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what am I doing wrong

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I had the band thr first of November and I have had 3 fill since then. I have only lost 3 pounds. Before I got the band I was doing no carbs nd had lost 20 pounds. Once I go the band I did the liquids and Soups. Even the Protein Drinks, and I'm not lossing. My last fill was last week, so I'm still on liquids. Why is everyone lossing weight and not me. I feel like I'm barely eating anything. I got Soup for lunch today, and didn't even eat all of it. Can someone help.

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I am no expert but maybe its the type of liquids that you are consuming? What type of Soup are you eating? Is it high in Protein and low in carbs and fat? Also what are you drinking throughout the day? Soda, Water, juice? liquid calories are the sneaky calories. Give us some more information on what types of things you are eating. Also, how about exercise? Have you been able to work that in yet?

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I ask myself the very same sad question, "what am doing wrong? and why are so many people on here losing weight and I'm not?" I was banded on August 24, 2010 weighing in at 221 on the day of surgery. A week after surgery I had to go to my lapband doctor's office for a routine check up and weighed in at 224. It is now January 11, 2011 and I weigh 218. I do everything by the book. I follow the rules. I get all my recommended Water in, I exercise 5 days a week (Leslie Sansone 3-5 miles each day), and count my calories. I have counted my calories before and I have put everything that has gone into my mouth into a journal. I usually take in about 900 to 1000 calories a day, but the scale does not budge. I get all my Fluid in (64 ounces) and drink nothing but Water with crystal light and get all my Protein in. I'm on a high Protein low carbohydrate diet. Before being banded I used to come on here everyday and I would read all the success stories and be so excited that I was finally going to get my chance of being banded and finally losing the weight like so many people on lapband talk have done...but so far the results have been disappointing and embarrassing. I get a fill tomorrow. hopefully that will make a difference. I just don't understand it. Before I was banded I lost 25 pounds on my own doing the same exact thing...nothing but water and crystal light, high protein, low carb, 3 to 5 miles a day and I lost weight...and now I'm banded and nothing...I change up my routine with turbo jam and bike riding and I'm still not losing anything. It makes me sad and I don't understand it at all.:(

The worst part of it is that I have a friend who was also banded..10 days before me and she lost 50 pounds in 2 months. Every now and then she would text with "how you doing? how much weight have you lost?" and I would sadly lie and say "oh, I lost 20 pounds already" knowing full well that I had lost nothing at all...she would also post pictures of her befores and afters on her Facebook with comments like "I need new pants again..this weight is just falling off!" I'm happy for her success but when you compare what she has done to what I have done..it just doesn't add up ..she eats out almost everyday, eats unhealthy foods, and doesn't exercise at all...and I do the exact opposite of that and I've only lost 3 pounds?

I'll stop complaining now...

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I can relate and all I can do is tell you what's working for me and to *not give up*. Keep trying different things until you find what works for you. So...some thoughts which you may or may not have already tried...

Some people lose without recording or counting calories. Good for them...but if you aren't one of them, then it's something you're going to have to do. Record every single thing you put in your mouth (even a breath mint) into something like fitday.com. It's horrifying how fast each little thing adds up. Be consistent. If you eat 1200 calories one day and 2000 the next and so on, then you may just be averaging out to a fairly high calorie count overall...and no weight loss.

All calories are not created equal. Calories in does not equal calories out. That's the biggest lie told by the diet/nutrition industry. If it was true, then just decreasing our intake by 1000 calories for a week should equate to a 2 lb weekly loss. So when you're decreasing your intake by close to 1500 calories a week (as I was) and you only lose a pound in a month...well that just goes to show what a lie it is. You just need to find the right combination that works for you. Some people do well on 800 calories a day...others don't lose anything. Some lose well on 1200 or 1500. Others don't. By recording your daily calories, you'll have a starting place for deciding whether to lower or raise your calories.

Carbs do count. Weight loss tends to be faster when the carb count drops below 60...even more drastically when it drops below 30. It's no coincidence that many doctors are now recommending 'low carb' diets (even if they still don't understand that 'low' is under 60...not under 200).

