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Well I am just about 2.5 months post op and already feel like I am failing my band. I don't feel like I ever got on board with this entire thing. I am down 27 pounds but feel like it should be more. I don't have an exercise routine, I don't eat all healthy food, I don't keep a food log, and I still allow the demons of the drive thru tempt me. I know I have no one to blame but myself but it certainly makes me wonder if I am doing this poorly now .. where will I be in a years time? I just can't seem to get it all together. It took me forever to just get the basics down, 3 meals and no snacking, no drinking w/ meals, correct amount of Protein, small bites etc.. and even that wasn't easy. I just can't help but wonder if this is ever gonna click for me.

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Well I am just about 2.5 months post op and already feel like I am failing my band. I don't feel like I ever got on board with this entire thing. I am down 27 pounds but feel like it should be more. I don't have an exercise routine, I don't eat all healthy food, I don't keep a food log, and I still allow the demons of the drive thru tempt me. I know I have no one to blame but myself but it certainly makes me wonder if I am doing this poorly now .. where will I be in a years time? I just can't seem to get it all together. It took me forever to just get the basics down, 3 meals and no snacking, no drinking w/ meals, correct amount of Protein, small bites etc.. and even that wasn't easy. I just can't help but wonder if this is ever gonna click for me.

Hey there... keep your head up and get it into the game.. you didnt come this far for nothing you have a great start.. do you have any friends you can work out with? Someone who can give you some motivation? I havent been banded yet but go in on Weds.. nervous as hell I admit wondering the same things you are going threw. I think this is a good site to get some emotional support from people who are going threw the same things and who knows maybe you will find someone close to your area ?? Have you gone to any support groups? It may be hard to do that but i think it would be very helpful... I am not a support group type of gal but sure am gonna start.. thinking of it as meeting some peeps and building relationships.. Hang in there every day is a new day... a fresh start. :)

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You must be doing something right if you are 27 pounds down in 2.5 months! Hang in there.

I am only nine days post op. I followed the all liquid diet perfectly until today, (was supposed to do it for 14 days) and cheated.....started myself on some mushies.. I think I am fine...but we will see what happens tonight! I didn't exactly choose low cal mushies either!

I am hoping to do better tomorrow! I am nine pounds down, but am guessing that is about to slow now that Water weight is off!

Don't be too hard on yourself. Just try to make better choices. That is what I am going to do! I also am struggling with the basics, but hoping that overall, I will make enough changes to bring at least 60 pounds off of this big ole body of mine!

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You are still new in the game. You have plenty of time to begin making small positive steps to get back on track. Getting banded is a BIG change from the way we all over ate before. Same with exercising. Rome wasnt built in a day. Make a list of the changes you want to begin and add one to your daily routine each day. You arent competing with anyone else, so dont pay attention to their numbers. If you mess up, try to learn why you did and move forward

Beating yourself up is not going to make the changes happen on their own. It only serves to dwell on our previous failures and make the cycle continue.

Post your small successes here and you will get a lot of support as you get back on track.


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Bayareanan ... are those numbers correct in your signature. If so I want my LB removed and get what you got to lose 100 LBS in 14 days.:rolleyes:

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You are kicking ass!

Look how much you have already lost ... through Halloween, Thanks Giving ...

Maybe you should right down the behaviors you feel you need to work on, then try to implement and master them one at a time. Each week, add one new behavior.

Personally, I think you are rockin' this thing. The "basics" you said were hard to master ARE hard to master. You have come a long long way! Keep it up!

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It sounds like you are still on board with significant weight loss and changing a lot of behaviors already in such a short amount of time. Like someone else suggested just continue moving forward and tackling some of the behaviors a little at a time and slowly start adding in some exercise. 27 lbs is awesome and you should be proud of success and it is at a great rate. Just think how much you would lose if you lost that every 2.5 months OVER 100 lbs in a year!!

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Wow Kassie_360!! Look at all the loving support you got as a response to your post!!! There is nothing much more I could add. As long as you keep reaching out there is hope. It may also be good to reach out to your doctor's office. Do they provide support or is there a support group associated with your hospital? If not, look online at Lapband.com for the nearest support group to you. Keep coming back here too - we're all in this together!! :rolleyes:

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You're doing great! We tend to beat ourselves up and forget that we are humans trying to change some nasty behaviors. Our process is not for the faint of heart! Forgive yourself and focus on what you are doing right and as others before have posted focus on changing one behavior at a time!

