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help my daughter just got her band

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Thank ya'll for all the help and for replying to me so quickly. Today Jenny can start pureed foods so maybe it will get better now. She has lost 11 lbs today and that made her feel a little better. I am going to try to canned Soup in a blender and the refried Beans and if she wants to the wendy's chili. I know that she is young but she has had a history of kidney problems and at one time they even put her on steroids that that made her weight even worse. She has lots of friends (although she has choose not to tell most of them that she got banded).

She was over 300lbs so this had to be done.

We researched for a long time and finally convinced Dr. Wilson with UT in the Houston Medical Center to take us. He is very well known and respected so we will survive.

Oh yeah tell me where to get these Protein Shakes. I got body for life but she was not impressed-maybe I will try putting it with ice in the blender.

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GNC has a wide range of protien powders. On the soups...just try and watch the sodium content, it can really make one retain Water. There is a killer blackbean Soup by 24 hour fitness. I made that and just blended it right up...it was very satisfying when I was on creamy liquids mushies. You can do a search in foods for blackbean soup and it should come up.

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Unsweetned Soy Milk with a bag of Chai Tea (1/2 tsp of sugar) did wonders for me. I was only able to drink about 5 - 6 oz. I was fullfilled. In fact I last for several hours drinking this.

Also, as it really does get better. I was having severe hunger pains but now 3 wks post op (surgery 12/12/05) I don't have any 'real' hunger. I average about 2 meals a day (mushies). I force myself to both eat and drink as I am neither hungry or thirsty.

Tell her to hang in there!


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Well, Im an obese (banded August) teen, and I really was not hungry for about 2 days after surgery, then I began to crave things I normally wouldnt eat a lot of. But what I found I liked is this pwderd Soup mix (sounds gross, but is good) in all sorts of flavors...my fave is the cream of broccoli, its made by Campbells. I also ate Jell-O and STARBUCKS coffee, Mom would have to bring it to me from work because we dont have one in my town. I also had Wonton broth and SlimFast *Optima. I liked hot chocolate and apple cider too, not to mention milk, apple juice, orange juice, and any other juices I liked. Tell her its soooooo worth it, her highschool career will improve so much. As for me, Im 18 and a Senior so Im not going to get too much out of it except for an AWESOME college life and a smaller Prom Dress than last year. Please tell her to just stick with it! I LOVE MY BAND!

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Head hunger is so much stronger than physical hunger...and I suspect that that is the true "nagging" hunger your daughter is feeling. YOU as the parent have to be strong too...for her...when the head hunger really gets to me...I try to do something that involves BOTH hands and/or go for a brisk walk...and I am not talking to the nearest fast food place! (from home, that would be nearly 30 miles for me...but from work, that is a 2 minute walk!)

I have yet to find a protien shake that I really like, but I make pudding from Jello sugarfree/fatfree and skim milk, and add soy protien powder to it. It sets up like regular pudding and is much more satisfying. You can make it with whey protien too, but then it IS like a shake...never will set up, but is still yummy!! (and Walmart has their brand for 50 cents a package!) It is SO DIFFICULT to say NO to our kids, especially if we have been forever saying Yes to them...but until she is 18, you gotta help her learn to USE the band like the tool it is...it doesn't work by itself. Good luck!

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My daughter and I were banded together 15 months ago and although she begged and cried at the time to be banded I wonder whether I would in some ways get her done again the biggest problem i feel for her is that she could loose heaps more than she has if she had more restriction but she is not ready mentally if that makes sense she wants to be slim without making any cutbacks, i suppose we all do but at least the band will be there when she is ready to really get motivated herself as no one can do it successfully unless they themselves want to. She did not have any problems with Soups shakes and musshy food but I can understand what you are saying as when Jennelle is hungry she will still eat all the wrong foods types and you can tell her but after a while its just "I know mom"

Hope this helps and im sure when she is ready to loose as my daughter they have the tool


Aussie Ruth

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I was banded on 12/13 and was also very hungry for a while. My Dr. has liquid for three weeks. I was not allowed to use a blender for any foods, I asked and was told no. They did move me to a "mushy" diet a bit sooner, but I also gained some of my weight back on full liquids. I used my protien shake (GNC) and drank some milk if I was really hungry. The other thing that I had was there was stomach growling, but no hunger with it. That was a bit confusing at first.

