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Hi all, I had surgery 6/7/2007. Weighed in at 304. Got down to 217. Got sick had 2 cc taken out. Went back to old eating habits. Depression set in. Back up to 240. I have many friends that got to their goal. I ask what do you eat how, when, etc. They all say nothing. I need help. So sick of being fat. So tired of ppl saying "didn't you get lapband", etc. Tired of ppl saying they do not want lapband cause it did not help me. Please just someone, just one person. Could you help me get back on track. Could you tell me how and what to eat, drink and when. I do not know what to do. I had my lapband to its max and I still could eat. I have had test, I have had thyroid test, blood work. xrays, etc. Nothing is wrong. Everything is where it is suppose to be. It is just me. ME. ME. Why can I not be like my friends, why can I not be thin. Why, Why, Why.

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Maybe you should start over with the basics to get back on track again. Drink plenty of Water and eat only 3 meals a day with no snacking in between. Join the gym and work out for at least 5 days a week. If you already workout do more. I hope you get back on track and start losing again!

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So sorry to hear that your having so much trouble with the band...I know that it doesnt always work for everyone despite what people think.

If you have your band filled to the max and can still eat what you want when you want and you still want to lose lbs then maybe you should consider another alternative like the sleeve.

If you are still determined to make the band work for you I suggest:

The 5 day pouch test at http://www.5daypouchtest.com/

Good luck and keep us posted.

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I posted this on another bandsters page the other day...I think it could help you too! In addition, do you see a therapist? I do! Do you have Jesus or and spiritual leader in your life to give to strength when you exhausted all of yours? I do! It saved my life.

Good luck in your journey, you can still do this! Sometimes we need more help and that's ok it doesn't make us unloveable or unworthy of our dreams, so don't give up!

Everytime I have a fill I have to completly change my current diet. Sometimes I eat the same thing from one day to the next - where one day it goes down and then it doesn't. I think our bodies all work different with our bands and no two of us are alike. What I have found for me is that most meats don't go down unless I'm satisfied with two baby bites, anymore and I'm stuck. This process can be frustrating at times, but it will also work!

Not that I should be giving much advice because I have rough days and struggle myself, but try going back to the basics...

3 meals a day - avoid snacking etc...

protien first (scrambled eggs with cheese or cottage cheese - yummy and don't get stuck!)

20g per meal of protien

lots of Water

no eating and drinking at the same time

work with your band. whenever I get frustrated and try to eat foods that won't go down and end pb'ing all day I get discouraged. When I follow the basics I feel healthy and proud of myself - so try doing that, you've got nothing to lose if you don't (no pun intended)

God Bless,


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May I suggest that if your band was filled to capacity and you could still eat whatever you like then perhaps there is a problem with the placement of your band?

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Yea, maybe she should go to another doctor and get tests done because the one she is at now said there is nothing wrong when they did the x-rays?

May I suggest that if your band was filled to capacity and you could still eat whatever you like then perhaps there is a problem with the placement of your band?

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Maybe just start over! Follow all the rules and you will lose weight. Don't test your band, eat the amount you are supposed to. I always wonder why people say I can still eat normal amounts of food, the real question is WHY are you doing that. I think a lot of this journey is mental. I haven't had a fill yet, but I'm hearing people having problems and lack of restriction and they go back a zillion times and all that, I think 50% of it is what you decide to put in your mouth. Sure I want food, but I'm not hungry you gotta pay attention to that.

I'm also with everyone else and go check with another doctor!

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Have you sought out any others in your area that have had the lapband? I think support is so important! Maybe there are others who can walk with you once or twice a week.

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Hi all, I had surgery 6/7/2007. Weighed in at 304. Got down to 217. Got sick had 2 cc taken out. Went back to old eating habits. Depression set in. Back up to 240. I have many friends that got to their goal. I ask what do you eat how, when, etc. They all say nothing. I need help. So sick of being fat. So tired of ppl saying "didn't you get lapband", etc. Tired of ppl saying they do not want lapband cause it did not help me. Please just someone, just one person. Could you help me get back on track. Could you tell me how and what to eat, drink and when. I do not know what to do. I had my lapband to its max and I still could eat. I have had test, I have had thyroid test, blood work. xrays, etc. Nothing is wrong. Everything is where it is suppose to be. It is just me. ME. ME. Why can I not be like my friends, why can I not be thin. Why, Why, Why.

I hear a lot of despair in your post to which I would maybe recommend talking to your doctor about Wellbutrin. I can't speak on the benefits or effects it may have on you but personally speaking it has helped me a great deal. Not only in losing weight but also in the slight depression I was feeling in not losing the weight I wanted to.

Just a thought.