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Well I am just about 2.5 months post op and already feel like I am failing my band. I don't feel like I ever got on board with this entire thing. I am down 27 pounds but feel like it should be more. I don't have an exercise routine, I don't eat all healthy food, I don't keep a food log, and I still allow the demons of the drive thru tempt me. I know I have no one to blame but myself but it certainly makes me wonder if I am doing this poorly now .. where will I be in a years time? I just can't seem to get it all together. It took me forever to just get the basics down, 3 meals and no snacking, no drinking w/ meals, correct amount of Protein, small bites etc.. and even that wasn't easy. I just can't help but wonder if this is ever gonna click for me.

You are doing excellent!. I hope and pray that I have the same results as you. 27 pounds in 2.5 months that is awesome! I could not do that with out the band..

Keep up the good work:blink:

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I don't have an exercise routine, I don't eat all healthy food, I don't keep a food log, and I still allow the demons of the drive thru tempt me. I know I have no one to blame but myself but it certainly makes me wonder if I am doing this poorly now .. where will I be in a years time? I just can't seem to get it all together.

It took me forever to just get the basics down, 3 meals and no snacking, no drinking w/ meals, correct amount of Protein, small bites etc.. and even that wasn't easy. I just can't help but wonder if this is ever gonna click for me.

Ok, so you don't have an exercise routine, don't always make the right food choices, etc...but you have accomplished the basics - correct amount of Proteins, no snacking, small bites...and lost 27 pounds! Obviously you are doing something right!

You're being too hard on yourself. We don't change a lifetime of bad habits in 2.5 months. It's a gradual process and it looks like you're making those changes. My .02...list the things you still know you have to change (e.g. stopping at fast food drive-thrus)...and then just pick one and work on that specifically for 30 days. Be consistent. I used to hit drive-thrus every day pre-band. After I had my surgery, I made a vow to *never* stop at another fast food drive-thru. Notice I did not say to never eat at one...just never the drive thru. Interestingly, I haven't eaten at a fast food place since surgery because I realized that if I had to actually go in and eat my meal, it was just too inconvenient and time consuming.

Anyway, take the things you want to work on one at a time and focus on them. Remember, this isn't just about losing weight (which, by the way, you're doing a fantastic job at) but about changing our habits/lifestyle for lifelong success.


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Hang in there. You are doing fine. I am 14 months into my band. I've lost 80 pounds it it took me quite a while to get the hang of the band. I now speak at my doctor's monthly seminars because I am so pleased with the results. I could have lost more had I exercised harder but I didn't. I've had a lifelong love/hate relationship with food as I suspect many other banders did. I've taken the time to really explore this journey I'm on and feel that I understand the mind, body & spiritual aspects of the lap-band weight loss process. So if you need someone to talk to you can count on me. I know I'm a perfect stranger but sometimes it's easier to talk to a stranger than your closest friend because they can be more objective.

Let me say this, and of coure I am speaking only from my own personal experiences and can't speak for others....if you are still struggling with hunger or demons of the drive through your band may not be tight enough. The band works so well when it is adjusted properly that you really shouldn't even want that stuff. And frankly, if you do end up ordering, you should only be able to get in just a few bites before you feel uncomfortable. And honestly, at this point in your journey, if you overate those favorite foods until you threw I up because of the familiar and comforting taste, I'd truly understand. Been there. That too, will pass.

If anyone ever told me I would no longer crave fast food, french fries, or carbs I would have told them they were full of it. But when my band is properly adjusted I don't. Here's the thing....you are new to this. It will take a while for you to develop a new relationship with food. They say it takes 30 days of doing something for the brain to develop a new 'habit'. The same goes for the lap band. Soon you will no longer crave & no longer care about food. Those familiar flavors you long for will simply just disappear. Trust me. It will happen. I can now pass up McDonalds french fries AND cheesecake for the simple fact that I don't want it. Wow, it still even sounds funny and almost impossible to believe as I type this, but it's true.