I think she needs to hear what a brave girl she is and she needs lots of praise for her choice to be healthy at such a young age. Good for her!!!!

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I agree with Christina ~ make her stick to her doctor's eating plan, and do not adjust it. I think your daughter needs psycological support right now and for a long, long (and very serious time.)

I just had my band removed due to erosion. Before being discharged, my surgeon (hardass Dr. Billy, but worth every nickle) sat down with me and my husband and wouldn't let me get a word in edgewise. He doesn't care about excuses, justifications, reasons, obstruction or anything else I tried to say so that he'd understand why I can't stick to a strict diet regimine. He is very matter-of-fact. "Either do what I tell you to do or CHOSE to be fat."

It sounds harsh, but Dr. Billy is right. Either she changes her lifestyle or she'll lose the band and gain back those 8 pounds. If she's a heavy teen, she'll almost certainly be a morbidly obese adult. I'm really good with kids and teens, so if she needs someone to talk to, I'd be happy to call her. We can support each other.

My husband is thin and eats like a hog. So my surgeon had two completely different metabolisms to discuss. He told me, "Lisa, you have fat genes. It's not your fault, but it's the crappy hand you were dealt and you'll never be able to eat like your husband. You can't make him keep his fattening foods out of the house, either, because you can't expect to change the world around you to lose weight. You have to change yourself. And as far as you complaining that you're too hungry on only 1200 calories a day, Bullship. You slept 8 hours last night and didn't wake up starving every couple hours, so I know you can make it 4 hours between each meal. I don't buy hunger, because if you eat the way I tell you, your body won't be physically hungry."

Billy said I can't eat bread or Pasta any more. No more potatoes, bad carbs, Snacks, period. Sure, I can introduce some healthy carbs into my evening meal, but what obese person ever got satisfaction out of 1/3 of a baked potato? But Billy is right. I have fat genes, I have a fat metabolism, and if I want to lose weight, I'll know exactly how many calories I'm consuming.

My plan is simple (thanks, LaMadam.)

Breakfast is 400 calories of straight Protein, like bacon & eggs, salmon & cheese, last night's leftover pork roast & cottage cheese.< /p>

lunch is a salad, lots of colorful fun veggies, accurate amount of chicken, steak, fish (protein) and moderate amount of real dressing (preferably vinegrette) and no bread, crackers or croutons.

dinner is 400 calories of whatever hubby is eating. If I want a burger, I have to make sure the total meal is under 400 calories.

Billy's number one rule for weight loss is NO diet foods. Get rid of all sugarfree, lowfat, nonfat (except skim milk) or lowcal foods. They trigger your metabolism and don't help.

Sorry this is so harsh, but the only way to lose weight is to stop eating. Period. Sure, you can eat burgers, but then you have to run (not jog) for 12miles to burn it off. I can't even run one mile.

Tell your sweet baby that lots of us are here for her. We could start a whole new thread just for her, but she has to want it for herself. I know you love her, but she'll need to become a member here and work with us if she wants to lose weight.

Please take good care of her and her band. Don't let her overeat because that could cause slippage or worse. Don't let her stray from doctor's orders. Don't give any extra food or drinks, not even watery taters, because she just had major surgery that needs to heal. Take her to the mall for a walk. Reward her every day with a pair of cute socks or a lipgloss. Teach her new, healthy habits.

Sorry this was so long, but it's really close to my heart since I was banded with a 16 year old. I became friends with her mom and dad, so I know how hard this is for you. Good luck. xoxo

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Gag at the thought of a Protein Shake not blended! Yes, put that powder in the blender with ice. I've had some nasty Protein Shakes, so experiment till you find one she likes. Blend, blend, blend! You can even sneak in a cap of vanilla or any extract - make her think it's an exotic no-no and she'll probably love them - kids, right? Make sure to read all the labels on Protein shakes & powders. Some are high in protein but also high in sugar. Some taste great but don't have much protein. They are all different. I've gone through dozens of protein shakes, and Atkins canned shakes are my favorite premade ones, though somewhat expensive. I asked a friend to "pick me up some chocolate Protein Powder next time you go to Sam's Club." You should see the truckload-size container that takes up my whole kitchen! Thank God it's good! I can send you some if you want to try it - I've got a truckload!