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Hi all, I had surgery 6/7/2007. Weighed in at 304. Got down to 217. Got sick had 2 cc taken out. Went back to old eating habits. Depression set in. Back up to 240. I have many friends that got to their goal. I ask what do you eat how, when, etc. They all say nothing. I need help. So sick of being fat. So tired of ppl saying "didn't you get lapband", etc. Tired of ppl saying they do not want lapband cause it did not help me. Please just someone, just one person. Could you help me get back on track. Could you tell me how and what to eat, drink and when. I do not know what to do. I had my lapband to its max and I still could eat. I have had test, I have had thyroid test, blood work. xrays, etc. Nothing is wrong. Everything is where it is suppose to be. It is just me. ME. ME. Why can I not be like my friends, why can I not be thin. Why, Why, Why.

When did you last see your bariatrician? I see you say you had 2cc's removed and that let your hunger come back. Can you go back and have a little more Fluid added?

Having a good amount of fill (to maximum) and still being able to eat anything and everything is not how the band is supposed to work. The band is supposed to help us curb our hunger so that healthier choices are easier. We STILL have to work at it. I'd suggest reading Dr. Simpson's article here: http://drsimpson.net/fills/Lap-band-eating/lap-band-not-restriction/lap-band-and-restriction.html

Don't be so hard on yourself.. while you've regained some, you're still at a -56 from where you started!! Think of where you might be if you didn't have the band.

here are the banding guidelines that I try to follow MOST of the time:


* No liquid calories [except 2 servings of non fat milk (2 x 8 oz = 16

oz/day)] (16 grams of protein)

* No soft foods

* Two 3-4 ounce servings of protein/day (2 X 21-28 = 42-56 grams of protein)

* Always eat the Protein first, then the vegetables

* Avoid bread, Pasta, rice, potatoes and other starchy foods

* 20-25 grams of Fiber a day (Examples: bran Cereal, fruits, vegetables,


* Eat only three small meals a day with maybe one small planned snack

* Eat slowly and chew thoroughly

* Stop eating as soon as you feel full

* Do not drink while you are eating

* Do not eat between meals except for a planned snack

* Eat only good quality foods

* Avoid tough stringy foods

* Drink plenty of liquids during the day (48-64 ounces) between meals

* Drink only low calorie liquids

* Avoid carbonated beverages

* Exercise at least 30 minutes per day

Good luck to you.

P.S. The suggestion to investigate some kind of therapy for depression is a good one.

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There's more to it than just eatin right and exercising. Eating at the right times is just as if not more important. I "mostly" eat healthier and try to eat the right potions but I felt like I should be losing more. I rarely ate Breakfast so I would go without food(energy) for sometimes 16 hours, in turn my body went into starvation mode. My dr. recomended keeping low cal protien bars in my van(180 cals, 20 gr protien, taste great). When I went back for my last fill I lost 6 1/2 #, not great but I finally got below 300# to 294. Ive been fighting to get below 300 for the last 2 fills. If you dont eat at the right times you become super hungry and it becomes alot easier to make bad decisions. I thought I would get the band and lose alot of weight fast by just eating less of mostly the same foods which isnt so! There are alot of factors that need to happen for the band to "help". Im trying to incorporate changes in every facet of my life slowly because in the past I've tried to do everything at once and I believe many major changes to what I was used to and comfortable with contributed to my failures. Btreiger actually gave me the advice many months back. Im not concerned about losing all my weight in 6 months although it would be nice. This is going to be a lifetime of learning for me and Im content on hopefully being at goal in another year or so.

Also someone recomended having a revision to the sleeve. If you do decide to, make sure your doing all thats necessary for the band to work because the same changes need to be taken for the sleeve or any surgery to work(basically are you following your drs. orders to a T?).

The good news is, if you arent doing all you can you can still change. The band is forgiving, just start again. Find support groups in your town, on here wherever, you've come to far(surgery) to give up now or to not take this serious. Besides all surgeries require alot of work from you, there are no quick fixes! (assuming your not doing everything required). Or maybe your one of the few who it wont work for. You'd be the only one I've heard of without a band problem(erosion, slippage).

Im sure you have the support of everyone here. Dont give up.

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First, contrary to what some will tell you, the band does not work for every one. It can fail *you*. Only you will be able to determine if that's you.

If your band was maxed out, I'm going to hope that your doctor did whatever was necessary to determine the band was placed correctly and that it has no leaks. Assuming that is true...

I spent the last year looking for that 'physical' restriction until I finally learned that it is not the primary purpose of the band. Yes, some people do get physical restriction, but very few get it without the accompanying signs of an overfill (frequent sliming and stuck episodes). The band's primary purpose is to put pressure on the vagus nerves which then tell the stomach to stop producing ghrelin, the hunger hormone. This allows us to better control our food intake...assuming you ate because of hunger to start with. The band won't stop us from eating just because we feel like it. So the first thing I'd do is work at getting fills back to the point where you aren't hungry. The rest is up to you. Here's what I do.

