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What other foods are you eating? 1/2 a cup of food is not satisfying me. My stomach growls so bad it hurts...

Congratulations on your weight loss.

Thanks. I eat a lot of chicken dishes. I bake chicken with speg. sauce and cheese on it. Make chicken salad. Chopped chicken with cheese in a wrap. I get bored easily, so I try to change it up. I have discovered that plain Greek yogurt tastes a lot like sour cream (to me), so I use that on top of taco seasoned chicken and cheese. I also make a lot of turkey chili with cheese and the greek yogurt on top.

I love seafood, and had to change from fried to baked or broiled..but it has a lot of Protein.

Pickles can be helpful at times because they are crunch and salty. Not as good as a potatoe chip of course, but may help the salty craving.

I can't eat eggs because of an allergy, but really wish I could. I would eat egg salad and omelets with cheese and meat in them, if I could. I have purchased powdered Peanut Butter (on-line) because it is low fat and low cal and I love PB. I eat string cheese at times when I am not hungry but just want to eat something out of habit.

My surgeon is very adamant about sticking to 1/2 cup meals. He said even having 6-8 oz. can stretch the pouch over time. Other surgeons say 1 cup is fine. Who knows. Just do your best! You can do it!!!

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I also agree with the salad part..well at least the lettuce. I changed my whole outlook on life once I was banded. I didn't go on a diet I had a lifestyle change. I started being more creative in my thinking on how I cooked (yep, started cooking instead of eating out or eating take out) and what I actually ate. Everyone thinks that well know we "can't" eat this or never eat that...well my goal was to make sure I never felt like I was lacking or craving something. I am one of those eaters that does feel totally satisfied on 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup max on most meals..it does depend on what it is...soups are generally 3/4-1 cup but most other things are 1/2 to 3/4 cup. I do eat 5 times a day.

To me I think most of us used to eat large salads thinking how healthy it was but in reality it really didn't give us much but a lot of lettuce (for the most part). Now a salad to me is tomatoes and cucumbers with Ken's greek Salad Dressing. Sometimes I don't eat this during either lunch or dinner..I eat it as a snack.< /p>

I still have a pizza craving..well I don't eat bread..not that it gets stuck..it just fills me up too fast and I can't get enough Protein in. Well I found a fabulous recipe for pizza Soup. It is fabulous, made in a crock pot. I have even found another recipe that uses mashed potatoes as a base..I haven't tried it so I can't say what It tastes like but you make it like a pizza..so it is next on the list to try. So if I eat one slice..I will be full.

A normal chicken plate for me...chicken cordon blue, mashed potatoes and green Beans...2 oz of chicken, 1/4 cup of mashed potatoes and 2 tablespoons of green Beans.< /p>

Another thing is to stop eating when you feel satisfied not when you feel full..that might help. It is an adjustment. I guess I lucked out due to I get the hickups and that identifies that I am full.

I wish you the very best!!

you were speaking of a pizza. i had a craving for pizza too. but i learned a recipe years ago from the Frugal Gourmet. I made it the other day and my family ate it like no tomorrow. i used beans for the base. it does add starch but also adds Protein. put beans as a base. then Tomato or pizza sauce cheese and what toppings you want. i took turkey bacon, left over chicken, some chopped ham and added mozz cheese and cheddar cheese. bake till bubbly cause everything was already cooked. i am still on the soft food stage so i had to blend mine down a bit but it was an awesome treat. i got me a regular serving so my boys would not eat it all and halfed it and put the rest in a container for lunch the next day. recipe calls for pinto beans as the base but any bean can be used. i actually used left over black eyed peas from new years. Good luck. i am doing all i can to add variety so i can eat something close to or similar to the family.

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The beginning is the toughest part. Having to limit your intake with little help from the band. The best you can do is make it a habit. Buy small containers and measure everything out. In the beginning, I needed 5-6 small meals and still thought the hunger was almost intolerable. But you can do it and it does get better once your band adjustments kick in and you become accustomed to eating small portions.

Right now is important for setting good habits. If you dont change your habits right now, it is going to be very hard to change them months after the surgery.

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I was just told that I can start on solid foods, but I still only can eat 1/2 cup of food per meal. Can someone please help me with this. I cant seem to get my mind around this. How can I eat a 1/2 cup of salad?etc.. Please keep in mind, I have not received my first fill yet. Help!:blink:

When I start on solids I am only allowed 1/2 cup at a time. I was told to eat Protein first at every meal. Right now I am on week 1 of the mushy diet and my calories range is 500-800 calories. I eat very slowly. Each time I eat some yogurt I put my spoon in the cup and put the yogurt down. I am really trying to be mindful of my eating which is very important in this process. I get hungry at times and if I get REALLY hungry I have a Carnation Instant Breakfast drink. That is just enough to take care of being REALLY hungry. I agree with everyone else that has posted about eating salad. I was told that should be one of the last foods that I introduce into my diet because of the lack of nutrients and it doesn't digest well.

