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December 2010 Bandsters out there?

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I think I have moved away from being mad and am now just very hurt. I think that one of the things that hurts the most (besides the disregard for my wishes) is that he honestly doesn't realize how much he hurt me. He knows how much I struggled with whether or not to be public with this and he know why I made the decision I did (with the support of my therapist who told me that he didn't think I needed to tell anyone if I don't want to because It really isn't anyone else's business). If he had asked me, I might have told him it was ok to tell a select couple of people but the fact that I wasn't given a choice in the matter really hurts.

As far as the work function goes, I can't get out of it (tickets have already been purchased) but it is a sporting event so luckily I won't have to sit there all night and make conversation and I don't think anyone has made plans to go out for dinner (so at least I don't have to worry about everyone analyzing every bite I put in my mouth)...I am just going to go on as I normally would (ignoring the elephant under the carpet) unless someone asks me anything specific. If they comment that I look good, I will just say "Thank you, I am working hard at it", but I will stick to the plan I have had from the time I decided to have surgery...if someone asks me directly about the band, I won't lie about it.

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I am feeling much more comfortable after my deflate but am having to use more self control since my band doesn't have much restriction. Better than vomiting daily!

Vicky~ What does your husband have to say about why he told his coworkers? Did he forget your request or is he just excited and wanted to share?

I would not worry about your get together. The overweight people will be jealous of your success and the others have probably forgotten. I doubt anyone would be bold enough to bring it up! At my work I told a few people. I know it wasn't kept as confidential as I'd like yet no one has mentioned the surgery to me who I didn't tell about it. You have nothing to be ashamed about and instead should feel proud about how much better you look than last time you saw them! Work it girl!! ; ) Let us know how it goes.


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I take B12 daily lately. Is there a reason you only take it once a week or was that a typo? The sublingual tablets are the only way I can get my body to absorb B12. Do you use those?

My doctor had said once a week.. I have a sublingual liquid... pretty sure, i'd have to dig up the book.

Vicky aww I'm sorry that happened. I've told everyone. I mean I don't like broadcast it at every meal. But nobody has been unsupportive or anything, or made comments about what I eat... I think it's good, because they all know so they will be looking at me, and there for rooting for me to succeed. Also I have a lot of family members and friends that are overweight, and I know they all want to know how I'm doing, to inspire themselves to get on track.

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Vickyd- how was your weekend? I hope everything turned out well and glad to hear that your not mad with hubby anymore too.

I have a question...Just how many Vitamins are you all taking and what type? My Dr said I shouldn't need any if I eat a balanced diet- now I'm really worried reading all of these posts as I've only taken a few in the last 4 months. What does your book say Heather??

Also I need to vent as I am feeling like a cheat and very dishonest today. Three people know about my banding as I wanted to keep it private (especially if I wasn't able to get it to work for me) and didn't want to be judged by others.

A previous work colleague had been banded and was very upfront about it. She told EVERYONE and they all talked about her and still do. My work colleagues still bring her name and the banding subject up and are not very nice with what they say about her or the band. They are obviously misinformed and don't understand as none of them have ever had weight problems or been obese. (She looks fantastic by the way and it worked very well for her).

Now I'm feeling like a lier as one of my other work colleague had some sort of surgery about 2 1/2 months ago and said it was similar to my operation (I had my gall bladder out during the banding op and that is all they were told) She also said she was having her thyroid out laproscopically and some other stuff removed from her stomach. I have asked this lady straight out since her op if she had WLS and she said No. She is the only person I work with that knows that I had the band as I confided in her after I thought she had WLS too. Well now everyone at work is talking about this lady. She ate solid foods for the first time today and has already lost 55lb. (I think she probably did have WLS and maybe the gastric sleeve, as she did mention this type of surgery before and asked me if I had had this done). Anyway- its her decision to keep it quite but now they are all saying "Well at least you've lost your weight without some band around your stomach!" I was shocked with these comments and didn't say anything but feel such a fraud!

I also can't admit it now, as I've heard that the previous work colleague wasn't allowed sick leave for her op as it was for cosmetic reasons and I was given a week off work! Also its way past the point in admitting it now but I feel just awful. To top it off, another work colleague (at a different office, so I don't have to see her each day) has decided to follow my high Protein diet as it obviously works so well and has caused her arthritis to flare up! Its even affected her eyes! Ahhhhhh! I feel bad!

Anyone had anything like this happen? I know most of you have been open about the surgery- but I just can't. I haven't even told my mother or sister!

