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1st Fill 12/30/10

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I was banded 11/18/2010. My first fill, due to the holidays was 12/30/10. And I can't really tell any difference. I'm hungry most of the day. I eat but don't really get full.. I just stop when I think I've eaten enough. And (due to all the holiday goodies) I find myself nibbling on candy and chocolate throughout the day. I feel like I am self-sabatogaing myself, and wondering if I will ever feel full like I did right after surgery. My band was empty after surgery and I think they only put .5cc in for my first fill. Should I contact my bariatric team or is this normal for the first fill?

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I was banded 11/18/2010. My first fill, due to the holidays was 12/30/10. And I can't really tell any difference. I'm hungry most of the day. I eat but don't really get full.. I just stop when I think I've eaten enough. And (due to all the holiday goodies) I find myself nibbling on candy and chocolate throughout the day. I feel like I am self-sabatogaing myself, and wondering if I will ever feel full like I did right after surgery. My band was empty after surgery and I think they only put .5cc in for my first fill. Should I contact my bariatric team or is this normal for the first fill?


I was banded 11/19 and actually got my first fill today because I was on vacation when it was really time. So I'm back to liquids for today. If you aren't feeling full you should definately call your doctor. Write anytime if you need support.


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I was banded 11/19 and actually got my first fill today because I was on vacation when it was really time. So I'm back to liquids for today. If you aren't feeling full you should definately call your doctor. Write anytime if you need support.



Thank you! I called the bariatric team yesterday. The nurse (who has also been banded for a few years) told me not to expect too much difference until about the 3rd or 4th fill. She said she even gained a couple of pounds between her first 2 fills. And she is a shorter lady, like myself :P, and she said that she noticed the taller people would lose bigger amounts of weight, but she was losing a lot of inches and that's where she should have put her focus and not so much in the number on the scale. She suggested that I started taking measurements after each fill and start comparing those measurements. She thinks it will be a bigger confidence boost than actual pounds lost..... I'll try it. ( I hope by this time next year I'm in single digit sizes)... I don't really care if I reach goal weight or not (even tho my Dr thinks I will lose even more than the goal of 145 I set for myself), but I haven't been in single digits since I was 6 years old...

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Thank you! I called the bariatric team yesterday. The nurse (who has also been banded for a few years) told me not to expect too much difference until about the 3rd or 4th fill. She said she even gained a couple of pounds between her first 2 fills. And she is a shorter lady, like myself :P, and she said that she noticed the taller people would lose bigger amounts of weight, but she was losing a lot of inches and that's where she should have put her focus and not so much in the number on the scale. She suggested that I started taking measurements after each fill and start comparing those measurements. She thinks it will be a bigger confidence boost than actual pounds lost..... I'll try it. ( I hope by this time next year I'm in single digit sizes)... I don't really care if I reach goal weight or not (even tho my Dr thinks I will lose even more than the goal of 145 I set for myself), but I haven't been in single digits since I was 6 years old...

Me either since I was six! lol I'm glad you spoke to the nurse, we all have to learn from each other. I started exercizing today and I think that will make a big difference.

Good luck!


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Me either since I was six! lol I'm glad you spoke to the nurse, we all have to learn from each other. I started exercizing today and I think that will make a big difference.

Good luck!


I thought about getting a workout DVD from Target or Wal-Mart or somewhere like that. It still hurts when I bend at the waist (like to change a diaper or tie shoes) but the dr said that was normal and I wasn't doing any damage to my port. And that over time I won't notice it... I wish I could get a treadmill.... we live on a semi-busy street and I am uncomfortable walking with 3 small kiddos on the side of the road. :/ Maybe one day?? lol Gud Luck to you 2!!

All the best,


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I was banded on 11/16/10, I've had two fills since. The last one was just five days ago. The second fill was much different than the first. After the first fill I just noticed that I filled up much faster than before the fill. Now, after the second fill, I have intense pain from the first bites of each meal, regardless of what I'm trying to eat. Today is better than the last few days but still intense pain. I haven't lost anything and I haven't had any real food until today. After my first fill I went back to normal soft foods the next day, this time, I did one meal and the rest liquids, the meals were just too painful. I'm hoping for some more weight loss now that the band is getting tighter, I have to admit, I'm kind of discouraged at the slow loss. I was hoping to have lost much more by now!!

Good luck to you. Thanks for posting this. I've been feeling the same way.