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I am 20 years old and I just got banded two weeks ago and I have also been getting a little bit hungry. The reason for this is she is not eating her Protein shakes!!!! She should be eating 2-3 a day. If she is eating all three, then there is no way she is really hungry. She is probably having an emotional withdrawl from food. You can also contact her doctor to inform them of the problem too and they can tighten her band.

However, I noticed you said you had made her runny mashed potatoes. I know you're trying to help--but don't do that. lol It can really hurt her. The reason the doctors want you on liquids for a week to two is so that everything inside of you can heal. It is imperative that you do not feed her the mushy foods yet. Here are some delicous foods that she can have on this liquid phase.

She can have 3 of the following per day in addition to her Protein drinks:

-Fat Free pudding (Like the Jello premade cups)

-Sugar Free Jello (Its so good)

-Sugar Free popcicles

-Apple sauce

-Light yogurt (I recommend Weight Watchers, it cannot have fruit peices in it)

-Baby food (I like banana)

-And broth

Also if she is having a hard time drinking her protien like I was I have a delicous receipe called Christmas in a Cup! It counts a meal replacment.

Here are the instructions:

(Only Consume after 1 Week after Surger)


2 Cus nonfat dry milk

1/2 cup palin coffee Creamer (If you can't find powder you can use 1 tsp per drink)

1/2 cup Splenda

1/3 cup General Foods International Vanilla Creme sugar free drink mix

3 Tbsp sugar free white chocolate instant pudding mix

1 1/2 Tbsp pumpkin pie spice

1 tsp ground cinnamon

Sift all ingredients together and store in an airtight container. To make an indvidual serving: Add about 3 tbs to 8 oz of steamy skim or 1% milk.

You warm up 5 oz of milk in a pan, and then add the mix and enjoy!

I hope that helps and tell your daughter to hang in there, because she'll be even more gorgeous and healthier when she's done!!!

Good luck!

--Kareen, TX

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I am 20 years old and I just got banded two weeks ago and I have also been getting a little bit hungry. The reason for this is she is not eating her Protein shakes!!!! She should be eating 2-3 a day. If she is eating all three, then there is no way she is really hungry. She is probably having an emotional withdrawl from food. You can also contact her doctor to inform them of the problem too and they can tighten her band.

However, I noticed you said you had made her runny mashed potatoes. I know you're trying to help--but don't do that. lol It can really hurt her. The reason the doctors want you on liquids for a week to two is so that everything inside of you can heal. It is imperative that you do not feed her the mushy foods yet. Here are some delicous foods that she can have on this liquid phase.

She can have 3 of the following per day in addition to her Protein drinks:

-Fat Free pudding (Like the Jello premade cups)

-Sugar Free Jello (Its so good)

-Sugar Free popcicles

-Apple sauce

-Light yogurt (I recommend Weight Watchers, it cannot have fruit peices in it)

-Baby food (I like banana)

-And broth

Also if she is having a hard time drinking her protien like I was I have a delicous receipe called Christmas in a Cup! It counts a meal replacment.

Here are the instructions:

(Only Consume after 1 Week after Surger)


2 Cus nonfat dry milk

1/2 cup palin coffee creamer (If you can't find powder you can use 1 tsp per drink)

1/2 cup Splenda

1/3 cup General Foods International Vanilla Creme sugar free drink mix

3 Tbsp sugar free white chocolate instant pudding mix

1 1/2 Tbsp pumpkin pie spice

1 tsp ground cinnamon

Sift all ingredients together and store in an airtight container. To make an indvidual serving: Add about 3 tbs to 8 oz of steamy skim or 1% milk.

You warm up 5 oz of milk in a pan, and then add the mix and enjoy!

I hope that helps and tell your daughter to hang in there, because she'll be even more gorgeous and healthier when she's done!!!

Good luck!

--Kareen, TX

Pssssssssst.... you are responding to a thread that is 3 years old.

All the carbs you are suggesting will cause blood sugar spikes and mega hunger. Might want to rethink you sugar routine.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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