It's also important to take multi-Vitamins and Calcium tablets everyday! If you don't get the Vitamins and Calcium from food you have to take supplements, for obvious reasons!

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I was just told that I can start on solid foods, but I still only can eat 1/2 cup of food per meal. Can someone please help me with this. I cant seem to get my mind around this. How can I eat a 1/2 cup of salad?etc.. Please keep in mind, I have not received my first fill yet. Help!:blink:

I am scheduled for my 4 week post op and hopefully first fill on Tuesday. In eating solids this week I have found they are filling me up better than the mushies were towards the end of the week. My Dr requires I eat steak and chicken before my first fill so last night I measured out 3 oz of a rib eye steak, 2 oz of green Beans and 1 oz of baked potato. I made myself eat the Beans but couldnt finish the steak and potato (left an ounce of steak un touched)!!

I love salad but am avoiding it for a while since everything I read says it may be hard to digest. I actually think I wouldnt have any trouble now...but after my fill I am not so sure.

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I don't enjoy salad like I did before.

I normally eat a cup of food. I'm aiming to maybe try to get to just having 3/4 to 1 cup of food, but I think I'm doing just fine with 1 cup.

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I am 10 days post op and had started all foods. I wanted something with a little flavor so I got a taco salad. I took out half of the meat and Beans and some salad to bring to work for lunch. This filled me up and I munched on the lettuce and small cubed tomatoe last. I had a small piece of the shell that the filling soaked into. I knew I wasn't going to eat all of it!! I don't feel I will want to do that for a while. Although sometimes I would have them 2 days in a row, I can have something else for awhile. Before when I had a taco salad I would almost always have a taco to have with it!:o This time I was good on half of a salad! Felt good.

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hey there is also a pizza crust made of eggs here is the recipe if interested...

Deep Dish Quiche pizza

4 oz. cream cheese

4 eggs

1/3 cup heavy cream

1/4 cup parmesan cheese

1 tablespoon chives

1/2 tsp. Italian seasoning

2 cups Italian cheeses (I used the grated pre-packaged mix of pizza cheese)

1/2 tsp. wet garlic or 1/4 tsp. powder

1/2 cup low carb spaghetti or pizza sauce

1 cup mozzarella cheese

Toppings i.e. pepperoni, black olives, green olives, mushrooms, ham, bacon, peppers, onions, etc.

Beat together cream cheese and eggs until smooth.

Add cream, parmesan cheese and spice

Spray 9” baking dish (I use a pie plate), with oil. Put 2 cups of pizza cheese in dish and pour egg mixture over it. Bake at 375 for 30 minutes. Spread on pizza sauce, sprinkle on mozzarella cheese and add your favorite toppings. Bake until bubbly hot, approximately 10 minutes. Let it stand a few minutes before cutting. I like my cheese on top, so I add my toppings after the pizza sauce and put the mozza cheese on last

I also agree with the salad part..well at least the lettuce. I changed my whole outlook on life once I was banded. I didn't go on a diet I had a lifestyle change. I started being more creative in my thinking on how I cooked (yep, started cooking instead of eating out or eating take out) and what I actually ate. Everyone thinks that well know we "can't" eat this or never eat that...well my goal was to make sure I never felt like I was lacking or craving something. I am one of those eaters that does feel totally satisfied on 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup max on most meals..it does depend on what it is...soups are generally 3/4-1 cup but most other things are 1/2 to 3/4 cup. I do eat 5 times a day.

To me I think most of us used to eat large salads thinking how healthy it was but in reality it really didn't give us much but a lot of lettuce (for the most part). Now a salad to me is tomatoes and cucumbers with Ken's greek Salad Dressing. Sometimes I don't eat this during either lunch or dinner..I eat it as a snack.< /p>

I still have a pizza craving..well I don't eat bread..not that it gets stuck..it just fills me up too fast and I can't get enough Protein in. Well I found a fabulous recipe for Pizza Soup. It is fabulous, made in a crock pot. I have even found another recipe that uses mashed potatoes as a base..I haven't tried it so I can't say what It tastes like but you make it like a pizza..so it is next on the list to try. So if I eat one slice..I will be full.

A normal chicken plate for me...chicken cordon blue, mashed potatoes and green Beans...2 oz of chicken, 1/4 cup of mashed potatoes and 2 tablespoons of green Beans.< /p>

Another thing is to stop eating when you feel satisfied not when you feel full..that might help. It is an adjustment. I guess I lucked out due to I get the hickups and that identifies that I am full.

I wish you the very best!!

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OMG that quiche sounds fabulous, yum! I'll have to print that out.