I guess I will feel better in the morning and not so guilty for not telling the whole truth and hopefully they will stop talking about her. I made the comment that it doesn't matter as long as she gets healthy and it made them think, so I will have to try and think of some other positive things to say about her to shut them up!

Sorry for the long post, but I needed to vent to people that understand as this forum is the only place I can talk to anyone about the band.

Thank You!!

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Hi Everyone!

First of all, things went well this weekend. As it turns out, we didn't even end up running into my husband's co-workers at the function this weekend so I guess I was worried for nothing. I know I will eventually see them again but since the cat is out of the bag I just will have to make the best of it. My husband and I had a real heart to heart talk on Friday night so now he understands exactly how I feel about what he did and although I am not happy that he disregarded my feelings I have accepted it and will move on...

Purpleshell, I can definately relate to what you are saying about feeling bad about not being open about being banded and about it being too late to tell people...that is part of what was upsetting me about my husband telling his co-workers. They know I had surgery (because he took the day off) and up until this point I just told them I was having some stomach issues and the surgery was to correct them...not entirely a lie but now that they know I feel like they will look at me as a big liar.

When I was first banded, my thought was that I wasn't going to tell anyone that I didn't have to tell (I have some VERY judgemental people in my family and it is hard to justify telling some family members and not others. I haven't even told my Dad because the judgemental people are on his side of the family and he is not the type of person to keep secrets). My intention was that if someone asked me directly if I had WLS then I wouldn't lie about it but I wouldn't volunteer the information. Now, that I have lost quite a bit of weight and it is very noticeable, I am starting to feel guilty about not being up front about it (especially with people who could potentially benefit from the same procedure). In the end, I know I made the right decision (for me) to not tell everyone and I am just going to have to deal with the occaisional guilt I feel about it.

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@Purpleshell I was told to take a Multivitamin and 1200-1500mcg of calcium citrate a day (like I take Viactiv) and then B12 1000mcg once a week.

I wouldn't worry too much about it.. but I mean we don't eat THAT much food, it's a good boost for your system regardless, surgery or not.

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I love this post. i must say i have never looked at the wls in some of the views you all have...

Vicky glad it all worked out for you !

i was total opposite i told everyone so i would hold myself accountable.i knew i had to work it right so people wouldnt look at me as if I failed. but i think it is helping me with my wl...

also do any of you have a DO NOT EAT LIST? i do and then i read on here what some people are eatting...

caffeine,carbonation alcohol, coconut,steak,pasta,bread,

take a multi Vitamin everyday and calcium citrate totaling 1000-15000 mg everyday plus the 70 g of Protein and 64 oz of water......

what is on your do not eat list?


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Hi everyone! It has been quite awhile since I have been on here to read and post. I was banded on 12/06/10 and so far I am down 43 lbs. I have been at a plateau for the past 3 weeks. I have increased my exercise, and have been trying to up my Protein with less calories. I hope this kicks my weight loss back in gear. I have had 3 fills so far: 2.5cc, 1.5cc, and 1.25cc for a total of 5.25cc in my 10cc band. I have a 4th fill scheduled for next week to see if I can jumpstart my weight loss. Things have been pretty good so far. No stuck episodes, no PBing, no slime. The only problem I can report is Hair loss. I am taking my Vitamins regularly, and I take Biotin, Iron, zinc, selenium, and I just added a new product called BioSil. It is supposed to help with hair loss. Has anyone else had an issue with thinning hair? It is great to see all the December 2010 bandsters doing so well keep up the great work everyone!! :)

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I had my first fill yesterday. my doctor said Clear Liquids for two days and full liquids for two days then i can begin on soft foods Friday. I am taking in my Protein and vits but i am still dragging a bit. He was proud that i went 3 1/2 months before a fill. So i hope the scale keeps going down.

i have really been interested in the conversation about telling people about our band surgery. I work in an office of about 100 people. but the environment is very close. i knew when i began this journey that i would have to be open. i contemplated keeping it private but could not do it myself. i have been really surprised how supportive everyone has been. i use my support for accountability to help me stay on track. i am not going to say i dont slipp. i can honestly say i am a foodie/carboholic and could not and can not do this alone. i had to have help. now granted i have to show willpower on my own. i still have choices that will determine the outcoome. i respect other peoples privacy in there decision. i was in support group one time that there are some patients of our doctors that sit at the back door and call reception to let the office know they there. They come in the back and leave through the back. they are just that private. i completely understand and at times i wished i could do that. but i could not do this alone.

i really enjoy reading the blogs and they are quite informative. I think the one thing i enjoy the most is the difference in doctor requirements. boy do they vary.