Protein grams *might* count. Excess Protein can act like carbs in creating a glucogenic insulin response...and this will slow or stall weight loss for very long periods of time despite low calories. It is currently believed that you should not eat more than 1gm of protein per every kilo of ideal weight. I'm not sure if this is true of everyone, but it appears it is for those who have blood sugar issues.

This is not a popular view here on the LBT, but studies show exercise is not necessary *to lose weight*. It really does come right down to what we put in our mouth. So that's where you need to start. Exercise *may* speed up your weight loss (didn't in my case)...something we must consider as we get closer to goal weight and don't have as much of a calorie window between what we need to eat for our ideal weight versus the current weight. And it will certainly create changes in your body that will make you healthier.

Do drink 64 fl oz of Water daily. Our organs run more efficiently when they're properly hydrated...which means they'll be more efficient at utilizing what we put into our body.

Consistency, consistency, consistency. When I look back over the last year, the thing I see *most* responsible for my slow weight loss is the inconsistency. I'd have a good week, then a so-so week, then a good week, etc. When I was 25, that would not have been a problem. At almost 55, a good week at 1200 calories followed by a so-so week at 1800 calories is enough to stall my weight loss. Even when I'm *consistently* at 1200 calories for a month, I only expect to see maybe a 4-5 lb loss. Pretty frustrating but it's still better than gaining!


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I had the band thr first of November and I have had 3 fill since then. I have only lost 3 pounds. Before I got the band I was doing no carbs nd had lost 20 pounds. Once I go the band I did the liquids and Soups. Even the Protein drinks, and I'm not lossing. My last fill was last week, so I'm still on liquids. Why is everyone lossing weight and not me. I feel like I'm barely eating anything. I got Soup for lunch today, and didn't even eat all of it. Can someone help.

Do you mean losing weight Emma? A few thoughts - are you getting enough liquids in? Check what your doctor has recommended for you - each one is different, but I know that when I am stalled, being attentive to my Water is key. You are still early out and you may not be eating enough - what does your plan say you should be getting in terms of Protein each day. I find that the more protein I eat/drink, the better my weight loss.

Good Luck!

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Emma, apparently we have to diet and count calories just like we would have to before getting the band. Certainly seems like the lap-band is a rip off doesn't it?

I'm going to try to patiently wait and see if this twenty thousand dollar procedure starts to earn it's keep. Luckily I have 2 friends that have lost a ton of weight

afterwards and right now that is the ONLY thing making me think that it must work, because the numerous posts about people not losing weight is definitely

giving me doubts. I too, am eating significantly less than before but haven't lost since the liquid no calorie diet, in fact seem to be just gaining it back.

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Thanks for you responses. They helped. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one this is not magically working for. I'm defnitely going to be counting carbs and drinking more Water. I feel like I thought lap band would work without any effort. I'll keep you postd on my sucess. Thanks for your supoort. I needed it.

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I found this article last week, and it really helped explain to me the why and how of things. I didn't listen to the video, but maybe knowing the why of how it works may help. IDK, just trying to be supportive!

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I ask myself the very same sad question, "what am doing wrong? and why are so many people on here losing weight and I'm not?" I was banded on August 24, 2010 weighing in at 221 on the day of surgery. A week after surgery I had to go to my lapband doctor's office for a routine check up and weighed in at 224. It is now January 11, 2011 and I weigh 218. I do everything by the book. I follow the rules. I get all my recommended Water in, I exercise 5 days a week (Leslie Sansone 3-5 miles each day), and count my calories. I have counted my calories before and I have put everything that has gone into my mouth into a journal. I usually take in about 900 to 1000 calories a day, but the scale does not budge. I get all my Fluid in (64 ounces) and drink nothing but Water with crystal light and get all my Protein in. I'm on a high Protein low carbohydrate diet. Before being banded I used to come on here everyday and I would read all the success stories and be so excited that I was finally going to get my chance of being banded and finally losing the weight like so many people on lapband talk have done...but so far the results have been disappointing and embarrassing. I get a fill tomorrow. hopefully that will make a difference. I just don't understand it. Before I was banded I lost 25 pounds on my own doing the same exact thing...nothing but water and crystal light, high protein, low carb, 3 to 5 miles a day and I lost weight...and now I'm banded and nothing...I change up my routine with turbo jam and bike riding and I'm still not losing anything. It makes me sad and I don't understand it at all.:(

