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2011 - banded, banding, bands--verb--To assemble or unite in a group

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Hey everyone! Today is the tax deadline day, I will finish everything and then I can be back to normal tomorrow! Miss y'all! OK back to work....

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Crystl, I don't hate the dentist (the people) I just hate what they do for a living! :lol: I have to say this recovery is much better than from the last one! Though I haven't slept well, because I have arithritis in my right hip so I cannot sleep on that side, and this was my left molar so I can't sleep on that side...and when I sleep on my back it compresses the nerves in my elbows and my hands go numb. I have NEVER been a stomach sleeper, so I just cannot win!

I went to the endocrinologist today for a 6 month thyroid check-up. He was tickled that my weight has remained stable and said I don't need to lose any more. Except for grins and giggles I did a fasting blood sugar finger stick this morning it was 128!!!! YIKES!!! So, he said, well, ya might need to lose a few more...but lets run an A1c and see how I am doing over the long haul. He figured that was just an anomaly. I got the results this afternoon 5.5 NORMAL and non-diabetic! Yay! So I don't have to lose more.

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Morning folks. I think I'm going to take a short hiatus from the LBT. I may be back in a day or so or longer, but in the meantime, y'all know where to find me on Facebook.< /p>

Take care. :)

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Morning folks. I think I'm going to take a short hiatus from the LBT. I may be back in a day or so or longer, but in the meantime, y'all know where to find me on Facebook.< /p>

Take care. :)

I hear ya Melody. Sometimes it wears on me too. Don't stay away too long :)

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Good morning...and yes it is a good morning! Since I only lose a pound a week, I figured I may as well just forget about weighing daily and depressing myself. So last week I didn't weigh at all. I get on this morning and WHOOSH...I'm down 4 lbs! Go figure. :blink: So let's see...only 15 more pounds to get under 200...and 15 weeks to my son's wedding. At a pound a week...yeehaw I stand a chance of making it! Yeah baby! I've decided I'm only going to weigh myself on Monday from now on because it will totally depress me if I see even a 1 lb gain this week.

This, plus the fill I'm getting tomorrow will be just the help I need to get through my sister's birthday party this Friday. The party isn't the problem since it's easy enough to pass up the goodies for a one time event, but they're far enough away that I'll have to stay for a couple of days and they're (my mom and sister) my old eating buddies...and they still eat. :(

So, busy day today. Hope you're all having a good one!


Way to go on the 4 lbs!!!! Just awesome!!! good luck with the fill--hope it goes well. I'm still debating whether or not I need one because these 8 ounce portions are still NOT cutting it :-(

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Crystl, I don't hate the dentist (the people) I just hate what they do for a living! :lol: I have to say this recovery is much better than from the last one! Though I haven't slept well, because I have arithritis in my right hip so I cannot sleep on that side, and this was my left molar so I can't sleep on that side...and when I sleep on my back it compresses the nerves in my elbows and my hands go numb. I have NEVER been a stomach sleeper, so I just cannot win!

I went to the endocrinologist today for a 6 month thyroid check-up. He was tickled that my weight has remained stable and said I don't need to lose any more. Except for grins and giggles I did a fasting blood sugar finger stick this morning it was 128!!!! YIKES!!! So, he said, well, ya might need to lose a few more...but lets run an A1c and see how I am doing over the long haul. He figured that was just an anomaly. I got the results this afternoon 5.5 NORMAL and non-diabetic! Yay! So I don't have to lose more.

Lordy, woman. I would say you SO do not need to lose more! You have done such an amazing job! I would KILL to be where you're at right now!! So, do you get fills or anything anymore? Are you eating 4-6 ounces in a sitting? Honestly, it's been 15 months and you'd think I'd have it figured out, but since I barely need to chew lately without repercussion, I am thinking I need to get checked. Ugh. So glad that your results came back normal. How wonderful!!!!!

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Lordy, woman. I would say you SO do not need to lose more! You have done such an amazing job! I would KILL to be where you're at right now!! So, do you get fills or anything anymore? Are you eating 4-6 ounces in a sitting? Honestly, it's been 15 months and you'd think I'd have it figured out, but since I barely need to chew lately without repercussion, I am thinking I need to get checked. Ugh. So glad that your results came back normal. How wonderful!!!!!

Hey Karen! Good to see you! You are nearly there!!

I had a fill in early September, just a teensie 1/4 cc. I eat to my appetite, which after the last fill does not include grazing (yay!). I eat about 1700 calories a day. I don't normally journal, but I did a couple of days a few weeks ago on an iPad app called "lose it" just to see. Today I had a banana then a little bit later a package of instant oatmeal. lunch was a pastrami sandwich on multi grain bread from our cafeteria. I ate all the meat, cheese, and veggies and about one piece of the bread. When I got home I had half an avocado. dinner is going to be chicken noodle Soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. I'll probably eat about 2/3 of the sandwich.

I eat more than what most bandsters report on here. Sometimes I think I am quite the oinker, but then I think well, my portions are about that of my normal weight friends'. My surgeon never gave me the only eat 4 oz at a time requirement. Or maybe he did and I just don't remember, but he was never very strict, other than not wanting me to drink calories and no "snacking" which for him is brainless eating.

I do sometimes get stuck...see my story of last weekend...wah.

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Morning folks. I think I'm going to take a short hiatus from the LBT. I may be back in a day or so or longer, but in the meantime, y'all know where to find me on Facebook.< /p>

Take care. :)

I dont know where to find you on FB...i wanna be your friend. I dont have any LBT friends on FB...

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Zen...Can't speak for melody but you can find me on Facebook. I'll PM you my email addy to find me.