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I was banded on 11/16/10, I've had two fills since. The last one was just five days ago. The second fill was much different than the first. After the first fill I just noticed that I filled up much faster than before the fill. Now, after the second fill, I have intense pain from the first bites of each meal, regardless of what I'm trying to eat. Today is better than the last few days but still intense pain. I haven't lost anything and I haven't had any real food until today. After my first fill I went back to normal soft foods the next day, this time, I did one meal and the rest liquids, the meals were just too painful. I'm hoping for some more weight loss now that the band is getting tighter, I have to admit, I'm kind of discouraged at the slow loss. I was hoping to have lost much more by now!!

Good luck to you. Thanks for posting this. I've been feeling the same way.


I can't really tell a difference at all with my first fill, but hopefully with the next one I will be able to tell something. My Dr. makes all his patients drink a 16.9oz Water before we leave the office after a fill. I don't think you should be having such intense pain when trying to eat. If it hurts going down, you should call your Dr. They may want to take a little out. Some people only need 2 fills to reach their goals, some need more. Everyone's anatomy is different. Idk how many cc's he put in my first fill, but I know he put some in and aspirated some back out. I see other people who were banded about the same time I was and they're down 40 and 50lbs already... it is a little discouraging, but everyone is different, that's what I keep telling myself. This past week I've been gaining and losing the same 2.5 pounds.... it's aggravating lol

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I was banded on 11/23/10 and lost 14 pounds. I keep losing and gaining the same 4lbs. I had my 1st fill on 12/30 and only received 1cc. I was mad. I asked the nurse practioner if I could get more and she no. She said the Dr. likes it to be small at first. I wanted 2 or 3 cc's. I started exercising. People are noticing that I am losing weight but I can't see it. I can feel it in my clothes. I am losing inches because I can fit a shirt and that I couldn't fit before. I bought a shirt that was smaller 3 months ago on purpose to see if I could fit it now and I can. I was shocked. I am a low bander. My bmi was 35 and now its 33. I am still obese. I am going for a fill this Thursday. I hope to have restriction. I am eating a cup of food. I started eating 2 Protein shakes (lunch and dinner) and I have a good lunch (baked chicken, tuna fish, Soup, veggies,etc). I hope this helps the weight come off. I try not to eat a lot of carbs.

I thought I was the only one feeling this way. Let's encourage each other:)

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Hi guys!

I have also been feeling discouraged... but here's what the sensible side of me thinks! I was banded on 12/10. We are all in this for the long haul. I think we all probably know lots of people who have had gastric bypass and they lose 30 lbs in the first month! But, that's not the road I/we chose. I wanted the band because it seemed more reasonable, more safe. I too have had my first fill last week. I got 1.5 cc. At first he did 2 then backed out 1/2 because the Water wouldn't go down like he wanted it to. My nurse keeps telling me to relax. She keeps saying it takes time. I have been hungry, but mostly mentally. I do feel some restriction. I definitely couldn't eat a value meal! haha! So, even though I want it to be more I think THAT right there is a reason to celebrate! So, why am I still annoyed? Because I'm picking. It's hard when you have small kids in the house. Each day I do great until the kids come home from school then I pick. Okay, I need to work on that. I am really glad you posted this. I really needed some support also. i got it just by reading this thread and seeing that I am not the only one going through this. But, the truth is that we are all in this for the long haul, right????? I'm down about 12 lbs. But, I can tell that I am smaller. i think the Protein is building muscle mass and we all know that muscle weighs more than fat. Does this make sense or am I crazy???

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Hi guys!

I have also been feeling discouraged... but here's what the sensible side of me thinks! I was banded on 12/10. We are all in this for the long haul. I think we all probably know lots of people who have had gastric bypass and they lose 30 lbs in the first month! But, that's not the road I/we chose. I wanted the band because it seemed more reasonable, more safe. I too have had my first fill last week. I got 1.5 cc. At first he did 2 then backed out 1/2 because the Water wouldn't go down like he wanted it to. My nurse keeps telling me to relax. She keeps saying it takes time. I have been hungry, but mostly mentally. I do feel some restriction. I definitely couldn't eat a value meal! haha! So, even though I want it to be more I think THAT right there is a reason to celebrate! So, why am I still annoyed? Because I'm picking. It's hard when you have small kids in the house. Each day I do great until the kids come home from school then I pick. Okay, I need to work on that. I am really glad you posted this. I really needed some support also. i got it just by reading this thread and seeing that I am not the only one going through this. But, the truth is that we are all in this for the long haul, right????? I'm down about 12 lbs. But, I can tell that I am smaller. i think the Protein is building muscle mass and we all know that muscle weighs more than fat. Does this make sense or am I crazy???