Well i hope everyone has a blessed day and continues to keep up the great work.:D

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I just have to say... Today I moved to Onederland! I can't believe it! :)

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Congrats! That is awesome! I bet you were ecstatic when you stepped on the scale

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I just have to say... Today I moved to Onederland! I can't believe it! :)

Woo Hoo!!! That is awesome!!!!

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I love this post. i must say i have never looked at the wls in some of the views you all have...

Vicky glad it all worked out for you !

i was total opposite i told everyone so i would hold myself accountable.i knew i had to work it right so people wouldnt look at me as if I failed. but i think it is helping me with my wl...

also do any of you have a DO NOT EAT LIST? i do and then i read on here what some people are eatting...

caffeine,carbonation alcohol, coconut,steak,pasta,bread,

take a multi Vitamin everyday and calcium citrate totaling 1000-15000 mg everyday plus the 70 g of Protein and 64 oz of water......

what is on your do not eat list?


Yea, if people know they will be looking at you to lose weight. I think most of my friends and family are just really curious, and want to know how it all works. But nobody has ever been rude about it, or mean spirited. They are all supportive!

I don't have a do not eat list, I can eat anything... well I just don't do carbonation. Generally if something is too high in calories I just won't eat it. It's not worth it. I mean I'd rather lose weight than eat a Hostess Cupcake I've decided. Ya know?

Hi everyone! It has been quite awhile since I have been on here to read and post. I was banded on 12/06/10 and so far I am down 43 lbs. I have been at a plateau for the past 3 weeks. I have increased my exercise, and have been trying to up my protein with less calories. I hope this kicks my weight loss back in gear. I have had 3 fills so far: 2.5cc, 1.5cc, and 1.25cc for a total of 5.25cc in my 10cc band. I have a 4th fill scheduled for next week to see if I can jumpstart my weight loss. Things have been pretty good so far. No stuck episodes, no PBing, no slime. The only problem I can report is Hair loss. I am taking my Vitamins regularly, and I take Biotin, Iron, zinc, selenium, and I just added a new product called BioSil. It is supposed to help with hair loss. Has anyone else had an issue with thinning hair? It is great to see all the December 2010 bandsters doing so well keep up the great work everyone!! :)

Yea I started losing hair too. It's normal though, from excess weight loss and from surgery, my book says it starts about 3 months after surgery and can last for a few months. I've been a little bit plateaued too. I know it's my own fault, I've been eating too much, I only lost 6lbs in March (which is still "normal" but i'd like 8 or 10). I really slacked on my exercise, I hurt my thigh and it was killing me for most of the month ugh) I'm trying to pick it up a bit more lately.

I just have to say... Today I moved to Onederland! I can't believe it! :)

OMG congrats!! I think I'm gonna cry when I hit onderland. I honestly and truly can't remember being under 200lbs. I always would lose about 50lbs and get to like 205.. but then i'd stall out. Never quite hit it. Can't wait!

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I just have to say... Today I moved to Onederland! I can't believe it! :)

Congratulations! I am right behind you at 203. I can't wait to be in onderland. :D

I take a multi vit and 1-2 calcium chews per day. The multi vit is a tiny pill, ibuprofen sized that I swallow.

I do a 30minute weight/step circuit at the gym and made it there before work this AM. I am feeling great!

I have told my family and close friends/co-workers about my band. Everyone has been supportive, at least to my face, LOL!

I have been having a Protein Shake once a day to help make sure I am adequately nourished with Protein especially.

The only thing I really don't eat is doughy type breads. I eat a little toast and crust off the end of a piece of pizza.< /p>

Have a great day, Joan

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Congradulations to everyone and their success thus far. I was banded on December 9, 2010 and have lost around 30 pounds. At this point, I am pretty frustrated with the band, conscience eating, constant exercising and zero weight loss. I have been stuck at this point with no weight loss for about 6 weeks now. I'm to the point where I want to pretty much stop eating altogether to see if that will make the scale go down. When someone has struggled with their weight since the age of 7, diet rollercoasters and fluctuating weight is the norm; I don't want it to be the norm anymore. Is there anything that I could be doing to speed up this process? I'm currently intaking on average 1000 calories per day with excercise 3-5 days out of the week for at least 45 minutes. I have a 14cc band and I am currently around 8.4cc I believe. HELP!!!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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