I was 265 when I started. So I understand that 20-something pounds didn't even make a dent in how I looked. I barely noticed a difference at 50 pounds, but now I see a world of difference and you will too. I hated when would see advertisements on TV...."I lost 19 pounds and 7 dress sizes by doing XYZ program!" Poo! I think I didn't see a change in a single pants size until I had dropped over 30 pounds. So I know what frustration is. I know what psychological weightloss warfare is. I suspect you do too.

The thing that drew my attention to your post was the emotion in your statements. If you were my friend sitting here next to me I'd have to ask you to look at why you chose the surgery. I have a suspicion that at this point you are simply scared. Scared that you went through this process and it is going to fail you as every other diet option has failed you. I'd speculate that you know that your true problem is never feeling full and compulsive (for lack of a better term) overeating. You've tried to control your hunger and eating before but every diet or program just made you focus on food even more. You felt out of control, you hate yourself for the string of 'failures' in weight loss and each time you tried you ended up adding extra weight. Now, you are even more scared because this seemed like the last straw for you and you don't think it's working. It is working and it will continue to work. You just need to understand that it takes time to figure out how you feel with the band, how it works for you, & how to make it work the most efficiently for you. It's kinda a high maintenance little device but I guarantee, IT DOES WORK! I've had my band for over a year now and it/my body still throws me little surprises now and then.

You must remember that this is a life changing journey you are beginning. Mind, spirit, AND body will change. Take it slow, examine all levels of it and deal with one issue at a time and you'll do great. This board is a fabulous wealth of support and information, keep on it. If you need someone to talk to you can feel free to call me anytime. Normally I wouldn't pass out my number but I really feel like you need someone to talk to 678-431-2703 I'm in Georgia so I'm on Eastern time.

Best of luck and I hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely,

Samantha Hall

Start August 2009 265 Size 24

Today December 2010 185 Size 12

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Oh, and if you want to seem some before and after phots of me you can check me out on www .realresultswls.com click on testimonials. I'm the last person on the page. I even did a commercial for them and I wasn't even at my goal weight.

The band works, it works for everyone. It will work for you too.



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The band works so well when it is adjusted properly that you really shouldn't even want that stuff. And frankly, if you do end up ordering, you should only be able to get in just a few bites before you feel uncomfortable.

LMS...I am glad the band worked this way for you, but it doesn't work that way for everyone. I know from personal experience (due to a recent complete unfill) that my band is adjusted properly because my physical hunger is gone...but even when I was *overfilled*, I still wanted all the things I couldn't have...and could still eat just as much as I could pre-band.

I no longer deal with *constant* ravenous hunger (was reminded of this with my unfill), but I still *want* all the things I wanted before. The difference now is that, without the driving hunger to egg me on, my self-control stands a better chance at keeping me from giving into that *want*.

Also, the band *does not* work for everyone. A common misconception I see on this forum is that "the band doesn't fail you...you fail the band." That's just not true. The band works by putting pressure on the vagus nerves which control the hunger hormone, ghrelin. Some people get enough pressure just by the band sitting on those nerves. Some need a small fill. Some will max out their band...and some will never have enough pressure. It's all based on the vagaries of our anatomy. According to my surgeon, there are quite a number of people *the band* fails.

Just wanted to clear up some misconceptions and no offense intended.


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LMS...I am glad the band worked this way for you, but it doesn't work that way for everyone. I know from personal experience (due to a recent complete unfill) that my band is adjusted properly because my physical hunger is gone...but even when I was *overfilled*, I still wanted all the things I couldn't have...and could still eat just as much as I could pre-band.

I no longer deal with *constant* ravenous hunger (was reminded of this with my unfill), but I still *want* all the things I wanted before. The difference now is that, without the driving hunger to egg me on, my self-control stands a better chance at keeping me from giving into that *want*.

Also, the band *does not* work for everyone. A common misconception I see on this forum is that "the band doesn't fail you...you fail the band." That's just not true. The band works by putting pressure on the vagus nerves which control the hunger hormone, ghrelin. Some people get enough pressure just by the band sitting on those nerves. Some need a small fill. Some will max out their band...and some will never have enough pressure. It's all based on the vagaries of our anatomy. According to my surgeon, there are quite a number of people *the band* fails.

Just wanted to clear up some misconceptions and no offense intended.


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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