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hello all! i am new to this site.. but SO need the support & ability to post my questions & thoughts, so thanks!!

i DEF am learning that (i know you've heard it a million times) the band is only a tool! lol but it's so true it has to be repeated. i got my band Nov 3 & i feel like i am "dieting" but actually seeing results. if i slack & eat junk & don't work out, i dont lose wgt.. if i watch what i eat & go to the gym (& actually work out, lol) then I am losing 2-3 lbs a week. i am actually in my 1st real slump since my surgery & i got on here so i can read about others journeys & be motivated & reminded of why I did this in the 1st place. I realized recently that i am scared of the unknown & i don't want to be.. i want to embrace it & hold my head up as i enter the land of the skinny.. so thank you, those who have gone before me. Your success stories keep me going!! & anytime you want to check on me & hold me accountable, please do so! i need it!

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I dont know where to find you on FB...i wanna be your friend. I dont have any LBT friends on FB...

Hey Zen,

My e-mail address is melody@dmci.net. If you have trouble finding me, let me know. Also, when you friend me, remind me who you are because I don't always make the connection between screen name and real name. I'd love to be our FB friend!

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hello all! i am new to this site.. but SO need the support & ability to post my questions & thoughts, so thanks!!

i DEF am learning that (i know you've heard it a million times) the band is only a tool! lol but it's so true it has to be repeated. i got my band Nov 3 & i feel like i am "dieting" but actually seeing results. if i slack & eat junk & don't work out, i dont lose wgt.. if i watch what i eat & go to the gym (& actually work out, lol) then I am losing 2-3 lbs a week. i am actually in my 1st real slump since my surgery & i got on here so i can read about others journeys & be motivated & reminded of why I did this in the 1st place. I realized recently that i am scared of the unknown & i don't want to be.. i want to embrace it & hold my head up as i enter the land of the skinny.. so thank you, those who have gone before me. Your success stories keep me going!! & anytime you want to check on me & hold me accountable, please do so! i need it!

Welcome, ready. Congrats on being banded. Yes, I hear you --when you follow the 'rules' you do see results. It's great to know though because you can rework your lifestyle maybe to have a treat every now and then without allowing the exception to be the norm. There are lots of people on this board and on this thread in particular that are definite examples as to what you will achieve when you stay motivated and life the lapband lifestyle. I admire them and still look to them for support. You are doing great losing 2-3 lbs a week! Congratulations! Welcome again and I look forward to getting to know you!!

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Hey Karen! Good to see you! You are nearly there!!

I had a fill in early September, just a teensie 1/4 cc. I eat to my appetite, which after the last fill does not include grazing (yay!). I eat about 1700 calories a day. I don't normally journal, but I did a couple of days a few weeks ago on an iPad app called "lose it" just to see. Today I had a banana then a little bit later a package of instant oatmeal. lunch was a pastrami sandwich on multi grain bread from our cafeteria. I ate all the meat, cheese, and veggies and about one piece of the bread. When I got home I had half an avocado. dinner is going to be chicken noodle Soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. I'll probably eat about 2/3 of the sandwich.

I eat more than what most bandsters report on here. Sometimes I think I am quite the oinker, but then I think well, my portions are about that of my normal weight friends'. My surgeon never gave me the only eat 4 oz at a time requirement. Or maybe he did and I just don't remember, but he was never very strict, other than not wanting me to drink calories and no "snacking" which for him is brainless eating.

I do sometimes get stuck...see my story of last weekend...wah.

I hear you -- I actually eat more than the average bandster myself. Good to know it's not just me LOL. I agree--I eat about as much as my friends who at a normal weight. I did have a slice of pizza last weekend and wondered if it might be time for a fill though. I am sure it would be next to nothing, but might make some difference. I am just not getting stuck or anything anymore (may sound weird, but that's how I know I'm "right"). Still, I'm not going over 1200 calories/day, so it can't be TOO bad lol. I have been stuck at this weight for months now though and I need to start working my tool again. I know I can do it, because I have already come this far, right? It's just that motivation fizzles sometimes with the craziness of life and this has not been my #1 focus (whereas it very much was about a year ago). I am back on the exercise wagon though and it really does feel good.

You guys have really been an inspiration to me -- you, Leigha, HB, Elfie, Betsy, Stacie.....if I left anyone else off I apologize. I really attribute a ton of my success so far to the support you gals have given me since being banded. You have been my rocks, my heroes, my examples of what I should be doing. So, thank you :-)! xo

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You guys have really been an inspiration to me -- you, Leigha, HB, Elfie, Betsy, Stacie.....if I left anyone else off I apologize. I really attribute a ton of my success so far to the support you gals have given me since being banded. You have been my rocks, my heroes, my examples of what I should be doing. So, thank you :-)! xo

That's very sweet and I agree with you. The people here at LBT and a specific group (this thread) have really helped me along the way. I really wouldn't feel right calling my surgeon's office all the time when I have questions and I can't attend their support groups because they are all the way in Denver and I would never even make it all that way after work until the group was already done meeting. Even though we all do it different as far as exercise, tracking, counting protein/carbs. lifestyle........... Just checking in or reading really helps me keep my head in the game and has helped me in general to drop all this weight.



A N D N I N E P O U N D S!

E A C H P O U N D,

O N E A T A T I M E! :D

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Aw, thanks Karen! Gotta agree with Crystl, this thread (and you all) is my support group. My surgeon's groups meet about 30 minutes away and don't start until 6:30pm and go until 8:30. I am up at 5:15am, and I just can't be out that late. Heck, I am not even UP that late!

Karen, you'll break the plateau at some point. Keep on keeping on and it will happen. Unless you are like me and think you are eating 1400 calories a day when in fact you are eating 1700 when you actually journal. Shocker!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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