I eat at the same time every day. Breakfast at 7 a.m., lunch at noon, dinner at 6. I used to eat every 3 hours, but since getting my blood sugar stable and my body used to a schedule, I can now go 4 hours before starting to feel the first signs of hunger. By the time I finish getting my meal ready, it's mealtime. In between meals, I will drink a cup of hot bouillion, tea or coffee or sometimes just a cup of hot Water (it's soothing when I don't want a 'taste'). If my blood sugar does swing, I'll eat a hard boiled egg or an ounce of cheese.

I make sure to drink 64 fl oz of Water. Not only does it keep my organs hydrated so they work more efficiently which in turn keeps the fatigue at bay, but it also helps keep my tummy feeling not so empty...a problem in the beginning when 'full' to me meant an almost stuffed belly.

I keep my carbs low...usually under 30. Many people find it difficult to go from high carb to extreme low carb so do it in steps. The first week, just eliminate anything made with wheat or sugar and try to keep your carbs under 200. The second week, lower your carbs to 100. The third week, lower them to 60 and eliminate all carb except those found in vegies. The 4th week lower your carbs to 30. At the beginning of the 5th week, you can start slowly adding carbs back in to whatever level you like but a low carb diet is usually 60 carbs or less. Whether you choose to add rice, potatoes or Beans back into your diet at that point is pretty much a personal thing but I would caution you not to add wheat or sugar products since these seem to be the primary foods that cause us to start craving again.

Use something like Fitday.com to record everything you put into your mouth. You'd be surprised at how many calories and carbs you can put in your mouth without even being aware of it.

Don't give up. Confucious say "It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop." :)

Oh and as someone else said, revision to a sleeve will not change the fact that you will still have to control what you put in your mouth and how much. There are just as many failures with the sleeve as with the band.


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Just remember you are worth it!! We all have ups and downs, that’s the fact of life! You are strong and beautiful no matter what; you are so sO SO worth it! Just because you’re in a slump it doesn’t mean you can’t get out! Hold your head high and give yourself credit for all the great things you have done!

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Hi all, I had surgery 6/7/2007. Weighed in at 304. Got down to 217. Got sick had 2 cc taken out. Went back to old eating habits. Depression set in. Back up to 240. I have many friends that got to their goal. I ask what do you eat how, when, etc. They all say nothing. I need help. So sick of being fat. So tired of ppl saying "didn't you get lapband", etc. Tired of ppl saying they do not want lapband cause it did not help me. Please just someone, just one person. Could you help me get back on track. Could you tell me how and what to eat, drink and when. I do not know what to do. I had my lapband to its max and I still could eat. I have had test, I have had thyroid test, blood work. xrays, etc. Nothing is wrong. Everything is where it is suppose to be. It is just me. ME. ME. Why can I not be like my friends, why can I not be thin. Why, Why, Why.

There have been some good suggestions about talking to your doctor to see if your band has been placed and is working correctly. You didn't say what kind of sick you got but I assume it was band related - thus the 2cc unfill.

If your band is okay and you can't for whatever reason get a fill at this time, and you seem like you can eat most foods - then I recommend that you just count calories. Stay under 1500. At your weight you should be able to lose at that calorie level. And eat healthy foods that fill you up. High Fiber, salads with lots of veggies. Wraps with lite deli chicken or ham. Baked potatoes with I can't believe it's not butter spray. High Fiber cereals. And lite oatmeal. Lite Soups (progresso makes good ones). Whole grain crackers. Protein bars (special K makes a great choc. Peanut Butter Meal Replacement bar). Don't drink any calories. Just crystal lite. And Water. Use skim milk. Get lite whole wheat bread for toast. For fruit, use no sugar added cups of fruit (they come in 1/2 cup sizes).

For Snacks try sugar free pudding, Jello, or the fruit. I mix the Jello and sugar free peaches. Use a little fat free whipped topping. I hate cheese and yogurt but you could try that, too.

Try this for about 3 weeks and see how it goes. Exercise daily, too.

Do something you like. Take a walk. Join a gym. Lift weights. Take a dancing class. Whatever you like.

Good luck

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I hear a lot of despair in your post to which I would maybe recommend talking to your doctor about Wellbutrin. I can't speak on the benefits or effects it may have on you but personally speaking it has helped me a great deal. Not only in losing weight but also in the slight depression I was feeling in not losing the weight I wanted to.

Just a thought.

How long after you started on Wellbutrin did you notice it decreasing your appetite and you started to lose weight?

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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