Makes perfect sense to me! I have a 1st grader and 2 babies at home.... so I graze throughout the day. And today I totally fell off the wagon.... actually yesterday and today. I even ate a snack cake for a snack today.... :/ I think part of it is I know once I get one or two more fills I won't be able to eat that kind of stuff because I'm terrified of something getting stuck. But I feel no restriction right now... I just thought I would after my first fill... it's not always that way tho. I know I am my own worst enemy. I need to start drinking more Water, maybe that wull heklp with the grazing throughout the day. I also need to get in motion... Like as of yesterday! lol I know this is not a "magic bullet" I know that I have to work with my band to see the results. I just need to stay motivated. And I did choose the band b/c it seemed the safer way to go. And it makes more sense to me to take it off gradually. I think it gives your skin time to snap back (esp if you're younger) and it gives you time to get use to the "new" you, whereas with gastric I feel like you're just thrown in a whirlwind of changes, Idk how those people cope.

I'm glad my post can help. I was just looking for someone to relate to me or offer me their opinion, and I'm so thankful all of you were able to help me!

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Hello, I just got banded on Jan 9 2011 here in Germany, I am still on my liquid diet ( which is REALLY hard at times ) I have lost around 8 pounds.. Which Im not sure has anything to do with the band.. Its me eating all liquids.. But I am a little nervous about my first fill on Feb 9 2011. I am a big chicken when it comes to pain.. Is it really painful or is it just like a shot.. ?? After you get your fill are you allowed to basically eat solid foods or are you on another liquied diet for awhile..

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I was banded on 12/07/2010, I got my first fill 01/12/11 and it wasn't near as bad as I thought it was going to be. After the initial stick ,I really didn't feel anything. My husband was watching and said that he was poking around looking for the port but I didn't feel it. When he did find it I could feel something going on inside me, but it didn't hurt it just felt weird. Then when he finished he sat me up, but I suddenly felt faint and a tad nauseated... soo I laid back down for a few minutes and was fine. My dr said this was normal as the vasel vegal(sp?) nerves have something to do with the stomach and can cause that feeling when "messed with". Then he gave me a 16.9 oz Water and said drink up! I got half down and felt full. He said that was fine..and I went home. Now, I can still eat anything I want (if I chew chew chew good) but instead of half a grilled ck sandwich I can only eat a lil more than a 1/4 of it.. and I don't get hungry between meals like I was. He didn't put a lot in and I was dissapointed..however it seems it really was the perfect amount for now. I'm very satisfied. =0)

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I was banded on 11/29 and won't have my first fill until 1/26. The doctor said that he will put it 5cc's. I have an an 11CC band. I have some restriction now. I cup of steam broccoli and cauliflower take a few minutes to make me fill anything. I can eat a handful of wheat thins with no problems. Cottage cheese and fruit slide right on down. i hope i get some better restriction after the fill. I have lost 30 pounds including the 2 week liquid pre op diet.

I would appreciate any input and suggestions.


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I can't really tell a difference at all with my first fill, but hopefully with the next one I will be able to tell something. My Dr. makes all his patients drink a 16.9oz Water before we leave the office after a fill. I don't think you should be having such intense pain when trying to eat. If it hurts going down, you should call your Dr. They may want to take a little out. Some people only need 2 fills to reach their goals, some need more. Everyone's anatomy is different. Idk how many cc's he put in my first fill, but I know he put some in and aspirated some back out. I see other people who were banded about the same time I was and they're down 40 and 50lbs already... it is a little discouraging, but everyone is different, that's what I keep telling myself. This past week I've been gaining and losing the same 2.5 pounds.... it's aggravating lol

I've been losing and gaining the same two pounds also, its driving me nuts. It doesn't make sense because I'm throwing up half of what I'm eating anyway. You'd think I'd be losing three pounds a day!

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Sorry it's taken a while to get back to everyone. I can still eat a good bit (my Doc put 1.8cc in my band on the 1st fill. My band was left empty after my surgery) For 24 hours after a fill you have to do liquids, after that you can eat... that's what my doc office makes us do. I only had to be on a liquid diet for 10 days after surgery. It wasn't too bad.

I just had my "possible" second fill Wednesday and I still feel no restriction (was suppose to be another 1.8cc). He had trouble accessing my port, they think it's flipped (had an x-ray to confirm but haven't heard back from my doc yet) he put the saline in but he's not sure it went into my port or not. I don't think it did, I feel no difference. And I'm upset because I might have to have another surgery to fix my port....

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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