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Be sure you drink your Protein shake so you get aleast the minimal amount of Protein you need. Also, salad is kind of hard for me to get just 1/2 cup of as well, but I am not there yet. I had trouble this last weekend and cheated by eating chicken breast and then lean beef... each was cut up into tiny pieces and I chewed until my jaws ached. I am back on liquids again.

Anyway, to your question about nutrition... that is what the Vitamins are for. If you are not taking chewable vitamins, please do so. Make sure they meet the minimum about required in combination with your Protein Shake. Then you don't have to worry about the nutrition.

Be well!

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That sounds delicious. If it doesnt snow tomorrow I am going to get the ingredients to make this... Thanks for sharing.. :rolleyes:

hey there is also a pizza crust made of eggs here is the recipe if interested...

Deep Dish Quiche pizza

4 oz. cream cheese

4 eggs

1/3 cup heavy cream

1/4 cup parmesan cheese

1 tablespoon chives

1/2 tsp. Italian seasoning

2 cups Italian cheeses (I used the grated pre-packaged mix of pizza cheese)

1/2 tsp. wet garlic or 1/4 tsp. powder

1/2 cup low carb spaghetti or pizza sauce

1 cup mozzarella cheese

Toppings i.e. pepperoni, black olives, green olives, mushrooms, ham, bacon, peppers, onions, etc.

Beat together cream cheese and eggs until smooth.

Add cream, parmesan cheese and spice

Spray 9" baking dish (I use a pie plate), with oil. Put 2 cups of pizza cheese in dish and pour egg mixture over it. Bake at 375 for 30 minutes. Spread on pizza sauce, sprinkle on mozzarella cheese and add your favorite toppings. Bake until bubbly hot, approximately 10 minutes. Let it stand a few minutes before cutting. I like my cheese on top, so I add my toppings after the pizza sauce and put the mozza cheese on last

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Can you share your recipe? It sound great right now!


I also agree with the salad part..well at least the lettuce. I changed my whole outlook on life once I was banded. I didn't go on a diet I had a lifestyle change. I started being more creative in my thinking on how I cooked (yep, started cooking instead of eating out or eating take out) and what I actually ate. Everyone thinks that well know we "can't" eat this or never eat that...well my goal was to make sure I never felt like I was lacking or craving something. I am one of those eaters that does feel totally satisfied on 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup max on most meals..it does depend on what it is...soups are generally 3/4-1 cup but most other things are 1/2 to 3/4 cup. I do eat 5 times a day.

To me I think most of us used to eat large salads thinking how healthy it was but in reality it really didn't give us much but a lot of lettuce (for the most part). Now a salad to me is tomatoes and cucumbers with Ken's greek Salad Dressing. Sometimes I don't eat this during either lunch or dinner..I eat it as a snack.< /p>

I still have a pizza craving..well I don't eat bread..not that it gets stuck..it just fills me up too fast and I can't get enough Protein in. Well I found a fabulous recipe for Pizza Soup. It is fabulous, made in a crock pot. I have even found another recipe that uses mashed potatoes as a base..I haven't tried it so I can't say what It tastes like but you make it like a pizza..so it is next on the list to try. So if I eat one slice..I will be full.

A normal chicken plate for me...chicken cordon blue, mashed potatoes and green beans...2 oz of chicken, 1/4 cup of mashed potatoes and 2 tablespoons of green Beans.< /p>

Another thing is to stop eating when you feel satisfied not when you feel full..that might help. It is an adjustment. I guess I lucked out due to I get the hickups and that identifies that I am full.

I wish you the very best!!

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Can you share your recipe? It sound great right now!


pizza Soup

2 cans (14 1/2 ounces each) stewed tomatoes with Italian Seasonings, undrained

2 cups of beef broth

1 cup sliced mushrooms

1 small onion, chopped

1 tablespoon Tomato paste

1/4 teaspoon salt, or to taste

1/4 teaspoon black pepper, or to taste

1/2 lb of Italian Sausage, casing removed (I use Johnsonville Italian sausage)

Shredded Mossarella cheese

1. Combine tomatoes with juice, broth, mushrooms, onion, tomato paste, salt and pepper in a 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 quart Crock Pot.

2. Shape sausage into marble size balls. Gently stir into soup mixture. Cover; cook on low 6-7 hours. Adjust salt and pepper, if necessary. Serve with cheese.< /p>

Makes 4 servings!

Calories 240

Fat 7.1 g

Potassium 792.7mg

Total Carbs 28.6g

Dietary Fiber 5.9g

Sugars 13.8g

Protein 19.3g

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Yea don't eat salad haha. I had one the other day when I was out because there weren't many lowfat options, but it wasn't very filling, I'd rather not eat one if I have the choice. Have a chicken breast, or chili, or ground turkey with marinara, or sushi... eat as much Protein as you can then you shouldn't be hungry :). Sushi has been GREAT for me lately, it's filling, and it's extremely low in calories (I have no problem with rice luckily).

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        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

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