The worst part of it is that I have a friend who was also banded..10 days before me and she lost 50 pounds in 2 months. Every now and then she would text with "how you doing? how much weight have you lost?" and I would sadly lie and say "oh, I lost 20 pounds already" knowing full well that I had lost nothing at all...she would also post pictures of her befores and afters on her Facebook with comments like "I need new pants again..this weight is just falling off!" I'm happy for her success but when you compare what she has done to what I have done..it just doesn't add up ..she eats out almost everyday, eats unhealthy foods, and doesn't exercise at all...and I do the exact opposite of that and I've only lost 3 pounds?

I'll stop complaining now...

So, this might sound strange.....but I believe that you need to take in some more calories. Change your calorie intake to about 1200....it sounds weird but trust me, it worked for me. Your body might be storing calories....maybe just add in an extra Protein shake. I went through the same thing, I couldn't understand the whole weight lose thing...as a matter of fact, I have been at another plateau for the last 2 months!! It is soooooo very frustrating!! I started a yoga class this week, so I am hoping that may help for me !! Good luck to you.....

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Actually, you have a point there. I had a few days that I ate more calories than I thought I should, I was convinced I was cheating and didn't want to weigh myself, but to my surprise I had actually LOST another pound during that couple days so I think you're onto something.....

So, this might sound strange.....but I believe that you need to take in some more calories. Change your calorie intake to about 1200....it sounds weird but trust me, it worked for me. Your body might be storing calories....maybe just add in an extra Protein shake. I went through the same thing, I couldn't understand the whole weight lose thing...as a matter of fact, I have been at another plateau for the last 2 months!! It is soooooo very frustrating!! I started a yoga class this week, so I am hoping that may help for me !! Good luck to you.....

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Your friends are 2 of the LUCKY ones. Most of the time.........from my observation........THE BAND DOES NOT WORK! :-(

I paid cash for mine also and it has been a complete waste of money!!!!!!!!!!!!

Emma, apparently we have to diet and count calories just like we would have to before getting the band. Certainly seems like the lap-band is a rip off doesn't it?

I'm going to try to patiently wait and see if this twenty thousand dollar procedure starts to earn it's keep. Luckily I have 2 friends that have lost a ton of weight

afterwards and right now that is the ONLY thing making me think that it must work, because the numerous posts about people not losing weight is definitely

giving me doubts. I too, am eating significantly less than before but haven't lost since the liquid no calorie diet, in fact seem to be just gaining it back.

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Emma I am discouraged just like you. One thing I am not hearing in responses is concerning restriction. If u don't have restriction then it's just l ike trying to lose weight before we got the band. :-(

Unfortunatly some ppl never reach restriction.

So, this might sound strange.....but I believe that you need to take in some more calories. Change your calorie intake to about 1200....it sounds weird but trust me, it worked for me. Your body might be storing calories....maybe just add in an extra Protein shake. I went through the same thing, I couldn't understand the whole weight lose thing...as a matter of fact, I have been at another plateau for the last 2 months!! It is soooooo very frustrating!! I started a yoga class this week, so I am hoping that may help for me !! Good luck to you.....

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Emma I am discouraged just like you. One thing I am not hearing in responses is concerning restriction. If u don't have restriction then it's just l ike trying to lose weight before we got the band. :-(

Unfortunatly some ppl never reach restriction.

You might benefit from reading Dr. Simpson's article "It's not about restriction" http://drsimpson.net/newsletter/March-2010-Lap-band-surgery-newsletter/March-2010-Lap-band-surgery-newsletter.html

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You might benefit from reading Dr. Simpson's article "It's not about restriction" http://drsimpson.net...newsletter.html

I think this is something we need to keep saying over and over because the message is getting lost or misunderstood. Too many doctor's still talk about 'restriction' as only being able to eat 1/2 cup of food and being satisfied for 4 hours without emphasizing they aren't talking about physical restriction. Too many banders believe they're looking for the band to make them put the fork down and aren't listening at all to whether or not they're hungry.

The band's job is to take away the abnormal hunger. Without the hunger driving us, we have a better chance of eating less at meals and not eating 24/7.


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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