord and to write in my journal at least a few times a week, not a month. I also want to praise the Lord and give him the credit for my weight loss. It is after all through him that ALL things are possible. I just need to be reminded of that more often than I like to admit.

Well I'm off to bed have a wonderful night.

God Bless and HNY.

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Good Morning,

It was depressing with LBT down yesterday, I kept thinking gosh I hope its not my pc.

I did all my cleaning yesterday, of course when you clean you make things worse b/4 they get better. I even dusted off my dreadmill.

Pat, I have an eliptical to keep my dreadmill company :) Our yoga ball is outside frozen in the snow HAAAA!!! no lie. Had the thing out there for 2 years, and it stands all kinds of weather. Hardy little sucker isn't it.

Betty Boop! hope your back feels better. I'm the queen of back pain and boy when you throw it out you are just miserable for a loooong time. I had 4 pinched nerves in my back years ago. Chiro helped but then I developed deterorating disc disease, arthritis and bone spirs (that jingle jangle jingle) in my spine. Feel better .. hugs.

Dianne, you passed right thru my town... You should have stuck your head out the window and yelled LOL. Glad your home.

Sherry, I would like to get a stationary bike, but like you said the seats are tiny, and your ass goes numb....do they think only skinny butts are supposed to exercise....what is with that??? so until they make a bike thats got a lazy boy attached to it, I'm not getting one :D

Cindy have a wonderful day at work/school today.

Anne, I didn't get on the mill either, I cleaned all day, until 7:30 pm last night, so cleaning had better count for something lol. Its okay that kids eat dirty snow, just as long as its not yellow :P

Speaking of snow, its snowing now :) I have a 12 noon appt at the local daycare for my daughter to join in June. They have kindergarten full day with before and after school care right on the premisses (sp?) there where as my town only offers it 1/2 a day then they ship the kids down the highway to a local YMCA.. My ass she'll be getting on a bus going down the highway w/a stranger. So we are hoping there will be room for her in the fall at this daycare. Now its icy out and I might cancel it to tomorrow... gotta see.

Where's Beanie ? where ya hinding girl? we miss you.

Ira.... whats up dude? whatcha been up to. I get to see doc B friday for a fill. Tell me it doesn't hurt LOL, okay tell me the truth, how does he do it?

Lisa & Jan, how are you to feeling?

Zan, did you watch the ball in person Saturday night?

How is everyone ?

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Good Morning!

I am happy that LBT is running much smoother today:)

It's chilly here this morning, but it's going to be 78 later. It was beautiful yesterday, I spent a lot of time outside.

I have one sugar free day behind me, and hopefully today will be #2! I did pretty good eating wise yesterday.:P I refuse to get on the scale till next week!

I am still working on getting some of my info back on my computer. Gosh, you don't know what you have on there till it's gone! Hopefully DB will be back out soon and can retrive some of it at least.

Eileen - You cracked me up about the snow! Too funny!

Well, going to get busy, I'll check back later.

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Howdy folks, Had a good day today ...just dang too busy to overeat hmmmm that's it I need to work more and close the books every day....NOT!

NJ my stationary bike has a nice wide padded seat but, ya know it doesn't matter. The bones of my butt seem to hit that freakin thing like I"m sittin on a brick. DH does fine...now why is that? We ladies are built to hold extra layers because of child bearing and yet.....it hurts us and not a guy? Ya think there is padding to protect something else and it helps? hahaha.

Just worked today, came home, ate wheat Pasta with very little sauce (don't want the sodium to keep the Water in me for my appointment tomorrow hahaha) cleaned up and got on here :D I think I'll head off soon and read some of my book...been reading "In A Million Pieces" one of the books on Oprah's list. Very interesting so far.

Hope you all have a wonderful night...off to see the Surgeon tomorrow...keep your fingers crossed that I get a date soon. (Oh my PCP called wants me to come in....the surgeons office found something in my thyroid tests. Gee, ya think what I've been telling her finally has proof behind it? lol)



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Hi, everyone! It's late in CindyWorld, and I don't have time to go on and on (do I hear cheers of joy?) LOL! I am sitting at the table assisting DD with her homework, picture me as a lion tamer with a whip, going "Sit! Sit!" LOL! (No animals were harmed in crafting this description). We just had meetings all day...long, frustrating meetings. But in the afternoon, I had about an hour of time to do stuff before the kids return tomorrow. Then, picked up DD, went to eat, and took her back to school for Girl Scouts. It's time to sell cookies! Yea!

Pat, I was just kidding you about having to put up Texas Santa...I knew you liked the guy, and didn't mind him hanging out with you a little while longer! Sometimes my sarcastic wit just doesn't translate well into email language. I'll keep trying, though, because I can barely talk without being sarcastic...LOL!

For the uncomfortable bike seat problem, can you find a sheepskin cover for the seat? Once upon a time, I had an exercise bike, and used it! I got a sheepsking cover, and it did help, but doesn't completely take the pressure off. Maybe you can use the bike as a clothes hook? That's what I did. LOL!

I guess I'm in a kidding-around mood tonight, or maybe it's because the car door slammed on my head before the Girl Scout meeting? If I'm lucky, I"ll sleep well tonight.

Glad to hear most of you are staying away from and slaying the holiday sugar dragon...I did have a couple of those tiny Hersey Dark chocolate bars, but it was necessary to survive the meeting.

Good night, everyone stay strong! Cindy

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Nobody ever comes around my neighborhood selling Girl Scout cookies! PM me for a quick sale!! No. Just kidding. Wait. Send Cookies. No. Just kidding. One box couldn't hurt, right?! RIGHT?! Mmmmm... cookies.......

Can you tell I'm stressed? DS just got out of bed for the 5th time (grrr) and I just finished picking up 8,352 lite brite pegs from various rooms of the house. On the plus side, I managed to fit in a workout today. That's 2 days in a row!! A first since my surgery... Have a good night everyone! :D

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Hi all.

I love all your chatter.....

I am having surgery on January 12 and I can't wait! .. ha, ha as my DH just handed me a bowl of popcorn... oh well!

Someone mentioned getting closer to the lord. I just threw this surgery into the galaxy and My higher power has cleared the way. I know I should be nervous, but I am not scared because I am ready and know this is what should be happening.

I moved from snowy Connecticut to sunny Florida in July. The thought that I don't have to shovel this year makes me smile from the inside out....:Bunny we spent christmas day afternoon on the beach. I feel very grateful

Any words of wisdom would be welcomed.....


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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